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NHK World-2022-5, Japanese firms offering AI-based home health services

Japanese firms offering AI-based home health services

Japanese companies are offering hi-tech services for health monitoring and rehabilitation at care facilities and at home.

A subsidiary of electronics company NEC is providing devices attached to toilets for nursing homes, many of which are facing chronic staff shortages.

Through the built-in sensor and artificial intelligence, the device can analyze the users' stools and determine how long or how frequently they use the toilet.

The results are sent to the staff's smartphones, enabling them to monitor the residents' health remotely and swiftly respond to any emergencies.

Mieno Tsutomu, who is in charge of product development, says he wants to solve the problems that caregivers are facing.

A joint venture established by the Sony Group and a medical information company, M3, has developed a smartphone app for supporting rehabilitation at home.

Users send videos of their rehabilitation with their smartphones. The app analyzes the information and gives advice on how to adjust body movements.

The firm's president, Yamane Yukiko, says many people say it is difficult to continue rehabilitation for a long time at home even if they understand its importance. She says she wants to offer services that can reduce users' anxiety.

Japanese firms offering AI-based home health services |公司|||||| |empresas|oferecendo|de IA|||| Japanische Firmen bieten KI-basierte häusliche Gesundheitsdienste an Ιαπωνικές επιχειρήσεις που προσφέρουν υπηρεσίες υγείας στο σπίτι με βάση την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη Empresas japonesas ofrecen servicios sanitarios a domicilio basados en IA Des entreprises japonaises proposent des services de santé à domicile basés sur l'IA Aziende giapponesi che offrono servizi sanitari a domicilio basati sull'intelligenza artificiale AIを活用した在宅医療サービスを提供する日本企業 AI 기반 홈 헬스 서비스를 제공하는 일본 기업 Japonijos įmonės siūlo dirbtiniu intelektu pagrįstas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas namuose Japońskie firmy oferujące domowe usługi zdrowotne oparte na sztucznej inteligencji Empresas japonesas oferecem serviços de saúde ao domicílio baseados em IA Японские фирмы предлагают услуги домашнего здравоохранения на основе искусственного интеллекта Japon firmaları yapay zeka tabanlı evde sağlık hizmetleri sunuyor Японські фірми пропонують послуги з охорони здоров'я на дому на основі штучного інтелекту 日本公司提供基于人工智能的家庭健康服务 日本公司提供基于人工智能的家庭保健服务

Japanese companies are offering hi-tech services for health monitoring and rehabilitation at care facilities and at home. ||||||||健康狀況|||復健||照護|設施||| |||||||||monitoramento||reabilitação|||instalações|||

A subsidiary of electronics company NEC is providing devices attached to toilets for nursing homes, many of which are facing chronic staff shortages. |子公司||||||提供||附加的||廁所||護理||||||面臨|長期的|人力資源| |dochteronderneming||||||||||||||||||||| |subsidiária||||uma subsidiária da empresa de eletrônicos NEC||||||banheiros||cuidados de enfermagem|||||||||falta Spółka zależna firmy elektronicznej NEC dostarcza urządzenia przymocowane do toalet do domów opieki, z których wiele boryka się z chronicznymi niedoborami personelu. Uma filial da empresa de eletrónica NEC está a fornecer dispositivos ligados a sanitas para lares de idosos, muitos dos quais enfrentam uma falta crónica de pessoal.

Through the built-in sensor and artificial intelligence, the device can analyze the users' stools and determine how long or how frequently they use the toilet. ||||感應器|||||||||使用者|糞便||||||||||| ||||sensor||artificial|||||||usuários|fezes||||||||||| Dzięki wbudowanemu czujnikowi i sztucznej inteligencji urządzenie może analizować stolce użytkowników i określać, jak długo lub jak często korzystają z toalety. Através do sensor incorporado e da inteligência artificial, o dispositivo pode analisar as fezes dos utilizadores e determinar o tempo ou a frequência com que utilizam a casa de banho.

The results are sent to the staff's smartphones, enabling them to monitor the residents' health remotely and swiftly respond to any emergencies. ||||||員工的|智能手機||||||居民||遠程地||迅速地||||緊急情況 ||||||dos funcionários||permitindo|||||moradores||remotamente||rapidamente||||emergências Wyniki są przesyłane na smartfony pracowników, umożliwiając im zdalne monitorowanie stanu zdrowia mieszkańców i szybkie reagowanie na wszelkie sytuacje awaryjne. Os resultados são enviados para os smartphones do pessoal, permitindo-lhes monitorizar remotamente a saúde dos residentes e responder rapidamente a quaisquer emergências.

Mieno Tsutomu, who is in charge of product development, says he wants to solve the problems that caregivers are facing. 三重野|Tsutomu|||負責||的|||||||||||照護者|| Mieno|Tsutomu|que|||||||||||||||cuidadores|| Mieno Tsutomu, responsável pelo desenvolvimento do produto, diz que quer resolver os problemas que os prestadores de cuidados de saúde enfrentam.

A joint venture established by the Sony Group and a medical information company, M3, has developed a smartphone app for supporting rehabilitation at home. |合資|||||索尼集團||||||||||||||||| |joint|||||Sony|||||||||||smartphone|||de apoio||| Spółka joint venture założona przez Sony Group i firmę M3, zajmującą się informacjami medycznymi, opracowała aplikację na smartfony wspierającą rehabilitację w domu.

Users send videos of their rehabilitation with their smartphones. |傳送||||復健|||智能手機 The app analyzes the information and gives advice on how to adjust body movements. ||分析||資訊||||||||| ||analisa|||||||||||movimentos Az alkalmazás elemzi az információkat, és tanácsokat ad a testmozgások beállításához.

The firm's president, Yamane Yukiko, says many people say it is difficult to continue rehabilitation for a long time at home even if they understand its importance. |da empresa||Yamane|Yukiko|||||||||||||||||||||| Prezes firmy, Yamane Yukiko, mówi, że wiele osób twierdzi, że trudno jest kontynuować rehabilitację przez długi czas w domu, nawet jeśli rozumieją jej znaczenie. She says she wants to offer services that can reduce users' anxiety.