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01.Speaking, 60.Players, Pupils, and Prisoners

60.Players, Pupils, and Prisoners

Todd shares with Julia how he labels different types of students based on motivation.

Todd: So Julia, you are a teacher.

Julia: That's right.

Todd: So I'm going to run a theory by you.

Julia: Okay.

Todd. So we were talking about learner types earlier and I actually think I have my own little diagram for motivational types.

Julia: Motivation types, okay, that's interesting because I need a handle on motivation.

Todd: So basically I think there's four types of students. I always get four types of students. They're either a player.

Julia: A player.

Todd: A pupil, a participant, or a prisoner.

Julia: A prisoner, a player, a pupil, a participant or a prisoner, okay.

Todd: Yeah, easy to remember, all P's.

Julia: All P's, yeah, good system.

Todd: Okay. So a player is a student who loves a subject matter, they study it on their own, even if there wasn't class they would still study it.

Julia: Okay. Like a natural in a subject maybe?

Todd: It could be natural or like, you know, because we teach English, it would be like a student that loves English, learns English on their own, maybe went and studied overseas. And they're always improving and they kind of take class just to reinforce what they're already learning. But they actually don't like class usually. Often they don't like homework, they don't like tests, they don't like things that really judge their ability. They just want to keep learning and just being around the subject, that's why they're a player, they just want to play. And it would be like if you played a sport, it would be like an athlete who doesn't really want to practice, he just wants to play.

Julia: So for the fun of it?

Todd: Yeah.

Julia: Someone who does it just for the sheer enjoyment?

Todd: Right. They just want to do it for the enjoyment and for the end result, like they do it and they don't need really someone telling them how good they are. Now, on the flipside you have a pupil. And a pupil would be somebody who loves class, they're a teacher's pet.

Julia: A swat they might call them.

Todd: A swat, oh really, okay.

Julie: Yeah, a swat is someone who studies hard.

Todd: Yeah, exactly.

Julia: And gets pleasure from studying and the teacher knowing that they've studied and a swat.

Todd: Exactly. A swat, there you go, a new word for me. Not a P, but yeah. They want to sit in the front row, they want to get good grades, they want to stand out. But maybe they actually don't love the subject matter that much, they want to do that at every class.

Julia: They like being good at it regardless of what it is.

Todd: Exactly. Exactly. So those are usually the two best students you have, right. You're going to have players who love the subject and pupils who love being a good student.

Julia: And swats.

Todd: And swats. And then in the system there's two more. So there's also participants. Now, a participant, they love class but they don't love in the way that a pupil loves class. A participant just loves being with their friends. They love the social aspect of class. They love seeing people they know. they love talking. They love being in a group. And it really doesn't matter what the subject is.

Julia: Okay.

Todd: You know what I mean?

Julia: Yeah.

Todd: Like I think in college I was often a participant, like I would take a class because my friends took the class. So yeah, that's basically, that's a participant.

Julia: Okay, class is time to hang out with your friends.

Todd: Exactly, social outlet.

Julia: Do you think they even know what subject it is that they're...

Todd: Yeah, maybe they don't even care, and exactly, you could change the subject on them, like you know, hey, we're going to do German and they would be like, "Hey, that's cool, as long as we're still together."

Julia: Well that's nice. And the fourth one?

Todd: Yeah, the last one is the sad one, the prisoner.

Julia: The fourth, like the prisoner, that sounds a little bit scary.

Todd: Yeah. The prisoner, the poor prisoner. The prisoner is basically society says they have to take this class. Some authority said, "You have to take the class, you have no choice." It could be the government, it could be their mother, it could be their university curriculum.

Julia: So there's like a mandatory subject that they don't really want to do?

Todd: Exactly. If they had the choice to opt out, they would opt out in a heartbeat. If you said, "Hey, you know what, if you want you do not have to take this class, you do not have to show up every day, everything's fine, it's cool." They wouldn't show up. So basically they're a prisoner, you know. And a prisoner doesn't actually mean that they're a bad student. They could actually be an A student, and it doesn't mean that they have a bad attitude, they could be very polite, but they just ... they really don't want to take that subject, they're stuck doing it and there's just no getting out of it.

60.Players, Pupils, and Prisoners 60.Spieler, Schüler und Gefangene 60.Jugadores, alumnos y prisioneros 60.joueurs, élèves et prisonniers 60.選手、生徒、囚人 60.Jogadores, Alunos e Prisioneiros 60.Игроки, ученики и заключенные 60. гравці, учні та ув'язнені 60\. 玩家、学生和囚犯 60. 玩家、學生和囚犯

Todd shares with Julia how he labels different types of students based on motivation. Todd compartilha com Julia como ele rotula diferentes tipos de alunos com base na motivação. Тодд розповідає Джулії, як він ставить ярлики на різні типи студентів на основі мотивації. Todd 与 Julia 分享了他如何根据动机对不同类型的学生进行分类。

Todd: So Julia, you are a teacher. 托德:朱莉娅,你是一名老师。

Julia: That's right. Júlia: Isso mesmo. 朱莉娅:没错。

Todd: So I'm going to run a theory by you. Todd: Por isso, vou apresentar-lhe uma teoria. Тодд: Тож я збираюся запропонувати вам теорію. 托德:所以我要由你来运行一个理论。

Julia: Okay. 朱莉娅:好的。

Todd. 托德。 So we were talking about learner types earlier and I actually think I have my own little diagram for motivational types. 所以我们之前讨论过学习者类型,实际上我认为我有自己的动机类型小图。

Julia: Motivation types, okay, that's interesting because I need a handle on motivation. Júlia: Tipos de motivação, ok, isso é interessante porque eu preciso de saber o que é a motivação. Джулія: Типи мотивації, добре, це цікаво, тому що мені потрібно розібратися з мотивацією. 朱莉娅:动机类型,好吧,这很有趣,因为我需要掌握动机。

Todd: So basically I think there's four types of students. 托德:基本上我认为有四种类型的学生。 I always get four types of students. 我总是有四种类型的学生。 They're either a player. Вони або гравці.

Julia: A player. 朱莉娅:一名球员。

Todd: A pupil, a participant, or a prisoner. Тодд: учень, учасник або в'язень. 托德:学生、参与者或囚犯。

Julia: A prisoner, a player, a pupil, a participant or a prisoner, okay. 朱莉娅:囚犯、玩家、学生、参与者或囚犯,好吧。

Todd: Yeah, easy to remember, all P's. Todd: Sim, fácil de lembrar, todos os P's. 托德:是的,很容易记住,都是 P。

Julia: All P's, yeah, good system. 朱莉娅:所有 P,是的,很好的系统。

Todd: Okay. 托德:好的。 So a player is a student who loves a subject matter, they study it on their own, even if there wasn't class they would still study it. Отже, гравець — це студент, який любить предмет, вони вивчають його самостійно, навіть якби не було класу, вони все одно вивчали б його. 所以选手是学生,喜欢一个科目,他们自己去学,即使没有课他们也会去学。

Julia: Okay. 朱莉娅:好的。 Like a natural in a subject maybe? Como um natural num assunto, talvez? Можливо, як природжений у предметі? 也许像一个主题中的自然?

Todd: It could be natural or like, you know, because we teach English, it would be like a student that loves English, learns English on their own, maybe went and studied overseas. 托德:它可能是自然的,或者像,你知道的,因为我们教英语,就像一个热爱英语的学生,自己学习英语,也许去海外学习。 And they're always improving and they kind of take class just to reinforce what they're already learning. Вони постійно вдосконалюються і відвідують заняття лише для того, щоб закріпити те, що вони вже вивчили. 他们总是在进步,他们上课只是为了巩固他们已经学过的东西。 But they actually don't like class usually. 但他们实际上通常不喜欢上课。 Often they don't like homework, they don't like tests, they don't like things that really judge their ability. 往往他们不喜欢作业,不喜欢考试,不喜欢真正能评判他们能力的东西。 They just want to keep learning and just being around the subject, that's why they're a player, they just want to play. 他们只是想继续学习,只是围绕着这个主题,这就是为什么他们是一名球员,他们只是想玩。 And it would be like if you played a sport, it would be like an athlete who doesn't really want to practice, he just wants to play. І це схоже на те, якби ви займалися спортом, як спортсмен, який насправді не хоче тренуватися, він просто хоче грати. 就像你参加一项运动一样,就像一个并不真正想练习的运动员,他只是想玩。

Julia: So for the fun of it? Юлія: Тобто заради розваги? 朱莉娅:所以为了好玩吗?

Todd: Yeah. Так.

Julia: Someone who does it just for the sheer enjoyment? Júlia: Alguém que o faz apenas pelo puro prazer? Джулія: Той, хто робить це просто для чистого задоволення? 朱莉娅:有人只是为了纯粹的享受而这样做吗?

Todd: Right. 托德:对。 They just want to do it for the enjoyment and for the end result, like they do it and they don't need really someone telling them how good they are. Вони просто хочуть робити це заради задоволення і кінцевого результату, так, як вони це роблять, і їм не потрібно, щоб хтось казав їм, наскільки вони хороші. 他们只是为了享受和最终结果而这样做,就像他们这样做一样,他们不需要真正有人告诉他们他们有多好。 Now, on the flipside you have a pupil. Тепер, на зворотному боці у вас є учень. 现在,另一方面你有一个学生。 And a pupil would be somebody who loves class, they're a teacher's pet. А учень - це той, хто любить клас, це улюбленець вчителя. 学生是热爱课堂的人,他们是老师的宠物。

Julia: A swat they might call them. Júlia: Podem chamar-lhes "golpe". Джулія: Вони могли б їх назвати спецназом. 朱莉娅:他们可能会称他们为特警。

Todd: A swat, oh really, okay. 托德:特警,哦,真的,好吧。

Julie: Yeah, a swat is someone who studies hard. Джулі: Так, спецназ — це той, хто старанно вчиться. 朱莉:是的,特警是努力学习的人。

Todd: Yeah, exactly. 托德:是的,没错。

Julia: And gets pleasure from studying and the teacher knowing that they've studied and a swat. Юля: І отримує задоволення від навчання, і вчитель знає, що вони вивчили, і удар. 朱莉娅:从学习中得到乐趣,老师知道他们已经学习过并受到打击。

Todd: Exactly. 托德:没错。 A swat, there you go, a new word for me. 特警,给你,对我来说是一个新词。 Not a P, but yeah. 不是P,但是是的。 They want to sit in the front row, they want to get good grades, they want to stand out. Querem sentar-se na fila da frente, querem ter boas notas, querem destacar-se. Вони хочуть сидіти в першому ряду, хочуть отримувати гарні оцінки, хочуть виділятися. 他们想坐在前排,他们想取得好成绩,他们想脱颖而出。 But maybe they actually don't love the subject matter that much, they want to do that at every class. 但也许他们实际上并不那么喜欢这个主题,他们想在每节课上都这样做。

Julia: They like being good at it regardless of what it is. Júlia: Gostam de ser bons nisso, independentemente do que seja. 朱莉娅:他们喜欢擅长它,不管它是什么。

Todd: Exactly. 托德:没错。 Exactly. 确切地。 So those are usually the two best students you have, right. 所以那通常是你拥有的两个最好的学生,对吧。 You're going to have players who love the subject and pupils who love being a good student. 你将拥有热爱这门学科的球员和热爱成为好学生的学生。

Julia: And swats. 朱莉娅:还有拍打。

Todd: And swats. 托德:还有拍打。 And then in the system there's two more. 然后在系统中还有两个。 So there's also participants. 所以也有参与者。 Now, a participant, they love class but they don't love in the way that a pupil loves class. 现在,作为一名参与者,他们热爱课堂,但他们并不像学生热爱课堂那样热爱课堂。 A participant just loves being with their friends. 参与者只是喜欢和他们的朋友在一起。 They love the social aspect of class. 他们喜欢课堂的社交方面。 They love seeing people they know. 他们喜欢见到他们认识的人。 they love talking. 他们喜欢说话。 They love being in a group. 他们喜欢成群结队。 And it really doesn't matter what the subject is. 主题是什么并不重要。

Julia: Okay. 朱莉娅:好的。

Todd: You know what I mean? 托德:你明白我的意思吗?

Julia: Yeah. 朱莉娅:是的。

Todd: Like I think in college I was often a participant, like I would take a class because my friends took the class. 托德:就像我认为在大学里我经常是参与者一样,就像我会去上课因为我的朋友上了课。 So yeah, that's basically, that's a participant. 所以是的,基本上,这是一个参与者。

Julia: Okay, class is time to hang out with your friends. Júlia: Muito bem, está na hora de ires para a aula com os teus amigos. 朱莉娅:好的,上课是时候和你的朋友出去玩了。

Todd: Exactly, social outlet. Todd: Exatamente, o ponto de venda social. 托德:没错,社交渠道。

Julia: Do you think they even know what subject it is that they're... 朱莉娅:你认为他们甚至不知道他们正在...

Todd: Yeah, maybe they don't even care, and exactly, you could change the subject on them, like you know, hey, we're going to do German and they would be like, "Hey, that's cool, as long as we're still together." Тодд: Так, можливо, їм навіть байдуже, і, власне, ви можете змінити тему на них, як ви знаєте, ми збираємося робити німецьку, і вони будуть казати: «Гей, це круто, поки оскільки ми все ще разом». 托德:是的,也许他们根本不在乎,确切地说,你可以改变他们的话题,就像你知道的,嘿,我们要学德语,他们会说,“嘿,那很好,只要因为我们还在一起。”

Julia: Well that's nice. 朱莉娅:那很好。 And the fourth one? 第四个呢?

Todd: Yeah, the last one is the sad one, the prisoner. 托德:是的,最后一个是悲伤的,囚犯。

Julia: The fourth, like the prisoner, that sounds a little bit scary. 朱莉娅:第四个,像囚犯一样,听起来有点吓人。

Todd: Yeah. 托德:是的。 The prisoner, the poor prisoner. 囚犯,可怜的囚犯。 The prisoner is basically society says they have to take this class. Ув'язнений - це, по суті, суспільство, яке каже, що він повинен пройти цей курс. 囚犯基本上是社会说他们必须上这门课。 Some authority said, "You have to take the class, you have no choice." 有权威说,你必须上课,你没得选。 It could be the government, it could be their mother, it could be their university curriculum. 可能是政府,可能是他们的母亲,可能是他们的大学课程。

Julia: So there's like a mandatory subject that they don't really want to do? Júlia: Então há uma disciplina obrigatória que eles não querem fazer? Юлія: Тобто є якийсь обов'язковий предмет, який вони не дуже хочуть вивчати? 朱莉娅:所以有一个他们真的不想做的必修科目?

Todd: Exactly. 托德:没错。 If they had the choice to opt out, they would opt out in a heartbeat. Se tivessem a possibilidade de optar por não participar, fá-lo-iam num instante. Якби вони мали вибір відмовитися, вони б відмовилися миттєво. 如果他们可以选择退出,他们会毫不犹豫地选择退出。 If you said, "Hey, you know what, if you want you do not have to take this class, you do not have to show up every day, everything's fine, it's cool." 如果你说,“嘿,你知道吗,如果你愿意,你不必上这门课,你不必每天都出现,一切都很好,这很酷。” They wouldn't show up. Eles não apareceram. 他们不会出现。 So basically they're a prisoner, you know. 所以基本上他们是囚犯,你知道的。 And a prisoner doesn't actually mean that they're a bad student. 一个囚犯实际上并不意味着他们是一个坏学生。 They could actually be an A student, and it doesn't mean that they have a bad attitude, they could be very polite, but they just ... they really don't want to take that subject, they're stuck doing it and there's just no getting out of it. Na verdade, podem ser alunos A, e isso não significa que tenham uma má atitude, podem ser muito educados, mas simplesmente ... não querem mesmo fazer aquela disciplina, estão presos a ela e não há maneira de a abandonar. Вони можуть бути відмінниками, і це не означає, що вони погано ставляться до навчання, вони можуть бути дуже ввічливими, але вони просто... вони дійсно не хочуть вивчати цей предмет, вони застрягли в ньому, і з нього просто немає виходу. 他们实际上可能是一个 A 学生,这并不意味着他们态度不好,他们可能非常有礼貌,但他们只是......他们真的不想选那个科目,他们坚持这样做而且根本无法摆脱它。