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Blackbeard's Treasure, Blackbeard's Treasure - Chapter 06

Blackbeard's Treasure - Chapter 06

Chapter six

Rum Island

The Queen Anne was badly damaged and many of its men were hurt. The captain was in his bed, with a white bandage on his head. His first mate, Mr Stewart, came to see him.

"Captain, the men have found the door to the treasure broken open. It seems Pike and his men took the Queen's gold but left behind the treasure we found on that ship."

"How is the ship and the men?"

"Many men are hurt, sir. Our sails are badly damaged. We're now sailing to an island we've seen about two miles away."

"Mr Stewart, have someone watch that treasure. It's all we have left."

The Queen Anne moved very slowly with all of its sails pulled down. The men were sitting or standing quietly along the deck as the ship anchored, a half mile from the beach. They were tired and hurt from the fight with the pirates. The sun was shining and the island looked beautiful, but the men were not interested. The captain came up on deck and began ordering the men.

"Lower the boats! I'm going to the island to see if we can get something to fix these sails. I want to take that treasure with us. We don't know what we'll have to give them."

The island had a long beach of white sand with tall, green coconut trees on it. They pulled their boats up onto the sand. As they were deciding which way to go, they saw a native boy jump from a tree and run away. The captain spoke first.

"Let's follow him. He may lead us to his people."

The boy led the men through the green hills of the island. He stayed far ahead of them but stopped whenever he wanted them to see him and follow.

There were tall green plants on the hills, and the air smelled of vanilla.

"What's that smell? It smells like rum."

"It is, and these are the sugar plants they use to make it. They break the plants apart and mix the rum in large barrels. It smells as if they're making sweets."

"It'll be nice if we get to taste it."

The men laughed as they walked on. When they came to the top of a hill looking down onto a village, they saw natives working near small houses made from trees and leaves. The small boy they were following ran into the village before them and everyone began looking up at Captain Scott and his men. They stopped what they were doing and waited for the sailors.

A tall, dark and very beautiful woman in a white headdress was standing in front of the natives, waiting for Captain Scott. She had large dark, eyes and she wore a gold necklace with a green stone, just like the one in the picture on Blackbeard's ship. Her name was Queen Alliana, and she was the Queen of Rum Island.

The sailors put Blackbeard's treasure down behind Captain Scott when he went to meet the Queen.

"I am Captain Scott of the Queen Anne from England. We've come here to trade our gold for anything you may have to offer, but we also have a problem. Our ship is badly damaged. We need to fix our sails."

"Welcome Captain. I am Queen Alliana and this is Rum Island. Come and sit with us and show us what you have brought."

The sailors sat in a circle around the treasure chest. Captain Scott sat next to Queen Alliana and all the men were offered a cup of the island's rum. When Captain Scott opened the chest and showed the Queen the shining treasure of jewels and gold, her eyes widened and she stood up.

"Where did you get that?"

"It's not really ours. It's something we've found on an empty ship at sea. Our gold..."

"Take it away! We do not want it here! It is cursed! The man who owns it must have it back. You must take it back to where you found it."

The Queen waved her hand. All of the natives left and went inside their houses, leaving Captain Scott and his men alone.

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Chapter six

Rum Island

The Queen Anne was badly damaged and many of its men were hurt. ||||||||||||feridos Корабль Queen Anne был сильно поврежден, многие его бойцы получили ранения. The captain was in his bed, with a white bandage on his head. |||||||||atadura||| Капитан лежал в своей постели, на его голове была белая повязка. His first mate, Mr Stewart, came to see him. ||primeiro oficial||Stewart|||| К нему пришел его первый помощник г-н Стюарт.

"Captain, the men have found the door to the treasure broken open. ||||||porta|||||aberta "Капитан, люди обнаружили, что дверь в сокровищницу открыта. It seems Pike and his men took the Queen's gold but left behind the treasure we found on that ship." |parece|||||||||||||||||| Похоже, Пайк и его люди забрали золото королевы, но оставили сокровища, которые мы нашли на том корабле".

"How is the ship and the men?" como está||||||os homens "Как корабль и люди?"

"Many men are hurt, sir. |os homens||feridos| "Многие люди ранены, сэр. Our sails are badly damaged. Наши паруса сильно повреждены. We're now sailing to an island we've seen about two miles away." Сейчас мы плывем к острову, который видели примерно в двух милях от нас".

"Mr Stewart, have someone watch that treasure. Senhor||||||tesouro "Мистер Стюарт, пусть кто-нибудь присмотрит за этим сокровищем. "Містере Стюарт, нехай хтось нагляне за цим скарбом. It's all we have left." É tudo o que nos resta". Это все, что у нас осталось". Це все, що у нас залишилося".

The Queen Anne moved very slowly with all of its sails pulled down. ||||||||||||baixadas O Queen Anne movia-se muito lentamente com todas as suas velas puxadas para baixo. Queen Anne двигалась очень медленно со спущенными парусами. "Королева Анна" рухалася дуже повільно зі спущеними вітрилами. 安妮女王号航行得很慢,所有的帆都已拉下。 The men were sitting or standing quietly along the deck as the ship anchored, a half mile from the beach. |||||||||||||ancorou|||||| Мужчины спокойно сидели или стояли на палубе, когда судно встало на якорь в полумиле от берега. Чоловіки спокійно сиділи або стояли на палубі, поки корабель стояв на якорі за півмилі від берега. They were tired and hurt from the fight with the pirates. Они были уставшими и израненными после боя с пиратами. The sun was shining and the island looked beautiful, but the men were not interested. Солнце светило, остров выглядел красиво, но мужчин это не интересовало. The captain came up on deck and began ordering the men. Капитан поднялся на палубу и стал отдавать распоряжения людям.

"Lower the boats! "Baixem os barcos! "Спустить шлюпки! "Спускайте човни! I'm going to the island to see if we can get something to fix these sails. Я отправляюсь на остров, чтобы узнать, сможем ли мы найти что-нибудь, чтобы починить эти паруса. I want to take that treasure with us. Я хочу взять это сокровище с собой. Я хочу забрати цей скарб з собою. We don't know what we'll have to give them." |||||||dar|a eles Não sabemos o que teremos de lhes dar". Мы не знаем, что нам придется им дать". Ми не знаємо, що нам доведеться їм дати". 我们不知道必须给他们什么。”

The island had a long beach of white sand with tall, green coconut trees on it. На острове был длинный пляж с белым песком и высокими зелеными кокосовыми пальмами. They pulled their boats up onto the sand. |||||||areia Они вытащили свои лодки на песок. Вони витягли свої човни на пісок. As they were deciding which way to go, they saw a native boy jump from a tree and run away. Quando estavam a decidir qual o caminho a seguir, viram um rapaz nativo a saltar de uma árvore e a fugir. Когда они решали, в какую сторону идти, то увидели, как туземный мальчик спрыгнул с дерева и убежал. The captain spoke first. Капитан заговорил первым. Капітан заговорив першим.

"Let's follow him. "Пойдемте за ним. "Ходімо за ним. He may lead us to his people." ||conduzirá||||seu povo Он может привести нас к своему народу".

The boy led the men through the green hills of the island. ||guiou|||||||||ilha Мальчик повел мужчин по зеленым холмам острова. He stayed far ahead of them but stopped whenever he wanted them to see him and follow. |||à frente|||||sempre que||||||||seguir Он шел далеко впереди них, но останавливался всякий раз, когда хотел, чтобы они увидели его и последовали за ним. Він тримався далеко попереду, але зупинявся, коли хотів, щоб вони побачили його і пішли за ним. 他远远走在他们前面,但只要他想让他们看到他并跟随他,他就会停下来。

There were tall green plants on the hills, and the air smelled of vanilla. На холмах росли высокие зеленые растения, в воздухе пахло ванилью.

"What's that smell? "Что это за запах? It smells like rum." Пахне ромом."

"It is, and these are the sugar plants they use to make it. |||||||as plantas||||| "Да, и это сахарные заводы, на которых его производят. "Так і є, і це цукрові заводи, які вони використовують для його виробництва. “是的,这些是他们用来制造糖的植物。 They break the plants apart and mix the rum in large barrels. ||||separadamente|||||||barris grandes Они разламывают растения на части и смешивают ром в больших бочках. Вони ламають рослини і змішують ром у великих бочках. It smells as if they're making sweets." Cheira como se estivessem a fazer doces". Пахнет так, как будто они готовят сладости". Пахне так, ніби вони роблять цукерки".

"It'll be nice if we get to taste it." "Será bom se pudermos prová-lo." "Будет здорово, если мы попробуем его на вкус".

The men laughed as they walked on. Os homens riram-se enquanto caminhavam. Мужчины смеялись, когда шли дальше. When they came to the top of a hill looking down onto a village, they saw natives working near small houses made from trees and leaves. |||||||||||sobre||aldeia||||||||||||folhas Когда они поднялись на вершину холма, с которого открывался вид на деревню, то увидели, что туземцы работают возле небольших домиков, сделанных из деревьев и листьев. The small boy they were following ran into the village before them and everyone began looking up at Captain Scott and his men. Маленький мальчик, за которым они шли, вбежал в деревню раньше них, и все стали смотреть на капитана Скотта и его людей. They stopped what they were doing and waited for the sailors. Они прекратили свои занятия и стали ждать моряков. Вони припинили свою роботу і стали чекати на моряків.

A tall, dark and very beautiful woman in a white headdress was standing in front of the natives, waiting for Captain Scott. ||||||||||cabeça adornada||||||||||| Высокая, смуглая и очень красивая женщина в белом головном уборе стояла перед туземцами и ждала капитана Скотта. She had large dark, eyes and she wore a gold necklace with a green stone, just like the one in the picture on Blackbeard's ship. У нее были большие темные глаза, а на шее - золотое ожерелье с зеленым камнем, точно такое же, как на картинке с корабля Черной Бороды. Her name was Queen Alliana, and she was the Queen of Rum Island. ||||Rainha Alliana|||||||| Ее звали королева Аллиана, и она была королевой острова Рум.

The sailors put Blackbeard's treasure down behind Captain Scott when he went to meet the Queen. |os marinheiros|||||||||||||| Моряки положили сокровища Черной Бороды за капитаном Скоттом, когда он отправился на встречу с королевой.

"I am Captain Scott of the Queen Anne from England. "Я капитан Скотт с корабля "Королева Анна" из Англии. We've come here to trade our gold for anything you may have to offer, but we also have a problem. Мы пришли сюда, чтобы обменять наше золото на все, что вы можете предложить, но у нас есть проблема. Ми прийшли сюди, щоб обміняти наше золото на все, що ви можете запропонувати, але у нас також є проблема. Our ship is badly damaged. ||||danificada gravemente We need to fix our sails."

"Welcome Captain. I am Queen Alliana and this is Rum Island. Come and sit with us and show us what you have brought."

The sailors sat in a circle around the treasure chest. Моряки сели в круг вокруг сундука с сокровищами. Captain Scott sat next to Queen Alliana and all the men were offered a cup of the island's rum. Капитан Скотт сел рядом с королевой Аллианой, и всем мужчинам предложили по чашке островного рома. Капітан Скотт сів поруч з королевою Аліаною, і всім чоловікам запропонували по чашці острівного рому. When Captain Scott opened the chest and showed the Queen the shining treasure of jewels and gold, her eyes widened and she stood up. |||||||||||||||||||se alargaram|||| Когда капитан Скотт открыл сундук и показал королеве сверкающие сокровища из драгоценных камней и золота, ее глаза расширились, и она встала.

"Where did you get that?" "Где ты это взял?"

"It's not really ours. "Это не совсем наше. "Це не зовсім наше. It's something we've found on an empty ship at sea. Это то, что мы нашли на пустом корабле в море. Our gold..." Наше золото..." Наше золото..."

"Take it away! ||leva isso embora "Уберите его! "Заберіть його! We do not want it here! Мы не хотим этого здесь! It is cursed! ||está amaldiço Он проклят! The man who owns it must have it back. |||possui||||| Человек, которому она принадлежит, должен получить ее обратно. Людина, яка володіє нею, повинна отримати її назад. You must take it back to where you found it." Вы должны вернуть его туда, где вы его нашли".

The Queen waved her hand. ||acenou|| Королева махнула рукой. Королева махнула рукою. All of the natives left and went inside their houses, leaving Captain Scott and his men alone. Все туземцы ушли в свои дома, оставив капитана Скотта и его людей одних.