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Robinson Crusoe (Graded Reader), Chapter Five. "Friday"

Chapter Five. "Friday"

I was very happy to have a friend. I called him Friday because he came to my island on a Friday. He was a young man. He was tall with long legs and big feet. I think he was about twenty-six years old. It was difficult to know because he couldn't speak English. I used my hands to tell and show him things. He was happy to be safe from the savages and I understood that he wanted to be my slave. I had to teach him everything but I enjoyed it. I had somebody to talk to! He had a nice, happy face and big, brown eyes. His hair was long and black. He had a small nose and mouth. His teeth were very white.

After I gave him some water and bread, he slept for about half an hour. When he woke up, he came out of the cave to look for me. I was with my goats. He ran to me and showed me that he wanted to help me. He put his head at my feet to show me that he was my slave now. I was very happy for this. I needed a slave to help me with all the work. I began to speak to him and teach him some words. He learned his name, Friday. He also learned to call me ‘Master' and to say ‘yes' and ‘no'. I showed him the things I ate. He learned to drink milk and eat bread and liked them very much. I gave him some clothes because he didn't have any. We waited until the next day to go out again. Then, we went up the hill to look at the beach. We couldn't see any savages now. There were no boats on the beach. I gave Friday a gun and we went down to the beach.

When I saw the beach I felt really bad. There were heads and feet and hands everywhere. Friday wanted to eat them!

‘No! No! Friday!' I said.

He looked at me with sad eyes.

‘Don't worry, Friday,' I said. ‘We can eat lots of other things, nice things!'

He didn't understand. I took him home and gave him some cheese.

‘Yummy!' I said and put some cheese in my mouth.

He did the same. He was happy now.

Now I had to make a place for Friday to sleep. I got two sails and made a bedroom for him outside my cave. He was safe here because there was a big wall between his bedroom and the outside of my home. He was happy with his bedroom and his bed. I gave him a big coat for a bed and he slept well on it. I made a door between Friday's bedroom and my cave. He couldn't get into my cave at night because I closed the door and put my chair behind it. Every evening I took all the guns and put them in my room. But Friday was never a problem. He was a great slave and did everything for me.

‘Don't worry, master. Friday do it,' he said when he saw I was tired. He was my son, not a slave. I was his father, not his master. He was a great student too and learned to speak very well. I had a beautiful life now on my island. I had everything I needed. There was only one problem… the savages.

I wanted Friday to understand that it wasn't good to eat men. There were other kinds of meat that were good to eat. I took him with me one day to get a goat for dinner. I got the goat with the gun.

When Friday heard the noise of the gun, his face was sad.

‘Don't worry, Friday. Guns always make this noise,' I said.

We took the goat home and made it for dinner. First, I put some in my mouth and said: ‘Yummy!'

Then, I gave some to Friday and he liked it. He wasn't a savage now; he was my slave, my son and my friend. He helped me with my grain and rice and I taught him to make bread. In a short time, Friday could do all the work for me. He knew a lot of words now and we had great conversations. I asked him about his country. He told me that his people were savages too.

‘I came to this island many times with my people. Then those bad people took me and wanted to eat me. But you came and now I'm safe,' he said.

‘But why did you come here?' I asked.

‘To eat the bad men we caught, the men from other countries,' he said.

‘Isn't it difficult to get home from here in your boats?' I asked.

‘No, everybody gets home. The waves always take us back to our country,' said Friday.

I asked him lots about his country and his people. He told me there were some men with white beards there. They came four years before when their ship went to the bottom of the sea.

‘Can you take me to these men with white beards, Friday?'

‘Yes, but we need a big boat.'

We found a good tree and started to make our boat. I was excited. I wanted to meet these men.

Were they some of the men on the Spanish ship? The ship I visited after the storm? He told me there were seventeen of these men in his country.

After twenty-seven years on this island, it was now possible to leave. I had Friday to take me to these Europeans in his country. He knew the sea well, the wind and the waves. He knew the right time to go.

We made the boat together. We made it near the water this time. I told him about my life. I taught him to use a gun and I gave him a knife too. He was very happy with these things. I told him about Europe and a lot about England. He told me that in his country, his people were nice to the Europeans. That was good! I was worried about those savages!

One beautiful morning, we went up the hill. Friday looked out to sea and said:

‘Hey! Look master! My country!' He was very excited.

‘Would you like to be there?' I asked.

‘Oh yes!' he said. ‘But not to be a savage. I want to tell them about my new life. I want to teach them all the new things I know, master. And you'll come with me. They'll be happy to meet you. You can teach them lots of new things.'

‘Well, we have to finish our boat!' I said.

We finished our boat in a month after a lot of hard work. It was big. I made sails for the new boat with the old sails from the ship. I worked on these sails for two months. Then I taught Friday to use them. The rain came. I waited for the good weather again. We took our boat up the river to a safe place. We waited for November or December to come to start our voyage. When the weather was fine again, I started to put some food in boxes for the voyage.

One morning, I told Friday to go down to the beach to get a turtle. After some minutes he was back.

‘Oh master! Oh bad!' he said.

‘What's bad Friday?' I asked.

‘Three boats on the beach, master! Three!'

‘Don't worry, Friday. We'll think of something,' I said.

But Friday was very worried; worried that these savages were here to find him and eat him.

‘The savages won't take you from me, Friday. I'll die first!'

‘No, they'll die, not you!' said Friday.

‘Yes, of course! We'll use our guns. They'll all die! Take me to them, Friday!'

We took our guns and went up the hill. From here I could see that there were twenty-one savages on the beach with three boats. In one of these boats, there were three other men. They were the savages' dinner! There were trees near the beach. I told Friday to follow me to the trees. We stayed near each other and didn't say a word. We watched the savages from behind the trees. They were near their fire. There were only two men in the boat now. One of these wasn't a savage but a man with a white beard, a European! It was time to do something, before they ate him too.

‘Now, Friday!' I said ‘Do what I do! Use your gun!'

The savages heard the noise but they didn't run. They looked about. They couldn't see us. They didn't know what to do. The first time, five savages died, then four, then six, then two. We ran out from behind the trees. Four savages got into a boat. I ran to the man with the white beard to help him. I gave him some water and some bread.

Then I went to the other man. He was happy there were no savages to eat him now. I gave him some bread and water too. Then, I called Friday to speak to him because he was from his country. When Friday saw the man, he said: ‘Hooray! Hooray!' and danced about. I couldn't understand why. Then, he told me:

‘Master, this is my father!'

I was very happy for Friday and his father. We brought him and the Spanish man home. That night there was a lot of wind. I thought about the boat with the savages in it. Did they get back to their island? Anyhow, after that night, no savages ever came to the island again.

We made a room for the Spanish man and Friday's father with some of the ship's sails. They slept well there. I had a lot of people on my island now, and I was master of them all! We spoke a lot together. The Spanish man told me that he lived with sixteen other Europeans. He said that they didn't have a good life there.

‘Tell them to come here and we can make a big boat together and go to Brazil or Spain,' I said.

‘They can live well here until we're ready to leave the island.'

We used the next six months to work on my farm. We needed a lot of rice and grain now for all these people. Everybody worked hard. In October, the Spanish man and Friday's father left on a boat to go and tell the others about my island.

‘Goodbye! Tell them, I'll wait for them. I'll give them a good life here,' I said. ‘Then we can all leave this island together and go back to Europe or America. Hooray!'

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Chapter Five. "Friday" ||星期五 Fünftes Kapitel. "Freitag" Capítulo cinco. "Viernes" 第五章"金曜日" 5장. "금요일" Rozdział piąty. "Piątek" Capítulo Cinco. "Sexta-feira" Глава 5. "Пятница" Beşinci Bölüm. "Cuma" Розділ п'ятий. "П'ятниця" 第五章。 “星期五” 第五章。 “星期五”

I was very happy to have a friend. 我很高興有一個朋友。 I called him Friday because he came to my island on a Friday. He was a young man. He was tall with long legs and big feet. |||||腿|||脚 他個子很高,腿很長,腳很大。 I think he was about twenty-six years old. |||||二十|六|| 我想他大約二十六歲。 It was difficult to know because he couldn't speak English. 這很難知道,因為他不會說英語。 I used my hands to tell and show him things. 我用我的雙手告訴他並向他展示事情。 He was happy to be safe from the savages and I understood that he wanted to be my slave. ||||||||野蛮人|||||||||| 他很高興能夠遠離野蠻人,我明白他想成為我的奴隸。 I had to teach him everything but I enjoyed it. 我必須教他一切,但我很享受。 I had somebody to talk to! 我有人可以說話! He had a nice, happy face and big, brown eyes. |||||||大|棕色的| 他有一張漂亮、快樂的臉和一雙棕色的大眼睛。 His hair was long and black. 他的頭髮又長又黑。 He had a small nose and mouth. ||||||嘴巴 Tinha um nariz e uma boca pequenos. His teeth were very white. |牙齿|||白色的 他的牙齒很白。

After I gave him some water and bread, he slept for about half an hour. |||||||||睡觉||大约||| 我給了他一些水和麵包後,他睡了大約半小時。 When he woke up, he came out of the cave to look for me. 當他醒來時,他從山洞裡出來找我。 I was with my goats. ||||山羊 我和我的山羊在一起。 He ran to me and showed me that he wanted to help me. Ele correu para mim e mostrou-me que queria ajudar-me. 他跑向我,向我表明他想幫助我。 He put his head at my feet to show me that he was my slave now. ||||||||||||||奴隶| 他把頭放在我的腳邊,向我表明他現在是我的奴隸了。 I was very happy for this. 我為此感到非常高興。 I needed a slave to help me with all the work. 我需要一個奴隸來幫助我完成所有的工作。 I began to speak to him and teach him some words. ||||||||||单词 我開始和他說話並教他一些單字。 He learned his name, Friday. ||||星期五 他知道了自己的名字,星期五。 He also learned to call me ‘Master' and to say ‘yes' and ‘no'. Também aprendeu a chamar-me "Mestre" e a dizer "sim" e "não". 他還學會了叫我“師父”,並學會說“是”和“不是”。 I showed him the things I ate. 我給他看了我吃的東西。 He learned to drink milk and eat bread and liked them very much. ||||牛奶|||||||| 他學會了喝牛奶和吃麵包,並且非常喜歡它們。 I gave him some clothes because he didn't have any. ||||衣服||||| 我給了他一些衣服,因為他沒有衣服。 We waited until the next day to go out again. 等到第二天我們又出去了。 Then, we went up the hill to look at the beach. 然後我們就上山去看海灘。 We couldn't see any savages now. ||||野人| 現在我們看不到任何野蠻人了。 There were no boats on the beach. |||船||| I gave Friday a gun and we went down to the beach. ||星期五||一把枪|||去|||| 我給了星期五一把槍,然後我們去了海灘。

When I saw the beach I felt really bad. ||||||||很糟糕 Quando vi a praia, senti-me muito mal. 當我看到海灘時,我感覺很糟糕。 There were heads and feet and hands everywhere. ||||脚|||到处 Havia cabeças, pés e mãos por todo o lado. 到處都是頭、腳和手。 Friday wanted to eat them! O Sexta-feira queria comê-las! 星期五想吃它們!

‘No! Não! No! Não! Friday!' I said. Sexta-feira! disse eu.

He looked at me with sad eyes. |||||悲伤的| Ele olhou para mim com olhos tristes. 他用悲傷的眼神看著我。

‘Don't worry, Friday,' I said. Não te preocupes, Sexta-feira", disse eu. 「別擔心,星期五,」我說。 ‘We can eat lots of other things, nice things!' Podemos comer muitas outras coisas, coisas boas! “我們可以吃很多其他東西,好東西!”

He didn't understand. Ele não percebeu. 他不明白。 I took him home and gave him some cheese. |||||||一些| Levei-o para casa e dei-lhe um pouco de queijo. 我帶他回家並給了他一些起司。

‘Yummy!' I said and put some cheese in my mouth. 好吃||||||||| "Delicioso!", disse eu e pus um pouco de queijo na boca. '好吃!我一邊說著,一邊往嘴裡放了一些起司。

He did the same. He was happy now.

Now I had to make a place for Friday to sleep. 現在我必須為週五找個地方睡覺。 I got two sails and made a bedroom for him outside my cave. |||||||卧室||||| Arranjei duas velas e fiz um quarto para ele fora da minha caverna. 我買了兩塊帆,在我的洞穴外為他做了一間臥室。 He was safe here because there was a big wall between his bedroom and the outside of my home. Ele estava seguro aqui porque havia uma grande parede entre o seu quarto e o exterior da minha casa. 他在這裡很安全,因為他的臥室和我家外面之間有一面大牆。 He was happy with his bedroom and his bed. 他對自己的臥室和床很滿意。 I gave him a big coat for a bed and he slept well on it. |||||||||||睡得很好||| 我給了他一件大外套當床,他在上面睡得很好。 I made a door between Friday's bedroom and my cave. Fiz uma porta entre o quarto de Sexta-feira e a minha caverna. He couldn't get into my cave at night because I closed the door and put my chair behind it. Ele não podia entrar na minha caverna à noite porque eu fechava a porta e punha a minha cadeira atrás dela. 晚上他無法進入我的洞穴,因為我關上了門,並將椅子放在門後。 Every evening I took all the guns and put them in my room. 每天晚上我都會把所有的槍都收起來放在我的房間裡。 But Friday was never a problem. 但星期五從來都不是問題。 He was a great slave and did everything for me. 他是個偉大的奴隸,為我做了一切。

‘Don't worry, master. 「別擔心,主人。 Friday do it,' he said when he saw I was tired. ||||||||||累 週五就做吧,」他看到我很累時說。 He was my son, not a slave. 他是我的兒子,不是奴隸。 I was his father, not his master. 我是他的父親,不是他的師父。 He was a great student too and learned to speak very well. 他也是個優秀的學生,並且學得很好。 I had a beautiful life now on my island. 我現在在我的島上過著美好的生活。 I had everything I needed. There was only one problem… the savages. ||||||野蛮人 只有一個問題……野蠻人。

I wanted Friday to understand that it wasn't good to eat men. |||||||||||人类 我想讓星期五明白吃男人不好。 There were other kinds of meat that were good to eat. |||||肉类||||| 還有其他種類的肉也很好吃。 I took him with me one day to get a goat for dinner. 有一天,我帶他去買一隻山羊當晚餐。 I got the goat with the gun. 我用槍抓住了山羊。

When Friday heard the noise of the gun, his face was sad. 當星期五聽到槍聲時,他滿臉悲傷。

‘Don't worry, Friday. 「別擔心,星期五。 Guns always make this noise,' I said. ||||声音|| 槍總是發出這種聲音,」我說。

We took the goat home and made it for dinner. 我們把山羊帶回家做晚餐。 First, I put some in my mouth and said: ‘Yummy!' |||||||||好吃 首先,我把一些放進嘴裡說:“好吃!”

Then, I gave some to Friday and he liked it. 然後,我給了星期五一些,他很喜歡。 He wasn't a savage now; he was my slave, my son and my friend. |||野蛮人|||||||||| Agora já não era um selvagem, era o meu escravo, o meu filho e o meu amigo. 他現在不再是個野蠻人了;他已經是個野蠻人了。他是我的奴隸、我的兒子和我的朋友。 He helped me with my grain and rice and I taught him to make bread. ||||||||||教|||| Ele ajudava-me com os cereais e o arroz e eu ensinei-o a fazer pão. 他幫我種植穀物和米,我教他做麵包。 In a short time, Friday could do all the work for me. 在很短的時間內,星期五就可以為我完成所有的工作。 He knew a lot of words now and we had great conversations. |||||||||||对话 I asked him about his country. 我問他關於他的國家的事。 He told me that his people were savages too. ||||他的|||| 彼は自分の仲間も野蛮人だと言った。 他告訴我他的人民也是野蠻人。

‘I came to this island many times with my people. 「我和我的人民多次來到這個島。 Then those bad people took me and wanted to eat me. |那些||||||||| 然後那些壞人就抓住了我,想要吃掉我。 But you came and now I'm safe,' he said. 但你來了,現在我安全了,」他說。

‘But why did you come here?' I asked. |为什么|||||| “但是你為什麼來這裡?”我問。

‘To eat the bad men we caught, the men from other countries,' he said. ||||||抓住的||||||| Para comer os homens maus que apanhámos, os homens de outros países", disse. 「吃掉我們抓到的壞人,那些來自其他國家的人,」他說。

‘Isn't it difficult to get home from here in your boats?' I asked. ||难|||||||||| “從這裡坐船回家不是很困難嗎?”我問。

‘No, everybody gets home. ||到达| 「不,大家都回家了。 The waves always take us back to our country,' said Friday. |海浪||||||||| 海浪總是把我們帶回我們的國家,」星期五說。

I asked him lots about his country and his people. |||很多|||||| 我向他詢問了很多關於他的國家和人民的問題。 He told me there were some men with white beards there. ||||||男人|||白胡子| Ele disse-me que estavam lá alguns homens de barba branca. 他告訴我那裡有一些白鬍子的人。 They came four years before when their ship went to the bottom of the sea. ||||之前|||||||海底||| 四年前,當他們的船沉入海底時,他們就來了。

‘Can you take me to these men with white beards, Friday?' フライデー、白い髭の男たちのところに連れて行ってくれる? “星期五,你能帶我去見這些白鬍子男人嗎?”

‘Yes, but we need a big boat.' “是的,但我們需要一艘大船。”

We found a good tree and started to make our boat. I was excited. I wanted to meet these men. ||||这些| 我想見見這些人。

Were they some of the men on the Spanish ship? ||||||||西班牙的| 他們是西班牙船上的一些人嗎? The ship I visited after the storm? |||参观的|在之后|| 暴風雨過後我去過的那艘船? He told me there were seventeen of these men in his country. |||||十七|||||| 他告訴我他的國家有十七個這樣的人。

After twenty-seven years on this island, it was now possible to leave. ||七||||||||可能|| 在這個島上待了二十七年後,現在可以離開了。 I had Friday to take me to these Europeans in his country. ||||||||欧洲人||| 我星期五帶我去見見他國家的這些歐洲人。 He knew the sea well, the wind and the waves. 他熟悉大海、風和浪。 He knew the right time to go. 他知道什麼時候該走。

We made the boat together. 我們一起造了船。 We made it near the water this time. 這次我們做到了靠近水的地方。 I told him about my life. 我告訴他我的生活。 I taught him to use a gun and I gave him a knife too. |教|||||枪|||给了|||刀| 我教他用槍,也給了他一把刀。 He was very happy with these things. I told him about Europe and a lot about England. ||||欧洲||||| He told me that in his country, his people were nice to the Europeans. |||||||他|人民|||||欧洲人 他告訴我,在他的國家,他的人民對歐洲人很好。 That was good! 那很好! I was worried about those savages! |||||野蛮人 我很擔心那些野蠻人!

One beautiful morning, we went up the hill. Friday looked out to sea and said: |向海望去||||| 星期五望著大海說:

‘Hey! Look master! My country!' He was very excited. 我的國家!他非常興奮。

‘Would you like to be there?' I asked. 会||||||| “你願意去那裡嗎?”我問。

‘Oh yes!' he said. ‘But not to be a savage. |||||野蛮人 '但不要成為一個野蠻人。 I want to tell them about my new life. I want to teach them all the new things I know, master. 我想教他們我所知道的所有新事物,主人。 And you'll come with me. 你會跟我一起去。 They'll be happy to meet you. 他們會很高興見到你。 You can teach them lots of new things.' ||||很多|的|| 你可以教他們很多新東西。

‘Well, we have to finish our boat!' I said. |||||我们的||| “好吧,我們必須完成我們的船!”我說。

We finished our boat in a month after a lot of hard work. 經過大量的努力,我們在一個月內完成了我們的船。 It was big. I made sails for the new boat with the old sails from the ship. ||||||||||帆||| 我用船上的舊帆為新船製作了帆。 I worked on these sails for two months. |||||||两个月 我在這些帆上工作了兩個月。 Then I taught Friday to use them. ||教会了|||| 然後我教星期五使用它們。 The rain came. 雨來了。 I waited for the good weather again. |||||天气| 我再次等待好天氣。 We took our boat up the river to a safe place. 安全な場所までボートで川を遡った。 我們把船帶到河上安全的地方。 We waited for November or December to come to start our voyage. |||十一月||十二月||||||航行 我們等待十一月或十二月來開始我們的航行。 When the weather was fine again, I started to put some food in boxes for the voyage. 當天氣再次晴朗時,我開始在盒子裡裝一些航行所需的食物。

One morning, I told Friday to go down to the beach to get a turtle. |||||||||那个||||一个| 有一天早上,我告訴星期五去海灘抓一隻海龜。 After some minutes he was back. 幾分鐘後他回來了。

‘Oh master! ’噢,主人! Oh bad!' he said. 哦,糟糕!他說。

‘What's bad Friday?' I asked. “星期五有什麼不好的嗎?”我問。

‘Three boats on the beach, master! |船|||| 「海灘上有三艘船,主人! Three!'

‘Don't worry, Friday. We'll think of something,' I said. 我們會想辦法的,」我說。

But Friday was very worried; worried that these savages were here to find him and eat him. ||||||||野蛮人|||||||| 但星期五卻非常擔心。擔心這些野人是來找到他並吃掉他的。

‘The savages won't take you from me, Friday. ||不会||||| “星期五,野蠻人不會把你從我身邊奪走。” I'll die first!' 我先死!

‘No, they'll die, not you!' said Friday. “不,他們會死,而不是你!”星期五說。

‘Yes, of course! We'll use our guns. |||枪 我們會用我們的槍。 They'll all die! 他们会|| 他們都會死! Take me to them, Friday!'

We took our guns and went up the hill. 我們拿起槍就上山了。 From here I could see that there were twenty-one savages on the beach with three boats. ||||||||二十||野人|||||| 從這裡我可以看到海灘上有二十一個野人,三艘船。 In one of these boats, there were three other men. 其中一艘船上還有另外三名男子。 They were the savages' dinner! Eram o jantar dos selvagens! 他們是野蠻人的晚餐! There were trees near the beach. 海灘附近有樹。 I told Friday to follow me to the trees. ||||跟着|||| 私はフライデーに木のところまでついてくるように言った。 我告訴星期五跟我到樹林去。 We stayed near each other and didn't say a word. 我們靠得很近,沒有說一句話。 We watched the savages from behind the trees. 我們從樹後觀察野蠻人。 They were near their fire. 他們離火很近。 There were only two men in the boat now. One of these wasn't a savage but a man with a white beard, a European! ||||||||||||胡子||欧洲人 そのうちの一人は野蛮人ではなく、白い髭を生やしたヨーロッパ人だった! 其中一個不是野蠻人,而是白鬍子男人,一個歐洲人! It was time to do something, before they ate him too. 是時候在他們把他也吃掉之前做點什麼了。

‘Now, Friday!' I said ‘Do what I do! |||||||做 “現在,星期五!”我說『做我做的事! Use your gun!'

The savages heard the noise but they didn't run. 野蠻人聽到了聲音,但沒有逃跑。 They looked about. 他們環顧四周。 They couldn't see us. 他們看不見我們。 They didn't know what to do. 他們不知道該怎麼辦。 The first time, five savages died, then four, then six, then two. |||||||||六|| 第一次,五個野蠻人死了,然後四個,然後是六個,然後是兩個。 We ran out from behind the trees. 我們從樹後跑了出來。 Four savages got into a boat. 四個野人上了一艘船。 I ran to the man with the white beard to help him. ||||||||白胡子||| 我跑到白鬍子男人身邊去幫他。 I gave him some water and some bread. 我給了他一些水和一些麵包。

Then I went to the other man. 然後我去找另一個人。 He was happy there were no savages to eat him now. I gave him some bread and water too. 我也給了他一些麵包和水。 Then, I called Friday to speak to him because he was from his country. 然後,我打電話給星期五與他交談,因為他來自他的國家。 When Friday saw the man, he said: ‘Hooray! |||||||好极了 Hooray!' and danced about. 萬歲!並跳舞。 I couldn't understand why. 我不明白為什麼。 Then, he told me:

‘Master, this is my father!' “主人,這是我的父親!”

I was very happy for Friday and his father. 我為星期五和他的父親感到非常高興。 We brought him and the Spanish man home. |带回||||西班牙人|| 我們把他和那個西班牙人帶回家。 That night there was a lot of wind. 那天晚上風很大。 I thought about the boat with the savages in it. 未開人が乗ったボートのことを考えた。 我想到了那艘載著野蠻人的船。 Did they get back to their island? 他們回到自己的島了嗎? Anyhow, after that night, no savages ever came to the island again. 无论如何||||||||||| いずれにせよ、その夜以来、島に野蛮人が来ることはなくなった。 De qualquer forma, depois dessa noite, nunca mais nenhum selvagem veio à ilha. 無論如何,自從那天晚上之後,就再也沒有野人來到島上了。

We made a room for the Spanish man and Friday's father with some of the ship's sails. ||||||西班牙人|||||||||| スペイン人とフライデーの父親のために、船の帆で部屋を作った。 我們用船上的一些帆為西班牙人和星期五的父親做了一個房間。 They slept well there. |睡得好|| 他們在那裡睡得很好。 I had a lot of people on my island now, and I was master of them all! 我的島上現在有很多人,而我是他們所有人的主人! We spoke a lot together. |谈话||| 我們一起說了很多話。 The Spanish man told me that he lived with sixteen other Europeans. |西班牙||||||||十六||欧洲人 西班牙人告訴我,他和另外十六名歐洲人住在一起。 He said that they didn't have a good life there. 他說他們在那裡過得併不好。

‘Tell them to come here and we can make a big boat together and go to Brazil or Spain,' I said. ||去|来|||||||||||||||西班牙|| 「告訴他們來這裡,我們可以一起造一艘大船,去巴西或西班牙,」我說。

‘They can live well here until we're ready to leave the island.' Eles podem viver bem aqui até estarmos prontos para deixar a ilha. “他們可以在這裡過得很好,直到我們準備離開這個島。”

We used the next six months to work on my farm. ||||六个月|||||| 我們用接下來的六個月在我的農場工作。 We needed a lot of rice and grain now for all these people. 我們現在需要大量的米和穀物來養活這些人。 Everybody worked hard. 大家都辛苦了。 In October, the Spanish man and Friday's father left on a boat to go and tell the others about my island. |十月||西班牙人||||||||||||||||| 十月份,西班牙人和星期五的父親乘船出發,去向其他人介紹我的島嶼。

‘Goodbye! Tell them, I'll wait for them. 告訴他們,我會等他們。 I'll give them a good life here,' I said. 我會讓他們在這裡過上美好的生活,」我說。 ‘Then we can all leave this island together and go back to Europe or America. ||||||||||||欧洲|| “然後我們就可以一起離開這個島,回到歐洲或美洲了。” Hooray!' 好极了 Viva! 萬歲!