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01.Speaking, 63.Shipwrecked


In Part 1 Jeff talks about how is boat sank in the Phillipines. Listen to Part 2 for the second half of the story.

Mike: So Jeff, we were talking previously about your film production and your travel experiences, and have you ever had any bad experiences or any really bad experiences that stand out in your television kind of documentary production?

Jeff: Yes, there's been several --- there's been many small, uncomfortable or scary moments, but I think the pinnacle of that experience came on my birthday maybe three years ago in the Philippines Sea.

Mike: Wow!

Jeff: And we were shooting a television documentary in the Souther Philippines and its a developing country, so the standards for safety are a little bit lower, than a developed country like America or Japan, so we were on a boat. We had charted a boat to go across the Philippines Sea from one island to another, and just after dusk at night.

Mike: You were doing like a film shoot?

Jeff: Yeah, we were filming down there for two weeks in the Southern Philippines, and we charted this boat so we had all out gear. We had our camera crew. We had everything on the boat going from one island to another, and just after dusk. after it had got dark, the boat sank.

Mike: Wow! You lost everything?

Jeff: We lost everything, but at that moment nothing really mattered. No physical possession, or none of the film that we had shot over the last week. Nothing. It was just --- you were just worried about living, so everything else went out the window, so I was just thinking about I have to stay alive. I have to live through this.

Mike: And I"m assuming, you did stay alive.

Jeff: I'm still alive.

Mike: That's a bonus.

Jeff: One of my nine lives is gone, or maybe two of them or three of them, but yeah.

63.Shipwrecked 63.schiffbrüchig 63. Náufragos 63.難破船 63.난파선 63. náufragos 63.Потерпевшие кораблекрушение 63.Зазнав корабельної аварії 63.海难

In Part 1 Jeff talks about how is boat sank in the Phillipines. Listen to Part 2 for the second half of the story.

Mike: So Jeff, we were talking previously about your film production and your travel experiences, and have you ever had any bad experiences or any really bad experiences that stand out in your television kind of documentary production?

Jeff: Yes, there's been several --- there's been many small, uncomfortable or scary moments, but I think the pinnacle of that experience came on my birthday maybe three years ago in the Philippines Sea.

Mike: Wow!

Jeff: And we were shooting a television documentary in the Souther Philippines and its a developing country, so the standards for safety are a little bit lower, than a developed country like America or Japan, so we were on a boat. Джефф: І ми знімали телевізійний документальний фільм на півдні Філіппін, це країна, що розвивається, тому стандарти безпеки трохи нижчі, ніж у таких розвинених країнах, як Америка чи Японія, тому ми були на човні. We had charted a boat to go across the Philippines Sea from one island to another, and just after dusk at night. Ми замовили човен, щоб переплисти Філіппінське море з одного острова на інший, і це сталося одразу після того, як стемніло вночі.

Mike: You were doing like a film shoot? Майк: Це було схоже на зйомки фільму?

Jeff: Yeah, we were filming down there for two weeks in the Southern Philippines, and we charted this boat so we had all out gear. We had our camera crew. We had everything on the boat going from one island to another, and just after dusk. after it had got dark, the boat sank.

Mike: Wow! You lost everything?

Jeff: We lost everything, but at that moment nothing really mattered. Джефф: Ми втратили все, але в той момент ніщо не мало значення. No physical possession, or none of the film that we had shot over the last week. Nothing. It was just --- you were just worried about living, so everything else went out the window, so I was just thinking about I have to stay alive. I have to live through this.

Mike: And I"m assuming, you did stay alive.

Jeff: I'm still alive.

Mike: That's a bonus.

Jeff: One of my nine lives is gone, or maybe two of them or three of them, but yeah.