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English Conversations with Wayne LMA008, KATJA w WAYNE #3.1


Katja, I have to say that I am very jealous that you were able to relax all weekend while I was working, but I don't blame you if it was 34C outside.

I would want to be inside and not doing much either! Of course you had chicken! We both love chicken, don't we?

We will have to share some recipes on how to prepare it.

You seem to cook similarly to the way that I cook.

Tomorrow, we will talk about your work.

I know that you are really very excited about it and you love your work.

So, I'm really interested to find out how you got into being a nurse in the operating room, if there was something else that you wanted to do but operating room was better for you, and what your day is really like when you are in there.

Talk with you tomorrow.



Katja, I have to say that I am very jealous that you were able to relax all weekend while I was working, but I don't blame you if it was 34C outside. |||||||||envious|||||||||||||||||||||| Katja, moram reči, da sem zelo ljubosumna, da si se lahko sprostila ves vikend, ko sem delala, ampak nič ti ne zamerim, če je bilo zunaj 34C. Katja,我不得不說,我很嫉妒你能在我工作的整個週末放鬆,但如果外面是 34C,我不怪你。

I would want to be inside and not doing much either! I would want to be inside and not doing much either! Želel bi biti notri in tudi ne početi veliko! Of course you had chicken! Seveda ste jedli piščanca! We both love chicken, don't we? Oba obožujeva piščanca, kajne?

We will have to share some recipes on how to prepare it. Deliti bomo morali nekaj receptov, kako ga pripraviti.

You seem to cook similarly to the way that I cook. Zdi se, da kuhaš podobno kot jaz.

Tomorrow, we will talk about your work. Jutri se bova pogovarjala o tvojem delu.

I know that you are really very excited about it and you love your work. Vem, da ste res zelo navdušeni nad tem in obožujete svoje delo.

So, I'm really interested to find out how you got into being a nurse in the operating room, if there was something else that you wanted to do but operating room was better for you, and what your day is really like when you are in there. Zato me res zanima, kako si postala medicinska sestra v operacijski sobi, ali si še kaj želela početi, pa ti je bila operacijska soba boljša in kakšen je tvoj dan, ko si tam.

Talk with you tomorrow.
