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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), Russian Civil War and Russian Wars I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1919 Part 2 of 4 - YouTube

Russian Civil War and Russian Wars I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1919 Part 2 of 4 - YouTube

It's 1919, and the Great War, World War I, ended last fall,

But though that war is over, war is not.

And now, while the winning powers from the World War gather in Paris to discuss peace,

All over the world we see smaller wars, civil wars, revolutions and uprisings.

The fighting is not by any means over, and it doesn't look like it will be any time soon.

Welcome to Between 2 Wars, a summary of the interwar years,

From the uncertainty and hedonism of the 1920's,

To humanity's descent into the darkness of the Second World War.

I'm Indy Neidell.

In 1919, while part of the world was returning to civilian life and industry,

much of the world was still at war,

And, as it has often looked for the past four years, these wars seem endless.

In what was only two years ago Imperial Russia,

and in the parts of that empire that had now become brand new nations in their own right,

the fighting was the worst.

When the World War ends, the Bolsheviks are hellbent on

taking back the lands that have declared independence from Russia,

or were lost to Germany under the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, most of which are now independent nations.

There are two reasons for this:

On a practical economical level, these regions are rich in resources,

and have more industry than the southern and eastern parts of Russia,

But, the Bolsheviks are not ideologically interested in nationalism—

—their aim is to achieve the international proletariat,

Their ideal vision is a world of peace and prosperity,

where everyone receives according to their needs, and gives according to their ability.

In 1919, this vision seems...

...a distant chimera, because all they do is fight, murder, and oppress.

Inside Russia itself, the civil war continues to rage,

but in spite of that, the Bolsheviks aggressively move into what is today

Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic states; new countries that are at war with each other...

...AND themselves.

Estonia is fighting Russia, mostly unified,

but Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus are split into factions that either want to stay independent...

...or want to join the Communist Internationale,

that is to say become part of Russia again.

Polish forces are fighting with Ukraine for control of eastern Galicia,

which contains Europe's biggest oil reserves.

So, Ukraine...

...is facing

THREE enemies at once,

since they're also fighting with Romania in the south over territories in Bessarabia,

recently annexed by Romania, but that now want to join Ukraine instead.



To make things even more complicated,

parts of the Russian White Army have retreated south through Ukraine, and are about to enter Crimea.

Anyhow, Ukraine is so new that it's not yet a unified country,

but is still just different political factions controlling various parts

that have yet to come together in one governing system.

But let's look North first for a moment...

In January, Soviet Russian forces are only 40 kilometers from Talinn, the Estonian capital,

but the Estonians launch a successful counteroffensive,

and by February 1st, and the liberation of Valga and Voru,

the Red Army is expelled from all of Estonia.

Further south, on January 5th,

the Red Army enters Minsk,

almost without opposition,

which puts an end to the Belarusian People's Republic after its ten months of existence.

The Red Army presses on into Lithuania and Latvia.

At the same time, the Bolsheviks under command of,

among others, Joseph Stalin are mounting an offensive

against the Cossacks, part of the White Army.

The Cossacks are defeated and forced to retreat into Ukraine,

and soon the Red Army surrounds the whole area around Kyiv.

They take large chunks of Ukraine.

In Bessarabia, —part of Romania,—

on January 23rd, the Khotin Uprising begins.

Now, there is a Ukrainian People's Republic...

...and a West Ukrainian People's Republic

across the border in Ukraine that they hope will help them fight,

but the first is at war with the Bolsheviks,

and the second with Poland,

and neither can spare troops to help the uprising against Romania.

Romania doesn't really consider the Hotin region of major importance,

but when Romanian war hero General Stan Poetas is killed

in a Hotin suburb,

the Romanian Army come in force,

and the rebels cannot possibly fight it off.

Thousands of the rebels, and as many as 50,000 refugees flee across the Dniester

into Ukrainian territory, during the two weeks of the uprising.

They at least manage to avoid the reign of terror the Romanian Army conducts,

killing as many as 15,000 people, and burning dozens of villages to the ground.

Further north, on February 27th,

the Lithuanian–Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic is proclaimed,

but Polish and Belorusian self-defense units are

springing up all over western Belarus and Lithuania.

These are mostly poorly-equipped locals,

so Poland sends troops east to support them.

Poland is concerned about having the Bolsheviks on their doorstep

near the valuable oilfields at Eastern Galicia,

and about protecting the ethnic Poles in the region.

On February 14th, 1919,

the Polish-Soviet War begins, with the battle of Bereza Kartuska.

Okay, some historians call this the beginning;

some say it didn't officially start until 1920.

In any case...

The Red Army's offensive grinds to a halt.

In early March, Polish units begin an offensive of their own,

crossing the Memel River, taking Pinsk, and reaching the outskirts of Lida.

There the offensive is halted for the time being.

The Bolsheviks are, as you can imagine,

getting stretched thin;

and while they fight in the west, they're also facing a major offensive by the Whites in Siberia

under the command of Alexander Kolchak.

It looks promising at first, as he captures Ufa in mid-March,

but his advance is soon halted.

Back in Western Ukraine,

L'Viv, the capital of Eastern Galicia, has been under Polish control since November of last year,

but now Ukrainian forces have mostly surrounded the city.

Just before they move in to take L'Viv itself,

the Entente nations of Western Europe demand that the Ukrainians cease hostilities.

The Ukrainians suspend the offensive.

When it begins again in March,

the Poles have organized a large enough relief force to secure L'Viv.

Back in Lithuania and Belarus, Polish forces start a new offensive against the Red Army.

They take Vilnius in April, and in August, they take Minsk.

General Anton Denikin's southern White Army forces are now attacking all along the frontline,

from the Volga to the Dneiper.

By June, they have chased the Reds out of the Crimea and captured Odessa,

after taking Karkov near the Russian border,

they force the Bolsheviks back into Russia,

taking Belgorod in mid June.

Further east, they take Tsaritsyn.

The advance looks promising, and Denikin hopes to connect with Kolchak in the east.

On June 20th, he issues the Moscow Directive,

ordering the armed forces of South Russia to prepare for a decisive drive on Moscow.

The Red Army is forced out of Kyiv on August 20th.

By late September, Denikin's forces have taken tons and tons of territory.


...they are dangerously overextended

In Siberia, Kolchak starts an offensive, hoping to move closer to Denikin,

but the Red Army has reinforced, and is now larger than the White Army.

Kolchak's offensive is in vain,

and his men are forced into a general retreat in the region.

In the west, by the end of the summer,

Denikin has lost both depth and stability of his forces.

Without any hope of joining Kolchak,

they start retreating towards Odessa.

Kolchak is now on a forced retreat that will lead to the Great Siberian Ice March,

when his forces try to flee on foot

through the Siberian winter across Lake Baikal.

Many of them freeze to death,

and behind them, the Red Army continues to gain ground.

In the west, Denikin continues to retreat as well,

and in December, the Reds retake Kyiv.

Further north,

yet another White Army advance fails,

when General Nikolai Yudenich tries to take Petrograd.

Although the offensive is well prepared after months of regrouping in Estonia,

Yudenich faces a determined population

of men, women and children,

who have all been armed by Leon Trotsky, in charge of Petrograd's defense.

Yudenich is beaten back, and his forces disband

since they can't retreat to Estonia, now in peace negotiations with the Bolsheviks.

As the year ends, it does not look good for the White Army.

Civilian refugees flee Russia in droves all year, and will continue to do so in the new year.

They flee in every direction:

To the Baltic States, to Anatolia,

to the East, to China and the United States.


They endure hunger,

they endure disease,

and many will die on their journey.

As many as 12 million people will, or have already died

during the Russian Civil War,

most of them civilians.

If you look at that as casualties per year,

it's one of the most deadly conflicts in human history.

But wars are not confined to Eastern Europe or Central Asia:

The United Kingdom is at war with Ireland,

the Afghans and the Ikhwan Bedouins in Syria;

France is at war with Hmong rebels in the "War of the Insane" in Indochina;

Italy and Yugoslavia are at opposite ends of a civil war in Montenegro;

Finland is also fighting back Bolshevik Russian forces.

Despite the Ottoman Empire coming to an end,

the War of Turkish Independence pits Turkey against the Allies again,

now with Greece as Allied proxy.

All these wars...

...all this suffering. For what?

Ostensibly it's an effect of an effect of a world that is

in transition from feudality to nation states, governed by the people.

This change... is spreading fear...

...in the world.

Fear of war, and fear of political upheaval

and especially fear of independence;

fear of self-determination, and fear of communism;

and it is scaring the boots out of people everywhere.

In the next part of our videos on 1919, you can see how the world tries to deal with this.

At the Paris Peace Conference,

World leaders will draw up a new world order while...

...all over the world, revolution and upheaval is the order of the day.

Join us for Part 3 of 1919: Peace and Revolution!

Russian Civil War and Russian Wars I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1919 Part 2 of 4 - YouTube Russischer Bürgerkrieg und Russische Kriege I ZWISCHEN 2 KRIEGEN I 1919 Teil 2 von 4 - YouTube Guerra Civil Rusa y Guerras Rusas I ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1919 Parte 2 de 4 - YouTube ロシア内戦とロシア戦争 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1919 パート2/4 - YouTube 러시아 내전과 러시아 전쟁 1919년 2차 세계대전 중 2부 4편 - YouTube Rosyjska wojna domowa i rosyjskie wojny MIĘDZY 2 WOJNAMI I 1919 Część 2 z 4 - YouTube Guerra Civil Russa e Guerras Russas I ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1919 Parte 2 de 4 - YouTube Гражданская война в России и русские войны I МЕЖДУ 2 войнами I 1919 Часть 2 из 4 - YouTube Rus İç Savaşı ve Rus Savaşları I 2 SAVAŞ ARASINDA I 1919 Bölüm 2 / 4 - YouTube Громадянська війна в Росії та російські війни I МІЖ ДВОМА ВІЙНАМИ I 1919 Частина 2 з 4 - YouTube 俄罗斯内战和俄罗斯战争 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1919 第 2 部分(共 4 部分) - YouTube 俄羅斯內戰與俄羅斯戰爭 I BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1919 第 2 部分(共 4 部分) - YouTube

It's 1919, and the Great War, World War I, ended last fall, 1919\. je, i Veliki Rat, Prvi svjetski rat, završio je prošle jeseni, Jest 1919 i Wielka Wojna (I wojna światowa) É 1919, e a Grande Guerra, A Primeira Guerra Mundial, terminou no outono passado, 1919 год. Великая Война - Первая Мировая - окончилсь прошлой осенью.

But though that war is over, war is not. ali iako je taj rat završen, rat nije. lecz, choć ta wojna jest skończona Mas, embora essa guerra tenha acabado, a guerra não está. И хоть эта война завершилась, война вообще продолжается.

And now, while the winning powers from the World War gather in Paris to discuss peace, I sad, dok se pobjedničke sile svjetskog rata okupljaju u Parizu da raspravljaju o miru, A teraz, kiedy zwycięskie mocarstwa zbierają się w Paryżu by dyskutować o pokoju, E agora, enquanto os poderes vencedores de a Guerra Mundial se reúne em Paris para discutir a paz, Сейчас, когда страны, победившие в Мировой Войне собираются в Париже для мирных переговоров,

All over the world we see smaller wars, civil wars, revolutions and uprisings. širom svijeta vidimo manje ratove, građanske ratove, revolucije i ustanke. na całym świecie widzimy mniejsze wojny, wojny domowe, rewolucje i powstania. Em todo o mundo, vemos guerras menores, guerras civis, revoluções e levantes. по всему миру полыхают войны малые войны, гражданские войны, революции и восстания.

The fighting is not by any means over, and it doesn't look like it will be any time soon. Borbe u svakom slučaju nisu gotove, i ne izgleda da će uskoro biti. Walka wcale się nie skończyła i nie wygląda na to by miało to szybko nastąpić. A luta ainda não acabou, e parece que não será tão cedo. Борьба отнюдь не кончилась, конца и края ей пока не видно.

Welcome to Between 2 Wars, a summary of the interwar years, Dobro došli u "Između 2 rata", sažetak međuratnih godina, Witamy w "Miedzy Dwiema Wojnami"! Streszczeniu lat miedzywojennych, Bem-vindo ao Entre 2 Guerras, um resumo dos anos entre guerras, Вы смотрите "Меж Двух Войн", обзор лет между двумя мировыми войнами:

From the uncertainty and hedonism of the 1920's, od neizvjesnosti i hedonizma 1920ih, Od niepewności i hedonizmu lat dwudziestych Da incerteza e do hedonismo da década de 1920, от неуверенности и сладостратися 1920х

To humanity's descent into the darkness of the Second World War. do silaska čovječanstva u tamu Drugog svjetskog rata. do upadku ludzkości w ciemnosć drugiej wojny światowej. Para a descida da humanidade a escuridão da Segunda Guerra Mundial. и до того, как челочечество погрузилось во мрак Второй Мировой. Я - Инди Найделл.

I'm Indy Neidell. Ja sam Indy Neidell. Jestem Indy Neidell. Eu sou Indy Neidell.

In 1919, while part of the world was returning to civilian life and industry, 1919., dok se dio svijeta vraćao građanskom životu i industriji, W 1919 kiedy część świata powracała do cywilnego życia i zajęć, Em 1919, enquanto parte do mundo estava retornando à vida civil e à indústria, В 1919 году, пока часть мира возвращается к мирной жизни и производству, большáя часть света продолжает воевать,

much of the world was still at war, dobar dio svijeta je još uvijek u ratu, duża część wciąż toczyła wojnę grande parte do mundo ainda estava em guerra,

And, as it has often looked for the past four years, these wars seem endless. a, kao što je često tako izgledalo, ovi ratovi djeluju beskrajni. i jak to często wygladało przez ostatnie cztery lata te wojny wydawały się nie mieć końca. E, como sempre procurou o passado quatro anos, essas guerras parecem intermináveis.

In what was only two years ago Imperial Russia, Tamo gdje je prije samo dvije godine Carska Rusija, W tym, co ledwie rok temyu było imperialną Rosją No que havia apenas dois anos atrás, a Rússia Imperial,

and in the parts of that empire that had now become brand new nations in their own right, i u dijelovima tog carstva koji su postali potpuno nove nacije sa svojim pravima, i w cześciach tego imperium, które teraz stały się nowymi niezawisłymi narodami e nas partes desse império que tinha agora tornar-se novas nações por direito próprio,

the fighting was the worst. borbe su bile najžešće. walki były najgorsze. a luta foi a pior.

When the World War ends, the Bolsheviks are hellbent on Kada je Prvi svjetski rat završio, Boljševici su pakleni u namjeri Kiedy zakończyła się wojna światowa Bolszewicy byli zawzięci by Quando a Guerra Mundial termina, os bolcheviques são infernais Окончилась Мировая Война, и большевики полны решимости возвратить земли, объявившие о независимости от России

taking back the lands that have declared independence from Russia, vraćanja zemalja koje su proglasile nezavisnost od Rusije, odbić ziemie, które zadeklarowały niepodległosć od Rosji retomando as terras que têm independência declarada da Rússia,

or were lost to Germany under the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, most of which are now independent nations. ili su izgubljene od Njemačke prema Brest-Litovskom sporazumu, od kojih su većina sada nezavisne nacije. albo zostały utracone na rzecz Niemiec na mocy pokoju brzeskiego, większość których była teraz niepodległa. ou foram perdidos para a Alemanha sob o Tratado de Brest-Litovsk, a maioria dos quais agora são nações independentes.

There are two reasons for this: Postoje dva razloga za ovo: Były ku temu dwa powody. Há duas razões para isso: Причины на это две: с практичной, экономической точки зрения, эти регионы богаты ресурсами,

On a practical economical level, these regions are rich in resources, Na praktičnom ekonomskom nivou, ove regije su bogate resursima, Na praktycznym i ekonomicznym poziomie te regiony są bogate w surowce Em um nível econômico prático, essas regiões são ricas em recursos,

and have more industry than the southern and eastern parts of Russia, i imaju više industrije nego južni i istočni dijelovi Rusije, i mają więcej przemysłu niż południowe i wschodnie części Rosji. e ter mais indústria do que a partes sul e leste da Rússia,

But, the Bolsheviks are not ideologically interested in nationalism— Ali, boljševici nisu ideološki zainteresovani za nacionalizam - ideologicznie zainteresowani nacjonalizmem Mas, os bolcheviques não são ideologicamente interessado em nacionalismo - Но с идеологической точки зрения, большевики настроены не националистически: их цель - мировая диктатура пролетариата

—their aim is to achieve the international proletariat, - njihov cilj je ostvariti internacionalni proletarijat, ich celem jest osiagnąć miedzynarodowy ploretariat —O seu objetivo é alcançar o proletariado internacional,

Their ideal vision is a world of peace and prosperity, njihovu idealnu viziju svijeta mira i prosperiteta, ich idealną wizją jest świat pokoju i dobrobytu A visão ideal deles é um mundo de paz e prosperidade,

where everyone receives according to their needs, and gives according to their ability. gdje svako dobija prema svojim potrebama, i daje u skladu sa mogućnostima. gdzie karzdy dostaje według potrzeb i daje według możliwości onde todo mundo recebe de acordo com sua necessidades, e dá de acordo com sua capacidade.

In 1919, this vision seems... 1919\. ova vizija djeluje... W 1919 ta wizja wydaje się... Em 1919, essa visão parece ...

...a distant chimera, because all they do is fight, murder, and oppress. ... pusta želja, jer sve što oni rade je borba, ubistvo i ugnjetavanje. Odległą ułudą bo wszystko co robią to walczą, mordują i tłamszą ... uma quimera distante, porque tudo o que eles fazem é luta, assassinato e oprimir.

Inside Russia itself, the civil war continues to rage, Unutar same Rusije, građanski rat nastavlja da bjesni, W samej Rosji wojna domowa dalej szaleje Dentro da própria Rússia, a guerra civil continua furiosa, Гражданска война продолжает бушевать в самой России, но, несмотря на это,

but in spite of that, the Bolsheviks aggressively move into what is today ali uprkos tome, boljševici agresivno kreću prema današnjoj lecz mimo tego bolszewicy ogresywnie wkraczają mas apesar disso, os bolcheviques agressivamente passar para o que é hoje большевики агрессивно вторгаются на территории современых Беларуси, Украины и стран Балтии,

Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic states; new countries that are at war with each other... Bjelorusiji, Ukrajini i Baltičkim zemljama; novim državama koje su u ratu jedna s drugom... do tego co dziś jest Białorusią, Ukrainą i państwami bałtyckimi nowymi krajami, które walczą ze sobą nawzajem Bielorrússia, Ucrânia e Estados Bálticos; novos países que estão em guerra entre si ...

...AND themselves. i međusobno. i samymi sobą. ... E eles mesmos.

Estonia is fighting Russia, mostly unified, Estonija se bori protiv Rusije, prilično ujedinjena, Estonia walczy z Rosją miej więcej zjednoczona. A Estônia está lutando contra a Rússia, principalmente unificado, Эстония более-менее объединена в своей борьбе с Россией, а вот в Литве, Латвии и Беларуси

but Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus are split into factions that either want to stay independent... ali Litvanija, Latvija i Bjelorusija su podjeljene u frakcije koje ili žele ostati nezavisne ale Litwa, Łotwa i Białoruś dzielą się na frakcje mas a Lituânia, a Letônia e a Bielorrússia são divididas em facções que quer permanecer independente ...

...or want to join the Communist Internationale, ... ili se žele priključiti komunističkoj internacionali, ktore albo chcą pozostać niepodległe, albo przyłączyć sie do komunistycznej międzynarodówki, ... ou quer se juntar à Internacional Comunista,

that is to say become part of Russia again. to jest postati ponovo dio Rusije. czyli znowu zostac częścią Rosji. isto é, tornar-se parte da Rússia novamente.

Polish forces are fighting with Ukraine for control of eastern Galicia, Poljske snage se bore protiv Ukrajine za kontrolu nad istočnom Galicijom Polskie siły walczą z Ukrainą o kontrolę nad wschodnią Galicją Forças polonesas estão lutando com a Ucrânia pelo controle do leste da Galiza, Польша и Украина воюют за контроль над Восточной Галицией, с её крупнейшими в Европе запасами нефти.

which contains Europe's biggest oil reserves. koja sadrži najveće Europske zalihe nafte. która posiada największe w Europie zasoby ropy. que contém as maiores reservas de petróleo da Europa.

So, Ukraine... Tako Ukrajina... Więc Ukraina stawia czoła trzem wrogom na raz Então a Ucrânia ... Украина, таким образом, противостоит трём врагам сразу, воюя на юге ещё и с Румынией

...is facing ...se suočava ... está enfrentando

THREE enemies at once, sa TRI neprijatelja odjednom, TRÊS inimigos de uma só vez,

since they're also fighting with Romania in the south over territories in Bessarabia, jer se oni također bore i sa Rumunijom na jugu za teritorije u Besarabiji, skora walczą też na południu z Rumunią o teryoria w Besarabii já que eles também estão brigando com a Romênia no sul sobre territórios na Bessarábia,

recently annexed by Romania, but that now want to join Ukraine instead. nedavno aneksiranom od Rumunije, ali koja se umjesto toga želi pridružiti Ukrajini. niedawno zaanektowane przez Rumunię ale teraz chcące przyłączyć się do Ukrainy recentemente anexado pela Romênia, mas que agora querem se juntar à Ucrânia.

Right? Tačno? Jasne? OK Certo? Так! ОК. Всё становится ещё запутаннее, потому что часть Белой Армии оступает на юг через Украину, и вот-вот окажется в Крыму.

Okay. Ok By jeszcze bardziej skomplikować sprawy części Rosyjskiej białej armii OK.

To make things even more complicated, Da bi stvari još zakomplicirali, By jeszcze bardziej skomplikować sprawy części Rosyjskiej białej armii Para tornar as coisas ainda mais complicadas,

parts of the Russian White Army have retreated south through Ukraine, and are about to enter Crimea. dijelovi Ruske Bijele armije su se povukli južno kroz Ukrjinu, i spremaju se ući na Krim. wycofały się na połydnie przez Ukraine i mają wejść do Krymu. partes do exército branco russo se retiraram para o sul através da Ucrânia e estão prestes a entrar na Crimeia.

Anyhow, Ukraine is so new that it's not yet a unified country, Svejedno, Ukrajina je toliko nova da nije još jedinstvena zemlja, Tak czy owak Ukraina jest tak nowa, że nie jest jeszcze zjednoczonym krajem De qualquer forma, a Ucrânia é tão nova que é ainda não é um país unificado, Так или иначе, Украина ещё так молода, что не успела стать единой страной,

but is still just different political factions controlling various parts ali su to samo različite političke frakcije koje kontrolišu razne dijelove ale różnymi politycznymi frakcjami kontrolującymi różne obszary mas ainda são apenas diferentes facções políticas controlando várias partes пока представляя собой лишь ряд политических движений, каждое с подконтрольной ей частью,

that have yet to come together in one governing system. koje tek treba da se spoje u jedan sistem upravljanja. które dopiero maja się zejść w jeden system rządowy. que ainda precisam se unir em um sistema de governo. которым лишь предстоит ещё обединиться в единое государство.

But let's look North first for a moment... Ali pogledajmo sjeverno na trenutak... Ale spójrzmy na chwilę na północ. Mas vamos olhar para o norte primeiro por um momento ... Но для начала обратим взор на север.

In January, Soviet Russian forces are only 40 kilometers from Talinn, the Estonian capital, U januaru, Sovjetske Ruske snage su samo 40 kilometara od Talina, Estonskog glavnog grada, W styczniu siły sowieckie są tylko 40 km od Talina stolicy estonii. Em janeiro, as forças russas soviéticas são apenas A 40 quilômetros de Talinn, capital da Estônia, В январе, войска Советской России находятся лишь в 40 километрах от Таллина, столицы Эстонии.

but the Estonians launch a successful counteroffensive, ali Estonci pokreću uspješnu kontraofanzivu, Ale Estończycy wyprowadzają skuteczną kontrofensywę mas os estonianos lançam uma contra-ofensiva bem-sucedida, Но эстонцы перешли в успешное контрнаступление, и уже к 1 февраля, с освобождением Валги и Вору,

and by February 1st, and the liberation of Valga and Voru, i do 1. februara, i oslobođenja Valge i Vorua, I do 1-go lutego, wraz z wyzwoleniem Valgi i Voru, Armia Czerwona zostaje wygnana z Estonii. e até 1º de fevereiro, e a libertação de Valga e Voru,

the Red Army is expelled from all of Estonia. Crvena armija je izbačena iz cijele Estonije. o Exército Vermelho é expulso de toda a Estônia.

Further south, on January 5th, Dalje južno, 5. januara, Mais ao sul, em 5 de janeiro,

the Red Army enters Minsk, Crvena Armija ulazi u Minsk, o Exército Vermelho entra em Minsk,

almost without opposition, gotovo bez otpora, quase sem oposição,

which puts an end to the Belarusian People's Republic after its ten months of existence. što stavlja kraj na Bjelorusku Narodnu Republiku nakon njenih deset mjeseci postojanja. co kładzie kres Białoruskiej Republice Ludowej po jej 10 miesiącach istnienia. que põe fim à República Popular da Bielorrússia após seus dez meses de existência. и с этим приходит конец Белорусской Народной Республике, просуществовавшей 10 месяцев.

The Red Army presses on into Lithuania and Latvia. Crvena Armija pritišće dalje u Litvaniju i Latviju. Armia Czerwona prze dalej na Litwę i Łotwę. O Exército Vermelho pressiona a Lituânia e a Letônia. Красная Армия продолжает наступать - на территорию Литвы и Латвии.

At the same time, the Bolsheviks under command of, U isto vrijeme, boljševici pod komandom, W tym samym czasie bolszewicy pod dowódzwem Józefa Stalina (obok innych) Ao mesmo tempo, os bolcheviques sob o comando de, В это же самое время, большевики под командованием - среди прочих - Иосифа Сталина

among others, Joseph Stalin are mounting an offensive između ostalih, Josifa Staljina pokreću ofanzivu entre outros, Joseph Stalin é montando uma ofensiva

against the Cossacks, part of the White Army. protiv Kozaka, dijela Bijele Armije. contra os cossacos, parte do exército branco.

The Cossacks are defeated and forced to retreat into Ukraine, Kozaci su poraženi i prisiljeni na povlačenje u Ukrajinu, Kozacy zostaja pokonani i zmuszeni do odwrotu na Ukrainę. Os cossacos são derrotados e forçado a recuar para a Ucrânia,

and soon the Red Army surrounds the whole area around Kyiv. i uskoro Crvena Armija okružuje cijelo područje oko Kijeva. Wkrótce Armia Czerwona otacza cały obszar wokół Kijowa. e logo o Exército Vermelho rodeia toda a área em torno de Kiev.

They take large chunks of Ukraine. Oni zauzimaju velike dijelove Ukrajine. Zajmują duże połacie Ukrainy. Eles levam grandes pedaços da Ucrânia.

In Bessarabia, —part of Romania,— U Besarabiji, - dio Rumunije, - W Besarabii - części Rumunii Na Bessarábia, Parte da Roménia, В Бессарабии - части Румынии - 23 января начинается Хотынское Восстание.

on January 23rd, the Khotin Uprising begins. 23\. januara, Hotinski ustanak počinje. 21-go stycznia rozpoczyna się powstanie chocimskie. em 23 de janeiro, começa a Revolta de Khotin.

Now, there is a Ukrainian People's Republic... Sad, tu je Ukrajinska Narodna Republika... Wprawdzie istnieje Ukraińska Republika Ludowa Agora, há uma República Popular da Ucrânia ... Теперь, есть Украинская Народная Республика и Западно-Украинская Народная Республика

...and a West Ukrainian People's Republic i Zapadna Ukrajinska Narodna Republika i Zachodnioukraińska Republika Ludowa tuż za granicą, ... e uma República Popular da Ucrânia Ocidental

across the border in Ukraine that they hope will help them fight, duž granice sa Ukrajinom za koju se nadaju da će im pomoći u borbi, co do których powstańcy mają nadzieję, że przyjdą im z pomocą através da fronteira na Ucrânia que eles esperam que os ajude a lutar,

but the first is at war with the Bolsheviks, ali prva je u ratu sa boljševicima, ale pierwsza jest w stanie wojny z bolszewikami mas o primeiro está em guerra com os bolcheviques, Но первая воюет с большевиками, вторая - с Польшей, и лишних сил для помощи восстанию против Румынии нет ни у одной.

and the second with Poland, a druga sa Poljskom, a druga z Polską i żadna nie ma sił na zbyciu by pomóc powstaniu przeciw Rumunii. e o segundo com a Polônia,

and neither can spare troops to help the uprising against Romania. i nijedna ne može poslati trupe da pomognu ustanak protiv Rumunije. e nem pode poupar tropas para ajudar a revolta contra a Romênia.

Romania doesn't really consider the Hotin region of major importance, Rumunija ne smatra Hotinsku regiju od velikog značaja, Rumunia nie uważała regionu Chocimia za szczególnie ważny, A Romênia realmente não considera a região de Hotin de grande importância, Для Румынии Хотынь даже не представляется особо важным регионом.

but when Romanian war hero General Stan Poetas is killed ali kada je rumunski ratni heroj General Stan Poetas ubijen, ale kiedy rumuński bohater wojenny generał Stan Poetas został zabity na chocimskim przedmieściu mas quando herói de guerra romeno O general Stan Poetas é morto Но тут румынского героя войны, генерала Стана Поэташа, убваиют в пригороде Хотыни,

in a Hotin suburb, u Hotinskom predgrađu, em um subúrbio de Hotin,

the Romanian Army come in force, Rumunjska Armija stupa na snagu, Rumuńska armia atakuje z całą siłą i rebeliańci nie są w stanie stawić oporu. o exército romeno entra em vigor,

and the rebels cannot possibly fight it off. a pobunjenici se nikako ne mogu boriti protiv nje. e os rebeldes não podem lutar contra isso.

Thousands of the rebels, and as many as 50,000 refugees flee across the Dniester Hiljade pobunjenika, čak do 50 000 izbjeglica bježe preko Dnjestra Milhares de rebeldes e tantos quanto 50.000 refugiados fogem pelo Dniester Тысячи повстанцев, и до 50.000 беженцев, бегут за Днестр, в Украину, за время двух недель восстания.

into Ukrainian territory, during the two weeks of the uprising. u Ukrajinsku teritoriju, tokom dvije sedmice ustanka. no território ucraniano, durante as duas semanas da revolta.

They at least manage to avoid the reign of terror the Romanian Army conducts, Oni barem uspijevaju izbjeći vladavinu terora koju provodi Rumunjska Armija, Oni przynajmniej zdołali uniknąć rzędów terroru zaprowadzonych przez rumuńską armię. Eles pelo menos conseguem evitar o reinado de terror que o exército romeno conduz, Им по крайней мере удалось избежать волны террора, обрушенной румынской армией,

killing as many as 15,000 people, and burning dozens of villages to the ground. koja ubija čak 15 000 ljudi, i pali desetke sela do temelja. Zabijając co najmniej 15 tys. ludzi i paląc tuziny wsi. matando até 15.000 pessoas, e queimando dezenas de aldeias no chão. которая убила до 15.000 человек и сожгла дотла десятки деревень.

Further north, on February 27th, Dalje sjeverno, 27. februara, Dalej na północ, 27-go lutego ogłoszona zostaje Litewsko-Białoruska Republika Radziecka. Mais ao norte, em 27 de fevereiro, К северу, 27 февраля провозглашена Литовско-Белорусская Советская Социалистическая Республика

the Lithuanian–Belorussian Soviet Socialist Republic is proclaimed, Litvansko-Bjeloruska Sovjetska Socijalistička Republika je proglašena, o lituano-bielorrusso A República Socialista Soviética é proclamada,

but Polish and Belorusian self-defense units are ali Poljske i Bjeloruske samoodbrambene jedinice se Ale polskie i białoruskie oddziały samoobrony powstają na całej zachodniej Białorusi i na Litwie. mas unidades de autodefesa polonesas e bielorrussas são Но польские и белорусские силы самообороны появляются по всей западной Беларуси и Литве

springing up all over western Belarus and Lithuania. pojavljuju širom zapadne Bjelorusije i Litvanije. surgindo em todo o oeste da Bielorrússia e da Lituânia.

These are mostly poorly-equipped locals, Ovo su uglavnom slabo opremljeni mještani, Są to w większości kiepsko wyposażeni miejscowi Estes são principalmente locais mal equipados, Почти все - плохо вооружённые местные жители, и Польша в поддежрку им посылает силы на восток.

so Poland sends troops east to support them. tako da Poljska šalje trupe na istok da ih podrži. Więc Polska wysyła na wschód odziały mające ich wspomóc. então a Polônia envia tropas para o leste para apoiá-las.

Poland is concerned about having the Bolsheviks on their doorstep Poljska je zabrinuta zbog toga što su boljševici na njihovom pragu Polska jest zaniepokojona obecnością bolszewików na jej progu A Polônia está preocupada em ter os bolcheviques à sua porta Польша обеспокоена большевиками на своих подступах, вблизи важных нефтяных скважин Восточной Галиции

near the valuable oilfields at Eastern Galicia, blizu vrijednih naftnih polja istočne Galicije, blisko cennych pól naftowych Galicji i obroną etnicznych Polaków w regionie. perto dos valiosos campos de petróleo no leste da Galiza,

and about protecting the ethnic Poles in the region. i zbog zaštite etničkih Poljaka u regiji. e sobre a proteção dos poloneses étnicos na região.

On February 14th, 1919, 14\. februara 1919., 14-go Lutego 1919 roku wojna polsko-bolszewicka rozpoczyna się bitwą pod Berezą Kartuską. Em 14 de fevereiro de 1919, 14 февраля 1919, боем при Берёзе-Картузской, началась Советско-Польская Война

the Polish-Soviet War begins, with the battle of Bereza Kartuska. počinje Poljsko-sovjetski rat, sa bitkom za Bereza-Kartušku. a guerra polonês-soviética começa, com a batalha de Bereza Kartuska.

Okay, some historians call this the beginning; Dobro, neki historičari ovo nazivaju početkom; Ok, niektórzy historycy uznają to za jej początek, inni uważają, że nie zaczęła się oficjalnie do 1920. Ok, alguns historiadores chamam isso de começo; Ну, кто-то из историков считают это началом войны, кто-то - что официально она началась лишь в 1920.

some say it didn't officially start until 1920. neki kažu da on nije zvanično počeo do 1920. alguns dizem que não começou oficialmente até 1920.

In any case... U svakom slučaju... Tak czy inaczej ofensywa Armii Czerwonej zostaje zatrzymana. Em qualquer caso... Так или иначе, наступление Красной Армии остановлено, а в начале марта польская армия

The Red Army's offensive grinds to a halt. ofanziva Crvene Armije se zaustavlja. A ofensiva do Exército Vermelho pára.

In early March, Polish units begin an offensive of their own, ranog marta, Poljske jedinice počinju vlastitu ofanzivu, Wczesnym marcem polskie jednostki zaczynają własną ofensywę No início de março, unidades polonesas começar uma ofensiva própria,

crossing the Memel River, taking Pinsk, and reaching the outskirts of Lida. prelazeći rijeku Njemen, zauzimajući Pinsk, i dolazeći do periferije Lide. Przekraczając "Memel" [Niemen], zajmując Pińsk i docierając do przedmieść Lidy. atravessando o rio Memel, levando Pinsk, e alcançando os arredores de Lida.

There the offensive is halted for the time being. Tu je ofanziva zaustavljena za sada. Tam ofensywa na razie się zatrzymuje. Lá a ofensiva é interrompida por enquanto. Здесь наступление пока что останавливается.

The Bolsheviks are, as you can imagine, Boljševici, kao što možete zamisliti, Bolszewicy, jak możecie sobie wyobrazić, zaczynają mieć kłopoty z ogarnianiem wszystkiego. Os bolcheviques são, como você pode imaginar, Силы большевиков, понятное дело, слишком растянуты. И пока они воюют на западе,

getting stretched thin; postaju rastegnuti; ficando esticada;

and while they fight in the west, they're also facing a major offensive by the Whites in Siberia i dok se bore na zapadu, oni se također suočavaju sa velikom ofanzivom Bijelih u Sibiru Kiedy walczą na zachodzie równocześnie stawiają czoła poważnej ofensywie białych z Syberii pod dowództwem Aleksandra Kołczaka. e enquanto lutam no oeste, também enfrentam uma grande ofensiva dos brancos na Sibéria

under the command of Alexander Kolchak. pod komandom Aleksandra Kolčaka. sob o comando de Alexander Kolchak.

It looks promising at first, as he captures Ufa in mid-March, Ona izgleda obećavajuće na početku, kada on zauzima Ufu sredinom marta, Początkowo wygląda ona obiecująco, kiedy zajmuje Ufę w połowie marca lecz jego postępy zostają wkrótce powstrzymane. Parece promissor no começo, como ele captura Ufa em meados de março, Поначалу многообещающее - в середине марта он занял Уфу - его наступление вскоре захлебнулось.

but his advance is soon halted. ali njegovo napredovanje je uskoro zaustavljeno. mas seu avanço é logo interrompido.

Back in Western Ukraine, Nazad u Zapadnoj Ukrajini, Tymczasem na zachodniej Ukrainie Lwów - stolica Galicji wschodniej jest pod polską kontrola od listopada poprzedniego roku. De volta ao oeste da Ucrânia, Вновь Западная Украина: Львов, столица Восточной Галиции, был в руках Польши с ноября 1918

L'Viv, the capital of Eastern Galicia, has been under Polish control since November of last year, Lavov, glavni grad istočne Galicije, je pod poljskom kontrolom od novembra prošle godine, L'Viv, capital da Galiza Oriental, está sob Controle polonês desde novembro do ano passado,

but now Ukrainian forces have mostly surrounded the city. ali sada su Ukrajinske snage uglavnom opkolile grad. Ale teraz ukraińskie siły prawie otoczyły miasto. mas agora forças ucranianas cercaram principalmente a cidade.

Just before they move in to take L'Viv itself, Netom prije nego krenu da zauzmu sami Lavov, Kiedy już prawie miały zająć Lwów, sprzymierzone narody zachodniej Europy zażądały by Ukraińcy zawiesili działania wojenne. Pouco antes de se mudarem para tomar o próprio L'Viv,

the Entente nations of Western Europe demand that the Ukrainians cease hostilities. zapadnoeuropske nacije Antante zahtijevaju da Ukrajinci zaustave neprijateljstva. as nações Entente da Europa Ocidental exigir que os ucranianos cessem as hostilidades.

The Ukrainians suspend the offensive. Ukrajinci odgađaju ofanzivu. Ukraińcy zatrzymali ofensywę Os ucranianos suspendem a ofensiva.

When it begins again in March, Kada počinje ponovo u martu, Kiedy zaczęła się na nowo w marcu Polacy zorganizowali wystarczająco silną odsiecz, by zabezpieczyć Lwów. Quando recomeçar em março, Оно возобновилось в марте, но поляки уже выслали подкрепление, достаточное для защиты Львова.

the Poles have organized a large enough relief force to secure L'Viv. Poljaci su organizovali dovoljno velike snage da osiguraju Lavov. os poloneses organizaram uma grande força de alívio suficiente para garantir L'Viv.

Back in Lithuania and Belarus, Polish forces start a new offensive against the Red Army. Nazad u Litvaniji i Bjelorusiji, poljske snage počinju novu ofanzivu protiv Crvene Armije. Tymczasem na Litwie i Białorusi polskie siły zaczęły nową ofensywę przeciwko Armii Czerwonej. De volta à Lituânia e à Bielorrússia, as forças polonesas iniciar uma nova ofensiva contra o Exército Vermelho. В Литве и Беларуси, поляки начинают новое наступление против Красной Армии

They take Vilnius in April, and in August, they take Minsk. Oni zauzimaju Vilnjus u aprilu, a u augustu, zauzimaju Minsk. W kwietniu zajmują Wilno a w sierpniu Mińsk. Eles pegam Vilnius em abril, e em agosto, eles tomam Minsk. В апреле они занимают Вильнюс, к августу - Минск.

General Anton Denikin's southern White Army forces are now attacking all along the frontline, snage južne Bijele Armije generala Antona Denikina sada napadaju duž cijele linije bojišnice, As forças do Exército Branco do sul do general Anton Denikin agora estão atacando por toda a linha de frente,

from the Volga to the Dneiper. od Volge do Dnjepra. do Volga ao Dneiper.

By June, they have chased the Reds out of the Crimea and captured Odessa, do juna, oni su protjerali Crvene sa Krima i zauzeli Odesu, Do czerwca przegnali czerwonych z Krymu i zajęli Odessę. Em junho, eles expulsaram os vermelhos da Crimeia e capturou Odessa,

after taking Karkov near the Russian border, nakon zauzimanja Harkiva u blizini ruske granice, Po zajęciu Charkowa przy granicy odepchnęli bolszewików z powrotem do Rosji depois de tomar Karkov perto da fronteira com a Rússia, После взятия Харькова на российской границе, они прогоняют большевиков обратно в Россию,

they force the Bolsheviks back into Russia, oni potiskuju boljševike nazad u Rusiju, eles forçam os bolcheviques de volta à Rússia,

taking Belgorod in mid June. zauzimajući Belgorod sredinom juna. zajmując Biełgorod w połowie czerwca. tomando Belgorod em meados de junho.

Further east, they take Tsaritsyn. Dalje na istoku, oni zauzimaju Caricin. Dalej na wschód zajmują Carycyn. Mais a leste, eles tomam Tsaritsyn.

The advance looks promising, and Denikin hopes to connect with Kolchak in the east. Napredovanje izgleda obećavajuće, i Denikin se nada da će se povezati sa Kolčakom na istoku. Postępy wyglądają obiecująco i Denikin planuje połączyć się z Kołczakiem na wschodzie O avanço parece promissor e Denikin espera se conectar com Kolchak no leste.

On June 20th, he issues the Moscow Directive, 20\. juna, on izdaje Moskovsku Direktivu, 20-go czerwca wydaje dyrektywę moskiewską Em 20 de junho, ele emite a Diretiva de Moscou, 20 июня он издаёт Московскую Директиву: приказ Вооружённым Силам Юга России готовиться к решающему рывку на Москву

ordering the armed forces of South Russia to prepare for a decisive drive on Moscow. naređujući oružanim snagama južne Rusije da se pripreme za odlučujuće nastupanje prema Moskvi. rozkazując siłom zbrojnym południowej Rosji przygotować się na decydujące natarcie na Moskwę. ordenando as forças armadas do sul da Rússia para se preparar para um passeio decisivo em Moscou.

The Red Army is forced out of Kyiv on August 20th. Crvena Armija je istjerana iz Kijeva 20. augusta. Armia Czerwona zostaje wyparta z kijowa 20-go sierpnia. O Exército Vermelho é forçado a sair de Kiev em 20 de agosto.

By late September, Denikin's forces have taken tons and tons of territory. Do kasnog septembra, Denikinove snage su zauzele gomile i gomile teritorija. Do późnego września siły Denikina zajęły mnóstwo terytorium. No final de setembro, as forças de Denikin tomaram toneladas e toneladas de território.

However... Međutim... Jednakże! Contudo...

...they are dangerously overextended ... oni su opasno rašireni. są niebezpiecznie rozciągnięte ... eles são perigosamente superestendidos

In Siberia, Kolchak starts an offensive, hoping to move closer to Denikin, U Sibiru, Kolčak počinje ofanzivu, u nadi da će se približiti Denikinu, Na Syberii Kołczak rozpoczyna ofensywę, mając nadzieje na zbliżenie się do Denikina Na Sibéria, Kolchak inicia uma ofensiva, na esperança de se aproximar de Denikin, В Сибири, Колчак начинает наступление, надеясь приблизиться Деникину,

but the Red Army has reinforced, and is now larger than the White Army. ali Cvena Armija se pojačala, i sada je veća nego Bijela Armija. ale Armia Czerwona została wzmocniona i jest teraz większa niż biała. mas o Exército Vermelho reforçou, e agora é maior que o Exército Branco. но Красная Армия получила подкрепление, и теперь превосходит по силе Белую Армию.

Kolchak's offensive is in vain, Kolčakova ofanziva je uzaludna, Ofensywa Kołczaka jest próżna i jego żołnierze są zmuszeni do ogólnego odwrotu w [całym] regionie. A ofensiva de Kolchak é em vão, Наступление Колчака оказалось напрасным, его войска вынужедны начать всеобщее отступление.

and his men are forced into a general retreat in the region. i njegovi ljudi su prisiljeni na opće povlačenje u regiji. e seus homens são forçados em um retiro geral na região.

In the west, by the end of the summer, Na zapadu, do kraja ljeta, Na zachodzie do końca lata Denikin utracił zarówno głębokość jak i stabilność swoich sił. No oeste, até o final do verão, На западе, к концу лета силы Деникина стали слишком рассосредоточены и нестабильны.

Denikin has lost both depth and stability of his forces. Denikin je izgubio i dubinu i stabilnost svojih trupa. Denikin perdeu a profundidade e a estabilidade de suas forças.

Without any hope of joining Kolchak, Bez ikakve nade pridruživanja Kolčaku, Bez żadnej nadziei połączenia z Kołczakiem zaczynają się cofać do Odessy. Sem nenhuma esperança de se juntar a Kolchak,

they start retreating towards Odessa. oni se počinju povlačiti prema Odesi. eles começam a recuar em direção a Odessa.

Kolchak is now on a forced retreat that will lead to the Great Siberian Ice March, Kolčak je sada u usiljenom povlačenju koje će dovesti do Velikog Sibirskog Ledenog Pohoda, Kołczak jest teraz w wymuszonym odwrocie, który doprowadzi do wielkiego syberyjskiego marszu lodowego Kolchak está agora em um retiro forçado que levará à Grande Marcha do Gelo Siberiano, Силы Колчака вынуждены отступать - отступление это станет Великим Сибирским Ледяном Походом:

when his forces try to flee on foot kada njegove snage pokušavaju pobjeći na nogama kiedy jego siły próbowały uciekać pieszo syberyjską zimą przez jezioro Bajkał. quando suas forças tentam fugir a pé его войска будут убегать пешком, по сибирскому морозу, через озеро Байкал.

through the Siberian winter across Lake Baikal. kroz Sibirsku zimu preko jezera Bajkal. através do inverno da Sibéria através do lago Baikal.

Many of them freeze to death, Mnogi od njih se smrzavaju na smrt, Wielu z nich zamarzło na śmierć, a za nimi Armia Czerwona wciąż zdobywała terytorium. Muitos deles morrem de frio, Многие из них замёрзнут насмерть, а у них за спиной Красная Армия будет всё укрепляться.

and behind them, the Red Army continues to gain ground. a iza njih, Crvena Armija nastavlja da zauzima zemlju. e atrás deles, o Exército Vermelho continua a ganhar terreno.

In the west, Denikin continues to retreat as well, Na zapadu, Denikin također nastavlja sa povlačenjem, Na zachodzie Denikin też kontynuował odwrót i w grudniu czerwoni odzyskali Kijów. No oeste, Denikin continua a recuar também, На западе продолжает отступление Деникин, и в декабре красные вновь войдут в Киев.

and in December, the Reds retake Kyiv. i u decembru, Crveni zauzimaju Kijev. e em dezembro, os vermelhos retomam Kiev.

Further north, Dalje sjeverno, Dalej na północ nie powiodła się jeszcze jedna ofensywa białej armii, kiedy gen. Nikołaj Judenicz Mais ao norte, На севере, ещё одна неудача у Белых: генералу Николаю Юденичу не удалось взять Петроград.

yet another White Army advance fails, još jedan napad Bijele Armije propada, ainda outro avanço do Exército Branco falha,

when General Nikolai Yudenich tries to take Petrograd. kada general Nikolaj Judenič pokušava zauzeti Petrograd. próbuje zająć Piotrogród. quando o general Nikolai Yudenich tenta tomar Petrogrado.

Although the offensive is well prepared after months of regrouping in Estonia, Iako je ofanziva dobro pripremljena nakon mjeseci regrupisanja u Estoniji, Choć ofensywa jest dobrze przygotowana po miesiącach przegrupowania w Estonii Embora a ofensiva esteja bem preparada depois de meses de reagrupamento na Estônia, Хотя наступление хорошо подготовлено после месяцев перегруппировки в Эстонии,

Yudenich faces a determined population Judenič se suočava sa odlučnim stanovništvom Judenicz napotyka zdeterminowaną ludność - mężczyzn, kobiety i dzieci Yudenich enfrenta uma população determinada Юденич встерчает отчаянное сопротивление: против него сражаются мужчины, женщины, дети,

of men, women and children, ljudi, žena i djece, de homens, mulheres e crianças,

who have all been armed by Leon Trotsky, in charge of Petrograd's defense. koji su svi naoružani od strane Lava Trockog, na čelu Petrogradske odbrane. uzbrojonych przez Leona [Lwa] Trockiego odpowiedzialnego za obronę Piotrogrodu. que foram todos armados por Leon Trotsky, encarregado da defesa de Petrogrado. вооружённые Львом Троцким, возглавляющим оборону Петрограда.

Yudenich is beaten back, and his forces disband Judenič je poražen, a njegove snage se raspuštaju Judenicz zostaje odparty i jego siły rozpieszczają się, Yudenich é derrotado, e suas forças se dissolvem Юденич отброшен и распускает войска: в Эстонию вернуться они не могут - та уже ведёт мирные переговоры с большевиками.

since they can't retreat to Estonia, now in peace negotiations with the Bolsheviks. jer se ne mogu povući u Estoniju, koja je sada u mirovnim pregovorima sa boljševicima. ponieważ nie mogą wrócić do Estonii, będącej teraz w trakcie rozmów pokojowych z bolszewikami. já que eles não podem se retirar para a Estônia, agora em negociações de paz com os bolcheviques.

As the year ends, it does not look good for the White Army. Kako se godina završava, stvari ne izgledaju dobro za Bijelu Armiju. Koniec roku nie wygląda dobrze dla białej armii. No final do ano, ele não parece bom para o exército branco.

Civilian refugees flee Russia in droves all year, and will continue to do so in the new year. Civilne izbjeglice bježe iz Rusije u skupinama cijelu godinu, i nastavit će to da rade u novoj godini. Cywilni uchodźcy uciekają z Rosji masami i będą to dalej robić w nowym roku. Refugiados civis fogem da Rússia em massa o ano todo, e continuará a fazê-lo no novo ano. Мирные жители толпами бегут из России в течение всего года, будут бежать и в следующем.

They flee in every direction: Oni bježe u svim smjerovima: Uciekają w każdym kierunku: do państw bałtyckich, do Anatolii, na wschód do Chin i do Stanów. Eles fogem em todas as direções: Бегут куда только можно: в Прибалтику, в Анатолию, на восток - в Китай и США.

To the Baltic States, to Anatolia, U Baltičke zemlje, u Anadoliju, Aos Estados Bálticos, à Anatólia,

to the East, to China and the United States. na istok, u Kinu i Sjedinjene Države. para o leste, para a China e os Estados Unidos.

Everywhere. Svugdje. Em toda parte.

They endure hunger, Oni trpe glad, Eles suportam a fome,

they endure disease, oni trpe bolesti, eles suportam doenças,

and many will die on their journey. i mnogi će umrijeti na svom putovanju. e muitos morrerão em sua jornada.

As many as 12 million people will, or have already died Čak do 12 miliona ljudi će, ili već jest, umrijeti Do 12 milionów ludzi umrze lub już umarło podczas rosyjskiej wojny domowej Cerca de 12 milhões de pessoas morrerão ou já morreram

during the Russian Civil War, tokom Ruskog građanskog rata, durante a Guerra Civil Russa,

most of them civilians. većinom civila. a maioria deles civis.

If you look at that as casualties per year, Ako pogledate žrtve po godini, Patrząc na straty na rok, jest to jeden z najbardziej śmiercionośnych konfliktów w historii ludzkości. Se você considerar isso como baixas por ano, По числу погибших за один год, это один из самых смертоносных конфликтов в истории человечества.

it's one of the most deadly conflicts in human history. to je jedan od najsmrtonosnijih sukoba u ljudskoj historiji. é um dos conflitos mais mortais da história humana.

But wars are not confined to Eastern Europe or Central Asia: Ali ratovi nisu ograničeni na istočnu Europu ili centralnu Aziju: Ale wojny nie ograniczają się do Europy wschodniej i środkowej Azji. Mas as guerras não estão confinadas para a Europa Oriental ou Ásia Central: Но войны идут не в одной лишь Восточной Европе и Средней Азии

The United Kingdom is at war with Ireland, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo je u ratu sa Irskom, Zjednoczone Królestwo toczy wojnę z Irlandią, O Reino Unido está em guerra com a Irlanda, Соединённое Королевство воюет с Ирландией, афганцами и бедуинами-ихванами в Аравии

the Afghans and the Ikhwan Bedouins in Syria; Afganistancima, i sa Ikhwan beduinima u Siriji; Afgańczykami i beduinami Ikhwan w Syrii. os afegãos e os beduínos ikhwan na Síria;

France is at war with Hmong rebels in the "War of the Insane" in Indochina; Francuska je u ratu sa Hmong pobunjenicima u "Ratu luđaka" u Indokini; Francja walczy z buntem Hmongów w "wojnie szaleńców" w Indochinach. A França está em guerra com os rebeldes de Hmong em a "Guerra dos Loucos" na Indochina; Франция воюет с повстанцами-хмогами во время Восстания Сумасшедшего

Italy and Yugoslavia are at opposite ends of a civil war in Montenegro; Italija i Jugoslavija su na suprotnim stranama građanskog rata u Crnoj Gori; Włochy i Jugosławia są po przeciwnych stronach wojny domowej w Czarnogórze. A Itália e a Iugoslávia estão no lado oposto fins de uma guerra civil no Montenegro; Италия и Югославия поддерживают каждая свою сторону в гражданской войне в Черногории.

Finland is also fighting back Bolshevik Russian forces. Finska se također bori protiv boljševika i Ruskih snaga. Finlandia tez walczy z bolszewikami. A Finlândia também está combatendo as forças russas bolcheviques. Финлядндия тоже отбивается от российских большевиков.

Despite the Ottoman Empire coming to an end, Uprkos nestajanju Osmanskog Carstva, Mimo końca Imperiom Osmańskiego turecka wojna o niepodległość stawia Turcję znowu przeciw Aliantom, Apesar do Império Otomano chegar ao fim, Хотя Османской Империи больше нет, в Войне за Независимость Турции

the War of Turkish Independence pits Turkey against the Allies again, Turski rat za nezavisnost okreće Tursku ponovo protiv saveznika, os poços da Guerra da Independência Turca Turquia contra os Aliados novamente,

now with Greece as Allied proxy. sada sa Grčkom kao savezničkim zastupnikom. agora com a Grécia como procurador aliado.

All these wars... Svi ovi ratovi... Wszystkie te wojny, całe to cierpienie, w imię czego? Todas essas guerras ...

...all this suffering. For what? ... i sve ove patnje. Za šta? ... todo esse sofrimento. Para quê?

Ostensibly it's an effect of an effect of a world that is Naoko to je efekat svijeta koji Niby ma to być efekt przechodzenia świata od "feudalizmu" do państw narodowych rządzonych przez lud. Aparentemente, é o efeito de um efeito de um mundo que é

in transition from feudality to nation states, governed by the people. je u tranziciji od feudalizma prema nacionalnim državama, koje su upravljane narodom. em transição da feudalidade aos estados-nação, governados pelo povo.

This change... is spreading fear... Ova promjena... unosi strah... Ta zmiana rozprzestrzenia strach w świecie, strach przed wojną i przed politycznymi niepokojami. Essa mudança ... está espalhando medo ... И этот переход вселяет боязнь - во всём мире. Боязнь войн, боязнь политических переворотов,

...in the world. ... na svijet. ...no mundo.

Fear of war, and fear of political upheaval Strah od rata, i strah od političkog potresa Medo da guerra, e medo de revolta política

and especially fear of independence; i posebno strah od nazavisnosti; Szczególnie strach przed niepodległością, samostanowieniem i strach przed komunizmem e especialmente o medo da independência; особенно боязнь независимости, боязнь самоопределения, боязнь коммунизма.

fear of self-determination, and fear of communism; strah od samoopredjeljenja, strah od komunizma; medo da autodeterminação e medo do comunismo;

and it is scaring the boots out of people everywhere. i plaši ljude svuda. i to stawia włosy dęba na głowie ludziom wszędzie. e está assustando as pessoas em todos os lugares. Люди до смерти напуганы повсюду!

In the next part of our videos on 1919, you can see how the world tries to deal with this. U sljedećem dijelu naših videa o 1919., možete vidjeti kako se svijet nosio sa svim ovim. W następnej części naszych odcinków o 1919 zobaczycie jak świat próbował sobie z tym radzić. Na próxima parte de nossos vídeos em 1919, você pode ver como o mundo tenta lidar com isso. В следующем выпуске о 1919 годе, мы расскажем о том, как мир пытаестя справиться с этим.

At the Paris Peace Conference, Na Pariškoj mirovnoj konferenciji, Na paryskiej konferencji pokojowej światowi przywódcy nakreślą nowy porządek świata, Na Conferência de Paz de Paris, На Парижской Мирной Конференции мировые лидеры очерчивают контуры новго миропорядка,

World leaders will draw up a new world order while... svjetske vođe će nacrtati novi svijetski poredak dok... Os líderes mundiais elaborarão uma nova ordem mundial enquanto ...

...all over the world, revolution and upheaval is the order of the day. ... širom svijeta, revolucija i potresi su svakodnevnica. ... em todo o mundo, revolução e convulsão é a ordem do dia. в то время как во всём мире в порядке вещей революции и восстания.

Join us for Part 3 of 1919: Peace and Revolution! Pridružite nam se u dijelu 3 1919.: Mir i revolucija! Dołącz do nas w części trzeciej 1919-go "Pokój i rewolucja"! Junte-se a nós na parte 3 de 1919: Paz e Revolução! Смотрите выпуск 1919, часть 3: "Мир и Революция".