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01.Speaking, 57.Freaks and Animals

57.Freaks and Animals

Julia and Todd discuss names for people with certain habits or lifestyles.

Todd: So, Julia, let's talk about types of people.

Julia: OK.

Todd: Right, first one, are you a fitness freak?

Julia: A fitness freak? I'm fairly fit but I'm not a freak. No, I'm not a fitness freak, no.

Todd: So you exercise but it's not like you do it all the time?

Julia: No, and I do some unhealthy stuff as well. I like to drink and I'm a former smoker and yes, no I'm not a fitness freak.

Todd: Right. I think a fitness freak is like somebody who does it, who exercises compulsively.

Julia: I indulge in bad stuff too so no I'm not a fitness freak.

Todd: OK, so that leads us to the next question. Are you a party animal?

Julia: Not any more. I'm too old now.

Todd: When you were younger, you were a party animal?

Julia: I think, yeah, that was probably the type that I most fitted into.

Todd: Nice. I was never a party animal.

Julia: No?

Todd: No, I've always been pretty tame. I've always been pretty tame.

Julia: Yes, I was pretty wild when I was younger.

Todd: Really?

Julia: Yeah.

Todd: So you used to drink, smoke, stay up late?

Julia: Yeah. All that and more, yeah.

Todd: Come home in the wee hours of the morning?

Julia: Oh, yeah.

Todd: Oh, nice, that's cool. OK, next one would be do you know anybody in your family who's a couch potato?

Julia: Couch potato?

Todd: Because I know that you're not a couch potato.

Julia: I'm not a couch potato, no. My brother sometimes demonstrates couch potato traits.

Todd: Yeah.

Julia: He likes to play video games and stuff like that and he'll spend a lot of time watching movies and so he does spend a lot of time sedentary compared to me. He makes me look like a fitness freak, I guess, because he doesn't do so much exercise.

Todd: Right. And so for people listening a couch potato is somebody who watches a lot of TV and sits on the couch.

Julia: Spends a lot of time on the couch, yeah.

Todd: Well, how about the similar personality trait of the bookworm? Are you a bookworm?

Julia: A bookworm? No, but I think my husband's probably a bookworm.

Todd: Yeah?

Julia: He spends a lot of time reading books. He reads very fast so he gets through a lot of books.

Todd: He's a speed reader?

Julia: Yeah, he's a very fast reader and he has to read. He has to have a book with him all the time. He cannot, a waiting room or on a train or any situation where you've just got to sit around, he cannot do it if he doesn't have a book.

Todd: Yeah. You know I live alone and that's a terrible trait that I have. I cannot sit and eat and just eat without something to occupy my attention. I have to read or I have to be like watching something on the computer and if I go to a waiting room or anything like that or I'm on a plane I'm the same. I have to have something to read. It drives me nuts.

Julia: You see I can't read on transport because I get sick. It makes me sick, it makes me nauseous.

Todd: Like motion sickness?

Julia: Yeah. So I don't have a habit of reading on a train. A bus or a car, oh my God no, I can't read. No way but my husband reads everywhere all the time.

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57.Freaks and Animals 57. freaks und tiere 57.Fenómenos y animales 57.フリークス&アニマル 57.Чудаки и животные 57.Ucubeler ve Hayvanlar 57.怪胎與動物

Julia and Todd discuss names for people with certain habits or lifestyles. Джулія і Тодд обговорюють імена для людей з певними звичками чи стилем життя.

Todd: So, Julia, let's talk about types of people. Тодд: Отже, Джуліє, давай поговоримо про типи людей.

Julia: OK.

Todd: Right, first one, are you a fitness freak? Тодд: Гаразд, перше питання: ти захоплюєшся фітнесом?

Julia: A fitness freak? I'm fairly fit but I'm not a freak. Я досить здоровий, але не фрік. No, I'm not a fitness freak, no. Ні, я не фітнес-фрік, ні.

Todd: So you exercise but it's not like you do it all the time?

Julia: No, and I do some unhealthy stuff as well. Юлія: Ні, і я також роблю деякі нездорові речі. I like to drink and I'm a former smoker and yes, no I'm not a fitness freak. Я люблю випити, я колишній курець, і так, ні, я не фітнес-фрік.

Todd: Right. I think a fitness freak is like somebody who does it, who exercises compulsively. |||||||||||||zwanghaft Я думаю, що фітнес-фрік - це той, хто займається цим, хто тренується нав'язливо.

Julia: I indulge in bad stuff too so no I'm not a fitness freak. ||vergnüge mich||||||||||| Юлія: Я теж дозволяю собі шкідливі речі, так що ні, я не фітнес-фрік.

Todd: OK, so that leads us to the next question. Are you a party animal? Ви любитель вечірок?

Julia: Not any more. Юлія: Вже ні. I'm too old now. Я вже надто старий.

Todd: When you were younger, you were a party animal? Тодд: Коли ти був молодшим, ти був тусовщиком?

Julia: I think, yeah, that was probably the type that I most fitted into.

Todd: Nice. I was never a party animal.

Julia: No?

Todd: No, I've always been pretty tame. ||||||zahm Тодд: Ні, я завжди був досить ручним. I've always been pretty tame. Я завжди був досить ручним.

Julia: Yes, I was pretty wild when I was younger.

Todd: Really?

Julia: Yeah.

Todd: So you used to drink, smoke, stay up late? Тож ти пив, курив, засиджувався допізна?

Julia: Yeah. All that and more, yeah.

Todd: Come home in the wee hours of the morning? Тодд: Повертаєшся додому рано-вранці?

Julia: Oh, yeah.

Todd: Oh, nice, that's cool. OK, next one would be do you know anybody in your family who's a couch potato? Гаразд, наступне питання: чи знаєте ви когось у своїй родині, хто сидить на дивані?

Julia: Couch potato?

Todd: Because I know that you're not a couch potato.

Julia: I'm not a couch potato, no. My brother sometimes demonstrates couch potato traits. ||||||Verhaltensweisen Мій брат іноді демонструє риси "диванної картоплі".

Todd: Yeah.

Julia: He likes to play video games and stuff like that and he'll spend a lot of time watching movies and so he does spend a lot of time sedentary compared to me. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sitzend||| Юлія: Він любить грати у відеоігри та інші подібні речі, і він проводить багато часу за переглядом фільмів, тому він проводить багато часу сидячи, порівняно зі мною. He makes me look like a fitness freak, I guess, because he doesn't do so much exercise.

Todd: Right. And so for people listening a couch potato is somebody who watches a lot of TV and sits on the couch.

Julia: Spends a lot of time on the couch, yeah. Юлія: Проводить багато часу на дивані, так.

Todd: Well, how about the similar personality trait of the bookworm? |||||||Eigenschaft||| Тодд: А як щодо схожої риси характеру книжкового хробака? Are you a bookworm?

Julia: A bookworm? No, but I think my husband's probably a bookworm.

Todd: Yeah?

Julia: He spends a lot of time reading books. He reads very fast so he gets through a lot of books. Він читає дуже швидко, тому встигає прочитати багато книжок.

Todd: He's a speed reader? Він швидко читає?

Julia: Yeah, he's a very fast reader and he has to read. He has to have a book with him all the time. Він повинен постійно мати при собі книгу. He cannot, a waiting room or on a train or any situation where you've just got to sit around, he cannot do it if he doesn't have a book. Він не може, в залі очікування або в поїзді, або в будь-якій ситуації, де потрібно просто сидіти, він не може цього зробити, якщо у нього немає книжки.

Todd: Yeah. You know I live alone and that's a terrible trait that I have. Ви знаєте, що я живу один, і це моя жахлива риса. I cannot sit and eat and just eat without something to occupy my attention. Я не можу сидіти і їсти, просто їсти, не відволікаючись на щось, що могло б зайняти мою увагу. I have to read or I have to be like watching something on the computer and if I go to a waiting room or anything like that or I'm on a plane I'm the same. Я мушу читати або дивитися щось на комп'ютері, і якщо я йду в зал очікування або щось подібне, або я в літаку, я такий самий. I have to have something to read. Я повинен мати щось почитати. It drives me nuts. Isso dá comigo em doido. Це зводить мене з розуму.

Julia: You see I can't read on transport because I get sick. Юлія: Розумієте, я не можу читати в транспорті, бо мене нудить. It makes me sick, it makes me nauseous. Мене від цього нудить, мене нудить.

Todd: Like motion sickness? Тодд: Як морська хвороба?

Julia: Yeah. Так. So I don't have a habit of reading on a train. Тому я не маю звички читати в поїзді. A bus or a car, oh my God no, I can't read. Автобус чи машина, о Боже, ні, я не вмію читати. No way but my husband reads everywhere all the time. Ні в якому разі, але мій чоловік читає скрізь і постійно.