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01.Speaking, 70.Ginger's Place

70.Ginger's Place

Nabeel: So, Ginger, I hear you have a new apartment.

Ginger: Yes, it's great. I just moved in last week.

Nabeel: Nice. Where is it?

Ginger: It's near Victory Monument. Do you know where that is?

Nabeel: Yeah, I do. How do you get to work from there?

Ginger: Well, I take the Sky Train.

Nabeel: Oh, that's really convenient. It is. It is. It's just a five minute walk. And what's the neighborhood like?

Ginger: It's a crowded neighborhood. There are a lot of people. Lots of cars. Just lots of energy in general.

Nabeel: And is it conveniently located?

Ginger: It's very convenient. It's about a five minute walk to the Sky Train station.

Nabeel: Why did you decide to move?

Ginger: Well, it's near a park, and I love living near a park and it's also just a five minute walk to my gym.

Nabeel: And have you made any new friends in that neighborhood?

Ginger: I have. I've met a couple of new people in my apartment building, and I've gotten to know a person who owns a restaurant across the street. There's some great restaurants on the street also.

Nabeel: Oh, what kind of restaurants?

Ginger: Well, most Thai restaurants. A lot of Thai people live in the area, but there's also a Western restaurant and a Japanese.

Nabeel: And is it a safe neighborhood?

Ginger: I feel very safe there. I've heard that there's some thefts on some of the quiet streets where the motorbikes will snatch your bag off your shoulder, but I've never actually seen it myself, and I feel very safe sleeping there.

Nabeel: What about traffic?

Ginger: There is a lot of traffic.

Nabeel: Oh, no!

Ginger: Yes. the traffic ... and a lot of street traffic too. Lots of people walking on the streets, so it can be tough to get around. But there's still a lot of excitement in the area so it's fun to be out and people watch.

Nabeel: It doesn't sound like a quiet neighborhood.

Ginger: No, it's not quiet at all. Unless you go into the park, and then it's very quiet.

Nabeel: How often do you go to the park?

Ginger: Almost every night. Every night after work I'll take a walk in the park and there's a pond with a water display with music, so it can be very soothing.

70.Ginger's Place 70.Ginger's Place 70.Ginger's Place 70.ジンジャーズ・プレイス 70.진저 플레이스 70.Ginger's Place 70.Место Джинджер 70.Ginger'ın Yeri 70.姜的地方

Nabeel: So, Ginger, I hear you have a new apartment.

Ginger: Yes, it's great. I just moved in last week.

Nabeel: Nice. Where is it?

Ginger: It's near Victory Monument. Do you know where that is?

Nabeel: Yeah, I do. How do you get to work from there?

Ginger: Well, I take the Sky Train.

Nabeel: Oh, that's really convenient. It is. It is. It's just a five minute walk. And what's the neighborhood like? А як там околиці?

Ginger: It's a crowded neighborhood. There are a lot of people. Lots of cars. Just lots of energy in general. Загалом просто багато енергії.

Nabeel: And is it conveniently located?

Ginger: It's very convenient. It's about a five minute walk to the Sky Train station.

Nabeel: Why did you decide to move?

Ginger: Well, it's near a park, and I love living near a park and it's also just a five minute walk to my gym.

Nabeel: And have you made any new friends in that neighborhood?

Ginger: I have. I've met a couple of new people in my apartment building, and I've gotten to know a person who owns a restaurant across the street. There's some great restaurants on the street also.

Nabeel: Oh, what kind of restaurants?

Ginger: Well, most Thai restaurants. A lot of Thai people live in the area, but there's also a Western restaurant and a Japanese.

Nabeel: And is it a safe neighborhood?

Ginger: I feel very safe there. I've heard that there's some thefts on some of the quiet streets where the motorbikes will snatch your bag off your shoulder, but I've never actually seen it myself, and I feel very safe sleeping there. Я чув, що на деяких тихих вулицях трапляються крадіжки, коли мотоцикли зривають у вас сумку з плеча, але я насправді ніколи цього не бачив, і я почуваюся дуже безпечно, спавши там.

Nabeel: What about traffic?

Ginger: There is a lot of traffic.

Nabeel: Oh, no!

Ginger: Yes. the traffic ... and a lot of street traffic too. Lots of people walking on the streets, so it can be tough to get around. Вулицями ходить багато людей, тому обійти буває важко. But there's still a lot of excitement in the area so it's fun to be out and people watch. Але в цьому районі все ще багато хвилювань, тому весело бути на вулиці та дивитися.

Nabeel: It doesn't sound like a quiet neighborhood.

Ginger: No, it's not quiet at all. Unless you go into the park, and then it's very quiet.

Nabeel: How often do you go to the park?

Ginger: Almost every night. Every night after work I'll take a walk in the park and there's a pond with a water display with music, so it can be very soothing. Кожного вечора після роботи я буду гуляти в парку, там є ставок з водним дисплеєм і музикою, так що це може бути дуже заспокійливим.