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01.Speaking, 58.Hotel for Her

58.Hotel for Her

Erina talks with Mike about what she likes and dislikes in a hotel on vacation.

Mike: So we're talking about ideal hotels. What do you think is an ideal hotel for you?

Erina: That's a tough question but when I choose a hotel I would look at where the hotel's located.

Mike: Right.

Erina: And also the food. So as long as the hotel is surrounded by nature, you know, preferably on the water.

Mike: OK.

Erina: And maybe some mountains in the back and if the food, the breakfast and dinner and all the food that they have is amazing, I'm good, I'm set.

Mike: Now what about facilities? I mean, you know, hotels have various facilities whether it's gyms or movie rooms or computer rooms that allow you to do, you know, internet and various things. You know some hotels have pools. Would those be things that you would want in your ideal hotel?

Erina: Oh, yeah. Gym, I'm not so interested in because I can, you know, play sports outside when I'm surrounded by nature. Why would I be, you know, inside working out?

Mike: Right.

Erina: But in terms of swimming pool, I'm actually interested because when I was looking at pictures, I don't know which country it was, but there's an outdoor pool, infinity pool, that looked like it was connected to the ocean.

Mike: Oh, wow.

Erina: And it was just so beautiful and, you know, before I thought why would I swim in the swimming pool when I have an ocean in front of me but, you know, if there is a swimming pool like that at the hotel, I would definitely stay there for a long time.

Mike: Right. Now what about spa facilities? You know, massages and different spa treatments. Is that something that would interest you in your ideal hotel?

Erina: Oh, yes, yes, for sure. I'm so into massages and yeah, I would definitely want massage room and spas in the hotel. That would be perfect.

Mike: OK. And, you know, there are some really expensive hotels that offer the service of a personal butler. Do you think that would be necessary for you in your ideal hotel or would that be one amenity that you could do without?

Erina: I think it depends but I don't really, when I'm staying at the hotel I would usually, you know, want to be alone and want to enjoy my time with my family or my, you know, my husband or myself that I actually don't want anyone following me everywhere I go. So, you know, to a lot of people it might be that's a good idea, you know, it's a nice treat to have but I am personally not up for that.

Mike: OK, well it sounds like a pretty nice hotel you've just described.

58.Hotel for Her 58.Hotel für Sie 58.Hotel para Ella 58.ホテル・フォー・ハー 58.Hotel dla niej 58.Hotel para ela 58.Отель для нее 58.Onun için Otel 58.Готель для неї 58. 為她準備的旅館

Erina talks with Mike about what she likes and dislikes in a hotel on vacation.

Mike: So we're talking about ideal hotels. What do you think is an ideal hotel for you?

Erina: That's a tough question but when I choose a hotel I would look at where the hotel's located.

Mike: Right.

Erina: And also the food. So as long as the hotel is surrounded by nature, you know, preferably on the water. Тому, якщо готель знаходиться в оточенні природи, то бажано, щоб він був на воді.

Mike: OK.

Erina: And maybe some mountains in the back and if the food, the breakfast and dinner and all the food that they have is amazing, I'm good, I'm set. Erina: Und vielleicht ein paar Berge im Hintergrund, und wenn das Essen, das Frühstück und das Abendessen und das ganze Essen, das es dort gibt, fantastisch ist, dann bin ich bereit. Еріна: І, можливо, якісь гори на задньому плані, і якщо їжа, сніданок і вечеря, і вся їжа, яку вони пропонують, дивовижна, то я в порядку, я налаштована.

Mike: Now what about facilities? Майк: А що тепер із зручностями? I mean, you know, hotels have various facilities whether it's gyms or movie rooms or computer rooms that allow you to do, you know, internet and various things. Я маю на увазі, ви знаєте, що в готелях є різні зручності, чи то спортзали, чи кінозали, чи комп’ютерні зали, які дозволяють вам робити, знаєте, Інтернет і багато іншого. You know some hotels have pools. Would those be things that you would want in your ideal hotel?

Erina: Oh, yeah. Gym, I'm not so interested in because I can, you know, play sports outside when I'm surrounded by nature. Тренажерний зал мене не дуже цікавить, тому що я можу, знаєте, займатися спортом на вулиці, коли я оточений природою. Why would I be, you know, inside working out? Навіщо мені, знаєте, тренуватися всередині?

Mike: Right.

Erina: But in terms of swimming pool, I'm actually interested because when I was looking at pictures, I don't know which country it was, but there's an outdoor pool, infinity pool, that looked like it was connected to the ocean. Еріна: Що стосується басейну, то я насправді зацікавлена, тому що коли я дивилася на фотографії, я не знаю, яка це країна, але там є відкритий басейн, пейзажний басейн, який виглядав так, ніби він був з’єднаний з океаном. .

Mike: Oh, wow.

Erina: And it was just so beautiful and, you know, before I thought why would I swim in the swimming pool when I have an ocean in front of me but, you know, if there is a swimming pool like that at the hotel, I would definitely stay there for a long time.

Mike: Right. Now what about spa facilities? You know, massages and different spa treatments. Is that something that would interest you in your ideal hotel?

Erina: Oh, yes, yes, for sure. I'm so into massages and yeah, I would definitely want massage room and spas in the hotel. That would be perfect.

Mike: OK. And, you know, there are some really expensive hotels that offer the service of a personal butler. І, знаєте, є дуже дорогі готелі, які пропонують послуги особистого дворецького. Do you think that would be necessary for you in your ideal hotel or would that be one amenity that you could do without? Як ви вважаєте, це було б обов'язково для вас у вашому ідеальному готелі, чи це одна з зручностей, без якої ви могли б обійтися?

Erina: I think it depends but I don't really, when I'm staying at the hotel I would usually, you know, want to be alone and want to enjoy my time with my family or my, you know, my husband or myself that I actually don't want anyone following me everywhere I go. Еріна: Я думаю, що це залежить, але насправді, коли я зупиняюся в готелі, я зазвичай хочу побути на самоті і насолодитися часом з сім'єю, чоловіком або собою, тому я не хочу, щоб хтось слідував за мною всюди, куди б я не пішла. So, you know, to a lot of people it might be that's a good idea, you know, it's a nice treat to have but I am personally not up for that. Тож, знаєте, для багатьох людей це може бути гарною ідеєю, знаєте, приємним задоволенням, але особисто я не готовий до цього.

Mike: OK, well it sounds like a pretty nice hotel you've just described. Майк: Гаразд, схоже, це дуже гарний готель, який ви щойно описали.