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ESLPod Daily English 1-100, Daily English 12

Daily English 12

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 12 – Small Talk.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast number 12.

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development, in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

Today's topic is going to be “small talk” – talking about things that aren't very important.

Let's get started.

[start of story]

I admit that I'm not very good at small talk.

When I'm with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long.

But when I talk to a stranger or someone I don't know very well, I'm always casting about, searching for something to talk about.

Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States.

But you have to chat about something, otherwise there are these uncomfortable silences.

So we end up talking about - what else? - the weather.

This usually begins with something like, "So, nice weather we've been having!" or "It sure is a warm one out there today.

" Of course, we have to comment on the temperature.

My favorite is, "It's not the heat that's so bad, it's the humidity!" Actually, I think that's true - I hate it most when it's muggy outside.

Back in my home state of Minnesota, everyone is obsessed with the weather report! Every TV station has its own meteorologist with a high-tech radar giving you the 5 day forecast.

They tell you when the temperature is rising or falling, what kind of clouds are moving in, and how cold the wind chill is.

My favorite quote about the weather comes from Mark Twain, who once said, that everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it!

[end of story]

I begin our story by saying that “I admit that I'm not very good at small talk.

” “Small talk” is an expression we use to describe things we say to someone just to fill time.

“Small talk” is always about something that isn't really very important.

It could be the weather.

It could be a movie that you've seen recently – anything that isn't controversial, that's not going to get you into a fight with that person.

We use small talk often with strangers – people we don't know.

I said that, “When I'm with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long.

” The expression “to shoot the breeze” (breeze) is an informal one, which means to talk about lots of different things but nothing, again, very important.

It's a little different than small talk.

Small talk is almost always with someone who perhaps isn't very close to you, someone you don't know very well.

“To shoot the breeze” just means to talk a lot about something usually with a close friend.

I say, “I can shoot the breeze all day long,” meaning for a very long time.

“When I talk to a stranger or someone I don't know very well,” I continue, “I'm always casting about searching for something to talk about.

” “To cast (cast) about” means to look for something.

It could be a physical object.

I'm casting about for new pen, or it could be, as in the case of the story here, a topic that I want to talk about.

I say, “I'm always casting about searching for something to talk about.

” I continue by saying that “Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States.

” A “taboo” (taboo) is a subject that is considered inappropriate to talk about, not something you should talk about, something that is even forbidden.

You're not supposed to talk about it.

To talk about politics and religion – two things that people often disagree about – is considered taboo in the United States.

Those are taboo subjects.

We don't usually talk about those with strangers.

We often don't talk about them with family either, if your family doesn't agree with your politics or your religion.

I continued by saying that, “You have to chat about something.

Otherwise, there are these uncomfortable silences.

” The verb “to chat” (chat) just means to talk to someone in an informal environment, an informal situation.

The verb “to chat” is usually used when things being discussed are not very important.

You're not talking about anything very important.

You're just chatting.

You're just talking.

It could also be used to mean the same as shooting the breeze.

I say that, “If you don't chat about something, there will be uncomfortable silences.

” You know what happens, when you're talking to someone and neither of you can think of something to say and then there's just silence.

No one is talking.

If that goes on for too long, it could be uncomfortable.

It could make you feel a little strange, like something is wrong.

I continue in the story by saying that “We end up talking about – what else? The weather.

” “We end up” means after a certain time, this is what happens.

We talk about the weather.

I continue, “This usually begins with something like, ‘So, nice weather we've been having,' or ‘It sure is a warm one out there today.

'” These are expressions that you might use as small talk.

However, because they're so common now, because everyone uses them, some people use it almost as a joke.

To say that means that you can't think of anything better to say.

A little less common and perhaps, a better choice in this situation is an expression such as, “It sure is a warm one out there today,” or you could say, “It sure is a cold one out there today.

” You're saying it's very cold out.

You're talking about the weather to allow the other person to give his or her comments.

Again, it's something that people aren't going to argue about.

They're not going to have a fight about whether it's cold or warm out.

Most people will agree one or the other.

“Of course,” I say, “I had to comment on the temperature” – how cold or hot it was.

I say that, “My favorite,” that is, my favorite expression, is, “It's not the heat that's so bad, it's the humidity.

” This is an old expression, maybe in many countries but certainly in the United States.

When people complain during the summertime about the weather being hot, they'll often say, “Well, it's not the high temperature that's the problem.

It's the humidity.

” It's the amount of water in the air that makes you feel uncomfortable.

“It's not the heat.

It's the humidity,” we say.

I then say in the story that that's true.

I hate it most when it's muggy outside.

“To be muggy,” (muggy) means to be very humid.

If you are in Florida, in southern Florida, for example, it will be very muggy in July and August.

The temperature will be very high and there will be high humidity, a lot of water in the air.

I'm originally from Minnesota in the north central part of the United States and there, I say, “Everyone is obsessed with the weather report.

” “To be obsessed” (obsessed) means to be concerned about one thing, typically one thing only.

That's all you talk about.

That's all you think about.

I say that “Minnesotans are obsessed with the weather report.

” The “weather report” is when you listen to the news or read the newspaper and you find out what the weather is going to be today or tomorrow or this week.

So, report here, really means news report, report about what the weather is going to be like.

I say that, “Every TV station has its own meteorologist.

” A “meteorologist” is someone who goes to school to study meteorology, that is the weather – the science of the weather.

You could call it.

I say that, “Every TV station has its own meteorologist, with a high-tech radar giving you the five-day forecast.

” “High tech” means very high technology, very sophisticated, very expensive.

When we talk about the TV station giving you the five day forecast, I mean they're telling you what the weather will be in the next five days.

A “forecast” (forecast) is a prediction about what will happen, obviously what will happen in the future.

I say that, “They tell you” – “they,” meaning the meteorologists – “when the temperature is rising” – is going up – “or falling” – is going down.

They tell you what kinds of clouds are moving in.

“To move in,” here means to arrive.

What kind of clouds are arriving from a different part of the country.

The phrasal verb “to move-in” can also mean to go and live with someone, but we're not talking about that.

We're talking about the weather.

Meteorologists in Minnesota will also tell you, at least, during the wintertime, how cold the wind chill is.

“Wind chill” (chill) is used to tell you how cold it feels on your skin, not always how cold the temperature is.

So, if it's 10 degrees below zero – 10 degrees below zero Fahrenheit – it's very cold.

But if there's also a wind, a strong wind, the wind may make it seem even colder.

It will feel colder.

And so, there is a way of estimating a figuring out what's called a “wind chill” – how cold it feels typically on your skin – when you are out in a cold temperature with the wind blowing.

I end by saying that, “My favorite quote about the weather is from Mark Twain.

” Mark Twain is a famous American author, what we would call a humorist.

He was a novelist but he was also a very funny man.

He says, or once said, that “Everybody talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.

” People talk about the weather but of course, they don't change the weather.

That's normally something we can't do.

Now let's listen to this story this time, at a normal speed.

[start of story]

I admit that I'm not very good at small talk.

When I'm with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long.

But when I talk to a stranger or someone I don't know very well, I'm always casting about, searching for something to talk about.

Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States.

But you have to chat about something, otherwise there are these uncomfortable silences.

So we end up talking about - what else? - the weather.

This usually begins with something like, "So, nice weather we've been having!" or "It sure is a warm one out there today.

" Of course, we have to comment on the temperature.

My favorite is, "It's not the heat that's so bad, it's the humidity!" Actually, I think that's true - I hate it most when it's muggy outside.

Back in my home state of Minnesota, everyone is obsessed with the weather report! Every TV station has its own meteorologist with a high-tech radar giving you the 5 day forecast.

They tell you when the temperature is rising or falling, what kind of clouds are moving in, and how cold the wind chill is.

My favorite quote about the weather comes from Mark Twain, who once said, that everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it!

[end of story]

Daily English 12 |diário اللغة الإنجليزية اليومية 12 Täglich Englisch 12 Inglés diario 12 Anglais quotidien 12 Inglese quotidiano 12 デイリーイングリッシュ12 데일리 영어 12 Inglês diário 12 Ежедневный английский 12 Günlük İngilizce 12 Щоденна англійська 12 日常英语12

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 12 – Small Talk. مرحبًا بكم في البودكاست الإنجليزي كلغة ثانية رقم 12 - محادثة قصيرة. Bem-vindo ao Podcast de Inglês como Segunda Língua número 12 - Conversa de circunstância. Добро пожаловать в подкаст "Английский как второй язык" № 12 - "Маленькие разговоры".

This is English as a Second Language Podcast number 12. هذا هو البودكاست الإنجليزي كلغة ثانية رقم 12. Это подкаст "Английский как второй язык" № 12. 這是英語作為第二語言播客第12集。

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development, in beautiful Los Angeles, California. |||||||||||中心|||||||| أنا مضيفكم، الدكتور جيف ماكويلان، قادم إليكم من مركز تطوير التعليم، في مدينة لوس أنجلوس الجميلة، كاليفورنيا. Я - ваш ведущий, доктор Джефф Маккуиллан, приезжаю к вам из Центра развития образования в прекрасном Лос-Анджелесе, штат Калифорния. 我是你的主持人,杰夫·麥奎蘭博士,來自美麗的加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的教育發展中心。

Today's topic is going to be “small talk” – talking about things that aren't very important. ||||||||||||önemli değil|| ||||||||||||não|| موضوع اليوم سيكون "الحديث القصير" - الحديث عن أشياء ليست مهمة جدًا. El tema de hoy va a ser la "charla trivial": hablar de cosas que no son muy importantes. O tema de hoje vai ser "conversa fiada" - falar sobre coisas que não são muito importantes. Сегодня речь пойдет о "светских беседах" - разговорах о вещах, которые не очень важны. 今天的主題將是「閒聊」——談論一些不太重要的事情。

Let's get started. هيا بنا نبدأ. Empecemos. Vamos lá começar. Давайте начнем.

[start of story] [بداية القصة] [начало истории]

I admit that I'm not very good at small talk. |přiznávám|||||||| أعترف أنني لست جيدًا في الحديث الصغير. Admito que no soy muy bueno en charlas triviales. Признаюсь, я не очень хорошо умею вести светские беседы. 我承認我不是很擅長閒聊。

When I'm with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long. |||||||||klábosit||| |||||||||閒聊||| |||||||sohbet etmek||||| |||||||conversar||conversar à toa||| |||||||klepetati||klepetati||| عندما أكون مع الأصدقاء، يمكنني فقط إطلاق النسيم طوال اليوم. Wenn ich mit Freunden zusammen bin, kann ich den ganzen Tag lang einfach nur quatschen. Cuando estoy con amigos, puedo disfrutar de la brisa durante todo el día. Quando estou com os meus amigos, posso estar à conversa o dia todo. Когда я с друзьями, я могу просто болтать с ветерком весь день. Коли я з друзями, я можу просто стріляти з вітерцем цілий день. 當我和朋友在一起時,我可以整天無所不談。

But when I talk to a stranger or someone I don't know very well, I'm always casting about, searching for something to talk about. ||||||||||||||||尋找話題||||||| ||||||yabancı||||||||||arama yapmak||||||| ||||||estranho||||||||||procurando||procurando||||| لكن عندما أتحدث إلى شخص غريب أو شخص لا أعرفه جيدًا، فإنني أبحث دائمًا عن شيء لأتحدث عنه. Aber wenn ich mit einem Fremden oder jemandem, den ich nicht sehr gut kenne, spreche, bin ich immer auf der Suche nach einem Gesprächsthema. Pero cuando hablo con un extraño o alguien que no conozco muy bien, siempre estoy dando vueltas, buscando algo de qué hablar. Mas quando falo com um estranho ou com alguém que não conheço muito bem, estou sempre à procura de algo para falar. Но когда я разговариваю с незнакомцем или с кем-то, кого я не очень хорошо знаю, я всегда ищу, о чем поговорить. Але коли я розмовляю з незнайомцем або з кимось, кого я не дуже добре знаю, я завжди озираюся, шукаю, про що б поговорити. 但當我和陌生人或不太熟悉的人交談時,我總是在四處搜尋,尋找可以談論的話題。

Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States. |||||禁忌|||||||| Siyaset||din|||tabu|||||||| política||religião|||tabu|política e religião||||||| من المؤكد أن السياسة والدين من المواضيع المحظورة، على الأقل هنا في الولايات المتحدة. La política y la religión son definitivamente temas tabú, al menos aquí en Estados Unidos. Политика и религия, безусловно, являются запретными темами, по крайней мере, в Соединенных Штатах. 政治和宗教無疑是禁忌話題,至少在美國是這樣。

But you have to chat about something, otherwise there are these uncomfortable silences. ||||||||||||沉默 ||||||||||||rahatsız edici sessizlikler ||||||||||||silêncios |||||||sicer||||neprijetne tišine|neprijetne tišine ولكن عليك أن تتحدث عن شيء ما، وإلا فستكون هناك فترات صمت غير مريحة. Aber man muss sich über irgendetwas unterhalten, sonst entsteht eine unangenehme Stille. Pero hay que charlar de algo, de lo contrario quedan esos silencios incómodos. Но вы должны о чем-то говорить, иначе возникает неловкое молчание. Але про щось треба говорити, інакше виникає незручне мовчання. 但你必須找些話聊,否則會有尷尬的沉默。

So we end up talking about - what else? لذلك انتهى بنا الأمر بالحديث عن - ماذا أيضًا؟ Also reden wir am Ende über - was sonst? Entonces terminamos hablando de - ¿qué más? Por isso, acabamos por falar de - que mais? В итоге мы говорим о чем еще? 所以我們最終談論的就是——還有什麼? - the weather. |hava |o clima - الجو. - el tiempo. - погода. - 天氣。

This usually begins with something like, "So, nice weather we've been having!" يبدأ هذا عادةً بشيء مثل، "لقد استمتعنا بالطقس الجميل!" Das beginnt in der Regel mit so etwas wie: "So, schönes Wetter haben wir gehabt!" Por lo general, esto comienza con algo como: "¡Entonces, buen clima que hemos tenido!" Normalmente começa com algo do género: "Então, que bom tempo que temos tido!" Обычно это начинается со слов: "Ну и погодка у нас!". Зазвичай це починається з чогось на кшталт: "Чудова погода!" 這通常會以類似於「所以,我們的天氣真好!」這樣的開場。 or "It sure is a warm one out there today. أو "من المؤكد أن الجو دافئ اليوم. oder "Heute ist es ganz schön warm da draußen. o "Seguro que hace calor hoy. ou "Hoje está mesmo muito calor lá fora. или "Сегодня на улице очень тепло. або "Сьогодні на вулиці дуже тепло. 或是「今天外面可真暖和。」

" Of course, we have to comment on the temperature. |||||評論|關於|| |||||komentirati temperaturo||| "بالطبع علينا أن نعلق على درجة الحرارة. "Natürlich müssen wir uns zu den Temperaturen äußern. “Por supuesto, tenemos que comentar sobre la temperatura. "Конечно, мы должны прокомментировать температуру. " Звичайно, ми повинні прокоментувати температуру. "當然,我們必須評論一下氣溫。"

My favorite is, "It's not the heat that's so bad, it's the humidity!" ||||||the heat||||||l'umidità ||||||||||||濕度 ||||||||||bu||nem ||||||||||||umidade ||||||||||||vlažnost zraka المفضل لدي هو، "ليست الحرارة هي التي تكون سيئة للغاية، بل الرطوبة!" Mi favorita es: "¡No es el calor lo que es tan malo, es la humedad!" A minha favorita é: "Não é o calor que é tão mau, é a humidade!" Моя любимая фраза: "Не жара страшна, а влажность!". Моя улюблена фраза: "Це не спека така погана, це вологість!" 我最喜歡的是,"並不是熱得太可怕,而是濕度!" Actually, I think that's true - I hate it most when it's muggy outside. |||||||||||humid| |||||||||||悶熱| |||||||||||bunaltıcı sıcak| |||||||||||abafado| في الواقع، أعتقد أن هذا صحيح - فأنا أكره الأمر أكثر عندما يكون الطقس رطبًا في الخارج. En realidad, creo que eso es cierto: lo que más odio es cuando está bochornoso afuera. Na verdade, acho que isso é verdade - odeio mais quando está abafado lá fora. На самом деле, я думаю, что это правда - я больше всего ненавижу, когда на улице душно. Насправді, я думаю, що це правда - я найбільше ненавиджу, коли на вулиці спекотно. 其實,我認為這是真的 - 當外面潮濕時,我最討厭。

Back in my home state of Minnesota, everyone is obsessed with the weather report! |||||||||is obsessed|||| |||||||||takıntılı|||| في ولايتي مينيسوتا، الجميع مهووسون بتقرير الطقس! In meinem Heimatstaat Minnesota ist jeder besessen vom Wetterbericht! 私の故郷ミネソタ州では、誰もが天気予報に夢中だ! В моем родном штате Миннесота все помешаны на прогнозе погоды! У моєму рідному штаті Міннесота всі одержимі прогнозом погоди! 在我的家鄉明尼蘇達州,大家都對天氣報告著迷! Every TV station has its own meteorologist with a high-tech radar giving you the 5 day forecast. ||||||||||||||||previsione ||||||氣象學家|||||雷達||||| ||||||hava durumu uzmanı|||||radar|vermekte olan||||tahmin ||estação||||meteorologista||||tecnologia|radar|||||previsão تحتوي كل محطة تلفزيونية على خبير أرصاد جوية خاص بها مزود برادار عالي التقنية مما يتيح لك توقعات الطقس لمدة 5 أيام. Cada estación de televisión tiene su propio meteorólogo con un radar de alta tecnología que le brinda el pronóstico de 5 días. Cada estação de televisão tem o seu próprio meteorologista com um radar de alta tecnologia que lhe dá a previsão para 5 dias. На каждом телеканале есть свой метеоролог с высокотехнологичным радаром, который дает прогноз на 5 дней. 每個電視台都有自己的氣象學家,擁有高科技的雷達,給你提供五天的天氣預報。

They tell you when the temperature is rising or falling, what kind of clouds are moving in, and how cold the wind chill is. |||||||rising|||||||||||||||| |||||||上升||||||雲的種類|||||||||| |||||||aumentando||||||nuvens|||||||||| يخبرونك متى ترتفع درجة الحرارة أو تنخفض، ونوع السحب التي تتحرك، ومدى برودة الرياح. Sie zeigen an, wann die Temperatur steigt oder fällt, welche Art von Wolken einzieht und wie kalt der Wind ist. Te dicen cuándo sube o baja la temperatura, qué tipo de nubes se están moviendo y qué tan fría es la sensación térmica. 気温の上昇や下降、雲の動き、風の冷たさなどを教えてくれる。 Dizem-nos quando a temperatura está a subir ou a descer, que tipo de nuvens estão a aproximar-se e qual é o frio do vento. Они подскажут вам, когда температура повышается или понижается, какие облака надвигаются и насколько холодный ветер. 他們告訴你什麼時候氣溫上升或下降,哪種雲朵正在移動,以及風寒的寒冷程度。

My favorite quote about the weather comes from Mark Twain, who once said, that everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it! ||citazione||||||||||||||||||||||| ||名言|||||||馬克·吐溫|||||||||||||||| ||alıntı|||||||Twain|||||||||||||||| ||minha citação favorita sobre o clima vem de Mark Twain, que uma vez disse que todo mundo fala sobre o clima, mas ninguém faz nada a respeito!||||||Mark|Twain|||||||||||||||| الاقتباس المفضل لدي عن الطقس يأتي من مارك توين، الذي قال ذات مرة، إن الجميع يتحدثون عن الطقس، لكن لا أحد يفعل أي شيء حيال ذلك! Mein Lieblingszitat über das Wetter stammt von Mark Twain, der einmal sagte, dass jeder über das Wetter redet, aber niemand etwas dagegen tut! Mi cita favorita sobre el clima proviene de Mark Twain, quien una vez dijo que todos hablan sobre el clima, ¡pero nadie hace nada al respecto! 天気に関する私のお気に入りの言葉はマーク・トウェインのもので、彼はかつてこう言った! A minha citação favorita sobre o tempo vem de Mark Twain, que disse uma vez que toda a gente fala sobre o tempo, mas ninguém faz nada sobre ele! Моя любимая цитата о погоде принадлежит Марку Твену, который однажды сказал, что все говорят о погоде, но никто ничего с ней не делает! Моя улюблена цитата про погоду належить Марку Твену, який одного разу сказав, що всі говорять про погоду, але ніхто нічого з нею не робить! 我最喜愛的關於天氣的名言來自馬克·吐溫,他曾經說過,每個人都在談論天氣,但沒有人為此做些什麼!

[end of story] [故事結束]

I begin our story by saying that “I admit that I'm not very good at small talk. Я начинаю нашу историю со слов: "Признаюсь, я не очень хорошо умею вести светские беседы. 我開始我們的故事時說:我承認我不太擅長閒聊。

” “Small talk” is an expression we use to describe things we say to someone just to fill time. "Smalltalk" ist ein Ausdruck, mit dem wir Dinge beschreiben, die wir zu jemandem sagen, nur um die Zeit zu überbrücken. "Светская беседа" - это выражение, которое мы используем для описания вещей, которые мы говорим кому-то, чтобы скоротать время. " "Світська бесіда" - це вираз, який ми використовуємо для опису речей, які ми говоримо комусь просто, щоб заповнити час. 「小談話」是一個我們用來形容與某人交談以填補時間的表達。

“Small talk” is always about something that isn't really very important. "Светские беседы" всегда касаются чего-то не очень важного. 「小談話」總是關於一些實際上並不太重要的事情。

It could be the weather. Возможно, дело в погоде. Це може бути погода. 它可以是天氣。

It could be a movie that you've seen recently – anything that isn't controversial, that's not going to get you into a fight with that person. ||||||||nedávno|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||有爭議的|||||||||||| ||||||||||||tartışmalı|||||||||tartışma||| ||||filme||que você tenha|visto|recentemente||||polêmico|||||||||briga||| Es könnte ein Film sein, den Sie kürzlich gesehen haben - irgendetwas, das nicht umstritten ist und Sie nicht in einen Streit mit dieser Person verwickeln wird. Это может быть фильм, который вы недавно посмотрели, - все, что не вызывает споров и не приведет к ссоре с этим человеком. 這可能是一部你最近看過的電影 – 任何不具爭議性的東西,不會讓你和那個人發生爭執。

We use small talk often with strangers – people we don't know. ||||||陌生人|||| ||||||estranhos|||| Мы часто используем светскую беседу с незнакомцами - людьми, которых мы не знаем. 我們通常與陌生人進行寒暄 – 我們不認識的人。

I said that, “When I'm with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long. Я сказал: "Когда я с друзьями, я могу просто болтать без умолку весь день. 我說,我「和朋友在一起時,可以整天閒聊。」

” The expression “to shoot the breeze” (breeze) is an informal one, which means to talk about lots of different things but nothing, again, very important. |||||||||rahat sohbet||||||||||||||| "Der Ausdruck "to shoot the breeze" (eine Brise) ist ein informeller Ausdruck, der bedeutet, dass man über viele verschiedene Dinge spricht, aber über nichts sehr Wichtiges. "Выражение "to shoot the breeze" (бриз) - это неформальное выражение, которое означает разговор о множестве разных вещей, но ничего, опять же, очень важного. 「閒聊」這個表達 (breeze) 是一種非正式的表達,意思是談論很多不同的事情,但沒有什麼特別重要的。

It's a little different than small talk. 這和寒暄有點不同。

Small talk is almost always with someone who perhaps isn't very close to you, someone you don't know very well. Светская беседа почти всегда ведется с кем-то, кто, возможно, не очень близок вам, кого вы не очень хорошо знаете. 寒暄幾乎總是與某位可能和你不太親近的人進行,是一個你不太熟悉的對象。

“To shoot the breeze” just means to talk a lot about something usually with a close friend. ||||||||||||||||amigo "To shoot the breeze" означает просто много говорить о чем-то, обычно с близким другом. "Поговорити з вітром" означає багато говорити про щось, як правило, з близьким другом. 「閒聊」的意思就是通常和摯友聊很多話題。

I say, “I can shoot the breeze all day long,” meaning for a very long time. |||||||||||||||時間 Ich sage: "Ich kann den ganzen Tag lang quatschen", das heißt sehr lange. 私は「一日中、風を切ることができる」と言う。 Я говорю: "Я могу болтать без умолку весь день", то есть очень долго. 我說:「我可以閒聊整天」,意思是很長一段時間。

“When I talk to a stranger or someone I don't know very well,” I continue, “I'm always casting about searching for something to talk about. 當|||||||||||||||||||||||| أواصل: "عندما أتحدث إلى شخص غريب أو شخص لا أعرفه جيدًا، فأنا أبحث دائمًا عن شيء لأتحدث عنه. "Когда я разговариваю с незнакомцем или с кем-то, кого я плохо знаю, - продолжаю я, - я всегда метаюсь в поисках того, о чем можно поговорить. 我繼續說:「當我和一個陌生人或一個我不太熟悉的人交談時,我總是在尋找可以聊的話題。」

” “To cast (cast) about” means to look for something. |procurar||||||| "To cast (cast) about" означает искать что-то. " "Шукати (кидати)" означає шукати щось.

It could be a physical object. ||||somut|nesne ||||físico|em Це може бути фізичний об'єкт. 它可以是一個實體物品。

I'm casting about for new pen, or it could be, as in the case of the story here, a topic that I want to talk about. ||||||或||||||||||||||||||| Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer neuen Feder, oder es könnte, wie im Fall der Geschichte hier, ein Thema sein, über das ich sprechen möchte. 我正在尋找新的鋼筆,或者它可以是,如同這裡的故事所述,是我想要談論的主題。

I say, “I'm always casting about searching for something to talk about. Я говорю: "Я постоянно метаюсь в поисках того, о чем можно поговорить. 我說:“我總是在尋找一些可以談論的東西。”

” I continue by saying that “Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States. ||||||||||dokunulmaz konular|||||||| "Ich fahre fort, indem ich sage, dass "Politik und Religion definitiv Tabuthemen sind, zumindest hier in den Vereinigten Staaten. "Я продолжаю: "Политика и религия - это определенно запретные темы, по крайней мере здесь, в Соединенных Штатах. 我接著說:「政治和宗教無疑是禁忌話題,至少在美國是這樣。」

” A “taboo” (taboo) is a subject that is considered inappropriate to talk about, not something you should talk about, something that is even forbidden. |||||||||inappropriato|||||||||||||| |||||||||不適當||||||||||||||禁止的 ||||||||göz önünde bulundurulan|uygunsuz|||||||||||||| |||||||||부적절한|||||||||||||| |||||um||||inapropriado||||||||||||||proibido "Ein "Tabu" (Tabu) ist ein Thema, über das zu sprechen als unangemessen gilt, über das man nicht sprechen sollte oder das sogar verboten ist. "Табу" (taboo) - это тема, которая считается неуместной для разговора, не той, о которой следует говорить, даже запретной. 「禁忌」(taboo)是一個被認為不適合談論的主題,是不應該談論的東西,甚至是被禁止的。

You're not supposed to talk about it. Du sollst nicht darüber reden. Ты не должен говорить об этом. Ви не повинні говорити про це. 你不應該談論這個。

To talk about politics and religion – two things that people often disagree about – is considered taboo in the United States. |||||||||||katılmamak|||||||| |||||||||||discordar|||||||| Über Politik und Religion zu sprechen - zwei Dinge, bei denen die Menschen oft unterschiedlicher Meinung sind - gilt in den Vereinigten Staaten als Tabu. 政治と宗教について話すことは、アメリカではタブーとされている。 Говорить о политике и религии - двух вещах, по поводу которых люди часто расходятся во мнениях, - в США считается табу. 在美國,談論政治和宗教這兩件人們常常意見不合的事情被認為是禁忌。

Those are taboo subjects. Это запретные темы. 這些是禁忌話題。

We don't usually talk about those with strangers. |||||||strangers Обычно мы не говорим об этом с незнакомцами. 我們通常不會和陌生人談論這些。

We often don't talk about them with family either, if your family doesn't agree with your politics or your religion. |||||||||||||concorda|||||| Мы часто не говорим о них и с семьей, если ваша семья не согласна с вашей политикой или религией. 如果你的家人不同意你的政治或宗教觀念,我們通常也不會和家人談論這些話題。

I continued by saying that, “You have to chat about something. |continuei||||||||| Я продолжил, сказав: "Вы должны о чем-то поговорить. 我接著說道:「你必須聊一些事情。」

Otherwise, there are these uncomfortable silences. Jinak|||||ticho В противном случае возникает неловкое молчание. 否則,就會出現這些令人不自在的沉默。

” The verb “to chat” (chat) just means to talk to someone in an informal environment, an informal situation. |fiil|||||||||||||ortamda||| ||||||||||||||ambiente||| ||||||||||||||neformalno okolje||| "Das Verb "chatten" (plaudern) bedeutet einfach, mit jemandem in einem informellen Umfeld, einer informellen Situation zu sprechen. " Глагол "to chat" (болтать) означает просто разговаривать с кем-то в неформальной обстановке, в неформальной ситуации. " Дієслово "спілкуватися" (чатитися) означає просто розмовляти з кимось у неформальній обстановці, неформальній ситуації. 動詞「聊天」(chat)只是指在非正式的環境或情況下與某人交談。

The verb “to chat” is usually used when things being discussed are not very important. ||||||||||tartışılan|||| ||||||||||discutidas|||| Das Verb "plaudern" wird in der Regel verwendet, wenn die besprochenen Dinge nicht sehr wichtig sind. Глагол "to chat" обычно используется, когда обсуждаемые вещи не очень важны. 動詞「聊天」通常用於討論的事情並不非常重要時。

You're not talking about anything very important. ||||任何事|| Вы не говорите о чем-то очень важном. 你們並不是在談論任何非常重要的事情。

You're just chatting. ||conversando Вы просто болтаете. 你只是閒聊。

You're just talking. Du redest doch nur. Вы просто разговариваете. 你只是說話。

It could also be used to mean the same as shooting the breeze. ||||||||aynı||sohbet etmek||sohbet etmek ||||||||||conversa fiada|| Es könnte auch das Gleiche bedeuten wie "ein bisschen quatschen". Оно также может означать то же самое, что и "болтать без умолку". 它也可以用來表示和打發時間一樣的意思。

I say that, “If you don't chat about something, there will be uncomfortable silences. Я говорю: "Если вы не будете говорить о чем-то, будет неловкое молчание. Я кажу так: "Якщо ви не будете про щось говорити, буде незручне мовчання. 我說過,「如果你們不聊些什麼,就會有不自在的沉默。」

” You know what happens, when you're talking to someone and neither of you can think of something to say and then there's just silence. ||||||||||hiçbiri||||||||||||| ||||||||||nenhum|||||||||||||silêncio "Kennst du das, wenn du mit jemandem redest und keinem von euch etwas einfällt, was er sagen könnte, und dann ist einfach nur Stille. "Знаете, как бывает, когда вы разговариваете с кем-то и никто из вас не может придумать, что сказать, а потом наступает тишина. 你知道會發生什麼,當你和某人交談時,你們都無法想到要說什麼,然後就只剩下沉默。

No one is talking. Никто не разговаривает. 沒有人在說話。

If that goes on for too long, it could be uncomfortable. ||||||||可能會|| Если это будет продолжаться слишком долго, может возникнуть дискомфорт. Якщо це триває занадто довго, це може викликати дискомфорт. 如果這樣持續太久,可能會讓人感到不舒服。

It could make you feel a little strange, like something is wrong. |||||||estranho|||| Das kann dazu führen, dass Sie sich ein wenig seltsam fühlen, als ob etwas nicht stimmt. Это может заставить вас чувствовать себя немного странно, как будто что-то не так. Це може змусити вас почуватися трохи дивно, ніби щось не так. 這可能會讓你感到有點奇怪,就像有什麼不對勁的地方。

I continue in the story by saying that “We end up talking about – what else? Я продолжаю рассказ, говоря: "В конце концов мы заговорили - о чем же еще? Я продовжую розповідь, кажучи, що "Врешті-решт ми говоримо про - що ще? 我在故事中繼續說道:'我們最後談到的是——還有什麼呢?' The weather. Погода. 天氣。

” “We end up” means after a certain time, this is what happens. 「我們最終」的意思是經過一段時間後,會發生這樣的情況。

We talk about the weather. 我們談論天氣。

I continue, “This usually begins with something like, ‘So, nice weather we've been having,' or ‘It sure is a warm one out there today. Ich fahre fort: "Normalerweise beginnt das mit so etwas wie: 'Schönes Wetter haben wir heute' oder 'Es ist heute wirklich sehr warm da draußen. 我繼續說:“這通常以一些像是,‘我們的天氣真好,’或‘今天外面可真熱啊。’這樣的開場白開始。

'” These are expressions that you might use as small talk. ||ifadeler||||||| ||"” Estas são expressões que você pode usar para puxar assunto."||||||| 這些是你可以用來做小對話的表達方式。

However, because they're so common now, because everyone uses them, some people use it almost as a joke. |||||||||||||||||開玩笑的 |||||||||||||||||piada Aber weil sie jetzt so weit verbreitet sind, weil jeder sie benutzt, benutzen sie manche Leute fast als Scherz. 然而,因為它們現在太常見了,因為每個人都在使用它們,有些人幾乎把它當作一個笑話來使用。

To say that means that you can't think of anything better to say. Wenn Sie das sagen, bedeutet das, dass Ihnen nichts Besseres einfällt. 這麼說意味著你想不出更好的話可說。

A little less common and perhaps, a better choice in this situation is an expression such as, “It sure is a warm one out there today,” or you could say, “It sure is a cold one out there today. |||||||||||||||||||||溫暖||||||||||||||||| ||||||||uma situação|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Трохи менш поширеним і, можливо, кращим вибором у цій ситуації є вираз на кшталт: "Сьогодні на вулиці дуже тепло", або ви можете сказати: "Сьогодні на вулиці дуже холодно". 在這種情況下,稍微不那麼常見的選擇可能是像這樣的表達:『今天外面真的很暖和』,或者你可以說:『今天外面真的很冷』。

” You're saying it's very cold out. "Du sagst, dass es draußen sehr kalt ist. 你是在說外面非常冷。

You're talking about the weather to allow the other person to give his or her comments. ||||天氣||||||||||| |||||||||||||||comentários 你在談論天氣,以便讓對方發表意見。

Again, it's something that people aren't going to argue about. ||||||||tartışacaklar| ||||||||discutir| Auch das ist etwas, worüber die Leute nicht streiten werden. 再次強調,這是人們不會爭論的事情。

They're not going to have a fight about whether it's cold or warm out. ||||||爭吵||||||| 他們不會為了外面是冷還是暖而發生爭吵。

Most people will agree one or the other. 大多數人會同意其中之一。

“Of course,” I say, “I had to comment on the temperature” – how cold or hot it was. «Звичайно, — кажу, — треба було прокоментувати температуру» — холодно чи жарко. 我說:“當然,我必須評論一下溫度” – 不管是冷還是熱。

I say that, “My favorite,” that is, my favorite expression, is, “It's not the heat that's so bad, it's the humidity. |||||||||expression|||||||||||vlhkost ||||||||||||||||||||nem 我說,“我最喜歡的”,就是我最喜歡的表達,是:“不是熱不好,而是濕度。”

” This is an old expression, maybe in many countries but certainly in the United States. ||||||||||určitě|||| ||||||||||certamente|||| 這是一個古老的表達,可能在許多國家都是這樣,但在美國肯定是這樣。

When people complain during the summertime about the weather being hot, they'll often say, “Well, it's not the high temperature that's the problem. |||||yaz mevsimi||||||||||||||||| |||||verão||||||||||||||||| 當人們在夏季抱怨天氣炎熱時,他們常常會說:『嗯,問題不在於高溫。』

It's the humidity. ||vlhkost 而是在於濕度。

” It's the amount of water in the air that makes you feel uncomfortable. ||||||||||||nepříjemně |||||||ar||||| " Саме кількість води в повітрі змушує вас почуватися некомфортно. 空氣中的水分使你感到不舒服。

“It's not the heat. 這不是熱度,

It's the humidity,” we say. ||nem|| 而是濕度,”我們這麼說。

I then say in the story that that's true. ||||||||pravda そして、私は物語の中でその通りだと言う。 然後我在故事中說那是真的。

I hate it most when it's muggy outside. ||||||vlhké a horké| 我最討厭在外面潮濕的時候。

“To be muggy,” (muggy) means to be very humid. ||||||||潮濕 ||||||||nemli ||||||||úmido ||||||||vlažno «Быть душным» (muggy) означает быть очень влажным. 「潮濕」(muggy)的意思是非常潮濕。

If you are in Florida, in southern Florida, for example, it will be very muggy in July and August. ||||Florida||||||||||||Temmuz||Ağustos ||||Flórida||||||||||||julho||agosto 如果你在佛羅里達州,比如說南佛羅里達,七月和八月會非常潮濕。

The temperature will be very high and there will be high humidity, a lot of water in the air. |||||||||||||||물||| 氣溫會非常高,而且會有很高的濕度,空氣中有很多水分。

I'm originally from Minnesota in the north central part of the United States and there, I say, “Everyone is obsessed with the weather report. |||||||||||||||||||posedlý|||| |||明尼蘇達|||||||||||||||||與||| |originalmente|||||||||||||||||||||| 我最初來自美國中北部的明尼蘇達州,在那裡,我常說:“每個人都對天氣報告很著迷。”

” “To be obsessed” (obsessed) means to be concerned about one thing, typically one thing only. |||takıntılı olmak||||ilgili||||||| |||||||preocupado||||||| " "Бути одержимим" (одержимим) означає бути стурбованим чимось одним, як правило, тільки одним. 「沈迷」(obsessed)的意思是關心一件事,通常只有一件事。

That's all you talk about. 這是你談論的全部。

That's all you think about. 這是你思考的全部。

I say that “Minnesotans are obsessed with the weather report. |||明尼蘇達人|||||| |||Minnesotalılar|||||| |||moradores de Minnesota|||||| 我說「明尼蘇達人對天氣預報情有獨鍾。」

” The “weather report” is when you listen to the news or read the newspaper and you find out what the weather is going to be today or tomorrow or this week. 「天氣預報」是當你收聽新聞或閱讀報紙時,了解到今天、明天或這週的天氣將會是什麼樣子。

So, report here, really means news report, report about what the weather is going to be like. 所以,這裡的報導,其實是指新聞報導,報告天氣將會是怎樣的。

I say that, “Every TV station has its own meteorologist. 我說:“每個電視台都有自己的氣象學家。”

” A “meteorologist” is someone who goes to school to study meteorology, that is the weather – the science of the weather. ||||||||||氣象學||||||||| ||||||||||hava bilimi||||||||| ||||||||||meteorologia||||||ciência||| ||||||||||meteorologija||||||||| 一個“氣象學家”是指那些上學研究氣象學的人,也就是天氣 – 天氣的科學。

You could call it. 你可以這麼稱呼它。

I say that, “Every TV station has its own meteorologist, with a high-tech radar giving you the five-day forecast. 我說,每個電視台都有自己的氣象學家,配備高科技雷達,提供你五天的天氣預報。

” “High tech” means very high technology, very sophisticated, very expensive. |||||||sofistikovaný|| |||||||複雜的|| |||||||sofistike|| |||||tecnologia||sofisticado|| «Высокие технологии» означают очень высокие технологии, очень сложные, очень дорогие. “高科技”意味著非常高的技術,非常複雜,非常昂貴。

When we talk about the TV station giving you the five day forecast, I mean they're telling you what the weather will be in the next five days. ||||||||||||tahmin||||||||||||||| 當我們談到電視台給你五天的天氣預報時,我的意思是他們在告訴你接下來五天的天氣情況。

A “forecast” (forecast) is a prediction about what will happen, obviously what will happen in the future. |||||předpověď|||||samozřejmě|||||| |||||預測||||||||||| |tahmin||||tahmin|||||açıkça|||||| |||||previsão|||||obviamente||||||futuro 「預測」(forecast)是對未來會發生的事情的預言,顯然是關於將來會發生的事情。

I say that, “They tell you” – “they,” meaning the meteorologists – “when the temperature is rising” – is going up – “or falling” – is going down. ||||||||||||||rostoucí|||||klesá||| |||||||||meteorologlar||||||||||||| |||||||||meteorologistas||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||narašča|||||||| 我說,「他們告訴你」—「他們」,指的是氣象學家—「當氣溫上升」—正在上升—「或下降」—正在下降。

They tell you what kinds of clouds are moving in. 他們告訴你有哪些雲層正在移動。

“To move in,” here means to arrive. ||||||gelmek 「搬進來」,這裡的意思是到達。

What kind of clouds are arriving from a different part of the country. |||||chegando||||||| Welche Art von Wolken kommen aus einem anderen Teil des Landes? Які хмари прибувають з іншої частини країни. 從國家的不同地方到達的是怎樣的雲。

The phrasal verb “to move-in” can also mean to go and live with someone, but we're not talking about that. |片語||||||||||||||||||| Das phrasale Verb "einziehen" kann auch bedeuten, mit jemandem zusammenzuziehen, aber darum geht es hier nicht. 片語動詞「搬進去」也可以指和某人一起生活,但我們不是在討論這個。

We're talking about the weather.

Meteorologists in Minnesota will also tell you, at least, during the wintertime, how cold the wind chill is. ||||||||||||||||pocitová teplota| |||||||||||kış zamanı|||||| |||||||||||inverno|||||| 明尼蘇達州的氣象學家會告訴你,至少在冬天的時候,風寒指數有多冷。

“Wind chill” (chill) is used to tell you how cold it feels on your skin, not always how cold the temperature is. "Windchill" (Kälte) wird verwendet, um anzugeben, wie kalt es sich auf der Haut anfühlt, nicht immer, wie kalt die Temperatur ist. 「風寒」(chill) 用來告訴你皮膚感受到的冷度,而不一定是實際的氣溫有多低。

So, if it's 10 degrees below zero – 10 degrees below zero Fahrenheit – it's very cold. ||||pod|||||||| |||||sıfırın altında||||||| ||||abaixo|zero||||||| つまり、氷点下10度--華氏零下10度--ならとても寒い。 所以,如果是零下10度 - 零下10度華氏 - 就非常冷。

But if there's also a wind, a strong wind, the wind may make it seem even colder. |||||||forte|||||||pareça|| 但是如果還有風,強風,風會讓人感覺更冷。

It will feel colder. 會感覺更冷。

And so, there is a way of estimating a figuring out what's called a “wind chill” – how cold it feels typically on your skin – when you are out in a cold temperature with the wind blowing. |||||||odhadování||určení||||||||||||||||||||||||||foukání |因此||||||||計算||||||||||||||||||||||||||風吹 ||||||||||||||바람||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||estimar||cálculo||||||||||||||||||||||||||soprando |||||||oceniti|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| そこで、風が吹いている気温の低い屋外にいるときに、一般的に肌で感じる寒さ、いわゆる「風邪」を推定する方法がある。 Итак, есть способ оценить то, что называется «охлаждением ветром» — насколько холодным обычно ощущается ваша кожа — когда вы находитесь на улице при низкой температуре и дует ветер. Отже, існує спосіб оцінити так званий "вітровий озноб" - наскільки холодно зазвичай відчувається на шкірі, коли ви перебуваєте на вулиці при низькій температурі і дме вітер. 因此,有一種方法可以估算所謂的「風寒」——當你在寒冷的天氣中有風吹時,皮膚上通常感受到的寒冷程度。

I end by saying that, “My favorite quote about the weather is from Mark Twain. |||||||citát||||||| |||||||alıntı||||||| 最後我想說,「我最喜歡的有關天氣的名言來自馬克·吐溫。」

” Mark Twain is a famous American author, what we would call a humorist. ||||||||||||幽默作家 ||||||yazar||||||mizahçı ||||famoso||autor||||||humorista 馬克·吐溫是一位著名的美國作家,我們會稱他為幽默作家。

He was a novelist but he was also a very funny man. |||小說家|||||||| |||romancista|||||||| 他是一位小說家,但他也是一個非常有趣的人。

He says, or once said, that “Everybody talks about the weather but no one does anything about it. 他說過或者曾經說過:「每個人都在談論天氣,但沒有人對此採取行動。」

” People talk about the weather but of course, they don't change the weather. 人們談論天氣,但當然,他們無法改變天氣。

That's normally something we can't do. 這通常是我們無法做到的事情。

Now let's listen to this story this time, at a normal speed. 現在讓我們以正常速度來聽這個故事。

[start of story] [故事開始]

I admit that I'm not very good at small talk. |přiznávám|||||||| 我承認我不是很擅長寒暄。

When I'm with friends, I can just shoot the breeze all day long. |||||||잡담하다||잡담||| Arkadaşlarımla birlikteyken tüm gün boyunca havadan sudan konuşabilirim. 當我和朋友在一起時,我可以整天閒聊。

But when I talk to a stranger or someone I don't know very well, I'm always casting about, searching for something to talk about. Aber wenn ich mit einem Fremden oder jemandem, den ich nicht sehr gut kenne, spreche, bin ich immer auf der Suche nach einem Gesprächsthema. Ama bir yabancıyla ya da çok iyi tanımadığım biriyle konuşurken, her zaman konuşacak bir şeyler ararım. 但當我和陌生人或不太熟悉的人說話時,我總是四處尋找話題。

Politics and religion are definitely taboo subjects, at least here in the United States. Siyaset ve din kesinlikle tabu konulardır, en azından burada, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde. 政治和宗教絕對是禁忌話題,至少在美國是這樣。

But you have to chat about something, otherwise there are these uncomfortable silences. 但是你必須聊些什麼,否則就會有這些不自在的沉默。

So we end up talking about - what else? それで結局、他に何がある? 所以我們最終聊的就是——還有什麼呢? - the weather. ——天氣。

This usually begins with something like, "So, nice weather we've been having!" 這通常會以類似這樣的開場白開始:"所以,今天天氣真好!" or "It sure is a warm one out there today. 或者 "今天外面可真熱啊。"

" Of course, we have to comment on the temperature. "當然,我們得評論一下氣溫。"

My favorite is, "It's not the heat that's so bad, it's the humidity!" ||||||||||||vlhkost ||||||||||||nem 我最喜歡的是「不是炎熱讓人難受,而是濕度!」 Actually, I think that's true - I hate it most when it's muggy outside. 其實,我覺得這是真的 - 當外面潮濕時,我最討厭這種感覺。

Back in my home state of Minnesota, everyone is obsessed with the weather report! |||||||||posedlý|||| |||||||||열광하는|||| 在我家鄉明尼蘇達州,每個人都對天氣預報著迷! Every TV station has its own meteorologist with a high-tech radar giving you the 5 day forecast. ||||||기상학자|||||||||| 每個電視台都有自己的氣象學家,配備高科技雷達,提供五天的天氣預報。

They tell you when the temperature is rising or falling, what kind of clouds are moving in, and how cold the wind chill is. 他們告訴你溫度何時上升或下降,正在移動的雲層種類,以及風寒有多冷。

My favorite quote about the weather comes from Mark Twain, who once said, that everybody talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it! Moja najljubša misel o vremenu prihaja od Marka Twaina, ki je nekoč rekel, da vsi govorijo o vremenu, a nihče ne stori ničesar glede tega! 我最喜歡的關於天氣的名言來自馬克·吐溫,他曾經說過,大家都在談論天氣,但沒有人做任何事情來改變它!

[end of story] [konec zgodbe] [кінець історії].