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01.Speaking, Hollywood writers strike — BBC -6 Minute English| May, 2023

Hollywood writers strike — BBC -6 Minute English| May, 2023

The Hollywood writers' strike. Could your favourite shows stop? This is News Review from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil. And I'm Beth. Make sure you watch to the end to learn vocabulary to talk about this story. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, like this video and try the quiz on our website.

Now, the story. US TV networks can't show some of their most popular programmes from this week as writers strike. It's all about pay and conditions, which have been hit by the rise of streaming services. Writers are also worried about the possibility of scripts being written by AI. You've been looking at the headlines, Beth.

What's the vocabulary? We have gig economy, sparks and reruns. This is News Review from BBC Learning English. Let's have a look at our first headline. This is from Associated Press News. Hollywood writers, slamming ‘gig economy' go on strike. So, this headline tells us that Hollywood writers are slamming, that means heavily criticising, something called the ‘gig economy' and ‘gig economy' is the expression we're looking at first.

It contains the word ‘gig', which can mean concert. Yes, it can. So, it can be a show by a musician or a comedian. Now, for them, it's a job and that's the meaning that we're talking about here. Yes. So, gig can mean job. But, in the same way that a show by a comedian or a musician can be just one night, when we use gig to talk about work, it refers to short-term work.

That's right. And it's this idea of a single job that lasts for a very short time that gives us the expression ‘gig economy'. So, the gig economy is a system where people have to keep looking for short term jobs all the time. Yes. So, we use ‘gig economy' quite a lot to talk about the kind of taxis or food delivery services you get on digital platforms.

And when people use this expression ‘gig economy', they are highlighting the lack of job security, compared to more traditional jobs. Yes. And getting back to our story, this is what the writers are concerned about. They're using this expression to mean that their working conditions are getting worse. Let's look at that again. Let's look at our next headline.

This is from LBC. Blockbuster bust-up: Hollywood writers' union sparks industry chaos with first strike in 15 years amid streaming row. So, a blockbuster is a very successful film, a bust-up is an argument. This is the first writers' strike in Hollywood for 15 years. The word we're looking at from the headline is ‘sparks'.

Now, a spark is something you get, for example, from a cigarette lighter. Yeah. And now ‘a spark' is a very small flame. You can get it from banging two stones together or from a lighter. The important thing is that it can start a fire. Yes. And that's where this metaphor comes from. If one thing sparks another, it makes it happen.

So, for example, this strike in Hollywood will spark, or make, lots of problems and chaos happen in the film industry. Yeah, and ‘spark' can also be used as part of a phrasal verb with the preposition ‘off'. One action can ‘spark off' another. So, for example, a disagreement could spark off an argument or a fight.

Yes, but spark doesn't have to be followed by something bad all the time. For example, this programme might spark your enthusiasm for English. Let's look at that again. Our next headline please. This is from Financial Review. Reruns loom as Hollywood writers strike. So, something ‘looms'.

That means something bad threatens to happen as a result of this strike. The word we're focusing on, though, is ‘reruns'. Yeah. Now, ‘reruns' are TV programmes that are shown again. We can also call them ‘repeats'. Now, because the writers are on strike, TV networks are having to show the same programmes again — they've already shown them.

Yes. And we can break this word down. It's made up of ‘re-' which is the prefix, which means ‘again', and ‘run' can mean ‘a series'. Yes. And we have been talking about the noun ‘rerun', but we can also use it as a verb. So, for example, if we are talking about a process or a competition, ‘rerun' means to do it again.

Yeah. So, perhaps there was something wrong with the competition — it was badly run. It needs to be done again. It is ‘rerun'. Let's look at that again. We've had: gig economy — job market of short term work, sparks — causes and reruns — old programmes, shown again. Don't forget there's a quiz on this page.

Thank you for joining us and goodbye. Bye.

Hollywood writers strike — BBC -6 Minute English| May, 2023 Streik der Hollywood-Autoren - BBC -6 Minute English| Mai, 2023 Huelga de guionistas de Hollywood - BBC -6 Minute English| May, 2023 Grève des scénaristes d'Hollywood - BBC -6 Minute Anglais| Mai, 2023 Sciopero degli scrittori di Hollywood - BBC -6 Minuti Inglese| Maggio, 2023 ハリウッド脚本家ストライキ - BBC -6 分間英語| 2023年5月 Greve dos escritores de Hollywood - BBC -6 Minutos Inglês| maio, 2023 Забастовка голливудских писателей - BBC -6 Minute English| May, 2023 Hollywood yazarları grevi - BBC -6 Dakika Türkçe| Mayıs, 2023 好莱坞编剧罢工 — BBC -6 分钟英语| 2023 年 5 月

The Hollywood writers' strike. Could your favourite shows stop? This is News Review from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil. And I'm Beth. Make sure you watch to the end to learn vocabulary to talk about this story. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel, like this video and try the quiz on our website.

Now, the story. US TV networks can't show some of their most popular programmes from this week as writers strike. It's all about pay and conditions, which have been hit by the rise of streaming services. Все дело в оплате труда и условиях, которые пострадали из-за роста потоковых сервисов. Writers are also worried about the possibility of scripts being written by AI. You've been looking at the headlines, Beth. Ты смотрела на заголовки, Бет.

What's the vocabulary? We have gig economy, sparks and reruns. У нас есть гиг-экономика, искры и повторы. 我们有零工经济、火花和重播。 This is News Review from BBC Learning English. Let's have a look at our first headline. This is from Associated Press News. Hollywood writers, slamming ‘gig economy' go on strike. Голливудские сценаристы, выступающие против "гиг-экономики", объявляют забастовку. So, this headline tells us that Hollywood writers are slamming, that means heavily criticising, something called the ‘gig economy' and ‘gig economy' is the expression we're looking at first.

It contains the word ‘gig', which can mean concert. Yes, it can. So, it can be a show by a musician or a comedian. Now, for them, it's a job and that's the meaning that we're talking about here. Yes. So, gig can mean job. But, in the same way that a show by a comedian or a musician can be just one night, when we use gig to talk about work, it refers to short-term work.

That's right. And it's this idea of a single job that lasts for a very short time that gives us the expression ‘gig economy'. So, the gig economy is a system where people have to keep looking for short term jobs all the time. Yes. So, we use ‘gig economy' quite a lot to talk about the kind of taxis or food delivery services you get on digital platforms. Так, мы часто используем словосочетание "гиг-экономика", говоря о такси или услугах по доставке еды, которые предоставляются на цифровых платформах.

And when people use this expression ‘gig economy', they are highlighting the lack of job security, compared to more traditional jobs. И когда люди используют выражение "гиг-экономика", они подчеркивают отсутствие гарантий занятости по сравнению с более традиционной работой. Yes. And getting back to our story, this is what the writers are concerned about. They're using this expression to mean that their working conditions are getting worse. Они используют это выражение, чтобы сказать, что условия их труда становятся все хуже. Let's look at that again. Let's look at our next headline.

This is from LBC. Blockbuster bust-up: Hollywood writers' union sparks industry chaos with first strike in 15 years amid streaming row. Блокбастеры: Голливудский профсоюз сценаристов устраивает первую за 15 лет забастовку на фоне борьбы за потоковое вещание. 轰动一时的争吵:好莱坞编剧工会在流媒体争吵中发起 15 年来首次罢工,引发行业混乱。 So, a blockbuster is a very successful film, a bust-up is an argument. Итак, блокбастер - это очень успешный фильм, а разгром - это спор. This is the first writers' strike in Hollywood for 15 years. The word we're looking at from the headline is ‘sparks'.

Now, a spark is something you get, for example, from a cigarette lighter. Yeah. And now ‘a spark' is a very small flame. You can get it from banging two stones together or from a lighter. The important thing is that it can start a fire. Yes. And that's where this metaphor comes from. If one thing sparks another, it makes it happen.

So, for example, this strike in Hollywood will spark, or make, lots of problems and chaos happen in the film industry. Так, например, забастовка в Голливуде приведет к возникновению множества проблем и хаоса в киноиндустрии. Yeah, and ‘spark' can also be used as part of a phrasal verb with the preposition ‘off'. One action can ‘spark off' another. So, for example, a disagreement could spark off an argument or a fight. Так, например, разногласия могут вылиться в спор или драку.

Yes, but spark doesn't have to be followed by something bad all the time. Да, но за искрой не обязательно всегда должно следовать что-то плохое. For example, this programme might spark your enthusiasm for English. Например, эта программа может пробудить в вас энтузиазм к английскому языку. Let's look at that again. Our next headline please. This is from Financial Review. Reruns loom as Hollywood writers strike. Повторные показы надвигаются в связи с забастовкой голливудских сценаристов. So, something ‘looms'.

That means something bad threatens to happen as a result of this strike. Это означает, что в результате этой забастовки может произойти что-то плохое. The word we're focusing on, though, is ‘reruns'. Yeah. Now, ‘reruns' are TV programmes that are shown again. We can also call them ‘repeats'. Now, because the writers are on strike, TV networks are having to show the same programmes again — they've already shown them.

Yes. And we can break this word down. It's made up of ‘re-' which is the prefix, which means ‘again', and ‘run' can mean ‘a series'. Оно состоит из приставки "re-", которая означает "снова", и "run", которая может означать "серия". Yes. And we have been talking about the noun ‘rerun', but we can also use it as a verb. Мы говорили о существительном "повторный запуск", но мы также можем использовать его в качестве глагола. So, for example, if we are talking about a process or a competition, ‘rerun' means to do it again.

Yeah. So, perhaps there was something wrong with the competition — it was badly run. Так что, возможно, с конкурсом что-то не так - он был плохо проведен. It needs to be done again. Это нужно сделать еще раз. It is ‘rerun'. Let's look at that again. We've had: gig economy — job market of short term work, sparks — causes and reruns — old programmes, shown again. Don't forget there's a quiz on this page.

Thank you for joining us and goodbye. Bye.