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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), Stalin’s 5 Year Plan for Economic Mass Murder | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1932 Part 1 of 4 - YouTube (2)

Stalin's 5 Year Plan for Economic Mass Murder | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1932 Part 1 of 4 - YouTube (2)

not enough to just keep people alive to keep them productive.

They Bolsheviks now have to train largely uneducated peasants into skilled machine operators.

It turns out to be a massive challenge, but they do manage to increase the skilled workforce

to some degree with systematic training and new incentive structures. Skilled workers

are given better housing and higher food rations. In October 1931, their wages increase on average

by 30%. For some in the coal and metal industries, wages even increase by 100%.

But what good are wage increases if one can't spend money? Prior to the first Five Year

Plan, mass consumer goods were largely absent in the Soviet Union. The population instead

relied on handcrafted products. But the kurstany (‘handicraft workers') are essentially

wiped out as a category in 1928 with the forceful elimination of private industry. In 1931/32

when it becomes clear that paying people when there is nothing to buy doesn't make much

sense, the kurstany are permitted to resume their old trade. In parallel, state owned

and run stores open that provide the slowly increasing output of consumer goods, and the

scarce food products.

In the countryside food is not only scarce, but hardly available at all, especially between

summer 1932 and spring 1933. You see, by then to feed the growing proletariat, the Bolsheviks

are simply going into the countryside and taking the already meager food away from the

peasants, even literally stealing it off their kitchen tables. In this year 1932 into mid

1933 farmers and their families will die in droves especially in Ukraine, they will starve

to the point that many of them will simply drop dead as they walk. Men, women, children,

families, whole villages will succumb to what can only be described as a genocide by hunger.

All in all, at least 4.5 million people, perhaps many more will pay with their lives for Stalin's

progress program.

They die for a program of industrialization that will play an essential role in events

causing even more deaths of Soviet citizens in only eight years.

But it will also have another essential effect on WW2, in fact a decisive role. The Kremlin's

effort at spreading out industry throughout the country, not just in the western and European

portion of the country, results in massive industrialization past the Ural Mountains

and in Central Asia. Great sprawling factories in the heartland of Russia where an invading

army will have great difficulty to reach them. Factories that might now be producing tractors,

but can easily be transformed into making guns, ammunitions, planes, and tanks. Overall,

it's a transformation on a scale that is hardly imaginable. One day it will amaze Hitler

who, in the only surviving recording of a private conversation by the Führer, will

express his utter shock to Finnish Field Marshal Mannerheim that in a single Soviet tank factory

there are sixty thousand workers… and that is only one factory. Across the Soviet Union

there will be millions and millions of workers producing an endless output of the tools of

death with tools carved from the dead.

To understand how Stalin came into power in the first place, you can view our Between

Two Wars episode about that by clicking right here. Our patron of the week is Nicholas Arblaster.

Thanks to Nicholas and the TimeGhost Army, we can make more videos just like this. Remember

to subscribe and click the bell! See you next time!

Stalin's 5 Year Plan for Economic Mass Murder | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1932 Part 1 of 4 - YouTube (2) Plan de 5 años de Stalin para el asesinato masivo económico | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1932 Parte 1 de 4 - YouTube (2) 스탈린의 경제 대량 학살 5개년 계획 | 2차 세계대전 1932년 1부 4부 - YouTube (2) O plano quinquenal de Estaline para o assassínio económico em massa | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1932 Parte 1 de 4 - YouTube (2) 斯大林的经济大规模谋杀五年计划|两次大战之间,1932 年,第 1 部分(共 4 部分) - YouTube (2)

not enough to just keep people alive to keep them productive. не достаточно, чтобы просто поддержать людей их продуктивные.

They Bolsheviks now have to train largely uneducated peasants into skilled machine operators. Их большевики сейчас должны тренировать во многом необразованные крестьяне в квалифицированных машинистов.

It turns out to be a massive challenge, but they do manage to increase the skilled workforce Это оказывается серьезной проблемой, но им удается увеличить квалифицированную рабочую силу

to some degree with systematic training and new incentive structures. Skilled workers в некоторой степени с систематическим обучением и новые стимулирующие структуры. Квалифицированные рабочие

are given better housing and higher food rations. In October 1931, their wages increase on average дают лучшее жилье и более высокие продовольственные пайки. В октябре 1931 года их заработная плата в среднем увеличивается

by 30%. For some in the coal and metal industries, wages even increase by 100%. на 30%. Для некоторых в угольной и металлургической промышленности, заработная плата даже увеличивается на 100%.

But what good are wage increases if one can't spend money? Prior to the first Five Year Но что хорошего в увеличении заработной платы, если никто не может тратить деньги? До первой пятилетки

Plan, mass consumer goods were largely absent in the Soviet Union. The population instead План, массовые потребительские товары в основном отсутствовали в советском союзе. Население вместо

relied on handcrafted products. But the kurstany (‘handicraft workers') are essentially полагался на изделия ручной работы. Но курстаны («ремесленники») по существу

wiped out as a category in 1928 with the forceful elimination of private industry. In 1931/32 уничтожен как категория в 1928 году с сильным ликвидация частного сектора. В 1931/32

when it becomes clear that paying people when there is nothing to buy doesn't make much когда становится ясно, что платить людям, когда нечего покупать не много зарабатывает

sense, the kurstany are permitted to resume their old trade. In parallel, state owned смысл, Курстаны разрешено возобновлять их старая профессия. Параллельно государственная

and run stores open that provide the slowly increasing output of consumer goods, and the и запустить открытые магазины, которые обеспечивают медленно увеличение производства товаров народного потребления, а также

scarce food products. дефицитные продукты питания.

In the countryside food is not only scarce, but hardly available at all, especially between В сельской местности еду не только мало, но вряд ли доступны вообще, особенно между

summer 1932 and spring 1933. You see, by then to feed the growing proletariat, the Bolsheviks лето 1932 года и весна 1933 года. прокормить растущий пролетариат, большевиков

are simply going into the countryside and taking the already meager food away from the просто едем в деревню и принимая уже скудную еду от

peasants, even literally stealing it off their kitchen tables. In this year 1932 into mid крестьяне, даже буквально крадут их кухонные столы. В этом году 1932 в середине

1933 farmers and their families will die in droves especially in Ukraine, they will starve 1933 фермеры и их семьи умрут в гонит особенно в украине, они будут голодать

to the point that many of them will simply drop dead as they walk. Men, women, children, до такой степени, что многие из них будут просто офигительно, как они ходят. Мужчины, женщины, дети,

families, whole villages will succumb to what can only be described as a genocide by hunger. семьи, целые деревни будут поддаваться тому, что Геноцид можно описать только голодом.

All in all, at least 4.5 million people, perhaps many more will pay with their lives for Stalin's В целом, по крайней мере, 4,5 миллиона человек, возможно, еще многие будут платить жизнью за Сталина

progress program. программа прогресса.

They die for a program of industrialization that will play an essential role in events Они умирают за программу индустриализации что будет играть важную роль в событиях

causing even more deaths of Soviet citizens in only eight years. вызывая еще больше смертей советских граждан всего за восемь лет.

But it will also have another essential effect on WW2, in fact a decisive role. The Kremlin's Но это также будет иметь другой существенный эффект на второй мировой войне, по сути, решающую роль. Кремль

effort at spreading out industry throughout the country, not just in the western and European усилия по распространению промышленности по всей страна, не только западная, но и европейская

portion of the country, results in massive industrialization past the Ural Mountains часть страны, приводит к массивным индустриализация за Уралом

and in Central Asia. Great sprawling factories in the heartland of Russia where an invading и в Центральной Азии. Большие раскидистые фабрики в самом сердце России, где вторжение

army will have great difficulty to reach them. Factories that might now be producing tractors, армии будет очень сложно добраться до них. Заводы, которые сейчас могут производить тракторы,

but can easily be transformed into making guns, ammunitions, planes, and tanks. Overall, но может быть легко преобразован в создание оружие, боеприпасы, самолеты и танки. В целом,

it's a transformation on a scale that is hardly imaginable. One day it will amaze Hitler это преобразование в масштабе, который едва ли можно представить. Однажды это поразит Гитлера

who, in the only surviving recording of a private conversation by the Führer, will кто в единственной сохранившейся записи частный разговор фюрера

express his utter shock to Finnish Field Marshal Mannerheim that in a single Soviet tank factory выразить свой полный шок финскому фельдмаршалу Маннергейм, что в единственном советском танковом заводе

there are sixty thousand workers… and that is only one factory. Across the Soviet Union Есть шестьдесят тысяч рабочих ... и это это только одна фабрика. По всему советскому союзу

there will be millions and millions of workers producing an endless output of the tools of будут миллионы и миллионы рабочих производя бесконечный выход инструментов

death with tools carved from the dead. смерть с инструментами, вырезанными из мертвых.

To understand how Stalin came into power in the first place, you can view our Between Чтобы понять, как Сталин пришел к власти в Во-первых, вы можете просмотреть наш Между

Two Wars episode about that by clicking right here. Our patron of the week is Nicholas Arblaster. Эпизод двух войн об этом, нажав вправо Вот. Наш покровитель недели - Николай Арбластер.

Thanks to Nicholas and the TimeGhost Army, we can make more videos just like this. Remember Благодаря Николаю и Армии TimeGhost, мы можем сделать больше видео, как это. Помните

to subscribe and click the bell! See you next time! подписаться и нажать на звонок! Увидимся позже время!