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Ted Talks, How to triple your memory by using this trick | Ricardo Lieuw On | TEDxHaarlem (2)

How to triple your memory by using this trick | Ricardo Lieuw On | TEDxHaarlem (2)

But let's not just wait for it to be implemented in schools.

I also believe that the most important change starts with the individual.

It starts with you.

So, go out there and experiment.

Learn something new

or a new way of approaching something old

because there are few skills as valuable as the art of learning.

Thank you.


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But let's not just wait for it to be implemented in schools. ولكن دعونا لا ننتظر أن يُنفذ في المدارس Pero no esperemos hasta que lo impartan en las escuelas. Mais n'attendons pas que ça soit implémenté dans les écoles. Mas não vamos ficar apenas esperando que isso seja implementado nas escolas.

I also believe that the most important change starts with the individual. أنا أيضًا أصدق أن أهم التغيرات تبدأ بالفرد Creo que los cambios más importantes empiezan con uno mismo. Je pense que le changement le plus important commence avec la personne. Também acredito que as mudanças mais importantes começam com o indivíduo.

It starts with you. تبدأ بك Empiezan con Uds. Il commence avec vous. Começam com vocês.

So, go out there and experiment. فاذهب خارجا وجرب Así que salgan fuera y experimenten Alors, sortez et expérimentez. Então, vão e experimentem.

Learn something new تعلم شيئًا جديدًا Aprendan algo nuevo Apprenez des choses nouvelles, ou de nouvelles façons de faire, Aprendam algo novo

or a new way of approaching something old أو طريقة جديدة للتقديم شيئًا قديمًا o una nueva manera de ver algo viejo, ou um jeito novo de abordar algo velho

because there are few skills as valuable as the art of learning. لأنه يوجد مهارات قليلة مساوية في القيمة لفن التعلم porque pocas habilidades hay tan preciosas como el arte de aprender. porque há poucas habilidades tão valiosas quanto a arte de aprender.

Thank you. شكرًا لكم Gracias. Merci. Obrigado.

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