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Way Station, Chapter One

Chapter One

The noise was ended now. The smoke drifted like thin, gray wisps of fog above the tortured earth and the shattered fences and the peach trees that had been whittled into toothpicks by the cannon fire. For a moment silence, if not peace, fell upon those few square miles of ground where just a while before men had screamed and torn at one another in the frenzy of old hate and had contended in an ancient striving and then had fallen apart, exhausted.

For endless time, it seemed, there had been belching thunder rolling from horizon to horizon and the gouted earth that had spouted in the sky and the screams of horses and the hoarse bellowing of men; the whistling of metal and the thud when the whistle ended; the flash of searing fire and the brightness of the steel; the bravery of the colors snapping in the battle wind.

Then it all had ended and there was a silence.

But silence was an alien note that held no right upon this field or day, and it was broken by the whimper and the pain, the cry for water, and the prayer for death—the crying and the calling and the whimpering that would go on for hours beneath the summer sun. Later the huddled shapes would grow quiet and still and there would be an odor that would sicken all who passed, and the graves would be shallow graves.

There was wheat that never would be harvested, trees that would not bloom when spring came round again, and on the slope of land that ran up to the ridge the words unspoken and the deeds undone and the sodden bundles that cried aloud the emptiness and the waste of death.

There were proud names that were the prouder now, but now no more than names to echo down the ages—the Iron Brigade, the 5th New Hampshire, the 1st Minnesota, the 2nd Massachusetts, the 16th Maine.

And there was Enoch Wallace.

He still held the shattered musket and there were blisters on his hands. His face was smudged with powder. His shoes were caked with dust and blood.

He was still alive.

Chapter One Chapitre un

The noise was ended now. El ruido había terminado ahora. Le bruit était terminé maintenant. The smoke drifted like thin, gray wisps of fog above the tortured earth and the shattered fences and the peach trees that had been whittled into toothpicks by the cannon fire. El humo flotaba como finas volutas grises de niebla sobre la tierra torturada y las cercas rotas y los melocotoneros que habían sido cortados en palillos por el fuego de los cañones. La fumée flottait comme de fines volutes grises de brouillard au-dessus de la terre torturée, des clôtures brisées et des pêchers taillés en cure-dents par les tirs de canon. For a moment silence, if not peace, fell upon those few square miles of ground where just a while before men had screamed and torn at one another in the frenzy of old hate and had contended in an ancient striving and then had fallen apart, exhausted. Por un momento, el silencio, si no la paz, cayó sobre esas pocas millas cuadradas de terreno donde solo un rato antes los hombres se habían gritado y desgarrado unos a otros en el frenesí del viejo odio y se habían enfrentado en una antigua lucha y luego se habían desmoronado, exhaustos. . Pendant un moment, le silence, sinon la paix, s'abattit sur ces quelques kilomètres carrés de terrain où, juste un moment auparavant, les hommes s'étaient hurlés et déchirés les uns contre les autres dans la frénésie d'une vieille haine et avaient lutté dans un ancien effort, puis s'étaient effondrés, épuisés. .

For endless time, it seemed, there had been belching thunder rolling from horizon to horizon and the gouted earth that had spouted in the sky and the screams of horses and the hoarse bellowing of men; the whistling of metal and the thud when the whistle ended; the flash of searing fire and the brightness of the steel; the bravery of the colors snapping in the battle wind. Parecía que durante un tiempo interminable había habido truenos eructados rodando de horizonte a horizonte y la tierra expulsada que había vomitado en el cielo y los gritos de los caballos y los bramidos roncos de los hombres; el silbido del metal y el ruido sordo cuando terminó el silbato; el destello de fuego abrasador y el brillo del acero; la valentía de los colores rompiéndose en el viento de batalla. Pendant un temps interminable, semblait-il, il y avait eu des tonnerres éructants roulant d'un horizon à l'autre et la terre gouttée qui avait jailli dans le ciel et les cris des chevaux et les beuglements rauques des hommes ; le sifflement du métal et le bruit sourd à la fin du coup de sifflet ; l'éclair du feu brûlant et l'éclat de l'acier ; la bravoure des couleurs claquant dans le vent de la bataille.

Then it all had ended and there was a silence. Entonces todo había terminado y se hizo un silencio.

But silence was an alien note that held no right upon this field or day, and it was broken by the whimper and the pain, the cry for water, and the prayer for death—the crying and the calling and the whimpering that would go on for hours beneath the summer sun. Pero el silencio era una nota ajena que no tenía ningún derecho sobre este campo o día, y fue roto por el gemido y el dolor, el llanto por agua y la oración por la muerte, el llanto y la llamada y los gemidos que continuarían. durante horas bajo el sol de verano. Mais le silence était une note étrangère qui n'avait aucun droit sur ce champ ou ce jour, et il était interrompu par le gémissement et la douleur, le cri pour l'eau et la prière pour la mort - les pleurs, l'appel et les gémissements qui continueraient pendant des heures sous le soleil d'été. Later the huddled shapes would grow quiet and still and there would be an odor that would sicken all who passed, and the graves would be shallow graves. Más tarde, las formas acurrucadas se volverían silenciosas y quietas y habría un olor que enfermaría a todos los que pasaran, y las tumbas serían tumbas poco profundas. Plus tard, les formes entassées deviendraient silencieuses et immobiles et il y aurait une odeur qui rendrait malade tous ceux qui passeraient, et les tombes seraient des tombes peu profondes.

There was wheat that never would be harvested, trees that would not bloom when spring came round again, and on the slope of land that ran up to the ridge the words unspoken and the deeds undone and the sodden bundles that cried aloud the emptiness and the waste of death. Había trigo que nunca se cosecharía, árboles que no florecerían cuando volviera la primavera, y en la ladera de la tierra que subía hasta la loma, las palabras no pronunciadas y las acciones deshechas y los bultos empapados que gritaban en voz alta el vacío y el dolor. derroche de muerte. Il y avait du blé qui ne serait jamais récolté, des arbres qui ne fleuriraient pas quand le printemps reviendrait, et sur la pente de terre qui montait jusqu'à la crête, les mots non-dits et les actes défaits et les bottes détrempées qui criaient à haute voix le vide et le gaspillage de la mort.

There were proud names that were the prouder now, but now no more than names to echo down the ages—the Iron Brigade, the 5th New Hampshire, the 1st Minnesota, the 2nd Massachusetts, the 16th Maine. Había nombres orgullosos que eran los más orgullosos ahora, pero ahora no más que nombres con eco a lo largo de los siglos: la Brigada de Hierro, el 5.° de New Hampshire, el 1.° de Minnesota, el 2.° de Massachusetts, el 16.° de Maine. Il y avait des noms fiers qui étaient les plus fiers maintenant, mais maintenant rien de plus que des noms qui faisaient écho à travers les âges - la Brigade de fer, le 5e New Hampshire, le 1er Minnesota, le 2e Massachusetts, le 16e Maine.

And there was Enoch Wallace. Y estaba Enoch Wallace.

He still held the shattered musket and there were blisters on his hands. Todavía sostenía el mosquete destrozado y tenía ampollas en las manos. Il tenait toujours le mousquet brisé et il avait des cloques sur les mains. His face was smudged with powder. Su rostro estaba manchado con polvo. Son visage était maculé de poudre. His shoes were caked with dust and blood. Sus zapatos estaban cubiertos de polvo y sangre. Ses chaussures étaient couvertes de poussière et de sang.

He was still alive. Todavía estaba vivo.