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ESLPod Daily English 1-100, Daily English 8 (2 of 2)

Daily English 8 (2 of 2)

Well, the bagger puts my food into my cart, and I “push my cart to my car.

” My “cart” (cart) sometimes called a shopping cart, is what you use to move or to take your food to your car - what you put your food into when you are shopping.

It's a little like a big box - metal box with wheels on it.

So, it helps you move things, you don't have to carry them yourself.

“I open the trunk and load everything up.

” “To load up” means to put things into, in this case, your car.

So, if someone says, “I'm going to load up my car,” (load) up, they mean they're going to put the things that they need to put into their car.

We often use that verb when we are talking about moving something in your car, or going on a trip.

“Just then my wife calls me on my cell phone.

She was going to be a little late” this evening.

She says she is not going to get home at her normal time, and so she “asks me to make something for dinner.

” This is not a good idea since I am not a good cook, but I, of course, say yes.

“Tonight, I will be the cook” - the person making the food.

Now let's listen to the story, this time at a regular speed.

[Start of story]

It's five o'clock and it's quitting time.

I put a few files into my bag, grab my mug, and say goodnight to the rest of the people in my area.

I go to the parking garage and get into my car.

I signal my turn onto the street and drive toward the freeway onramp.

I merge as best as I can onto the freeway, which is always a bit of a hassle at this hour.

Traffic is stop-and-go all the way from downtown.

I hear on the radio that there's a stalled car in fast lane near La Brea, backing up traffic all the way to Hoover.

I decide to get off the freeway and to take surface streets for the rest of the trip.

I need to make a stop on the way home.

I know that the fridge is empty, so I decide to stop by the market.

I get there and I pick up some French bread, a bag of apples, a few bananas, some pasta, tomato sauce, and a cooked chicken.

Luckily, they have a lot of checkout stands open, and I get through the line pretty quickly.

I thank the cashier and the bagger and push my cart to my car.

I open the trunk and load everything up.

Just then my wife calls me on my cell phone.

She was going to be a little late getting home and asks me to make something for dinner.

Tonight, I will be the cook.

[End of story]

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Daily English 8 (2 of 2) Täglich Englisch 8 (2 von 2) Daily English 8 (2 de 2) Daily English 8 (2 de 2) Inglese quotidiano 8 (2 di 2) デイリーイングリッシュ8(2/2) 데일리 영어 8 (2/2 중 2) Codzienny angielski 8 (2 z 2) Inglês diário 8 (2 de 2) Daily English 8 (2 из 2) Günlük İngilizce 8 (2/2) Щоденна англійська 8 (2 з 2) 日常英语 8 (2 of 2) 日常英語 8 (2 of 2)

Well, the bagger puts my food into my cart, and I “push my cart to my car. 嗯,裝袋的人把我的食物放進我的購物車,我“把我的購物車推到我的車子旁”。

” My “cart” (cart) sometimes called a shopping cart, is what you use to move or to take your food to your car - what you put your food into when you are shopping. ||||||carrinho||||||||||||||||||||||||| 我的“購物車”(cart)有時被稱為購物推車,是你用來移動或把食物帶到車上的工具 - 在你購物時放食物的容器。

It's a little like a big box - metal box with wheels on it. ||||||||||輪子|| 這有點像一個帶輪子的金屬大箱子。

So, it helps you move things, you don't have to carry them yourself. 所以,它可以幫助你移動物品,你不必自己搬運它們。

“I open the trunk and load everything up. |||boot|||| “我打開後車廂,把所有東西都裝進去。

” “To load up” means to put things into, in this case, your car. “裝載”是指放置物品,在這個情況下,是指你的車子。

So, if someone says, “I'm going to load up my car,” (load) up, they mean they're going to put the things that they need to put into their car. 而且,如果有人說:「我要把我的車裝滿」,(裝)滿,他們的意思是他們要把需要放進車裡的東西放進去。

We often use that verb when we are talking about moving something in your car, or going on a trip. 我們經常使用這個動詞來談論在你的車裡移動某樣東西,或者去旅行。

“Just then my wife calls me on my cell phone. 「就在這時,我的妻子給我打了手機。」

She was going to be a little late” this evening. |||||||||noite 她今天晚上要晚到一點。

She says she is not going to get home at her normal time, and so she “asks me to make something for dinner. 她說她不會按正常時間回家,所以她「請我做點晚餐。

” This is not a good idea since I am not a good cook, but I, of course, say yes. ||||||||||||||||||sim 」這不是一個好主意,因為我不是一個好廚師,但我當然答應了。

“Tonight, I will be the cook” - the person making the food. 「今晚,我將是廚師」 - 製作食物的人。

Now let's listen to the story, this time at a regular speed. 現在讓我們以正常速度來聆聽故事。

[Start of story] [故事開始]

It's five o'clock and it's quitting time. 現在是五點鐘,是離開的時候了。

I put a few files into my bag, grab my mug, and say goodnight to the rest of the people in my area. 我把幾個文件放進包裡,拿起我的杯子,並向我周圍的其他人說晚安。

I go to the parking garage and get into my car. 我走到停車場,進入我的車裡。

I signal my turn onto the street and drive toward the freeway onramp. 我打信號轉向街道,開往高速公路匝道。

I merge as best as I can onto the freeway, which is always a bit of a hassle at this hour. |||||||||||||||||sıkıntı||| 我盡力合併進入高速公路,但在這個時候總是有點麻煩。

Traffic is stop-and-go all the way from downtown. 從市中心一路上交通都是走走停停的。

I hear on the radio that there's a stalled car in fast lane near La Brea, backing up traffic all the way to Hoover. 我在廣播中聽到在La Brea附近的快車道上有一輛故障車輛,造成交通堵塞一直延伸到Hoover。

I decide to get off the freeway and to take surface streets for the rest of the trip. 我決定下高速公路,選擇地面道路繼續我的行程。

I need to make a stop on the way home. 我需要在回家的路上停一下。

I know that the fridge is empty, so I decide to stop by the market. 我知道冰箱是空的,所以我決定去市場看看。

I get there and I pick up some French bread, a bag of apples, a few bananas, some pasta, tomato sauce, and a cooked chicken. 我到那裡後,拿了一些法國麵包、一袋蘋果、幾根香蕉、一些意大利麵、番茄醬和一隻熟雞。

Luckily, they have a lot of checkout stands open, and I get through the line pretty quickly. ||||||||||||||隊伍|| 幸運的是,他們有很多結帳台開著,我很快就排好了隊。

I thank the cashier and the bagger and push my cart to my car. 我謝謝收銀員和裝袋員,然後把購物車推到我的車旁。

I open the trunk and load everything up. 我打開行李箱,把所有東西裝進去。

Just then my wife calls me on my cell phone. 就在這時,我的妻子打電話給我。

She was going to be a little late getting home and asks me to make something for dinner. 她會稍微晚一些回家,請我準備一些晚餐。

Tonight, I will be the cook. 今晚,我將擔任廚師。

[End of story] [故事結束]