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Snowflakes, The Science of Snowflakes

The Science of Snowflakes

— You are a beautiful and unique snowflake.

— You are NOT a beautiful and unique snowflake.

— No on else is exactly like you, you're one in a billion.

— You realize that means there's like eight people exactly like you?

— Shut up!

— I am a unique snowflake.

That's so cheesy.

There's a lot of snowflake science videos out there on YouTube and they all mention the same idea that no two snowflakes are alike.

But where do we get that idea?

The universe is a big place.

It's really old, and on countless planets with countless snowflakes, surely two of them have been alike.

The idea that no two snowflakes are alike probably started on January 15, 1885 in Jericho, Vermont.

A twenty-year-old named Wilson Bentley was sitting outside his farmhouse, freezing his Bentleys off, holding a sheet of black fabric and a turkey feather in the other hand, waiting for a snowflake to fall in just the right spot.

And, when it did, he put that snowflake under a microscope attached to an enormous old camera.

And he held his breath [as] one wrong breath could ruin the whole thing.

He opened the shutter and POOF!

Wilson Bentley had the first photograph of a snowflake ever taken.

Wilson Bentley like SERIOUSLY loved snowflakes, in the sense that he never got married, never moved out of his mom's house, and basically just took pictures of snowflakes for like fifty years.

Now, he called them “masterpieces of design.”

Of course, we know there is no design in a snowflake, but that doesn't make them any less amazing.

Every plate, every branch, every needle on a needle on a needle, all of those details are what's called emergent properties.

This is complexity that's based on very simple rules.

And for snowflakes, those rules go back to the basic laws of physics.

In the air, or in liquid water molecules are zipping around, bouncing off of each other and everything else trillions of times per second.

We have no way of knowing where they are or what direction they are facing at any moment.

As we remove heat, it gets colder, and those water molecules start to slow down.

Eventually, their atomic attraction, the actual hydrogen bonds between water molecules, takes over, and they settle into order.

That sounds complicated, but we just call that "freezing".

The structure of a snowflake can be found in just six water molecules.

I know that the angle between any two hydrogens is about hundred and five degrees.

And I know that's true for any water molecule in the entire universe.

And for some of those water molecules, well, the other hydrogen's behind them.

Just like that, we've uncovered the six-fold symmetry of a snowflake crystal.

That crystal starts as a tiny speck of dust, or pollen, which catches water vapor out of the air and eventually forms the simplest of snowflake shapes: tiny hexagons called diamond dust.

And then, randomness takes over.

There's a very simple reason why a snowflake's arm grows out here and not here.

It's just because it sticks out farther and has a higher probability that water molecules will land there.

And more water molecules and more water molecules land, and then we've got an arm, and another arm, and another arm, and on and on, until we get the intricate and beautiful shapes that we know and love.

Depending on temperature and humidity, and a lot of factors that scientists don't even understand, those simple hexagons can give rise to seemingly infinite shapes.

Each snowflake will travel through different air currents and bump into different water molecules.

BUT . . .

In 1998, researcher Nancy Knight claimed to find two identical snowflakes, and they DO look very much alike.

It's quite possible that two of those simple hexagons could be the same in every measurement of size and mass, but they would NOT be identical, and physics tells us why.

We know that water molecules are made of two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom.

But not every hydrogen is created equal.

If we go back to the Big Bang, we find out that out of every million or so hydrogen atoms created, a couple hundred of them, instead of just being a proton and an electron, are holding on to a neutron.

This is the isotope of hydrogen called "deuterium".

In Earth's water, even in you, about one in three thousand molecules will be holding onto deuterium instead of hydrogen.

Out of the million million million molecules that make up a snowflake, a lot of them will holding on to deuterium too.

Even identical looking snowflakes are not the same.

Now you could love a snowflake just because it's pretty.

But it doesn't take away from its beauty to understand that it was sculpted by chance and physics.

To me, that adds to the beauty.

I have to say, this whole "we are unique snowflakes" thing is pretty cheesy.

It might be the most overused metaphor in the history of metaphors.

So, let me give you a new one:

Snowflakes are symmetrical, but they're not perfect.

They're ordered, but they're created in disorder.

Every random branch re-tells their history, that singular journey that they took to get here, and most of all they're fleeting and temporary.

Even if sometimes they don't look so unique on the outside, if we look within, we can see that they're truly unique after all.

Stay curious.

We're not the only social animals that sit down to eat together, but we are the only ones who cook.

Cultural anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss says that above all cooking establishes the difference between animals and people.

We're gonna put a happy little arm over here.

Look at that happy little snowflake.

Everyone of 'em is unique and beautiful, just like you are.

The Science of Snowflakes Η επιστήμη των νιφάδων χιονιού La ciencia de los copos de nieve 雪の結晶の科学 A ciência dos flocos de neve Наука о снежинках Vetenskapen om snöflingor Kar Tanelerinin Bilimi 雪花的科学 雪花的科學

— You are a beautiful and unique snowflake.

— You are NOT a beautiful and unique snowflake.

— No on else is exactly like you, you're one in a billion.

— You realize that means there's like eight people exactly like you? 당신은 십억 명 중 특별한 한 명이에요.

— Shut up! - ¡Cállate! 그렇다는 건 전 세계에 너 같은 사람이 8명이나 있다는 말인거 알아?

— I am a unique snowflake. שתוק! אני פתית שלג יחודי

That's so cheesy. "اصمت! أنا قطعة ثلج فريدة من نوعها. Qué cursi. 닥쳐! 난 특별한 눈송이 맞거든? 'Kapa çeneni! Ben eşsiz bir kar tanesiyim.'

There's a lot of snowflake science videos out there on YouTube and they all mention the same idea that no two snowflakes are alike. Hay un montón de vídeos sobre la ciencia de los copos de nieve en YouTube y todos mencionan la misma idea de que no hay dos copos de nieve iguales. 오그라드네요. 눈송이에서 찾은 과학

But where do we get that idea? أنه لا يوجد قطعتا ثلج متماثلتين. لكن من أين جئنا بهذه الفكرة؟ Pero, ¿de dónde sacamos esa idea? ‘모양이 같은 눈송이는 없다’고.

The universe is a big place. 우주는 매우 크고 오래되었고

It's really old, and on countless planets with countless snowflakes, surely two of them have been alike. 수많은 행성들에는 수많은 눈송이들이 있을 텐데

The idea that no two snowflakes are alike probably started on January 15, 1885 in Jericho, Vermont. 그렇다면 그 중에 한두 개는 같지 않을까요? 눈송이가 서로 똑같지 않다는 생각은

A twenty-year-old named Wilson Bentley was sitting outside his farmhouse, freezing his Bentleys off, holding a sheet of black fabric and a turkey feather in the other hand, waiting for a snowflake to fall in just the right spot. كان شاب يُدعى ويلسون بنتلي يبلغ من العمر 20 عاماً، جالسًا خارج بيته الريفي

And, when it did, he put that snowflake under a microscope attached to an enormous old camera. 눈송이가 떨어지길 기다렸고. 그리고 눈송이가 떨어진 그 순간 Ve düştüğünde,

And he held his breath \[as\] one wrong breath could ruin the whole thing. אליו מחוברות מצלמה גדולה וישנה. 크고 오래된 카메라가 부착된 현미경 아래에 놓고 숨을 참았습니다. onder een microscoop die verbonden was met een enorme oude camera. Hij hield zijn adem in.... onu çok eski bir kameraya bağlı bir mikroskobun altına koyarak nefesini tuttu.

He opened the shutter and POOF! لأن بمقدور نفس واحد تدمير الأمر برمته. وفتح مصراع الكاميرا والتقط الصورة! הוא עצר את נשימתו. נשימה אחת מוטעית יכלה להרוס הכל. 잘못된 숨 한 번으로 모든 게 망할 수도 있었기 때문이죠. Yanlış tek bir nefes herşeyi bozabilirdi.Kapağı açtı ve PUF!

Wilson Bentley had the first photograph of a snowflake ever taken. 그리고 사진을 찍자

Wilson Bentley like SERIOUSLY loved snowflakes, in the sense that he never got married, never moved out of his mom's house, and basically just took pictures of snowflakes for like fifty years.

Now, he called them “masterpieces of design.” أطلق عليهم مسمى "تحف فنية من التصميم" הוא קרא להם "יצירות מופת של עיצוב" 그는 그들을 '디자인 걸작' 이라고 불렀는데, 50 jaar. Hij noemde ze 'meesterwerken van ontwerp'. Nu weten we inmiddels dat er geen

Of course, we know there is no design in a snowflake, but that doesn't make them any less amazing. نحن نعلم طبعًا أنه لا يوجد أي تصميم في قطعة الثلج، لكن هذا لا يفقدها أيًا من جمالها. כמובן שאנחנו יודעים שאין עיצוב בפתיתי שלג, אבל זה לא הופך אותם לפחות מדהימים. 당연히 우린 눈송이에 디자인 따윈 없다는 걸 알았지만, ontwerp aan te pas komt bij een sneeuwvlok, maar daarom zijn ze niet minder verbazingwekkend.

Every plate, every branch, every needle on a needle on a needle, all of those details are what's called emergent properties.

This is complexity that's based on very simple rules. '창발성' 이라고 불립니다. worden 'bepalende eigenschappen' genoemd. Deze complexe structuur is gebaseerd op eenvoudige regels. 'belirme'nin nitelikleri.Yani çok basit kurallardan ortaya çıkmış karışıklık.

And for snowflakes, those rules go back to the basic laws of physics. 아주 단순한 법칙에 기반을 둔 복합적인 집합체죠.

In the air, or in liquid water molecules are zipping around, bouncing off of each other and everything else trillions of times per second.

We have no way of knowing where they are or what direction they are facing at any moment. وعن كل شيء آخر تريليونات المرات في الثانية 1초에 수백억 번씩 하지만

As we remove heat, it gets colder, and those water molecules start to slow down. Bij het afkoelen

Eventually, their atomic attraction, the actual hydrogen bonds between water molecules, takes over, and they settle into order. beginnen die watermoleculen langzamer te bewegen, tot tenslotte hun onderlinge aantrekkingskracht

That sounds complicated, but we just call that "freezing". işi devralıp sıraya yerleşiyor.

The structure of a snowflake can be found in just six water molecules.

I know that the angle between any two hydrogens is about hundred and five degrees. أعلم أن مقدار الزاوية بين أي ذرتي هيدروجين

And I know that's true for any water molecule in the entire universe.

And for some of those water molecules, well, the other hydrogen's behind them.

Just like that, we've uncovered the six-fold symmetry of a snowflake crystal.

That crystal starts as a tiny speck of dust, or pollen, which catches water vapor out of the air and eventually forms the simplest of snowflake shapes: tiny hexagons called diamond dust.

And then, randomness takes over. قطع سداسية صغيرة تُسمى بـ"الغبار الماسيّ".

There's a very simple reason why a snowflake's arm grows out here and not here. 그 다음부턴 임의대로 생기죠. 눈송이의 가지가 왜 여기에 안생기고 Vanaf daar gaat het wat meer toevallig. Er is een eenvoudige reden waarom een sneeuwvlok

It's just because it sticks out farther and has a higher probability that water molecules will land there. aan de hoekpunten groeit, en niet hier in het midden. Het steekt hier wat verder uit, waardoor het Tek nedeni, köşesinin daha uzağa uzanmasıdır.

And more water molecules and more water molecules land, and then we've got an arm, and another arm, and another arm, and on and on, until we get the intricate and beautiful shapes that we know and love. تستقر الكثير والكثير من جزيئات الماء 외곽 쪽에 붙는 물 분자가 많을수록

Depending on temperature and humidity, and a lot of factors that scientists don't even understand, those simple hexagons can give rise to seemingly infinite shapes.

Each snowflake will travel through different air currents and bump into different water molecules.

BUT . . .

In 1998, researcher Nancy Knight claimed to find two identical snowflakes, and they DO look very much alike.

It's quite possible that two of those simple hexagons could be the same in every measurement of size and mass, but they would NOT be identical, and physics tells us why.

We know that water molecules are made of two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. de natuurkunde kan dat verklaren.

But not every hydrogen is created equal.

If we go back to the Big Bang, we find out that out of every million or so hydrogen atoms created, a couple hundred of them, instead of just being a proton and an electron, are holding on to a neutron. ولكن لم تخلق ذرات الهيدروجين بالتساوي. فلو رجعنا إلى نظرية الانفجار الكبير 그러나 모든 수소 원자가 똑같이 만들어지지 않았습니다. 빅뱅이 일어났을 때를 생각해 보면, alle waterstofatomen zijn hetzelfde gevormd. Als we teruggaan tot de 'Big Bang', vinden we dat Ancak her hidrojen aynı şekilde yaratılmamıştır.Eğer 'Büyük Patlama'ya geri gidersek

This is the isotope of hydrogen called "deuterium". 양성자와 전자 이외에도 중성자 하나를 가지고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

In Earth's water, even in you, about one in three thousand molecules will be holding onto deuterium instead of hydrogen.

Out of the million million million molecules that make up a snowflake, a lot of them will holding on to deuterium too.

Even identical looking snowflakes are not the same.

Now you could love a snowflake just because it's pretty.

But it doesn't take away from its beauty to understand that it was sculpted by chance and physics.

To me, that adds to the beauty.

I have to say, this whole "we are unique snowflakes" thing is pretty cheesy.

It might be the most overused metaphor in the history of metaphors.

So, let me give you a new one:

Snowflakes are symmetrical, but they're not perfect. 그러니 새로운 정의를 내려줄게요

They're ordered, but they're created in disorder. פתיתי שלג הם סימטריים, אבל הם לא מושלמים. הם מסודרים, אך הם נוצרו מאי סדר, 눈송이는 대칭을 이루지만 완벽하지 않습니다. 그들은 질서정연 하지만, 혼란 속에서 탄생되었고, Düzenlidirler, ancak düzensizlik içinde yaratılmışlardır.

Every random branch re-tells their history, that singular journey that they took to get here, and most of all they're fleeting and temporary. تلك الرحلة الفريدة التي قطعوها ليصلوا إلى هنا כל ענף אקראי מספר מחדש את ההיסטוריה שלהם, את המסע היחיד שהם עשו כדי להגיע לכאן 가지 하나하나는 그들이 지나온 여행길, 그들의 역사를 말하고 있습니다. Tesadüfî oluşmuş her dal, buraya gelmek için katettikleri o aynı yolun hikâyesini ayrı aktarır.

Even if sometimes they don't look so unique on the outside, if we look within, we can see that they're truly unique after all.

Stay curious. נוכל לראות שכל אחד מהם הוא באמת ייחודי 결국에는 그들이 진정으로 특별하다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.

We're not the only social animals that sit down to eat together, but we are the only ones who cook. השארו סקרנים! Blijf nieuwsgierig.

Cultural anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss says that above all cooking establishes the difference between animals and people. El antropólogo cultural Claude Levi-Strauss afirma que, ante todo, la cocina establece la diferencia entre animales y personas. wel de enigen die ons eten eerst koken. Cultureel antropoloog Claude Levi-Strauss zegt dat koken het

We're gonna put a happy little arm over here. Vamos a poner un bracito feliz por aquí. 여기에 행복하고 조그만 가지를 그릴게요..

Look at that happy little snowflake. Mira a ese pequeño copo de nieve feliz. 이 행복하고 작은 눈송이 좀 봐요

Everyone of 'em is unique and beautiful, just like you are. Cada uno de ellos es único y hermoso, como tú.