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02.Story by Cris, THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 01/50 )


Our ranch was located several miles north of Divide, lost in the Pioneer Mountains.

The closest thing to traffic was when Union Pacific Freight trains rumbled through the valley.

at 5:44 am 11:53 am, 5:15 pm.

Divide was literally located on the continent of the divide.

To the east, rivers spill into the Atlantic.

To the west, it is spill into the Pacific.

One day my brother Layton and I, decided to christian its natural water.

Layton. Look over here.

Hello Big Sur!

Hello New Orleans!

Hello Big Sur!

And "Hello New Orleans!"

Hello New Orleans!

But Layton's favourite pastime was shooting at anything that moved.

be located in/at

The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station.

a cattle / sheep ranch

ranch hands (= the people who work on a ranch )


The machine rumbled as it started up.

thunder rumbling in the distance


heavy / rush-hour traffic

local / through traffic

There's always a lot of traffic at this time of day.

THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 01/50 ) TS SPIVET الشاب والمنتج (قصير 01/50) DER JUNGE UND PRODUZIERTE T.S. SPIVET( kurz 01/50 ) LE JEUNE ET PRODIGIEUX TS SPIVET( court 01/50 ) IL GIOVANE E PRODIGIOSO TS SPIVET ( corto 01/50 ) 若き天才T.S.スピヴェット( short 01/50 ) O JOVEM E PRODIGIOSO T.S. SPIVET (curta 01/50) МОЛОДОЙ И ПОТРЯСАЮЩИЙ TS SPIVET (короткий 01/50) DEN UNGA OCH PRODIGIOUS TS SPIVET (kort 01/50) GENÇ VE PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( kısa 01/50 ) МОЛОДА І ПРОДУКТИВНА Т.С. СПІВЕТ (короткометражка 01/50)

Our ranch was located several miles north of Divide, lost in the Pioneer Mountains. كانت مزرعتنا تقع على بعد عدة أميال شمال Divide ، فقدت في جبال بايونير. 我家的牧场位于大分水岭以北数英里处,隐没于派厄尼尔山脉中 Çiftliğimiz, Divide'ın birkaç mil kuzeyinde, Pioneer Dağları'nda kaybolmuştu.

The closest thing to traffic was when Union Pacific Freight trains rumbled through the valley. كان أقرب شيء إلى حركة المرور عندما كانت قطارات Union Pacific Freight تندفع عبر الوادي. 这儿能称得上是交通工具的只有太平洋联合公司的货运火车 它们每天从山谷中呼啸而过 Trafiğe en yakın şey, Union Pacific Freight trenlerinin vadi boyunca gümbürtüyle geçtiği zamandı.

at 5:44 am 11:53 am, 5:15 pm. الساعة 5:44 صباحًا 11:53 صباحًا ، 5:15 مساءً. 分别在早晨五点四十四分,上午十一点五十三分,和下午五点十五分

Divide was literally located on the continent of the divide. كان الانقسام موجودًا حرفياً في قارة التقسيم. 分水岭地如其名,正位于大陆分水岭

To the east, rivers spill into the Atlantic. إلى الشرق ، تتدفق الأنهار إلى المحيط الأطلسي. 分水岭以东,河流汇入大西洋

To the west, it is spill into the Pacific. إلى الغرب ، تسربت إلى المحيط الهادئ. 以西则汇入太平洋

One day my brother Layton and I, decided to christian its natural water. في أحد الأيام ، قررت أنا وأخي لايتون أن نعتنق مياهها الطبيعية. 一天,我和我弟弟雷顿决定给这个天然分界举行命名典礼

Layton. Look over here. انظر هنا.

Hello Big Sur! مرحبا بيج سور!

Hello New Orleans! مرحبا نيو اورليانز!

Hello Big Sur!

And "Hello New Orleans!" و "مرحبا نيو اورليانز!" 新奥尔良

Hello New Orleans! مرحبا نيو اورليانز!

But Layton's favourite pastime was shooting at anything that moved. لكن هواية لايتون المفضلة كانت إطلاق النار على أي شيء يتحرك. 但雷顿最喜欢的消遣方式是用枪打一切会动的东西

be located in/at أن يكون موجودا في / في 位于;坐落在

The offices are conveniently located just a few minutes from the main station. تقع المكاتب في مكان مناسب على بعد دقائق قليلة من المحطة الرئيسية. 办事处所处的位置很方便,离总站仅有几分钟的路。

a cattle / sheep ranch مزرعة ماشية / غنم 牧牛场;牧羊场

ranch hands (= the people who work on a ranch ) 牧场工人

rumble قعقعة 发出持续而低沉的声音;发出隆隆声:

The machine rumbled as it started up. قرقرت الآلة عندما بدأت. 机器轰鸣着发动起来。

thunder rumbling in the distance الرعد الهادر في المسافة 远处隆隆的雷声

traffic مرور Verkehr 路上行驶的车辆;交通:

heavy / rush-hour traffic حركة مرور مزدحمة / ساعة الذروة 繁忙的/高峰时刻的交通

local / through traffic 当地/过境车辆

There's always a lot of traffic at this time of day. هناك دائمًا الكثير من حركة المرور في هذا الوقت من اليوم. 每天这个时候总是有很多来往车辆。