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2023Q2 - 6 Minute English, 230406 Would you eat a Kalette?

230406 Would you eat a Kalette?

Neil: Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: ‘Kalettes', ‘CauliShoots', and ‘Tenderstems'… Can you guess what they are, Sam?

Sam: Well, they sound like the names of pop groups to me!

Neil: Yes, good guess, but in fact the truth is even stranger – they're varieties of vegetable being grown in the UK by a new generation of fruit and veg growers.

Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes - vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a hybrid.

Sam: The hybrid, Kalette, for example is a mix between kale and a Brussel sprout.

Neil: Tenderstems are a mix of traditional broccoli with a type of Chinese kale.


And CauliShoots are small green stems with mini cauliflower heads shooting out the side.

These exciting new varieties, which look very different from traditional vegetables, are increasingly popular on farms, in shops and in restaurants across the UK.

In this programme, we'll hear all about these new vegetables and the people who grow, cook and eat them.

And, as usual, we'll be learning some new vocabulary as well.


Sounds good, Sam! But first I have a question for you.

One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, Cotton Candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour.

But is Cotton Candy:

a) a cherry? b) a strawberry? or c) a grape?

Sam: Well, if it's sweet, I'll guess it's a strawberry.


OK, well, we'll reveal the answer later in the programme.

The Kalettes which Sam mentioned earlier, were introduced in the British market in 2010 under the name, ‘Flower Sprouts'.

They were advertised as a healthy vegetable that could be cooked or eaten raw and became extremely popular.


The inventor of the Kalette is Jamie Claxton, one of the UK's top seed producers and head of plant breeding firm, Tozer Seeds.

Here's Jamie chatting with, Leyla Kazim, presenter of BBC Radio 4's, The Food Programme.

Leyla Kazim: And so how did the idea of the Kalette even come about in the first place?

Jamie Claxton: We do quite a lot of blue-sky breeding where we just try wacky stuff and see what happens.

Leyla Kazim: Were you looking at sprout and a kale going, ‘I could do something exciting with this'.

Jamie Claxton:

We were looking at the whole of the brassica family, those are all brassica oleracea - Brussels sprouts, kales, cauliflowers, and just thinking how…

Obviously we knew they would cross pollinate easily and produce unusual veg, and we were just kind of thinking we need to create something that's more modern, you know, Brussels sprouts and kales are very traditional…

Throw a few things in together in a mixing pot thing and see what comes out.


Jamie says Kalettes were the result of blue-sky breeding.

This phrase comes from another expression, blue-sky thinking, which means using your imagination to try to come up with completely new and original ideas.


Some of Jamie's plants were wacky - unusual in a funny or surprising way, but this was all part of the fun of breeding and growing new vegetables.

Jamie threw his ideas into the mixing pot – a place where different ideas mingle together to create something new.


Hybrid vegetables add exciting new colours and tastes to traditional veg, such as the deep purple leaves of rainbow kale, or the sweet nutty flavour of a CauliShoot.

As a result, they have become fashionable with many British chefs, including Jack Stein, son of TV chef, Rick, who runs a restaurant in the seaside town of Padstow in Cornwall.

Sam: Here's presenter of BBC Radio 4's, The Food Programme, Leyla Kazim, again, talking to Jack about what makes a great new vegetable.

Leyla Kazim: When you're looking at new varieties of veg, are there any particular traits that you're looking for that will help in the kitchen?

Jack Stein:

I mean, obviously it's gonna be down to taste really, and it's gonna be down to what it looks like on the plates.

The colour, the texture, the taste, all these things are really important, but I think novelty and things like the Kalettes were great.

I mean, they were originally called ‘Flower Sprouts'.


Jack names two features of great hybrid veg.

First, there's the texture – the way something feels when you touch it…


And second, novelty – the fact that something is new and unusual.

Added to the surprising way many new varieties look, and of course their great taste, modern vegetables have provided a welcome new addition to traditional British cooking.

Neil: And don't forget the unusual names too, Sam, like the ‘Cotton Candy' fruit I asked you about in my question.

Sam: Yes, I guessed Cotton Candies were a new variety of strawberry. Was I right?


You were wrong I'm afraid, Sam.

In fact, Cotton Candy is a variety of grape, so called because they're very sweet and taste like you've been to the fairground.

OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme about new vegetable hybrids – plants which have been grown by mixing two different plants together.

Sam: Blue-sky thinking involves using your imagination to try and think up original ideas.

Neil: Something which is unusual in a funny or surprising way could be described as wacky.

Sam: The mixing pot is a place where different ideas or ingredients get mixed to create something new.

Neil: Texture means the way something feels when you touch it.


And finally, novelty is the quality of being new or unusual.

If you've enjoyed this programme, why not take the taste test by cooking some hybrid vegetables yourself.


And remember to join us again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary here at 6 Minute English.

Goodbye for now!

Sam: Bye bye!

230406 Would you eat a Kalette? ||||Kalette 230406 Würden Sie eine Kalette essen? 230406 Would you eat a Kalette? 230406 ¿Te comerías una Kalette? 230406 Mangeriez-vous une Kalette ? 230406 カレットを食べますか? 230406 칼레트 드시겠어요? 230406 Czy zjadłbyś Kalette? 230406 Comeria um Kalette? 230406 Вы бы съели Kalette? 230406 Bir Kalette yer miydiniz? 230406 你会吃 Kalette 吗? 230406 你會吃 Kalette 嗎?

Neil: Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

Sam: And I'm Sam.

Neil: ‘Kalettes', ‘CauliShoots', and ‘Tenderstems'… Can you guess what they are, Sam? ||CauliShoots||Tenderstems||||||| 尼尔:'Kalettes'、'CauliShoots' 和 'Tenderstems'......你能猜出它们是什么吗,山姆?

Sam: Well, they sound like the names of pop groups to me! 萨姆:嗯,在我看来它们听起来就像流行乐队的名字!

Neil: Yes, good guess, but in fact the truth is even stranger – they're varieties of vegetable being grown in the UK by a new generation of fruit and veg growers. |||||||||||||vrste||||||||||||||||proizvođači |||||||||||||variedades|||||||||||||||vegetais|produtores 尼尔:是的,猜得不错,但事实上真相更奇怪——它们是英国新一代果蔬种植者种植的蔬菜品种。

Forget traditional carrots, leeks and potatoes - vegetables today are getting a modern makeover thanks to breeding methods which mix two different plants to produce something completely new, known as a hybrid. |||韭菜||||||变得|||改造||||||||||||||||||杂交 |||alho-poró|||||||||transformação|||cruzamento||||||||produzir|algo|completamente|novo||||híbrido |||praziluk|||||||||modernizaciju||||||||||||||||||

Sam: The hybrid, Kalette, for example is a mix between kale and a Brussel sprout. ||||||||||羽衣甘蓝|||布鲁塞尔|芽菜 ||||||||||couve|||Bruxelas|broto ||||||||||kale|||prokulica|prokulica 萨姆:例如,杂交蔬菜凯莱特 (Kalette) 就是羽衣甘蓝和抱子甘蓝的杂交品种。

Neil: Tenderstems are a mix of traditional broccoli with a type of Chinese kale. |||||||brócolis||||||


And CauliShoots are small green stems with mini cauliflower heads shooting out the side. |||||stabljike|||karfiol||||| ||||||||花椰菜||生长||| CauliShoots to małe zielone łodygi z mini główkami kalafiora wystającymi z boku. 而 CauliShoots 则是小小的绿色茎,侧面长有迷你的花椰菜头。

These exciting new varieties, which look very different from traditional vegetables, are increasingly popular on farms, in shops and in restaurants across the UK.

In this programme, we'll hear all about these new vegetables and the people who grow, cook and eat them.

And, as usual, we'll be learning some new vocabulary as well.


Sounds good, Sam! But first I have a question for you.

One of the first hybrids on sale in the UK was named, Cotton Candy, because of its sweet, caramel flavour. ||||||||||||||||||karamelastog|ukus Jedna z pierwszych hybryd sprzedawanych w Wielkiej Brytanii została nazwana Cotton Candy ze względu na swój słodki, karmelowy smak. 英国最早出售的混合水果之一因其甜甜的焦糖味道而被命名为“棉花糖”。 在英国出售的第一批混合葡萄种植品种之一被命名为棉花糖,因为它具有甜美的焦糖味。

But is Cotton Candy: Ale to wata cukrowa: 但是棉花糖是什么?

a) a cherry? ||trešnja ||uma cereja a) 樱桃? b) a strawberry? ||uma morango? or c) a grape? |||uva

Sam: Well, if it's sweet, I'll guess it's a strawberry.


OK, well, we'll reveal the answer later in the programme.

The Kalettes which Sam mentioned earlier, were introduced in the British market in 2010 under the name, ‘Flower Sprouts'. |||||||||||||||||klice |||||||||||||||||broto

They were advertised as a healthy vegetable that could be cooked or eaten raw and became extremely popular. ||anunciados|||||||||||||||


The inventor of the Kalette is Jamie Claxton, one of the UK's top seed producers and head of plant breeding firm, Tozer Seeds. |inventor|||||||||||||||||||||

Here's Jamie chatting with, Leyla Kazim, presenter of BBC Radio 4's, The Food Programme.

Leyla Kazim: And so how did the idea of the Kalette even come about in the first place? |||||||||||甚至|||||| Leyla Kazim: Skąd w ogóle wziął się pomysł na Kalette?

Jamie Claxton: We do quite a lot of blue-sky breeding where we just try wacky stuff and see what happens. |||||||||||||||古怪的||||| |||||||||||||||maluco||||| |||||||||||||||ludorije|||||

Leyla Kazim: Were you looking at sprout and a kale going, ‘I could do something exciting with this'. ||||||klice|||kale|||||||| Leyla Kazim: Czy patrząc na kiełki i jarmuż myślałaś: "Mogłabym zrobić z tym coś ekscytującego"?

Jamie Claxton:

We were looking at the whole of the brassica family, those are all brassica oleracea - Brussels sprouts, kales, cauliflowers, and just thinking how… ||||||||kupusnjače||||||||prokulice|||||| ||||||||brássica||||||oleracea|||couves|couve-flor|||| Patrzyliśmy na całą rodzinę kapustnych, to są wszystkie kapustne oleracea - brukselka, kalafior, kalafior, i zastanawialiśmy się, jak...

Obviously we knew they would cross pollinate easily and produce unusual veg, and we were just kind of thinking we need to create something that's more modern, you know, Brussels sprouts and kales are very traditional… ||||||oprašivati||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Oczywiście wiedzieliśmy, że łatwo się zapylają i produkują niezwykłe warzywa, a my po prostu myśleliśmy, że musimy stworzyć coś bardziej nowoczesnego, wiesz, brukselka i jarmuż są bardzo tradycyjne...

Throw a few things in together in a mixing pot thing and see what comes out. 扔进去||||||||||||||| Wrzuć kilka rzeczy razem do miksera i zobacz, co wyjdzie.


Jamie says Kalettes were the result of blue-sky breeding. |||||||||育种 |||||||||cruzamento

This phrase comes from another expression, blue-sky thinking, which means using your imagination to try to come up with completely new and original ideas. |||||||||||使用||想象力||||||||全新||| Zwrot ten pochodzi od innego wyrażenia, "blue-sky thinking", które oznacza używanie wyobraźni do wymyślania zupełnie nowych i oryginalnych pomysłów.


Some of Jamie's plants were wacky - unusual in a funny or surprising way, but this was all part of the fun of breeding and growing new vegetables. |||||neobične||||||||||||||||||||| Niektóre z roślin Jamiego były dziwaczne - niezwykłe w zabawny lub zaskakujący sposób, ale to wszystko było częścią zabawy związanej z hodowlą i uprawą nowych warzyw.

Jamie threw his ideas into the mixing pot – a place where different ideas mingle together to create something new. |||||||||||||mešaju se||||| |||||||||||||misturam||||| 杰米将他的想法投入到混合炉中——一个不同的想法融合在一起创造出新事物的地方。


Hybrid vegetables add exciting new colours and tastes to traditional veg, such as the deep purple leaves of rainbow kale, or the sweet nutty flavour of a CauliShoot. |||||||||||||||||||||||坚果味|||| ||||||||||||||||||arco-íris|||||avelã||||CauliShoot |||||||||||||||||||||||orašasti ukus||||

As a result, they have become fashionable with many British chefs, including Jack Stein, son of TV chef, Rick, who runs a restaurant in the seaside town of Padstow in Cornwall. |||||||||||||||||||||||||morskom gradu|||||

Sam: Here's presenter of BBC Radio 4's, The Food Programme, Leyla Kazim, again, talking to Jack about what makes a great new vegetable.

Leyla Kazim: When you're looking at new varieties of veg, are there any particular traits that you're looking for that will help in the kitchen? ||||||||||||||karakteristike|||||||||| ||||||||||||||características||||||||||

Jack Stein:

I mean, obviously it's gonna be down to taste really, and it's gonna be down to what it looks like on the plates. To znaczy, oczywiście wszystko będzie zależeć od smaku i od tego, jak będzie wyglądać na talerzu.

The colour, the texture, the taste, all these things are really important, but I think novelty and things like the Kalettes were great. |||||||||||||||novitet||||||| |||textura||||||||||||a novidade|||||||

I mean, they were originally called ‘Flower Sprouts'.


Jack names two features of great hybrid veg.

First, there's the texture – the way something feels when you touch it…


And second, novelty – the fact that something is new and unusual. ||novidade|||||||| 第二,新颖性——指某事物新颖且不寻常。

Added to the surprising way many new varieties look, and of course their great taste, modern vegetables have provided a welcome new addition to traditional British cooking. 增加|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Oprócz zaskakującego wyglądu wielu nowych odmian i oczywiście ich wspaniałego smaku, nowoczesne warzywa stanowią mile widziany nowy dodatek do tradycyjnej brytyjskiej kuchni. 许多新品种不仅外观令人惊奇,味道也极佳,现代蔬菜为传统的英国烹饪增添了令人欣喜的新元素。

Neil: And don't forget the unusual names too, Sam, like the ‘Cotton Candy' fruit I asked you about in my question.

Sam: Yes, I guessed Cotton Candies were a new variety of strawberry. Was I right?


You were wrong I'm afraid, Sam.

In fact, Cotton Candy is a variety of grape, so called because they're very sweet and taste like you've been to the fairground. ||||||||||||||||||||||luna park ||||||||||||||||||||||parque de diversões

OK, let's recap the vocabulary we've learned from this programme about new vegetable hybrids – plants which have been grown by mixing two different plants together. 好的,让我们回顾一下从本节目中学到的有关新型蔬菜杂交品种的词汇——通过将两种不同的植物混合在一起而长成的植物。

Sam: Blue-sky thinking involves using your imagination to try and think up original ideas. 萨姆:蓝天思维涉及运用你的想象力来尝试并提出原创的想法。

Neil: Something which is unusual in a funny or surprising way could be described as wacky. |||||||||||||||neobično

Sam: The mixing pot is a place where different ideas or ingredients get mixed to create something new.

Neil: Texture means the way something feels when you touch it.


And finally, novelty is the quality of being new or unusual.

If you've enjoyed this programme, why not take the taste test by cooking some hybrid vegetables yourself. 如果您喜欢这个节目,为什么不亲自烹饪一些杂交蔬菜来测试一下味道呢。


And remember to join us again soon for more trending topics and useful vocabulary here at 6 Minute English.

Goodbye for now!

Sam: Bye bye! Sam||