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01.Speaking, 56.Rodeo Rider

56.Rodeo Rider

Sarah talks about rodeos and what it was like being in one as a woman.

John: So Sarah, I was wondering, what kind of sports do you like to play?

Sarah: Well, I love riding horses. And actually, when I was in college, I took a lot of classes about horseback riding. So I can do all sorts of sports on horseback.

John: Wow! That's amazing. Don't you think riding horses is scary?

Sarah: I think, it's part of the fun. For example, I used to be in the rodeo and I did a sport called saddle bronc riding. And the way you do this is they put the saddle on the horse and then they let the horse just go crazy. And the horse runs, and bucks, and tries to get you off, and you try to stay on.

And it's really scary but it's also really exciting.

John: Wow! That's what's called a bucking bronco, right?

Sarah: Yeah. And it's really hard to stay on. In fact, you win if you can stay on 8 seconds.

John: Oh, that doesn't seem very long.

Sarah: It's really, really long. When I was – it's really long when you're on the horse. My first time, I only stayed on about 4 seconds and then I fell off in the middle of ring and I got knocked out.

John: Whoa!

Sarah: Yeah. And the rest – yeah, and I had a big black eye for about two months.

John: Wow! From falling off a horse. That's why it seems scary. Isn't it really dangerous?

Sarah: It is. It is really dangerous. And they don't make you wear helmet or any safety gear. I didn't wear a helmet my first time. I think it was pretty stupid.

You start – so the horse starts in a metal cage. So the horse can't move. And then you sit on top of the horse, on the horse's back in the saddle. And then you say, I'm ready and they open the door. And the horse explodes and just starts jumping, and turning and twisting. And the horse did about three or four jumps and I fell off.

John: Wow! How many seconds did you make it?

Sarah: Three.

John: Three?

Sarah: Probably about 3 seconds.

John: So you would have to do that more than twice as long to win.

Sarah: Yeah. I got better at it, but I never could stay on for 8 seconds.

John: Did you try any other rodeo events?

Sarah: Yeah. I tried to do calf roping.

John: What's that?

Sarah: This is a sport where you have your horse and your horse is trained. It's not the wild horse from before. And there's a calf, and you try to throw your rope so that you catch the calf. And a calf is a baby cow.

John: Wow! And so, what do you have to do if you get your rope around the cow?

Sarah: Then you have to run up to the cow and you have to tie the cow's legs together. And when you finish tying the cow's legs together, the timer stops. So you want to do it as fast as you can.

John: That sounds really fun. And it doesn't sound as dangerous as the saddle bronc competition.

Sarah: No. It's not as dangerous. But after a while, I started to feel bad for the baby cow.

John: I see.

Sarah: It's just he's a small little baby and he's really scared, and he's trying to run away. And I started to feel bad about catching him with the rope and tying him up. So I stopped doing it.

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56.Rodeo Rider 56.Rodeo-Reiter 56.Jinete de Rodeo 56.ロデオライダー 56. cavaleiro de rodeio 56.Наездник родео 56.Rodeo Binicisi 56\. Родео Вершник 56. 牛仔竞技骑手

Sarah talks about rodeos and what it was like being in one as a woman. Сара розповідає про родео і про те, як це бути на ньому жінкою.

John: So Sarah, I was wondering, what kind of sports do you like to play? Джон: Саро, мені цікаво, яким видом спорту ти любиш займатися?

Sarah: Well, I love riding horses. And actually, when I was in college, I took a lot of classes about horseback riding. So I can do all sorts of sports on horseback.

John: Wow! That's amazing. Don't you think riding horses is scary?

Sarah: I think, it's part of the fun. For example, I used to be in the rodeo and I did a sport called saddle bronc riding. Por exemplo, eu costumava participar no rodeo e praticava um desporto chamado "saddle bronc riding". Наприклад, колись я брав участь у родео і займався спортом, який називався верхова їзда на сідлі. And the way you do this is they put the saddle on the horse and then they let the horse just go crazy. ||||||||||Sattel|||||||||||| And the horse runs, and bucks, and tries to get you off, and you try to stay on. Und(1)|||||schmeißt|||||||||||| E o cavalo corre, dá cambalhotas, e tenta tirar-nos de cima, e nós tentamos ficar em cima. І кінь біжить, і буксує, і намагається вас злізти, а ви намагаєтеся втриматися.

And it's really scary but it's also really exciting. E é realmente assustador, mas também é muito emocionante.

John: Wow! That's what's called a bucking bronco, right? |||||Bockpferd| Isso é o que se chama um "bucking bronco", certo? Це те, що називається байдик, чи не так?

Sarah: Yeah. And it's really hard to stay on. In fact, you win if you can stay on 8 seconds.

John: Oh, that doesn't seem very long.

Sarah: It's really, really long. When I was – it's really long when you're on the horse. My first time, I only stayed on about 4 seconds and then I fell off in the middle of ring and I got knocked out. Na minha primeira vez, só fiquei cerca de 4 segundos e depois caí a meio do ringue e fiquei inconsciente. Першого разу я протримався лише 4 секунди, а потім впав посеред рингу і опинився в нокауті.

John: Whoa!

Sarah: Yeah. And the rest – yeah, and I had a big black eye for about two months. E o resto - sim, e fiquei com um grande olho negro durante cerca de dois meses. А решта - так, і у мене був великий синець під оком близько двох місяців.

John: Wow! From falling off a horse. De cair de um cavalo. That's why it seems scary. Isn't it really dangerous?

Sarah: It is. It is really dangerous. And they don't make you wear helmet or any safety gear. ||||||||||Ausrüstung E não nos obrigam a usar capacete ou qualquer outro equipamento de segurança. I didn't wear a helmet my first time. I think it was pretty stupid.

You start – so the horse starts in a metal cage. Começa-se - então o cavalo começa numa gaiola de metal. So the horse can't move. And then you sit on top of the horse, on the horse's back in the saddle. And then you say, I'm ready and they open the door. And the horse explodes and just starts jumping, and turning and twisting. E o cavalo explode e começa a saltar, a virar-se e a torcer-se. And the horse did about three or four jumps and I fell off.

John: Wow! How many seconds did you make it?

Sarah: Three.

John: Three?

Sarah: Probably about 3 seconds.

John: So you would have to do that more than twice as long to win. Джон: Отже, щоб перемогти, вам доведеться робити це більш ніж удвічі довше.

Sarah: Yeah. I got better at it, but I never could stay on for 8 seconds. У мене виходило краще, але я ніколи не міг протриматися більше 8 секунд.

John: Did you try any other rodeo events? Джон: Чи пробували ви відвідувати інші родео-івенти?

Sarah: Yeah. I tried to do calf roping. ||||Kalb roping| Tentei fazer o "calf roping". Я пробував займатися телячим роупінгом.

John: What's that? Джон: Що це?

Sarah: This is a sport where you have your horse and your horse is trained. Сара: Це вид спорту, де у вас є кінь, і його тренують. It's not the wild horse from before. Це вже не той дикий кінь, що був раніше. And there's a calf, and you try to throw your rope so that you catch the calf. ||||||||||Seil|||||| А там теля, і ти намагаєшся кинути мотузку так, щоб зловити теля. And a calf is a baby cow.

John: Wow! And so, what do you have to do if you get your rope around the cow?

Sarah: Then you have to run up to the cow and you have to tie the cow's legs together. Sara: Depois tens de correr até à vaca e tens de atar as pernas da vaca. And when you finish tying the cow's legs together, the timer stops. So you want to do it as fast as you can.

John: That sounds really fun. And it doesn't sound as dangerous as the saddle bronc competition.

Sarah: No. It's not as dangerous. But after a while, I started to feel bad for the baby cow. Mas, passado algum tempo, comecei a sentir-me mal pela vaca bebé. Але через деякий час мені стало шкода корівку.

John: I see.

Sarah: It's just he's a small little baby and he's really scared, and he's trying to run away. Сара: Просто він ще маленький, йому дуже страшно, і він намагається втекти. And I started to feel bad about catching him with the rope and tying him up. І я почав відчувати себе погано через те, що спіймав його мотузкою і зв'язав. So I stopped doing it.