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01.Speaking, 69.Nabeel's Place

69.Nabeel's Place

Ginger: So, what about you? You're still in the same place right?

Nabeel: Yeah, I'm still there.

Ginger: Good. How's it going?

Nabeel: Oh, it's great. I'm actually quite satisfied with it now.

Ginger: Oh, good because I though you wanted to move at one point.

Nabeel: Yeah, I thought about it for awhile but then I decided to stay there. There's a lot of good points there. It's a quite neighborhood. It's not too far from the train, so I can get to work easily. For awhile I thought it might be a little too expensive, just slightly above my budget, but I've gotten used to it, and my cats love it. They're really comfortable there, so I think I'm going to stay.

Ginger: Oh, great. I love your cats. Do they have a lot of room to roam around?

Nabeel: They have enough room. Of course, they're better off in the house. I was living there last year but they've adapted pretty well, so there's a roof there. I can take them up and roam around. There's plenty of places for them to hide.

Ginger: Now, what about your neighbors. Are you still living near Matt and Laura.

Nabeel: Matt and Laura.

Ginger: Right, right.

Nabeel: Actually, it's really funny. They'd been there for about four months, and last weekend they invited some people over, about five or six of their colleagues. They had a little party. They played poker, had lots of booze around, but unfortunately, the neighbors complained to the landlord, and the landlords were just really angry.

Ginger: Oh, no.

Nabeel: And sent them this really harsh e-mail and said they wanted them out by the end of the week, so yeah, Matt and Laura have been kicked out of the building.

Ginger: You are kidding.

Nabeel: No.

Ginger: Wow, and just five people over.

Nabeel: Yeah, it was like five or six people and apparently it was loud enough. I think it is because the neighborhood is kind of family-oriented, so people are used to people having parties.

Ginger: Mm, right. Maybe the voices carry a lot.

Nabeel: Yeah, there's a lot of echo in the building actually for some reason.

Ginger: Well, that's too bad for them. Where did they move?

Nabeel: They just moved down the street to another apartment building. It's smaller so I don't think they're happy about it. Oh, well.

Ginger: Well, tell them I said 'Hey' when you see them.

Nabeel: I will.

69.Nabeel's Place 69\. Nabeelovo místo 69. Nabeel's Place 69.Nabeel's Place 69.ナビエルの場所 69.Место Набиля

Ginger: So, what about you? You're still in the same place right? Jsi pořád na stejném místě, že? Ви все ще на тому ж місці, правда?

Nabeel: Yeah, I'm still there.

Ginger: Good. How's it going? Jak to jde?

Nabeel: Oh, it's great. Nabeel: Oh, to je skvělé. I'm actually quite satisfied with it now. Teď jsem s tím vlastně docela spokojený. Насправді зараз я цим цілком задоволений.

Ginger: Oh, good because I though you wanted to move at one point. Ginger: Dobře, protože jsem si myslel, že ses v jednu chvíli chtěl pohnout.

Nabeel: Yeah, I thought about it for awhile but then I decided to stay there. Nabeel: Jo, chvíli jsem o tom přemýšlel, ale pak jsem se rozhodl tam zůstat. There's a lot of good points there. Je tam spousta dobrých bodů. It's a quite neighborhood. Je to docela čtvrť. It's not too far from the train, so I can get to work easily. Není to moc daleko od vlaku, takže se můžu snadno dostat do práce. For awhile I thought it might be a little too expensive, just slightly above my budget, but I've gotten used to it, and my cats love it. |a short time||||||||||||||||||||||||| Chvíli jsem si myslel, že by to mohlo být trochu příliš drahé, jen mírně nad mým rozpočtem, ale už jsem si na to zvykl a moje kočky to milují. They're really comfortable there, so I think I'm going to stay. Mají tam opravdu pohodlí, takže myslím, že zůstanu.

Ginger: Oh, great. I love your cats. Miluji vaše kočky. Do they have a lot of room to roam around? Mají hodně prostoru na toulky?

Nabeel: They have enough room. Of course, they're better off in the house. V domě jim je samozřejmě lépe. I was living there last year but they've adapted pretty well, so there's a roof there. Bydlel jsem tam loni, ale adaptovali se docela dobře, takže tam je střecha. I can take them up and roam around. Můžu je vzít a toulat se kolem. There's plenty of places for them to hide. Je tam spousta míst, kde se mohou schovat.

Ginger: Now, what about your neighbors. Ginger: A co vaši sousedé? Are you still living near Matt and Laura. Stále bydlíš poblíž Matta a Laury?

Nabeel: Matt and Laura.

Ginger: Right, right.

Nabeel: Actually, it's really funny. Nabeel: Vlastně je to opravdu vtipné. They'd been there for about four months, and last weekend they invited some people over, about five or six of their colleagues. Byli tam asi čtyři měsíce a minulý víkend pozvali několik lidí, asi pět nebo šest svých kolegů. They had a little party. They played poker, had lots of booze around, but unfortunately, the neighbors complained to the landlord, and the landlords were just really angry.

Ginger: Oh, no.

Nabeel: And sent them this really harsh e-mail and said they wanted them out by the end of the week, so yeah, Matt and Laura have been kicked out of the building.

Ginger: You are kidding.

Nabeel: No.

Ginger: Wow, and just five people over.

Nabeel: Yeah, it was like five or six people and apparently it was loud enough. I think it is because the neighborhood is kind of family-oriented, so people are used to people having parties.

Ginger: Mm, right. Maybe the voices carry a lot.

Nabeel: Yeah, there's a lot of echo in the building actually for some reason.

Ginger: Well, that's too bad for them. Where did they move?

Nabeel: They just moved down the street to another apartment building. It's smaller so I don't think they're happy about it. Oh, well.

Ginger: Well, tell them I said 'Hey' when you see them.

Nabeel: I will.