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Mixer, Dream Job.

Dream Job.

-Tres, United States.

My dream job, absolute best job in the world, would be working for Bill Gates, and being able to give my advice for a price. He asks me what I think about Longhorn, it sucks, redo it, I get a few million. What do I think about the new apple computers, or OS, it's great, we should copy it don't get caught. I get millions. How could you ask for anything more?

-Naomi, Australia.

My dream job would be to work at the United Nations. I would like to work there because I could work in a very multi-cultural environment and I would be allowed to travel a lot and experience many different types of countries and lifestyles.

-Alan, Canada.

Ah, my dream job, well, I would like to be an NHL hockey player, and All-Star in the NHL, getting paid millions of dollars a year, scoring a lot of goals. Having lots of people honor me and look up to me and just be a good hockey player.

-Anita, Taiwan.

What is my dream job? My dream job is to work in the mass-communication company and I think I'm a very creative person, so I would like to do a job, a very creative job so I think a mass-communication company can let me, let me provide those creative thoughts and ideas.

-Jim, England.

My dream job would involve first of all, very, very high salary. I would start work at about 10 am, lunch at 12 for 2 hours, and then work in the afternoon until 4. I think I would spend half the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and then half the year in the Southern Hemisphere, just so I could have summer all year long.

-Kate, New Zealand.

My dream job is have my own business. At the moment, I'm really into snowboarding and so I'd love to have a snowboarding tour company. Every year I'm going snowboarding, and I have a lot of experience in teaching snowboarding, instructing, and also I'm at university now so I'm learning how to run my own business, and accounting, et cetera, so I'd love to be a snowboarding, to own my own snowboarding tour company.

Dream Job. Traumjob. El trabajo soñado. شغل رویایی. Emploi de rêve. 本当にしたいこと。 Emprego de sonho. Работа мечты. Hayalimdeki iş. 梦想的工作

-Tres, United States. - تريس، الولايات المتحدة. -Très, États-Unis. -トレス、アメリカ合衆国。

My dream job, absolute best job in the world, would be working for Bill Gates, and being able to give my advice for a price. |||المطلق|||||||||||بيل غيتس|||||||||| |||kesinlikle||||||||||||||||||||| وظيفة أحلامي، وأفضل وظيفة على الإطلاق في العالم، هي العمل لدى بيل جيتس، والقدرة على تقديم نصيحتي مقابل ثمن. Moje vysněná práce, absolutně nejlepší práce na světě, by byla pracovat pro Billa Gatese a být schopen poradit za cenu. شغل رویایی من، بهترین شغل در جهان، کار کردن برای بیل گیتس است، و اینکه بتوانم در ازای قیمتی به من توصیه کنم. Mon travail de rêve, le meilleur travail absolu au monde, serait de travailler pour Bill Gates et de pouvoir donner mes conseils moyennant un prix. O meu emprego de sonho, o melhor emprego do mundo, seria trabalhar para Bill Gates e poder dar os meus conselhos a troco de um preço. He asks me what I think about Longhorn, it sucks, redo it, I get a few million. |||||||لونغهورن||سيء للغاية|أعد العمل|||||| |||||||||berbat|yeniden yap|||||| يسألني عن رأيي في Longhorn، إنه أمر سيء، أعيده، أحصل على بضعة ملايين. Ptá se mě, co si myslím o Longhornovi, je to na hovno, předělej to, dostanu pár milionů. Il me demande ce que je pense de Longhorn, c'est nul, refais ça, je reçois quelques millions. Он спрашивает меня, что я думаю о Longhorn, это отстой, переделывай, получаю несколько миллионов. Vpraša me, kaj si mislim o Longhornu, je zanič, ponovi, dobim nekaj milijonov. What do I think about the new apple computers, or OS, it's great, we should copy it don't get caught. ما رأيي في أجهزة كمبيوتر Apple الجديدة، أو نظام التشغيل، إنها رائعة، ويجب علينا تقليدها حتى لا يتم القبض علينا. Co si myslím o nových počítačích Apple nebo OS, je to skvělé, měli bychom to zkopírovat, nenechte se chytit. Qu'est-ce que je pense des nouveaux ordinateurs Apple, ou OS, c'est génial, nous devrions le copier pour ne pas nous faire prendre. Что я думаю о новых компьютерах Apple или ОС, это здорово, мы должны скопировать это, чтобы не попасться. I get millions. Dostanu miliony. How could you ask for anything more? ||||||ще більше كيف يمكنك أن تطلب أي شيء أكثر من ذلك؟ Jak byste mohli chtít něco víc? Как ты мог просить о чем-то большем?

-Naomi, Australia.

My dream job would be to work at the United Nations. ||||||||||الأمم المتحدة |||||||||Birleşmiş Milletler|uluslararası kuruluşlar Mým vysněným povoláním by bylo pracovat v OSN. I would like to work there because I could work in a very multi-cultural environment and I would be allowed to travel a lot and experience many different types of countries and lifestyles. |||||||||||||متعدد الثقافات|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||isterdim|olmak|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||permitted||||||||||||| J'aimerais travailler là-bas car je pourrais travailler dans un environnement très multiculturel et je serais autorisé à voyager beaucoup et à découvrir de nombreux types de pays et de modes de vie différents.

-Alan, Canada.

Ah, my dream job, well, I would like to be an NHL hockey player, and All-Star in the NHL, getting paid millions of dollars a year, scoring a lot of goals. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||تسجيل الأهداف|||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||gol atmak|||| Ah, mon travail de rêve, eh bien, j'aimerais être un joueur de hockey de la LNH, et All-Star dans la LNH, être payé des millions de dollars par an, marquer beaucoup de buts. Ах, работа моей мечты, ну, я хотел бы быть хоккеистом НХЛ, участником Матча звезд НХЛ, получать миллионы долларов в год, забивать много голов. Having lots of people honor me and look up to me and just be a good hockey player. ||||respect||||||||||||| ||||يُكرّمونني||||||||||||| Spousta lidí mě ctí a vzhlíží ke mně a buďte prostě dobrý hokejista. Le fait que beaucoup de gens m'honorent, m'admirent et soient juste un bon joueur de hockey.

-Anita, Taiwan.

What is my dream job? My dream job is to work in the mass-communication company and I think I'm a very creative person, so I would like to do a job, a very creative job so I think a mass-communication company can let me, let me provide those creative thoughts and ideas. ||||||||الإعلام الجماهيري|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||أقدّم|||الأفكار الإبداعية|| ||||||||kitle|||||düşünüyorum|||çok|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mon travail de rêve est de travailler dans une entreprise de communication de masse et je pense que je suis une personne très créative, donc j'aimerais faire un travail, un travail très créatif donc je pense qu'une entreprise de communication de masse peut me laisser, me laisser fournir ces pensées et idées créatives. Работа моей мечты - работать в компании средств массовой информации, и я думаю, что я очень творческий человек, поэтому я хотел бы выполнять работу, очень творческую работу, поэтому я думаю, что компания средств массовой информации может позволить мне, позволить мне предоставить эти творческие мысли и идеи.

-Jim, England.

My dream job would involve first of all, very, very high salary. ||||يشمل||||||| ||||içermek||||||| Moje vysněná práce by zahrnovala především velmi, velmi vysoký plat. Mon travail de rêve impliquerait avant tout un salaire très, très élevé. I would start work at about 10 am, lunch at 12 for 2 hours, and then work in the afternoon until 4. I think I would spend half the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and then half the year in the Southern Hemisphere, just so I could have summer all year long. |||||||||||نصف الكرة الأرضية|||||||||||||||||| |||-ardım|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||Northern Hemisphere|||||||||||||||||| Myslím, že bych půl roku strávil na severní polokouli a pak půl roku na jižní polokouli, jen abych mohl mít léto po celý rok. I think I would spend half the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and then half the year in the Southern Hemisphere, just so I could have summer all year long. Je pense que je passerais la moitié de l'année dans l'hémisphère nord, puis la moitié de l'année dans l'hémisphère sud, juste pour pouvoir avoir l'été toute l'année. Я думаю, что провел бы полгода в Северном полушарии, а затем полгода в Южном полушарии, чтобы у меня было лето круглый год.

-Kate, New Zealand.

My dream job is have my own business. At the moment, I'm really into snowboarding and so I'd love to have a snowboarding tour company. ||||||التزلج على الجليد|||||||||جولة تزلج| Momentálně se opravdu věnuji snowboardingu, a tak bych rád měl firmu na snowboarding. En ce moment, je suis vraiment passionné de snowboard et j'aimerais donc avoir une agence de snowboard. Every year I'm going snowboarding, and I have a lot of experience in teaching snowboarding, instructing, and also I'm at university now so I'm learning how to run my own business, and accounting, et cetera, so I'd love to be a snowboarding, to own my own snowboarding tour company. |||||||||||||||التدريب على التزلج|||||||||||||||||المحاسبة||وما إلى ذلك|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||öğretme|||||||||||||||||muhasebe||ve benzeri şeyler|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||financial record-keeping|||||||||||||||| Chaque année, je vais faire du snowboard, et j'ai beaucoup d'expérience dans l'enseignement du snowboard, l'instruction, et je suis aussi à l'université maintenant, donc j'apprends à gérer ma propre entreprise, et la comptabilité, et cetera, donc je ' J'adore faire du snowboard, posséder ma propre agence de snowboard.