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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), From Aerobatics to Terror Bombing - Civil Aviation | Between 2 Wars | 1927 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2)

From Aerobatics to Terror Bombing - Civil Aviation | Between 2 Wars | 1927 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2)

and that's mainly because it is exemplary for the aviation situation worldwide.

French, British, German, Soviet airlines were also established in the 20s,

and began flying regular routes in 1920.

Lufthansa was founded in 1926 and aggressively grew into one of the most profitable air companies in Europe,

with one of the best airplanes as well, like the Junkers Ju 52.

However, European air travel was mainly used for colonial routes,

as the European countries were a lot smaller than the US and trains were much easier.

There too commercial airlines were not able to exist without airmail subsidies.

Civil aviation in the 1920s and 1930s lay the groundwork

for the transportation of people in a military context as well.

Concepts, techniques and sometimes even models of airplanes were applied to troop transports

and fighter and bomber airplanes developed rapidly over the years as well.

Many people thought that in future aerial warfare would replace all other branches of the military,

and the German and Italian bombers used for devastation of civilian populations in the Spanish

civil war, or the Japanese ones that terrorized China, showed that every technology has a dark side.

That dark side grew in strength and power, and blossomed when the Second World War broke out

as millions of civilians around the world, people who had nothing to do with the war

found themselves under attack again and again, first by the Axis Powers, but soon by all sides,

their homes and possessions destroyed, or their bodies and their lives ruined by murder from the skies,

as what hopeful pioneers and barnstormers began descended into darkness.

If you would like to see an episode about the aerial warfare and the bombing of civilian targets

you can check out our third episode of The War Against Humanity series - right here.

A patron of the week is Darrel Alan. Please consider supporting us on the Patreon, just like Darrel

because without you all we wouldn't be doing any of this.

Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell. See you next time.

Noticed I didn't have a drink this episode? Prohibition...

From Aerobatics to Terror Bombing - Civil Aviation | Between 2 Wars | 1927 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2) Vom Kunstflug zur Terror-Bombardierung - Zivilluftfahrt | Zwischen 2 Kriegen | 1927 Teil 2 von 2 - YouTube (2) De la voltige à l'attentat - Aviation civile | Entre 2 guerres | 1927 Partie 2 sur 2 - YouTube (2) 曲技飛行からテロ爆撃へ - 民間航空|2つの戦争の間|1927 Part 2 of 2 - YouTube (2) 곡예비행에서 테러 폭격까지 - 민간 항공 | 두 개의 전쟁 사이 | 1927년 2부 - YouTube (2) Da acrobacia aérea ao bombardeamento terrorista - Aviação Civil | Entre 2 Guerras | 1927 Parte 2 de 2 - YouTube (2) От высшего пилотажа до террористических бомбардировок - Гражданская авиация | Между двумя войнами | 1927 Часть 2 из 2 - YouTube (2) Akrobasiden Terör Bombardımanına - Sivil Havacılık | 2 Savaş Arası | 1927 Bölüm 2 / 2 - YouTube (2) Від вищого пілотажу до терористичних бомбардувань - Цивільна авіація | Між двома війнами | 1927 р. Частина 2 з 2 - YouTube (2) 从特技飞行到恐怖轰炸——民用航空两次战争之间 | 1927 年第 2 部分(共 2 部分) - YouTube (2)

and that's mainly because it is exemplary for the aviation situation worldwide. но в основном потому лишь, что её пример показателен для ситуации в мире.

French, British, German, Soviet airlines were also established in the 20s, Французские, британские, немецкие, советские авиалинии также появились в 1920х годах,

and began flying regular routes in 1920. и совершили первые полёты по регулярным маршрутам в 1920 году.

Lufthansa was founded in 1926 and aggressively grew into one of the most profitable air companies in Europe, ||||||creció rápidamente|||||||||| Основанная в 1926, Люфтганза, энергично росла и вскоре она стала одной из

with one of the best airplanes as well, like the Junkers Ju 52. самых прибыльных компаний Европы, да ещё и с одними из лучших самолётов - Юнкерс Ju 52.

However, European air travel was mainly used for colonial routes, Однако в Европе авиакомпании в основном обслуживали маршруты в колонии,

as the European countries were a lot smaller than the US and trains were much easier. поскольку европейские страны намного меньше США и там проще было ездить поездами.

There too commercial airlines were not able to exist without airmail subsidies. Здесь тоже коммерческие авиакомпании не могли просуществовать без субсидий на авиапочту.

Civil aviation in the 1920s and 1930s lay the groundwork Гражданская авиация 1920х и 1930х годов также заложила фундамент

for the transportation of people in a military context as well. для транспортировки военного персонала.

Concepts, techniques and sometimes even models of airplanes were applied to troop transports Её понятия, приёмы, а порой и модели самолётов стали применяться для перевозки солдат,

and fighter and bomber airplanes developed rapidly over the years as well. да и истребители и бомбардировщики тоже быстро развивались в течение этих лет.

Many people thought that in future aerial warfare would replace all other branches of the military, ||pensaban||||||||||||| Многие полагали, что в будущем воздушная война станет единственным способом ведения войн,

and the German and Italian bombers used for devastation of civilian populations in the Spanish а немецкие и итальянские бомбардировщики, уничтожавшие гражданское население

civil war, or the Japanese ones that terrorized China, showed that every technology has a dark side. во время гражданской войны в Испании, или японские, творившие зверства в Китае, ещё раз доказали - у каждой технологии есть тёмная сторона.

That dark side grew in strength and power, and blossomed when the Second World War broke out Эта тёмная сторона набирала силу, и проявила себя во всём цвете с началом Второй Мировой,

as millions of civilians around the world, people who had nothing to do with the war когда миллионы мирных жителей всего мира, люди, не имевшие отношения к войне,

found themselves under attack again and again, first by the Axis Powers, but soon by all sides, вновь и вновь оказывались под бомбами, сначала сил Оси, а потом и всех сторон конфликта;

their homes and possessions destroyed, or their bodies and their lives ruined by murder from the skies, их дома и имущество были уничтожены, их тела и жизнь - искалечены смертью с небес,

as what hopeful pioneers and barnstormers began descended into darkness. когда мечта отважных первопроходцев и барнстормеров начала скатываться во тьму.

If you would like to see an episode about the aerial warfare and the bombing of civilian targets Чтобы узнать больше о воздушной войне и бомбардировках гражданских объектов,

you can check out our third episode of The War Against Humanity series - right here. смотрите наш третий выпуск из цикла "Война Против Человечества" - вот тут.

A patron of the week is Darrel Alan. Please consider supporting us on the Patreon, just like Darrel Патрон недели - Даррел Алан. Пожалуйста, поддержите нас на Патреоне, как это сделал Даррел,

because without you all we wouldn't be doing any of this. потому что без вас мы бы не могли делать то, что делаем.

Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell. See you next time. На забывайте подписываться, жмите колокольчик! Увидимся!

Noticed I didn't have a drink this episode? Prohibition... Заметили - в этом выпуске я ничего не пил? Сухой Закон...