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01.Speaking, 54.Slow Travel

54.Slow Travel

Dan talks about slow travel and why he likes to live in one place for at least a few months.

Todd: So Dan we're talking about your travels and living overseas, and you have a concept you call slow travel. Can you explain what slow travel is?

Dan: Yeah, I mean especially maybe because I'm a blogger, we're always seeking to define things in unique ways. And there's a lot of terms out there. There's expat; people that have left their native country. There's backpacker, which is someone who tries to keep their cost very low and they're continually moving from place to place. There's flash packer, which is a term that means you still have income from somewhere and you have more tech and toys, and you stay at maybe nicer hotels.

But what I did was always a little bit different, which is I would go and get long term leases or medium term leases at apartments. So I would go and get a house or an apartment in a place for anywhere from one to six months, and enjoy what it feels like to actually live somewhere. And that to me is so exciting, you know. Although the sights and everything are cool, and hanging out with tourists can be fun, I much prefer to go down to the local café, open up my laptop, talk to the people that are working there, and really get a sense for what it's like to live in a city.

And over the course of my career what that's looked like is you really develop a deep connection with the places that you live in. You might hire people there. You have really good friends there. One of the downsides of being a tourist is that you never really can develop friendships. And so what I found is that I go back to revisit a lot of the places that I once lived because I have lifelong friendships there.

So that to me has really been the benefit of slow travel and I have a theory about friendship. I think, you know, really you can't go to place for just one month. People won't invest their time in you. So if at least you're going to stay in a place for three to four months, I think that's sort of the turning point with a lot of people and they'll say, “Hey, yeah, you know what, let's go try to be friends. Let's go out and do something together.”

Todd: So Dan, you're talking about slow travel and you're saying that basically you go and just live in a place. And I think a lot of people would be really hesitant to do that. I mean, that sounds exciting but it's like a really big step. How would you convince somebody to do this type of lifestyle?

Dan: Well, the first thing is to get connected on the blogosphere with a lot of other people who are doing it because I think that once you see other people doing it, the mystery comes away and you realize hey, this is something that I could do. This is achievable for me. So I call that like a precedent case analysis. If you can see some other guys doing it and you can relate with them, not such a big deal anymore.

The next thing is like I always try to go somewhere where I have a project. I think it's a great way to really get engaged because it's so easy just to go to a place, get a short term apartment, and then go to Starbucks, and then that could just be your life. Whereas, you know, when we came here to Bali, we decided that we're going to set up a house and we're going to invite interns over. And we're going to meet entrepreneurs from all around the world and that's why we're going to Bali because Bali is the place that everybody wants to go. If you mention Bali to somebody, they're like, “I would love to go to Bali someday.” And that's great for meeting people so that's why we came here.

My last location in the Philippines, I went there with a project to hire people because I knew it was a great place to hire people. A place before that in Vietnam, I decided that I wanted to do investments in Vietnam. It's a great place to put capital. Of course, that was before the financial crisis so that didn't work out for so long. But I find it the idea of having a project gets you engaged.

For me as a business person, I've never gone somewhere and not hire somebody there. And that act in and of itself helps me to get engaged. Now, if you're not a business person, a lot of people would come to a place like Bali and say, “I'm going to learn how to surf or I'm going to learn how to cook local Indonesian food or I'm going to learn the language.” Those kinds of projects I think are really useful for the slow travel concept. And they're a unique opportunity because if you're a tourist, you don't have time to set up a business or to learn the language and that's the unique opportunity for the slow traveler.

Todd: I'm sold.

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54.Slow Travel 54. langsames Reisen 54. Viajes lentos 54.スロートラベル 54.Slow Travel 54. viagens lentas 54.Медленное путешествие 54.Yavaş Seyahat 54.Повільна подорож 54.慢行 54.慢行

Dan talks about slow travel and why he likes to live in one place for at least a few months. Ден розповідає про повільні подорожі та про те, чому він любить жити на одному місці принаймні кілька місяців.

Todd: So Dan we're talking about your travels and living overseas, and you have a concept you call slow travel. Todd: Dan, rozmawiamy o twoich podróżach i życiu za granicą, a ty masz koncepcję, którą nazywasz slow travel. Can you explain what slow travel is?

Dan: Yeah, I mean especially maybe because I'm a blogger, we're always seeking to define things in unique ways. |||||||||ブロガー|||探している||定義する|||| Dan: Tak, szczególnie dlatego, że jestem blogerem, zawsze staramy się definiować rzeczy w wyjątkowy sposób. And there's a lot of terms out there. Istnieje wiele różnych terminów. There's expat; people that have left their native country. |Expats||||||| |外国人居住者||||||| Są ekspaci; ludzie, którzy opuścili swój ojczysty kraj. There's backpacker, which is someone who tries to keep their cost very low and they're continually moving from place to place. |Rucksackreisender||||||||||||||ständig||||| |||||||||||||||継続的に||||| There's flash packer, which is a term that means you still have income from somewhere and you have more tech and toys, and you stay at maybe nicer hotels. |Flashpacker||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |フラッシュ||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Jest też flash packer, co jest terminem, który oznacza, że nadal masz skądś dochód, masz więcej technologii i zabawek oraz zatrzymujesz się w być może ładniejszych hotelach. Є флеш-пакер, який означає, що ви все ще маєте звідкись дохід, у вас є більше техніки та іграшок, і ви зупиняєтеся в, можливо, кращих готелях.

But what I did was always a little bit different, which is I would go and get long term leases or medium term leases at apartments. |||||||||||||||||||||mittelfristige||Mietverträge|| |||||||||||||||||||リース|||||| Ale to, co robiłem, było zawsze trochę inne, a mianowicie chodziłem po długoterminowe lub średnioterminowe umowy najmu w mieszkaniach. So I would go and get a house or an apartment in a place for anywhere from one to six months, and enjoy what it feels like to actually live somewhere. Więc pojechałbym i kupił dom lub mieszkanie w jakimś miejscu na okres od jednego do sześciu miesięcy i cieszył się tym, jak to jest faktycznie gdzieś mieszkać. And that to me is so exciting, you know. I to jest dla mnie bardzo ekscytujące. Although the sights and everything are cool, and hanging out with tourists can be fun, I much prefer to go down to the local café, open up my laptop, talk to the people that are working there, and really get a sense for what it's like to live in a city. ||Sehenswürdigkeiten|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Chociaż zabytki i wszystko inne jest fajne, a spędzanie czasu z turystami może być zabawne, zdecydowanie wolę zejść do lokalnej kawiarni, otworzyć laptopa, porozmawiać z ludźmi, którzy tam pracują i naprawdę poczuć, jak to jest żyć w mieście.

And over the course of my career what that's looked like is you really develop a deep connection with the places that you live in. W trakcie mojej kariery wyglądało to tak, że naprawdę rozwijałem głęboką więź z miejscami, w których mieszkam. You might hire people there. Du|||| Można tam zatrudniać ludzi. You have really good friends there. One of the downsides of being a tourist is that you never really can develop friendships. And so what I found is that I go back to revisit a lot of the places that I once lived because I have lifelong friendships there. |||||||||||再訪する||||||||||||||| Odkryłem więc, że wracam do wielu miejsc, w których kiedyś mieszkałem, ponieważ mam tam przyjaźnie na całe życie.

So that to me has really been the benefit of slow travel and I have a theory about friendship. Więc dla mnie to naprawdę była zaleta powolnego podróżowania i mam teorię na temat przyjaźni. I think, you know, really you can't go to place for just one month. Myślę, że naprawdę nie można pojechać tam tylko na miesiąc. People won't invest their time in you. So if at least you're going to stay in a place for three to four months, I think that's sort of the turning point with a lot of people and they'll say, “Hey, yeah, you know what, let's go try to be friends. Let's go out and do something together.” Wyjdźmy i zróbmy coś razem".

Todd: So Dan, you're talking about slow travel and you're saying that basically you go and just live in a place. Todd: Dan, mówisz o powolnym podróżowaniu i mówisz, że w zasadzie jedziesz i po prostu mieszkasz w danym miejscu. And I think a lot of people would be really hesitant to do that. I mean, that sounds exciting but it's like a really big step. Brzmi to ekscytująco, ale to naprawdę duży krok. How would you convince somebody to do this type of lifestyle? Jak przekonać kogoś do takiego stylu życia? Як би ви переконали когось вести такий спосіб життя?

Dan: Well, the first thing is to get connected on the blogosphere with a lot of other people who are doing it because I think that once you see other people doing it, the mystery comes away and you realize hey, this is something that I could do. |||||||||||ブログ界|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Dan: Cóż, pierwszą rzeczą jest nawiązanie kontaktu w blogosferze z wieloma innymi ludźmi, którzy to robią, ponieważ myślę, że kiedy zobaczysz, jak inni to robią, tajemnica znika i zdajesz sobie sprawę, że hej, to jest coś, co mógłbym zrobić. Ден: Ну, перше, це зв’язатися в блогосфері з багатьма іншими людьми, які це роблять, тому що я думаю, що коли ти бачиш, як інші люди це роблять, таємниця зникає, і ти розумієш, ей, це те, що я міг зробити. This is achievable for me. ||erreichbar|| Jest to dla mnie osiągalne. So I call that like a precedent case analysis. ||||||Präzedenzfall|Fall| Nazywam to więc analizą precedensowego przypadku. If you can see some other guys doing it and you can relate with them, not such a big deal anymore. ||||||||||||identifizieren|||||||| Jeśli widzisz innych facetów, którzy to robią i możesz się z nimi utożsamić, nie jest to już taki wielki problem.

The next thing is like I always try to go somewhere where I have a project. I think it's a great way to really get engaged because it's so easy just to go to a place, get a short term apartment, and then go to Starbucks, and then that could just be your life. |||||||||engagiert|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Whereas, you know, when we came here to Bali, we decided that we're going to set up a house and we're going to invite interns over. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Praktikanten| Тоді як, ви знаєте, коли ми приїхали сюди, на Балі, ми вирішили, що збираємося створити будинок і запросимо сюди стажерів. And we're going to meet entrepreneurs from all around the world and that's why we're going to Bali because Bali is the place that everybody wants to go. |||||Unternehmer|||||||||||||||||||||| If you mention Bali to somebody, they're like, “I would love to go to Bali someday.” And that's great for meeting people so that's why we came here.

My last location in the Philippines, I went there with a project to hire people because I knew it was a great place to hire people. A place before that in Vietnam, I decided that I wanted to do investments in Vietnam. It's a great place to put capital. Of course, that was before the financial crisis so that didn't work out for so long. But I find it the idea of having a project gets you engaged.

For me as a business person, I've never gone somewhere and not hire somebody there. Для мене, як для ділової людини, я ніколи не поїхав кудись і не найняв там когось. And that act in and of itself helps me to get engaged. І цей вчинок сам по собі допомагає мені заручитися. Now, if you're not a business person, a lot of people would come to a place like Bali and say, “I'm going to learn how to surf or I'm going to learn how to cook local Indonesian food or I'm going to learn the language.” Those kinds of projects I think are really useful for the slow travel concept. And they're a unique opportunity because if you're a tourist, you don't have time to set up a business or to learn the language and that's the unique opportunity for the slow traveler.

Todd: I'm sold. |Ich bin| Todd: Ich bin begeistert. 托德:我被賣了。