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English conversations with Beth #1 LMA007, DAMIJANA w BETH #6.1


I I was thinking more about our conversation about the different types of dialects and languages that you can get in a country so I was that trying to think of some more words that we use in Scotland so I thought I would tell you a little bit of Scottish slang so I would say the word that we use the most as the word ‘wee' and it can be used to mean something small but often we will just put it anywhere in a sentence so instead of saying can you pass me a pen you might say, can you pass me a wee pen please.

the word we just comes into a lot of our sentences but normally it will mean little.

so there's some Scottish slang for you to know if you ever visit Scotland.


I I was thinking more about our conversation about the different types of dialects and languages that you can get in a country so I was that trying to think of some more words that we use in Scotland so I thought I would tell you a little bit of Scottish slang so I would say the word that we use the most as the word ‘wee' and it can be used to mean something small but often we will just put it anywhere in a sentence so instead of saying can you pass me a pen you might say, can you pass me a wee pen please. IIは、ある国で得られるさまざまな種類の方言や言語についての会話についてもっと考えていたので、スコットランドで使用するいくつかの単語を考えようとしていたので、スコットランド語を少しお話ししたいと思いました。スラングなので、私たちが最もよく使う単語は「wee」という単語であり、小さなことを意味するために使用できますが、多くの場合、文のどこかに置くだけなので、ペンを渡すことができますか?言ってくれ、ちょっとペンを渡してくれませんか。 Več sem razmišljal o najinem pogovoru o različnih vrstah narečij in jezikov, ki jih lahko dobite v državi, zato sem se poskušal spomniti še nekaj besed, ki jih uporabljamo na Škotskem, zato sem mislil, da vam bom povedal malo škotskega sleng, tako da bi besedo, ki jo najpogosteje uporabljamo, rekel kot besedo 'wee' in jo lahko uporabimo za nekaj malega, a pogosto jo bomo dali kamor koli v stavku, tako da namesto da bi rekli, mi lahko podaš pisalo povej, mi lahko podaš drobno pisalo, prosim.

the word we just comes into a lot of our sentences but normally it will mean little. 私たちが多くの文章に登場する単語ですが、通常はほとんど意味がありません。 beseda, ki jo uporabljamo, pride v veliko naših stavkov, običajno pa bo pomenila malo.

so there's some Scottish slang for you to know if you ever visit Scotland. ですから、スコットランドを訪れたことがあるかどうかを知るためのスコットランドのスラングがいくつかあります。 torej obstaja nekaj škotskega slenga, da boste vedeli, če boste kdaj obiskali Škotsko.