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Robinson Crusoe (Graded Reader), Chapter Three. "Learning New Things"

Chapter Three. "Learning New Things"

It was the 15th July and I began to visit other parts of the island. I went up the river and I saw where the clean water came from. This was the time of year when it didn't rain much and there wasn't much water. There was grass near the river. On the hills, there were lots of plants and fruit trees. I didn't know all their names. Were they good to eat? It was difficult to tell. The grapes were good, I knew that; but the others? I also saw the sugar plant and I remembered my plantation in Brazil. The men in Brazil never got their slaves from me. I don't think they'll remember me now, I thought.

I stayed in this place all night. It was nice with all the plants there. I slept in a tree.

Next morning I walked again and saw other new parts. This part of the island was very green. I felt I was in a garden. There were lots of orange trees. Yippee, orange juice for breakfast! I wanted to take some oranges and other fruit back home to my cave, but it was very far. It was difficult to carry the fruit and when I got home after three days, all the fruit was bad and I couldn't eat it. I made a bag from one of the ship's sails and went again to this beautiful green part of my island. Yes, my island! I was the only person on it! This time I got home and the fruit was good. I looked about me when I got home. For a minute I thought about leaving my cave and making a new home in the beautiful garden on my island.

Then, I remembered that I could see the sea from my cave. I wanted to be near the sea to watch for any ships. The beautiful green garden wasn't near the beach. There were also all my things in the cave; my hammock, my chair, my table. It was difficult to start again from nothing. This cave was my home. But I loved my green garden and stayed there all of July. I made a second house. This time, it wasn't a cave, but a little house in the trees. I made it with parts of trees and other plants. You couldn't see it from the outside, because between the house and the green garden, there was a wall of trees. I felt safe there. Now I had a house near the sea and a house with a beautiful garden!

August came and with it, the rain. My new house wasn't good for the rain. I went back to my cave because it was good in all weather. It rained all of August, September and some of October. I stayed in my cave and ate the food I had. On the 30th September, I drew a cross on my tree. There were now three hundred and sixty five crosses on that tree; a year! I remembered when I came to this island; the storm, the big waves, then the sand under my feet. Then, I remembered my friends and I felt very sad. I needed a friend. I talked to my animals; to my dog, my cats, even to my goats, but it wasn't the same. I looked out at sea, but there was nothing. Where was I? Why were there never any ships? Didn't people travel these days? I went to bed, but I didn't sleep that night.

After all the rain, I started to work on my farm again. Yes, I now called it my farm. I had my goats, my grain and my rice, and I worked hard every day. It was important to know the right time to do things on the farm. The first time, I didn't have any grain or rice because it didn't rain, and the plants died. Then, I began to understand the weather, the months when it rained and when there was the sun. At the start of my third year on the island, I'm happy to tell you that my plants didn't die and I had lots of grain and rice.

When the good weather came, about November, I usually went to see my other house in my garden. I called this my garden house. Everything was the same there; green and beautiful after all the rain. This is how I understood the weather on my island:

Half February. March. Half April.


Half April. May. June. July. Half August.


Half August. September. Half October.


Half October. November. December. January. Half February.


When it rained, I stayed in my house. I had food and water and I did lots of little jobs inside. I needed some baskets for my grain and other things. When I was a little boy, my father took me to town. I often watched people at work on the streets. One man made baskets and sometimes I helped him. They were beautiful. I could remember how he made them.

Near my garden house, there was a small tree. It was the right kind of tree to make baskets. I took my tools and worked hard all day on the tree. I cut it into small, slim parts and took them back home. Then, I used these small parts to make my baskets. It was difficult at first, but I learned. Soon, I had lots of baskets for different things. They weren't beautiful but they were very useful.

Now I needed something to put water in. But what? This was a difficult problem for me. I only had some old glasses from the ship. They were very small. I also needed something to make soup in. ‘I'll make these later,' I thought.

Now the weather was nice and I wanted to see the parts of the island I didn't know. I left with my gun, some tools and my dog, and started to walk. I also took some food and water. I saw my garden house. After, I could see the sea again. It was a beautiful day and I could see something… an island? I didn't know. I didn't know which part of the world I was in. Was it a part of America I could see? Who lived there? Savages? Savages ate people. I didn't want to meet any of them. I was safe here on my island. I didn't want to go to that other country.

On this part of the island, there were trees and a lot of grass and flowers. I saw a lot of parrots too. They were all beautiful colours; red, green, blue and yellow! I wanted to take a parrot home with me to my cave. I wanted to teach it to speak to me.

I waited and watched. In the end, I caught a young parrot. Later, I took it home, but it was some years before it learned to speak to me.

I enjoyed walking about the island. At night, I didn't go back to my house. I slept in a tree, then started again the next morning. I came down from the hills to the beach on this part of the island.

On my part, there weren't many turtles. Here there were hundreds! And there were a lot of different birds too. I didn't know the names of all of them, but some were very good to eat. I can say that I now had lots of different things to eat; meat, fish and fruit and I felt very well for it. This part of the island was very nice, but I had my houses and I didn't want to make a new one here too. I felt I was on holiday in this part. It wasn't my home. I enjoyed this holiday, but then it was time to go home and back to work on my farm. I was happy to sleep in my hammock again after all those nights in the trees. I could sit on my chair at my table again and have my dinner. What a great house!

I had a rest for a week, then started work again. First, I made a little house for my parrot, Poll.

I found a new place for my goats, where there was a lot of grass. I made a new wall for them. They couldn't run up the hill now. They stayed where I put them.

The 30th September came again with the rain. I remembered, for the second time, when I came to the island. Now I felt I had a good life. It was different from the first year when I didn't know anything.

In the first year, I didn't like living on this island. Now I was happy when I woke up in the morning. I had my farm, my garden house, my animals and all the food I wanted. Now, I didn't feel sad every day, only sometimes. I was ready to start year three on the island.

I always had lots to do. I didn't have many tools and I didn't have anybody to help me. My work was slow and hard but I enjoyed it. Sometimes animals came and ate my grain. I made a wall but it wasn't easy. I started on a Saturday and finished after three weeks. This is only one example of the problems I had. Everything was difficult for me because there was only me. Then, birds came and ate my grain. I didn't know how to stop them. I needed that grain. I thought for some time. Then I got three birds with my gun. I put the dead birds on a tree near my grain. The other birds never came back after that!

My grain was ready in December and there was a lot of it that year! I cut my grain and put it in my baskets. I did the same with my rice. I had a lot of seeds for next year. This year I needed to learn to make bread, but I didn't know where to start. The only good thing was that I had lots of time! In the next six months I made new tools to work the grain. When it rained, I stayed inside and taught my parrot to speak. The first word he said was his name, ‘POLL'.

Think how excited I was when I heard him speak! It was great! After a lot of problems, I made my bread in the end. I was very happy with my work.

I also learned to make rice cakes. Every year I had all this work to do and time went fast. Sometimes I thought about the other part of the island, where I went for my ‘holiday'. I thought again about the other island that was on that part. It wasn't near but… I thought about leaving my island. Was it safe to leave this island and go there? Were there savages on those islands? It was a difficult question to answer. I thought about Xury and the long boat we had when we left the pirate captain in Africa. I needed a boat.

‘Poll, I'll make a boat from a tree!' Yes, that's what I'll do,' I said to my parrot one day. I often spoke to my parrot. It was nice for me to have somebody to talk to.

I found a tree I liked near the beach. I cut it down and started to make my boat. I was excited and worked every day. It was big and long. It was a boat for twenty-five men. I was happy when I finished it. Then… oops… how could it go into the water? It sat on the sand… my big, beautiful boat… ready for the sea, but there was a long beach between my boat and the sea and I could do nothing to get it in the water. ‘Why didn't I think of this before?' I hear you ask. I know, you're right. You can learn from me… think before you do something! All that work and a boat I couldn't use!

The 30th September came again… I started my fourth year on this island. After the ‘boat problem' I stopped thinking about the world outside my island. I was safe here, free from all the problems of the big world out there.

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Chapter Three. "Learning New Things" ||学习|| Drittes Kapitel. "Neue Dinge lernen" Capítulo tercero. "Aprendiendo cosas nuevas" 第三章"新しいことを学ぶ" 3장. "새로운 것 배우기" Rozdział trzeci. "Uczenie się nowych rzeczy" Capítulo Três. "Aprender coisas novas" Глава 3. "Обучение новым вещам" Üçüncü Bölüm. "Yeni Şeyler Öğrenmek" Розділ третій. "Вчимося новому" 第三章"学习新事物" 第三章。 “學習新事物”

It was the 15th July and I began to visit other parts of the island. |||月|七月|||||||||| 那是7月15日,我開始參觀島上的其他地方。 I went up the river and I saw where the clean water came from. 我順著河而上,看到了乾淨的水是從哪裡來的。 This was the time of year when it didn't rain much and there wasn't much water. 這是一年中下雨不多、水不多的時候。 There was grass near the river. ||草||| 河邊有草地。 On the hills, there were lots of plants and fruit trees. |||||||植物||水果| 山上有很多植物和果樹。 I didn't know all their names. 我不知道他們所有人的名字。 Were they good to eat? 它們好吃嗎? It was difficult to tell. 很難說。 The grapes were good, I knew that; but the others? |葡萄|||||||| 我知道,葡萄品質很好。但其他人呢? I also saw the sugar plant and I remembered my plantation in Brazil. ||||||||||种植园||巴西 我還看到了糖廠,我想起了我在巴西的種植園。 The men in Brazil never got their slaves from me. 这些|||巴西|||||| ブラジルの男たちは、私から奴隷をもらうことはなかった。 巴西的男人從來沒有從我這裡得到他們的奴隸。 I don't think they'll remember me now, I thought. 我想他們現在不會記得我了。

I stayed in this place all night. 我在這個地方待了一整夜。 It was nice with all the plants there. 那裡的所有植物都很好。 I slept in a tree. |在树上睡||| 我睡在一棵樹上。

Next morning I walked again and saw other new parts. 第二天早上,我再次行走,看到了其他新的部分。 This part of the island was very green. 島的這一部分非常綠。 I felt I was in a garden. 我感覺自己在一個花園裡。 There were lots of orange trees. ||||橙色的| 那裡有很多橘子樹。 Yippee, orange juice for breakfast! 耶||果汁|| 耶皮,早餐柳橙汁! I wanted to take some oranges and other fruit back home to my cave, but it was very far. ||||||||水果|||||||||| 我想帶一些橘子和其他水果回我的洞穴,但距離很遠。 It was difficult to carry the fruit and when I got home after three days, all the fruit was bad and I couldn't eat it. Era difícil carregar a fruta e quando cheguei a casa, passados três dias, toda a fruta estava estragada e não a podia comer. 搬水果很困難,三天後回到家,所有的水果都壞了,我不能吃。 I made a bag from one of the ship's sails and went again to this beautiful green part of my island. |||||||||帆||||||||||| 我用船帆做了一個袋子,然後再次來到我島上這個美麗的綠色區域。 Yes, my island! 是的,我的島! I was the only person on it! 我是唯一在上面的人! This time I got home and the fruit was good. 這次我回到家,水果很好吃。 I looked about me when I got home. 當我回到家時,我環顧四周。 For a minute I thought about leaving my cave and making a new home in the beautiful garden on my island. 有那麼一刻,我考慮離開我的洞穴,在我島上美麗的花園建立一個新家。

Then, I remembered that I could see the sea from my cave. 然後,我想起我可以從我的洞穴裡看到大海。 I wanted to be near the sea to watch for any ships. 我想靠近大海觀察任何船隻。 The beautiful green garden wasn't near the beach. 美麗的綠色花園不靠近海灘。 There were also all my things in the cave; my hammock, my chair, my table. ||||||||||吊床|||| Também havia todas as minhas coisas na gruta: a minha rede, a minha cadeira, a minha mesa. 山洞裡還有我所有的東西;我的吊床,我的椅子,我的桌子。 It was difficult to start again from nothing. 從無到有重新開始是很困難的。 This cave was my home. 這個山洞就是我的家。 But I loved my green garden and stayed there all of July. |||||||||||七月 但我喜歡我的綠色花園,整個七月都待在那裡。 I made a second house. |||第二座| 我做了第二個房子。 This time, it wasn't a cave, but a little house in the trees. 這次,不是山洞,而是樹林裡的小房子。 I made it with parts of trees and other plants. |||||||||植物 我用樹木和其他植物的一部分製成的。 You couldn't see it from the outside, because between the house and the green garden, there was a wall of trees. 從外面看不到它,因為房子和綠色花園之間有一堵樹牆。 I felt safe there. 我在那裡感到很安全。 Now I had a house near the sea and a house with a beautiful garden!

August came and with it, the rain. 八月|||||| 八月來了,隨之而來的是雨。 My new house wasn't good for the rain. 我的新房子不適合下雨。 I went back to my cave because it was good in all weather. ||||||||||||天气 我回到了我的洞穴,因為那裡無論天氣如何都很好。 It rained all of August, September and some of October. |||||九月||||十月 I stayed in my cave and ate the food I had. 我待在我的山洞裡,吃著我擁有的食物。 On the 30th September, I drew a cross on my tree. |||九月||||十字||| No dia 30 de setembro, desenhei uma cruz na minha árvore. 9月30日,我在樹上畫了一個十字架。 There were now three hundred and sixty five crosses on that tree; a year! ||||||六十||十字架||||| Havia agora trezentas e sessenta e cinco cruzes naquela árvore; um ano! 那棵樹上現在有三百六十五個十字架;一年! I remembered when I came to this island; the storm, the big waves, then the sand under my feet. ||||||||||||海浪||||||脚下 我記得當我來到這個島的時候;暴風雨,巨浪,然後是我腳下的沙。 Then, I remembered my friends and I felt very sad. 然後,我想起了我的朋友們,我感到非常難過。 I needed a friend. 我需要一個朋友。 I talked to my animals; to my dog, my cats, even to my goats, but it wasn't the same. ||||||||||甚至||||||||一样 我和我的動物交談;對我的狗,我的貓,甚至對我的山羊,但它不一樣。 I looked out at sea, but there was nothing. 我向大海望去,卻什麼也沒有。 Where was I? 我當時在哪裡? Why were there never any ships? 為什麼從來沒有任何船隻? Didn't people travel these days? 這年頭人們都不出去旅遊了嗎? I went to bed, but I didn't sleep that night. 我去睡覺了,但那天晚上我沒有睡。

After all the rain, I started to work on my farm again. ||||||||||农场| Depois de toda a chuva, comecei a trabalhar novamente na minha quinta. Yes, I now called it my farm. 是的,我現在稱它為我的農場。 I had my goats, my grain and my rice, and I worked hard every day. |||||谷物|||米|||||| It was important to know the right time to do things on the farm. 知道在農場做事的正確時間很重要。 The first time, I didn't have any grain or rice because it didn't rain, and the plants died. Da primeira vez, não tive cereais nem arroz porque não choveu e as plantas morreram. 第一次,我沒有任何穀物或米,因為沒有下雨,植物都死了。 Then, I began to understand the weather, the months when it rained and when there was the sun. ||||||天气||月份||||||||| 然後,我開始了解天氣,了解什麼時候下雨,什麼時候有陽光。 At the start of my third year on the island, I'm happy to tell you that my plants didn't die and I had lots of grain and rice. |||||第三|||||||||||||||||||||| 在島上的第三年開始時,我很高興地告訴你,我的植物沒有死,而且我有很多穀物和大米。

When the good weather came, about November, I usually went to see my other house in my garden. 当|||天气|||十一月||||||||||| I called this my garden house. 我稱這為我的花園洋房。 Everything was the same there; green and beautiful after all the rain. 那裡一切都一樣。雨後的綠色和美麗。 This is how I understood the weather on my island: ||||理解||||| こうして私は自分の島の天気を理解した: 這就是我對島上天氣的理解:

Half February. 二月中旬|二月 二月半。 March. 三月 Half April. 四月中|四月


Half April. |四月 May. 五月 June. 六月 July. 七月 Half August. |八月


Half August. |八月 September. 九月 Half October. |十月中旬 十月半。


Half October. November. December. 十二月 January. 一月 Half February. |二月


When it rained, I stayed in my house. 下雨的時候,我待在家裡。 I had food and water and I did lots of little jobs inside. ||||水|||||||| 我有食物和水,在裡面做了很多小工作。 I needed some baskets for my grain and other things. Precisava de alguns cestos para os meus cereais e outras coisas. 我需要一些籃子來裝穀物和其他東西。 When I was a little boy, my father took me to town. 當我還是個小男孩的時候,父親帶我進城。 I often watched people at work on the streets. One man made baskets and sometimes I helped him. 一個人做籃子,有時我幫他。 They were beautiful. 她們很漂亮。 I could remember how he made them. 我記得他是怎麼做的。

Near my garden house, there was a small tree. 我的花園洋房附近有一棵小樹。 It was the right kind of tree to make baskets. バスケットを作るのに適した木だった。 這種樹很適合製作籃子。 I took my tools and worked hard all day on the tree. 我拿著工具,在樹上辛苦工作了一整天。 I cut it into small, slim parts and took them back home. |||成||细长的|||||| 我把它切成小而細的部分,然後把它們帶回家。 Then, I used these small parts to make my baskets. 然後,我用這些小零件製作了我的籃子。 It was difficult at first, but I learned. 一開始很難,但我學會了。 Soon, I had lots of baskets for different things. 很快,我就有了很多籃子,可以裝不同的東西。 They weren't beautiful but they were very useful.

Now I needed something to put water in. 現在我需要一些東西來裝水。 But what? This was a difficult problem for me. I only had some old glasses from the ship. |||||眼镜||| 我只有一些船上的舊眼鏡。 They were very small. 它們很小。 I also needed something to make soup in. ||||||汤| 我還需要一些東西來煮湯。 ‘I'll make these later,' I thought. 「我稍後再做這些,」我想。

Now the weather was nice and I wanted to see the parts of the island I didn't know. 現在天氣很好,我想看看島上我不知道的地方。 I left with my gun, some tools and my dog, and started to walk. 我帶著槍、一些工具和我的狗離開,然後開始走路。 I also took some food and water. I saw my garden house. 我看到了我的花園洋房。 After, I could see the sea again. It was a beautiful day and I could see something… an island? 這是美好的一天,我可以看到一些東西…一座島嶼? I didn't know. 我不知道。 I didn't know which part of the world I was in. 我不知道自己身處世界的哪個部分。 Was it a part of America I could see? それは私が見ることのできるアメリカの一部だったのだろうか? 我能看到的是美國的一部分嗎? Who lived there? 誰住在那裡? Savages? 野蛮人 Selvagens? Savages ate people. 野蠻人吃人。 I didn't want to meet any of them. 我不想見到他們中的任何一個人。 I was safe here on my island. 我在我的島上很安全。 I didn't want to go to that other country. 我不想去另一個國家。

On this part of the island, there were trees and a lot of grass and flowers. |||||||||||||草|| Nesta parte da ilha, havia árvores e muita relva e flores. I saw a lot of parrots too. |||||鹦鹉| Também vi muitos papagaios. They were all beautiful colours; red, green, blue and yellow! Eram todas de cores bonitas: vermelho, verde, azul e amarelo! 它們的顏色都很美麗;紅、綠、藍、黃! I wanted to take a parrot home with me to my cave. |||||鹦鹉|||||| I wanted to teach it to speak to me. 我想教它跟我說話。

I waited and watched. 我等待著,看著。 In the end, I caught a young parrot. ||||抓住了|||鹦鹉 最後,我抓到了一隻小鸚鵡。 Later, I took it home, but it was some years before it learned to speak to me. その後、私はそれを家に持ち帰ったが、その子が私に話しかけるようになるまでには何年もかかった。 後來我把它帶回家,但過了好幾年它才學會跟我說話。

I enjoyed walking about the island. 島を歩くのが楽しかった。 我喜歡在島上散步。 At night, I didn't go back to my house. 晚上,我沒有回家。 I slept in a tree, then started again the next morning. |在树上睡觉||||||||| 我在樹上睡了一覺,隔天早上又開始了。 I came down from the hills to the beach on this part of the island. 我從山上下來到了島上這一部分的海灘。

On my part, there weren't many turtles. 就我而言,海龜並不多。 Here there were hundreds! |||数百 Aqui havia centenas! 這裡有數百個! And there were a lot of different birds too. I didn't know the names of all of them, but some were very good to eat. 我不知道它們的名字,但有些很好吃。 I can say that I now had lots of different things to eat; meat, fish and fruit and I felt very well for it. |||||||||||||肉|鱼||水果||||||| 我可以說我現在有很多不同的東西可以吃;肉、魚和水果,我感覺很好。 This part of the island was very nice, but I had my houses and I didn't want to make a new one here too. 島上的這一部分非常好,但我有自己的房子,我不想在這裡蓋一棟新房子。 I felt I was on holiday in this part. |||||假期||| 這部分我感覺自己在度假。 It wasn't my home. 那不是我的家。 I enjoyed this holiday, but then it was time to go home and back to work on my farm. 我很享受這個假期,但現在是時候回家並回到我的農場工作了。 I was happy to sleep in my hammock again after all those nights in the trees. |||||||吊床|||||夜晚||| Estava feliz por voltar a dormir na minha cama de rede depois de todas aquelas noites nas árvores. 在樹上度過了那些夜晚之後,我很高興再次睡在吊床上。 I could sit on my chair at my table again and have my dinner. 我可以再次坐在桌邊的椅子上吃晚餐。 What a great house! 多麼棒的房子啊!

I had a rest for a week, then started work again. First, I made a little house for my parrot, Poll. ||||||||鹦鹉| 首先,我為我的鸚鵡波爾建造了一座小房子。

I found a new place for my goats, where there was a lot of grass. ||||||||||||||草 我為我的山羊找到了一個新地方,那裡有很多草。 I made a new wall for them. 我為他們做了一堵新牆。 They couldn't run up the hill now. 他們現在不能跑上山了。 They stayed where I put them. 它們留在我放置的地方。

The 30th September came again with the rain. ||九月||||| I remembered, for the second time, when I came to the island. 我第二次想起,是在我來到島上的時候。 Now I felt I had a good life. It was different from the first year when I didn't know anything.

In the first year, I didn't like living on this island. Now I was happy when I woke up in the morning. I had my farm, my garden house, my animals and all the food I wanted. 我有我的農場、我的花園洋房、我的動物和我想要的所有食物。 Now, I didn't feel sad every day, only sometimes. 現在,我不再每天都感到悲傷,只是偶爾感到悲傷。 I was ready to start year three on the island. ||||||三||| 我已經準備好在島上開始第三年了。

I always had lots to do. 我總是有很多事情要做。 I didn't have many tools and I didn't have anybody to help me. |||很多||||||||| My work was slow and hard but I enjoyed it. Sometimes animals came and ate my grain. ||||||谷物 I made a wall but it wasn't easy. ||||||不| 我做了一堵牆,但這並不容易。 I started on a Saturday and finished after three weeks. ||||星期六||||| 我從星期六開始,三週後完成。 This is only one example of the problems I had. ||||例子||||| Everything was difficult for me because there was only me. 一切對我來說都很困難,因為只有我一個人。 Then, birds came and ate my grain. |鸟||||| I didn't know how to stop them. I needed that grain. 我需要那種穀物。 I thought for some time. |想了||| 我想了一會兒。 Then I got three birds with my gun. 然後我用槍打到了三隻鳥。 I put the dead birds on a tree near my grain. |||死去的||||||| 我把死鳥放在我的穀物附近的一棵樹上。 The other birds never came back after that! 此後其他鳥兒再也沒有回來過!

My grain was ready in December and there was a lot of it that year! |||||十二月||||||||| 我的糧食在十二月份就熟了,那年的糧食還不少呢! I cut my grain and put it in my baskets. 我把穀物割下來放進籃子裡。 I did the same with my rice. ||||||米饭 我對米飯也做了同樣的事情。 I had a lot of seeds for next year. |||||种子||| 我有很多明年的種子。 This year I needed to learn to make bread, but I didn't know where to start. The only good thing was that I had lots of time! 唯一的好處是我有很多時間! In the next six months I made new tools to work the grain. |||六个月||||||||| 在接下來的六個月裡,我製作了新的工具來處理穀物。 When it rained, I stayed inside and taught my parrot to speak. |||||||教||鹦鹉|| 下雨的時候,我待在家裡教我的鸚鵡說話。 The first word he said was his name, ‘POLL'. 他說的第一個字是他的名字「POLL」。

Think how excited I was when I heard him speak! 想想當我聽到他說話時我是多麼興奮! It was great! 太好了! After a lot of problems, I made my bread in the end. 經過一番折騰,我終於做出麵包了。 I was very happy with my work.

I also learned to make rice cakes. ||||||饼 我還學會了做年糕。 Every year I had all this work to do and time went fast. 每年我都有這些工作要做,時間過得很快。 Sometimes I thought about the other part of the island, where I went for my ‘holiday'. |||||||||||||||假期 有時我會想到島上的其他地方,我去那裡度過「假期」。 I thought again about the other island that was on that part. |想|||||||||| 我再次想到了那部分的另一個島嶼。 It wasn't near but… I thought about leaving my island. 它不近,但是……我有想過離開我的島嶼。 Was it safe to leave this island and go there? ||||离开||||| 離開這個島嶼去那裡安全嗎? Were there savages on those islands? ||野蛮人||| It was a difficult question to answer. 這是一個很難回答的問題。 I thought about Xury and the long boat we had when we left the pirate captain in Africa. |||小许|||||||||||海盗|||非洲 Pensei em Xury e no barco comprido que tínhamos quando deixámos o capitão pirata em África. 我想起了Xury和我們離開非洲海盜船長時所擁有的長船。 I needed a boat. 我需要一艘船。

‘Poll, I'll make a boat from a tree!' “投票,我要用樹做一艘船!” Yes, that's what I'll do,' I said to my parrot one day. ||||||我说|||鹦鹉|| 是的,這就是我要做的,」有一天我對我的鸚鵡說。 I often spoke to my parrot. ||和我的鹦||| 我常常和我的鸚鵡說話。 It was nice for me to have somebody to talk to. 有人可以交談對我來說很高興。

I found a tree I liked near the beach. I cut it down and started to make my boat. 我把它砍下來並開始製作我的船。 I was excited and worked every day. ||兴奋|||| 我很興奮,每天都在工作。 It was big and long. It was a boat for twenty-five men. |||||二十五|| I was happy when I finished it. 當我完成它時我很高興。 Then… oops… how could it go into the water? |||能|||||水里 那……哎呀……怎麼會進水裡呢? It sat on the sand… my big, beautiful boat… ready for the sea, but there was a long beach between my boat and the sea and I could do nothing to get it in the water. Estava na areia... o meu grande e belo barco... pronto para o mar, mas havia uma longa praia entre o meu barco e o mar e eu não podia fazer nada para o meter na água. 它坐在沙灘上……我的又大又漂亮的船……準備出海,但我的船和大海之間有很長的海灘,我無能為力把它弄到水裡。 ‘Why didn't I think of this before?' “為什麼我之前沒有想到這一點?” I hear you ask. 我聽到你問。 I know, you're right. 我知道,你是對的。 You can learn from me… think before you do something! 你可以向我學習……做事前三思! All that work and a boat I couldn't use! 所有這些工作和我無法使用的船!

The 30th September came again… I started my fourth year on this island. ||九月||||||第四|||| 9月30日又到了…我在這個島上開始了第四年。 After the ‘boat problem' I stopped thinking about the world outside my island. |||||||||世界||| 在「船問題」之後,我不再思考島外的世界。 I was safe here, free from all the problems of the big world out there. 私はここにいれば安全で、外の世界のあらゆる問題から解放される。 我在這裡很安全,沒有外面這個大世界的所有問題。