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Steve's Youtube Videos - Vocabulary, Learning vocabulary

Learning vocabulary

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here again.

Today I'm going to talk about learning vocabulary. Now, I did say in my previous video that I would be amenable to doing some videos in different languages and we've had some requests. Today I'm going to speak in English, but I'm going to aim for the next one maybe in Portuguese, because that was the largest number of requests, followed by Japanese, French, I think there was some Italian, Spanish and Mandarin. So we'll try and sneak all of those in, but I won't do them one after another. I'll intersperse it with English videos because most people only understand English. Now, vocabulary, we have a very interesting thread going over one of our forums at LingQ.

Someone started a thread on how many words can you learn in a day and I'm going to post a link to this thread on my blog The Linguist on Language, which I leave a link to here in the explanations or information box underneath the video. So, how many words can you learn in a day? We've seen a number of sort of extreme positions. I tend to take the extreme position that you can learn a lot of words, hundreds in a day, a hundred anyway. One person on our forum thinks the number is one, three, five, depending on the language. So let's, first of all, define our terms. What do we mean by learning a word?

Well, to me, learning a word means being able to recognize a word in a specific context, in a context when you are reading or listening. My focus is on comprehension. Some people feel that you only know a word when you can actually use it and produce it. So that's point number one and I'll get back to that. The second thing is what do we mean by a word?

At LingQ at our website, at our learning community, we count every form of the word as a different word and we do this for a specific reason. In those languages like Russian or Slavic languages which have a lot of declensions or Korean which has a lot of different endings to words, I find it useful to treat each word as a different phenomenon, see how it performs in a phrase or sentence, try to understand how that word functions, depending on its form, but it doesn't matter. I think if you only want to count word families it becomes a little more difficult to define. In English, for example, it's active, activity, reactive, act.

Are they the same word or different words? It's a little difficult to define. However, I know that Paul Nation, who is a leading expert on English vocabulary acquisition, feels that the ratio between word families to words is 1 to 1.6 in English. It's probably 1.3 in some languages. Maybe in Russian it's 1.5. I don't know. The way I count them, every form of a word is a different word and, of course, if I can recognize a word I consider that word known. A lot of people don't like that. It also depends on how similar the new language is to a language you already know. For example, in Romanian I went in there and 70% of the vocabulary is at least recognizable, based on my knowledge of romance languages. My numbers for Romanian in two months, my LingQ statistics tell me that I know over 20,000 words and that I have also saved, in other words linked on our site, another 10,000 words in this two-month period.

Now, many of the links that I created were phrases and, of course, I don't know all of those words because those are words that I'm trying to learn, but I think I know about half of them. So like 24 or 25,000 words in two months, that's over 400 words a day, based on being able to recognize them. In Czech, over maybe a 15-month period, I have some 50,000 known words and I created I think some 44,000 links. I had to do more linking, more saving of words and phrases, because there were less freebie words in Czech than in Romanian. So that's one extreme and I'll get back to that extreme. Of course another person on the thread says “No.

To me, learning a word means learning it and slowly making sure I know what it means. Many people work on flashcards and so they deliberately learn these words and make sure they can use them. Only then can they say they know them and, on that basis, the number is five words a day in French and maybe three words or even one word in Chinese and so forth.” Okay.

Granted, there are lots of variables here, but some of my basic principles are that if you are focused on being able to use the word and if you try to deliberately learn that word so that you can recognize it out of context in flashcards so that you can use it, I think you are doing yourself a great disservice. I think that is counterproductive when it comes to language learning and when it comes to language acquisition because the time you spend say on flashcards scratching your brain trying to remember what the word means to my mind is wasted time. For that matter, if you are struggling to use the few words you know and you're having this very limited conversation with someone but trying to nail down the 10 words you learned yesterday, to me, is also counterproductive. I feel you're much better off to be constantly exposing yourself to more word-rich content through reading and listening.

The bulk of the words that I learn, I acquire them incidentally. So the more words I can recognize, the more interesting and word-rich material I can read and listen to and, therefore, harvest all of these free words. As my statistics in learning Romanian and Czech point out -- and it's the same in other languages -- most of my so-called known words are words that showed up in our lessons that I didn't save. The system recognizes that these are words that you didn't need to save, therefore, you know them. Therefore, the biggest growth in my vocabulary was from words that I picked up incidentally. So the more words that I can recognize, the sooner I can move into interesting content, whether it be history in my case or literature. For other people it might be sports or whatever it is. So trying to limit yourself to sort of nailing down bits of vocabulary that you struggle to study off lists and in flashcards and Anki and you want to make sure you can use them and stuff like that, on that basis you will learn very few words.

When it comes to this whole passive vocabulary, active vocabulary dichotomy, in my view, when you have an opportunity to speak more or you have the need to speak more, then a lot of this passive vocabulary will become active. Sometimes you'll remember this word and the next time you won't, but they're all sitting there in your brain and as you struggle to speak in meaningful situations then you will find yourself reaching back there for these words. Again, as we do on LingQ, when you are reading you are noticing words.

When I read and I see a handy phrase that I want to be able to use I save it. That means it will show up again highlighted in yellow any time that word or phrase appears in any future lesson that I either find on the LingQ library or bring in from the Internet. So I'm training myself to notice and as I train myself to notice these words and I see them again and again slowly they become a part of my active vocabulary, but I don't focus on trying to develop my active vocabulary. I think that that is a better strategy for people who study and live in places where the language isn't spoken. It's far easier to expose yourself to this rich content rather than trying to deliberately nail down words. Now, a couple comments here.

In my opinion, it's important that what you are listening to and reading is interesting, has a sort of resonance with you, you like it and that's true in all language learning. A couple of the comments to my previous video where I said one of the problems people have in language learning is they haven't done it before and once they've done it once or twice they feel confident, a number of people said well, I learned English and German, but I'm having real trouble with French. Then I went back to that person and it turns out this person feels less attraction to French culture than he felt towards English or German culture. Well, certainly, if you don't feel an attraction to the language, to the content you're studying, all of this makes the learning less effective, so it is important to use material that has resonance with you. So on the subject of how many words you can learn and how to go about learning it and so forth and so on, yes, it depends on how similar the languages are.

Obviously, Romanian was very easy for me. There I was, I don't know, 400 words a day would be the count. Czech was more difficult, so it's 200 words a day. Czech has a lot of declensions and things, so if you try to equate that to English maybe it's only 70 words a day. I don't know. It's a large number if you do it, in my opinion, the way I do. On LingQ I link furiously.

I created, as I say in Romanian in two months, over 10,000 links. That's over 10,000 words that I have deliberately saved and that appear highlighted in yellow every time I read. By exposing myself to a lot of content listening and reading, I've been sort of washing all these words over me. A lot of them are retained without me having to make any special effort and so I can simply engage in this enjoyable activity of reading and listening to things that interest me and the words just accumulate, which is kind of the way kids learn. Kids don't do flashcards. So, enough, I see I've kind of spoken quite a bit on this.

I know this is a bit of a controversial issue. Let me see on my notes if I forgot anything. No.

All right, I look forward to your comments and I'm going to see if I can't sneak a Portuguese video in towards the end of the week. Thank you very much.

Bye for now.

Learning vocabulary Wortschatz lernen Aprender vocabulario Apprendre le vocabulaire Apprendimento del vocabolario 語彙の学習 Aprender vocabulário Изучение лексики Kelime öğrenme Вивчення лексики 学习词汇 學習詞彙

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here again.

Today I’m going to talk about learning vocabulary. امروز قصد دارم در مورد یادگیری لغات صحبت کنم. Now, I did say in my previous video that I would be amenable to doing some videos in different languages and we’ve had some requests. ||||||قبلی|ویدیو قبلی من||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||bereit, zugänglich|||||||||||| ||||||||||||対応する|||||||||||| ||||||||||||disposto|||||||||||| ||||||||||||готовий погодитися||||||||||||запити 前の動画で言いましたが、様々な言語での動画も可能なので、リクエストがありました。 Today I’m going to speak in English, but I’m going to aim for the next one maybe in Portuguese, because that was the largest number of requests, followed by Japanese, French, I think there was some Italian, Spanish and Mandarin. |||||||||||هدف قرار دادن|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||прагнути до||||||||||||найбільша кількість запитів|||запитів||||||||||||| 今日は英語で話しますが、次は多くのリクエストがあったポルトガル語を目指します。その後には、日本語、フランス語、イタリア語、スペイン語、中国語があります。 So we’ll try and sneak all of those in, but I won’t do them one after another. ||||fit in secretly|||||||||||| ||||inserir|||||||||||| ||||schmuggeln|||||||||||| ||||یواشکی وارد کردن|||||||||||| ||||пронести непомітно|||||||||||| ||||こっそり入れる|||||||||||| すべてを取り入れていきますが、すぐに続けては行いません。 I’ll intersperse it with English videos because most people only understand English. |einfügen|||||||||| |挟み込む|||||||||| |intercalar|||||||||| |вставлятиму|||||||||| Я буду перемежать его видео на английском языке, потому что большинство людей понимают только английский. Now, vocabulary, we have a very interesting thread going over one of our forums at LingQ. |||||||رشته جالبی|||||||| |||||||Diskussionsthread|||||||| |||||||тема обговорення||||||форумів|| |||||||tópico|||||||| 今、語彙に関して、LingQのフォーラムで非常に興味深いスレッドが進行中です。 Сейчас на одном из форумов LingQ разворачивается очень интересная дискуссия.

Someone started a thread on how many words can you learn in a day and I’m going to post a link to this thread on my blog The Linguist on Language, which I leave a link to here in the explanations or information box underneath the video. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||توضیحات|||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||unter dem Video|| |||スレッド|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||動画の下の|| |||tópico||||||||||||||||||||tópico||||||||||||||||||||caixa de informações|abaixo de|| ||||||||||||||||||опублікувати|||||||||||||||||посилання на|||||||||під відео|| 誰かが1日にどれだけの単語を学べるかについてスレッドを立てたので、私はこのスレッドへのリンクを私のブログである「The Linguist on Language」に投稿し、このビデオの下の説明または情報ボックスにリンクを残します。 Кто-то завел тему о том, сколько слов можно выучить за день, и я собираюсь разместить ссылку на эту тему в своем блоге The Linguist on Language, ссылку на который я оставляю здесь в пояснениях или информационном блоке под видео. So, how many words can you learn in a day? では、1日にどれだけの単語を学ぶことができますか? We’ve seen a number of sort of extreme positions. |||||نوعی از||مواضع افراطی| |||||||крайні позиції|позиції 極端な立場がいくつか見られました。 Мы видели несколько крайних позиций. I tend to take the extreme position that you can learn a lot of words, hundreds in a day, a hundred anyway. |گرایش داشتن|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||de qualquer forma |Схильний|||||||||||||||||||| 私は極端な立場を取りやすいです。1日に数百の単語、とにかく100個は学ぶことができると考えています。 Я склонен придерживаться крайней точки зрения, что за день можно выучить много слов, сотни, во всяком случае, сотню. One person on our forum thinks the number is one, three, five, depending on the language. フォーラムの1人は、その数が言語によって1、3、5のいずれかだと考えています。 Один человек на нашем форуме считает, что это число - один, три, пять, в зависимости от языка. So let’s, first of all, define our terms. |||||||اصطلاحات |||||визначимо|| まず、私たちの用語を定義しましょう。 Итак, давайте, прежде всего, определимся с терминами. What do we mean by learning a word? 単語を覚えるとはどういう意味ですか? Что мы имеем в виду, когда говорим "выучить слово"?

Well, to me, learning a word means being able to recognize a word in a specific context, in a context when you are reading or listening. ||||||||||розпізнавати||||||||||||||| 単語を覚えるとは、特定の文脈で単語を認識できること、読んでいるか聞いているときの文脈で言います。 My focus is on comprehension. ||||Verständnis |Моя увага зосереджена на розумінні.|||розуміння 私の焦点は理解にあります。 Some people feel that you only know a word when you can actually use it and produce it. ||||||||||||||||використовувати| 一部の人々は、実際に使用して生成できるときにのみ、単語を知っていると感じる人もいます。 So that’s point number one and I’ll get back to that. ||пункт|||||||| それが1つ目のポイントですが、その点について後ほど触れます。 Deci asta este punctul nr. 1 și mă voi întoarce la asta. The second thing is what do we mean by a word? 2つ目は、言葉とは何を意味するのかということです。

At LingQ at our website, at our learning community, we count every form of the word as a different word and we do this for a specific reason. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||دلیل خاص ||||||||||数えます||||||||||||||||| ||||||||спільнота||рахуємо||форма слова||||||||||||||| LingQのウェブサイトでは、学習コミュニティで、単語のすべての形を異なる単語として数えます。これは特定の理由で行っています。 In those languages like Russian or Slavic languages which have a lot of declensions or Korean which has a lot of different endings to words, I find it useful to treat each word as a different phenomenon, see how it performs in a phrase or sentence, try to understand how that word functions, depending on its form, but it doesn’t matter. |||||||||||||||||||many||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||declinações|||||||||||||||||tratar||||||fenômeno||||se comporta|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Flexionformen|||||||||||||||||||||||Phänomen|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||صرف‌ها||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||слов'янські мови|||||||відмінки|||||||||||||||корисним||розглядати||||||явище||||використовується|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||屈折変化||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ロシア語やスラブ諸語など、多くの活用がある言語や、末尾の異なる形を持つ韓国語のような言語では、それぞれの単語を異なる現象として扱うことが役立つと考えます。フレーズや文でその単語がどのように機能するかを見て、その単語がどのように機能するかを理解しようとします。その形に応じて機能するのは同じですが、大した違いはありません。 I think if you only want to count word families it becomes a little more difficult to define. |||||||||خانواده‌های واژگانی||||||||تعریف کردن 単語ファミリーを数えたいだけなら、少し定義が難しくなると思います。 In English, for example, it’s active, activity, reactive, act. |||||||reativo| |||||||реактивний|дія, акт 例えば、英語ではactive(能動的な)、activity(活動)、reactive(反応的な)、act(行為)です。

Are they the same word or different words? 同じ単語ですか、異なる単語ですか? It’s a little difficult to define. それを定義するのは少し難しいです。 However, I know that Paul Nation, who is a leading expert on English vocabulary acquisition, feels that the ratio between word families to words is 1 to 1.6 in English. ||||||||||||||یادگیری واژگان انگلیسی||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||proporção||||||||| ||||Пол Нейшн|Нейшн||||провідний експерт|||англійській мові|словниковий запас|засвоєння лексики||||співвідношення||||||||| ただし、英語の語彙習得の第一人者であるポール・ネイション氏は、単語ファミリーと単語の比率が英語では1対1.6であると感じている。 It’s probably 1.3 in some languages. Maybe in Russian it’s 1.5. I don’t know. The way I count them, every form of a word is a different word and, of course, if I can recognize a word I consider that word known. ||||||||||||||||دوره آموزشی||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||betrachten||| ||||||||||||||||||||розпізнати||||||| A lot of people don’t like that. It also depends on how similar the new language is to a language you already know. For example, in Romanian I went in there and 70% of the vocabulary is at least recognizable, based on my knowledge of romance languages. |||||||||||||||reconhecível||||||| |||||||||||||||впізнаваний||||||| My numbers for Romanian in two months, my LingQ statistics tell me that I know over 20,000 words and that I have also saved, in other words linked on our site, another 10,000 words in this two-month period. |||||||||آمار||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||vinculadas|||||||||| |цифри|||||||||||||||||||||||||пов'язані||||||||||

Now, many of the links that I created were phrases and, of course, I don’t know all of those words because those are words that I’m trying to learn, but I think I know about half of them. So like 24 or 25,000 words in two months, that’s over 400 words a day, based on being able to recognize them. In Czech, over maybe a 15-month period, I have some 50,000 known words and I created I think some 44,000 links. I had to do more linking, more saving of words and phrases, because there were less freebie words in Czech than in Romanian. ||||||||||||||||Geschenkwörter|||||| |||||vinculação||||||||||menos|gratuitas|||||| |||||зв'язування||збереження слів|||||||||безкоштовні слова|||||| So that’s one extreme and I’ll get back to that extreme. |||افراطی‌ترین حد||||||| |||крайність|||||||крайність Deci asta eo extremă și mă voi întoarce la acea extremă. Of course another person on the thread says “No.

To me, learning a word means learning it and slowly making sure I know what it means. |||||||||повільно||||||| Para mim|||||||||||||||| Many people work on flashcards and so they deliberately learn these words and make sure they can use them. ||||||||عمداً|||||||||| ||||Karteikarten||||absichtlich, gezielt|||||||||| ||працюють над||||||навмисно|||||||||| Only then can they say they know them and, on that basis, the number is five words a day in French and maybe three words or even one word in Chinese and so forth.” Okay.

Granted, there are lots of variables here, but some of my basic principles are that if you are focused on being able to use the word and if you try to deliberately learn that word so that you can recognize it out of context in flashcards so that you can use it, I think you are doing yourself a great disservice. |||||متغیرها|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ضرر بزرگی Zugegeben|||||Variablen|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||schlechtes Geschäft |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||with intention|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||harmful disadvantage Звісно, що|||||змінні|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ведмежа послуга concedido|||||variáveis|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||um grande prejuízo I think that is counterproductive when it comes to language learning and when it comes to language acquisition because the time you spend say on flashcards scratching your brain trying to remember what the word means to my mind is wasted time. ||||kontraproduktiv||||||||||||||||||||||kratzen||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||straining your brain||||||||||||||not useful time| ||||contraproducente||||||||||||||||||||||coçando||||||||||||||| ||||контрпродуктивно|||||||||||до|||||||||||чухаючи||||||||||||||| For that matter, if you are struggling to use the few words you know and you’re having this very limited conversation with someone but trying to nail down the 10 words you learned yesterday, to me, is also counterproductive. ||در این مورد||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||luchando||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||tendo dificuldade||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||намагаючись||||||||вчора||||| I feel you’re much better off to be constantly exposing yourself to more word-rich content through reading and listening. |||||||бути|постійно|піддаючи себе|||||насичений словами|||||

The bulk of the words that I learn, I acquire them incidentally. |بیشتر||||||||||به طور اتفاقی |Hauptteil||||||||||nebenbei |основна частина||||||||засвоюю||випадково |a maior parte|||||||||| So the more words I can recognize, the more interesting and word-rich material I can read and listen to and, therefore, harvest all of these free words. ||||||||||||||||||||||colher||||| |||||||||||||||||||||отже|збирати врожай слів||||| As my statistics in learning Romanian and Czech point out -- and it’s the same in other languages -- most of my so-called known words are words that showed up in our lessons that I didn’t save. The system recognizes that these are words that you didn’t need to save, therefore, you know them. ||визнає|||||||||||||| Therefore, the biggest growth in my vocabulary was from words that I picked up incidentally. ||||||||||||підхопив|| So the more words that I can recognize, the sooner I can move into interesting content, whether it be history in my case or literature. ||||||||||||||||||||||||ادبیات ||||||||||||||||seja|||||||| |||||||||швидше||||в||||||||||| For other people it might be sports or whatever it is. ||||||спорт або щось|||| So trying to limit yourself to sort of nailing down bits of vocabulary that you struggle to study off lists and in flashcards and Anki and you want to make sure you can use them and stuff like that, on that basis you will learn very few words. ||||||||mastering||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||tipo de||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||обмежити себе до|||||закріплення||фрагменти лексики|з, типу||||важко вивчати|||||||||Anki|||||||||||||||||||||||

When it comes to this whole passive vocabulary, active vocabulary dichotomy, in my view, when you have an opportunity to speak more or you have the need to speak more, then a lot of this passive vocabulary will become active. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||más|||||||||| ||||||||||Dichotomie||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||dicotomia||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||дихотомія активного пасивного||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sometimes you’ll remember this word and the next time you won’t, but they’re all sitting there in your brain and as you struggle to speak in meaningful situations then you will find yourself reaching back there for these words. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||тягнутися до||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||significativas|||||||alcançando||||| Again, as we do on LingQ, when you are reading you are noticing words. wieder||||||||||||beobachtest|

When I read and I see a handy phrase that I want to be able to use I save it. That means it will show up again highlighted in yellow any time that word or phrase appears in any future lesson that I either find on the LingQ library or bring in from the Internet. |||||||виділений жовтим||||||||||||||||або||||||||||| |||||||destacado||||||||||||||||||||||||||| So I’m training myself to notice and as I train myself to notice these words and I see them again and again slowly they become a part of my active vocabulary, but I don’t focus on trying to develop my active vocabulary. ||آموزش دادن||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||треную себе|||||||треную себе помічати|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I think that that is a better strategy for people who study and live in places where the language isn’t spoken. It’s far easier to expose yourself to this rich content rather than trying to deliberately nail down words. ||||піддавати себе впливу||||||||||навмисно|запам'ятати|| Now, a couple comments here.

In my opinion, it’s important that what you are listening to and reading is interesting, has a sort of resonance with you, you like it and that’s true in all language learning. A couple of the comments to my previous video where I said one of the problems people have in language learning is they haven’t done it before and once they’ve done it once or twice they feel confident, a number of people said well, I learned English and German, but I’m having real trouble with French. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||با اعتماد به نفس|||||||||||||||||| Then I went back to that person and it turns out this person feels less attraction to French culture than he felt towards English or German culture. |||||||||виявляється||||||привабливість||||||||||| Well, certainly, if you don’t feel an attraction to the language, to the content you’re studying, all of this makes the learning less effective, so it is important to use material that has resonance with you. Ну|звісно||||відчуваєте||привабливість||||||||||||||||||||||||||відгук у вас|| So on the subject of how many words you can learn and how to go about learning it and so forth and so on, yes, it depends on how similar the languages are.

Obviously, Romanian was very easy for me. There I was, I don’t know, 400 words a day would be the count. Czech was more difficult, so it’s 200 words a day. Czech has a lot of declensions and things, so if you try to equate that to English maybe it’s only 70 words a day. |||||صرف فعل‌ها||||||||برابر دانستن||||||||| |||||||||||||equipar||||||||| |||||відмінки||||||||прирівнювати до||||||||| I don’t know. It’s a large number if you do it, in my opinion, the way I do. On LingQ I link furiously. ||||با شدت ||||wütend ||||шалено

I created, as I say in Romanian in two months, over 10,000 links. That’s over 10,000 words that I have deliberately saved and that appear highlighted in yellow every time I read. ||||||||||ظاهر می‌شوند||||||| ||||||absichtlich||||||||||| By exposing myself to a lot of content listening and reading, I’ve been sort of washing all these words over me. A lot of them are retained without me having to make any special effort and so I can simply engage in this enjoyable activity of reading and listening to things that interest me and the words just accumulate, which is kind of the way kids learn. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||انباشته می‌شوند|||||||| |||||behalten|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||envolver|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||запам'ятовуються|||||докладати|||зусиль||||||||||діяльність||||||||||||||накопичуватися|||||||| Kids don’t do flashcards. So, enough, I see I’ve kind of spoken quite a bit on this. |||||||falado|bastante||||

I know this is a bit of a controversial issue. ||||||||суперечливе питання| Let me see on my notes if I forgot anything. |||||нотатки|||забув(ла)| No.

All right, I look forward to your comments and I’m going to see if I can’t sneak a Portuguese video in towards the end of the week. |||||||||||||||не зможу|просунути нишком|||||||||| ||||para frente||||||||||||inserir|||||até||||| Thank you very much.

Bye for now.