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Religion, Christmas Story

Christmas Story

The Roman emperor made a law that everyone must pay taxes. Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth. They had to go 65 miles (105 km) to Bethlehem to pay their taxes.

It was not easy for Mary to travel to Bethlehem. Her baby would soon be born.

When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, all the rooms were filled with people. Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable. A stable is a place where animals are kept.

There the baby was born. Mary wrapped Him in cloth and laid Him in a manger. Joseph and Mary named the baby Jesus.

On the night Jesus was born, shepherds were taking care of their sheep in the fields near Bethlehem. An angel came to them. The shepherds were afraid.

The angel told them not to be afraid. He had wonderful news: The Savior, Jesus Christ, was born in Bethlehem. They would find Him lying in a manger.

The shepherds went to Bethlehem, where they saw the baby Jesus.

The shepherds were happy to see the Savior. They told other people about all they had heard and seen.

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Christmas Story Holiday celebration tale|Holiday tale Weihnachtsgeschichte Christmas Story Cuento de Navidad Storia di Natale クリスマス・ストーリー 크리스마스 이야기 Opowieść wigilijna história de natal Noel Hikayesi Різдвяна історія 聖誕故事

The Roman emperor made a law that everyone must pay taxes. |Roman emperor|emperor|made = made||legge|che|||to pay|tax ローマ皇帝は、すべての人が税金を支払わなければならないという法律を制定しました。 O imperador romano fez uma lei que todos deveriam pagar impostos. Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth. Joseph|||||Nazareth ヨセフとマリアはナザレに住んでいました。 José e Maria moravam em Nazaré. They had to go 65 miles (105 km) to Bethlehem to pay their taxes. ||||miles|kilometers||Bethlehem|||| 彼らは税金を支払うためにベツレヘムまで 65 マイル (105 km) 行かなければなりませんでした。 Eles tiveram que ir 65 milhas (105 km) até Belém para pagar seus impostos.

It was not easy for Mary to travel to Bethlehem. |||||||to travel|| マリアにとってベツレヘムへの旅は容易ではありませんでした。 Não foi fácil para Maria viajar para Belém. Her baby would soon be born. |infant||||delivered 彼女の赤ちゃんはもうすぐ生まれます。 Seu bebê logo nasceria.

When Joseph and Mary arrived in Bethlehem, all the rooms were filled with people. |||||||||accommodations||occupied|| ヨセフとマリアがベツレヘムに着くと、すべての部屋が人でいっぱいになりました。 Mary and Joseph had to stay in a stable. |||||remain|||barn メアリーとジョセフは馬小屋にいなければなりませんでした。 玛丽和约瑟夫不得不住在马厩里。 A stable is a place where animals are kept. |||||a location|horses livestock pets||kept 厩舎は動物を飼う場所です。

There the baby was born. そこで赤ちゃんが生まれました。 Mary wrapped Him in cloth and laid Him in a manger. ||||cloth||placed||in|in|feeding trough マリアはイエスを布で包み、飼い葉おけに寝かせました。 Joseph and Mary named the baby Jesus. ヨセフとマリアは赤ん坊をイエスと名付けました。

On the night Jesus was born, shepherds were taking care of their sheep in the fields near Bethlehem. ||||||shepherds|||care|||||||close to| イエスが生まれた夜、羊飼いたちはベツレヘムの近くの野原で羊の世話をしていました。 W nocy, kiedy narodził się Jezus, pasterze pilnowali swoich owiec na polach koło Betlejem. An angel came to them. 天使が彼らにやって来ました。 Anioł przyszedł do nich. The shepherds were afraid. |||spaventati 羊飼いたちは恐れていました。 Pasterze się przestraszyli.

The angel told them not to be afraid. |||||||afraid He had wonderful news: The Savior, Jesus Christ, was born in Bethlehem. |||||Savior|||||| 彼は素晴らしいニュースを持っていました: 救い主イエス・キリストはベツレヘムで生まれました. They would find Him lying in a manger. |||||||feeding trough Lo encontrarían acostado en un pesebre. 彼らは彼が飼い葉桶に横たわっているのを見つけるでしょう。 他们会发现他躺在马槽里。

The shepherds went to Bethlehem, where they saw the baby Jesus. |||||||hanno visto||| Los pastores fueron a Belén, donde vieron al niño Jesús. 羊飼いたちはベツレヘムに行き、そこで赤ん坊のイエスを見ました。

The shepherds were happy to see the Savior. |||||||rescuer Los pastores estaban felices de ver al Salvador. 羊飼いたちは救い主に会えてうれしかった。 They told other people about all they had heard and seen. ||||||||||visto Les contaron a otras personas todo lo que habían oído y visto. 彼らは、聞いたり見たりしたことをすべて他の人に話しました。 Opowiadali innym ludziom o wszystkim, co słyszeli i widzieli.