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Aesop’s Fables - Naxos, Belling the Cat

Belling the Cat

Long ago, the mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the Cat. Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he thought would meet the case. ‘You will all agree,' said he, ‘that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us. Now, if we could receive some signal of her approach, we could easily escape from her. I venture, therefore, to propose that a small bell be procured, and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the Cat. By this means we should always know when she was about, and could easily retire while she was in the neighbourhood.'

This proposal met with general applause, until an old mouse got up and said: ‘That is all very well, but who is to bell the Cat?' The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke. Then the old mouse said:

‘It is easy to propose impossible remedies.'

Belling the Cat Die Katze im Sack Belling the Cat L'écrasement du chat 猫に小判 고양이 울음소리 Belling the Cat Вызывая кота Kedinin Sesi Chuông mèo 给猫敲响铃 給貓敲響鈴

Long ago, the mice had a general council to consider what measures they could take to outwit their common enemy, the Cat. はるか昔、ネズミたちは共通の敵であるネコを出し抜くために、どのような対策を講じることができるかを検討するための全体会議を開いていた。 Some said this, and some said that; but at last a young mouse got up and said he had a proposal to make, which he thought would meet the case. ある者はこう言い、ある者はああ言ったが、ついに若いネズミが立ち上がり、このケースに合うと思われる提案があると言った。 ‘You will all agree,' said he, ‘that our chief danger consists in the sly and treacherous manner in which the enemy approaches us. 我々の最大の危険は、敵がずる賢く裏切りながら我々に近づいてくることにある。 Now, if we could receive some signal of her approach, we could easily escape from her. 今、彼女の接近を知らせる信号を受け取ることができれば、簡単に逃げることができる。 I venture, therefore, to propose that a small bell be procured, and attached by a ribbon round the neck of the Cat. そこで私は、あえて小さな鈴を調達し、猫の首にリボンで取り付けることを提案したい。 By this means we should always know when she was about, and could easily retire while she was in the neighbourhood.' こうすることで、彼女がいつ近くにいるかを常に把握することができ、彼女が近くにいる間に簡単に引退することができる」。 Bằng cách này, chúng ta sẽ luôn biết khi nào cô ấy đến và có thể dễ dàng nghỉ hưu khi cô ấy ở gần đây.'

This proposal met with general applause, until an old mouse got up and said: ‘That is all very well, but who is to bell the Cat?' The mice looked at one another and nobody spoke. しかし、一匹の年老いたネズミが立ち上がり、こう言った。ネズミたちは互いに顔を見合わせ、誰も口をきかなかった。 Then the old mouse said: すると老鼠が言った:

‘It is easy to propose impossible remedies.' Es ist leicht, unmögliche Abhilfemaßnahmen vorzuschlagen. 不可能な救済策を提案するのは簡単だ』。 'Thật dễ dàng để đề xuất những giải pháp không thể thực hiện được.'