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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Loneliness in Language Learning

Loneliness in Language Learning

That, I'm convinced, puts some kind of a psychological pressure on us and it can feel lonely at times.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Today I'm going to talk about a subject that doesn't come up very often. It's loneliness, loneliness and language learning. Remember if you like these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications.

If you follow me on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or other podcast services, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a review. So, first of all, I have received some comments to the effect that my sound is too low. So I've worked on the orientation of my microphone here, and hopefully this is better. Uh, loneliness. So it's a subject that never comes up.

We think of language learning. We're learning to communicate with people. We're gonna make new friends, we're going to connect with new cultures. So it's, it's, it's wonderful. And, and of course, language is, is not only a means of communicating meaning. Language is a means of connecting with people. I've even seen the theory that the first humanoids developed language as a means of sort of social grooming.

It almost doesn't matter what we're saying. We just want to hear other people's voices. We say something so they can hear our voices and we're just connecting. And that serves a need, a social need that we have to connect with other people. Now when we're learning languages, of course we can be in a classroom with other people where we are connecting socially, but at some point to learn the language we have to connect with the language we have to listen and read.

As I always say, even if we're listening to someone or speaking with someone we're having trouble getting the meaning because we're working in a new language, a language that we're trying to learn. And I have had the experience, particularly when I learn a language very intensively like I did with Chinese, where I was like seven hours a day in this Chinese world.

Not just casually connecting with people, not watching movies that I understood easily in my own language, not being with friends and family, but sitting there trying to get my brain cells to get used to this new language. And sometimes, and I can remember in Hong Kong that when I would come out from that and I would just communicate with people,

sometimes I felt a certain awkwardness that the, um, this sort of intensive interaction with a strange language, forcing the brain to get used to new language can, you know, create a sense of loneliness. You are alone with something that you don't understand very well. And like, even now, for example, you know, my wife might be watching a movie on Netflix in English or French a language where, which we understand and where in any case there are subtitles for the French.

And it would be nice to just sit there and enjoy the movie. But I at some level, I want to work on my Arabic or my Persian. And so I go downstairs by myself and I work on these, uh, whatever they might be, podcasts or other lessons in our LingQ library, where I'm saving words and phrases, and gradually trying to get used to the language. I wander around the house with my AirPods in my ears, uh, so that I can take advantage of whatever time I have that I'm cleaning up or something to get more of the language in me, I want to sort of force a change of transformation of my brain so that I can easily deal with this language. That, I'm convinced, puts some kind of a psychological pressure on us and it can feel lonely at times.

And so there are these ways in which sort of intensive language learning affects us. Now that's no different than any other pursuit that we go at sort of intensively, and there was a movie called The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. I don't know much about the movie I gathered it had to do with social classes in English, but anything you do, you know, with intensity, whether it be as a piano player or as a, uh, you know, a performance athlete or whether you're pursuing, you know, a science or whatever.

You as an individual sort of striving to acquire knowledge or skills in a particular field, and you're shutting yourself off from other people that can create a sense of loneliness. Now, there are many ways that we can, you know, interact with other people, whether we're in science class or whether we have teammates or language class, or the people I talk to online.

And I cherish the uh, sessions that I have, I was with, uh, Adel Samy of Egypt this morning, and he's taking me through Egyptian Arabic and those are wonderful moments and those are social moments, but there's also a lot of time when it's, it's lonely. It's just the learner and the language. And I just want to mention that because it's something people should be aware of.

They shouldn't consider it strange that at times they feel lonely in their pursuit of the language. And it's important to remember that ultimately the reward is great. So I now communicate comfortably in Chinese, Japanese, French, Russian, languages that I learned a while ago. And, uh, I even finding now that I'm able to communicate fairly comfortably in Persian with, with Sahra, Persian being easier than Arabic.

Now I've completely confused myself in Arabic because I've started into Egyptian Arabic, which is fun because it's a, it's a country where they speak the language, egypt is. Whereas there is no country that speaks Standard Arabic, but it has kind of caused both of them to get further confused. And so I got a struggle with that and I'm struggling with it, uh, you know, on my own.

So there is a certain loneliness attached to language learning. Until you get to a stage where we are comfortable communicating and we kind of rejoin the world around us. So just a thought that I had that I wanted to share with you. Bye for now.

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Loneliness in Language Learning 孤独感||| Einsamkeit||| Isolation||| 孤独感||| Одиночество в обучении||| Einsamkeit beim Sprachenlernen La soledad en el aprendizaje de idiomas La solitude dans l'apprentissage des langues La solitudine nell'apprendimento delle lingue 語学学習における孤独 Vientulība valodu apguvē A solidão na aprendizagem de línguas Одиночество в изучении иностранных языков Dil Öğreniminde Yalnızlık Самотність у вивченні мови 语言学习中的孤独 語言學習中的孤獨

That, I'm convinced, puts some kind of a psychological pressure on us and it can feel lonely at times. ||убежден||||||психологическое|||||||||| |||||||||||||||être|seul|| ||certain||||||mental|||||||||| ||確信しています||||||心理的|||||||||| Questo, ne sono convinto, mette una sorta di pressione psicologica su di noi e a volte può sembrare solitario. それは、私たちにある種の心理的圧力をかけ、時には孤独を感じることがあると私は確信しています。 Esmu pārliecināts, ka tas uz mums rada sava veida psiholoģisku spiedienu, un reizēm varam justies vientuļi. Я уверен, что это создает некое психологическое давление на нас, и иногда может быть одиноко.

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here. Ciao a tutti, Steve Kaufmann qui. Привет, Стив Кауфман на связи. Today I'm going to talk about a subject that doesn't come up very often. |||||||||ne|vient|||souvent |||||||||||||frequently Oggi parlerò di un argomento che non viene affrontato molto spesso. 今日はあまり出てこないテーマについてお話します。 Сегодня я собираюсь поговорить о теме, которая не поднимается очень часто. It's loneliness, loneliness and language learning. Remember if you like these videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notifications. Atcerieties, ja jums patīk šie videoklipi, lūdzu, abonējiet, noklikšķiniet uz zvana, lai saņemtu paziņojumus.

If you follow me on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or other podcast services, I'd appreciate it if you could leave a review. ||||||||||||||||||pourriez|laisser|| Ja sekojat man Apple Podcasts vai Spotify vai citos podkāstu pakalpojumos, es būtu pateicīgs, ja jūs varētu atstāt atsauksmi. So, first of all, I have received some comments to the effect that my sound is too low. |||||||||关于|||||||| |||||||||||||||||bas ですから、まず、音が小さすぎるというコメントをいただきました。 Pirmkārt, esmu saņēmis dažas piezīmes par to, ka mana skaņa ir pārāk zema. So I've worked on the orientation of my microphone here, and hopefully this is better. |||||ориентация||||||||| ||travaillé|||orientation||||||||| |||||Ausrichtung||||||||| |||||positioning||||||||| |||||orientamento||||||||| Esmu strādājis pie sava mikrofona orientācijas, un cerams, ka tā būs labāka. Uh, loneliness. Эх|одиночество |Uh, solitude. So it's a subject that never comes up. ||||||возникает| Tāpēc šī tēma nekad netiek apspriesta.

We think of language learning. 私たちは|||| Mēs domājam par valodu apguvi. We're learning to communicate with people. Mēs mācāmies komunicēt ar cilvēkiem. We're gonna make new friends, we're going to connect with new cultures. ||||||||se connecter||| Mēs grasāmies iegūt jaunus draugus, iepazīt jaunas kultūras. So it's, it's, it's wonderful. ||||merveilleux And, and of course, language is, is not only a means of communicating meaning. ||||||||||moyen|||sens ||||||||||mezzo||| |||||||||um|||| E, e naturalmente, il linguaggio è, non è solo un mezzo per comunicare significato. そしてもちろん、言語は意味を伝える手段だけではありません。 Un, protams, valoda ir ne tikai līdzeklis jēgas nodošanai. Language is a means of connecting with people. |是|||||| Il linguaggio è un mezzo per connettersi con le persone. Valoda ir veids, kā veidot saikni ar cilvēkiem. I've even seen the theory that the first humanoids developed language as a means of sort of social grooming. ||||||||гуманоиды||||||||||социального общения ||||||||humanoïdes||||||||||toilettage |||||||initial|human-like beings||||||||||social bonding ||||||||||||||||||cuidado ||||||||Humanoiden|||||||||sozialen|soziale Pflege ||||||||인간형 존재||||||||||그루밍 ||||||||umanoidi||||||||||cura sociale ||||||||人形生物||||||||||社交梳理 ||||||||人型生物||||||||||社会的な絆形成 ||||||||||||||||||acicalamiento Ho persino visto la teoria secondo cui i primi umani svilupparono il linguaggio come un mezzo di sorta di grooming sociale. 私は、最初のヒューマノイドが一種の社会的身だしなみの手段として言語を発達させたという理論さえ見ました。 Es pat esmu redzējis teoriju, ka pirmie humanoīdi valodu attīstīja kā sava veida sociālās uzvedības līdzekli.

It almost doesn't matter what we're saying. |||importe||| 私たちが何を言っているかはほとんど問題ではありません。 Ir gandrīz vienalga, ko mēs sakām. We just want to hear other people's voices. Mēs vienkārši vēlamies dzirdēt citu cilvēku balsis. We say something so they can hear our voices and we're just connecting. Mēs kaut ko sakām, lai viņi varētu dzirdēt mūsu balsis, un mēs vienkārši izveidojam savienojumu. And that serves a need, a social need that we have to connect with other people. ||удовлетворяет||||||||||||| ||sert||besoin||||||||||| ||||必要性||||||||||| E questo soddisfa un bisogno, un bisogno sociale che abbiamo di connetterci con altre persone. そしてそれは、私たちが他の人々とつながる必要のある社会的ニーズであるニーズに応えます。 Tas apmierina mūsu sociālo vajadzību veidot saikni ar citiem cilvēkiem. Now when we're learning languages, of course we can be in a classroom with other people where we are connecting socially, but at some point to learn the language we have to connect with the language we have to listen and read. ||||||||||||||||||||socialement||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||sozial||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||with others||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||socialmente||||||||||||||||||||| Ora, quando stiamo imparando le lingue, ovviamente possiamo essere in un'aula con altre persone dove ci stiamo connettendo socialmente, ma a un certo punto per imparare la lingua dobbiamo connetterci con la lingua, dobbiamo ascoltare e leggere. 今、私たちが言語を学んでいるとき、もちろん私たちは社会的につながっている他の人々と一緒に教室にいることができますが、ある時点で私たちは言語を学ぶために私たちが聞いたり読んだりしなければならない言語とつながる必要があります。 Kad mēs mācāmies valodas, mēs, protams, varam atrasties klasē kopā ar citiem cilvēkiem, kur veidojam sociālo saikni, taču, lai apgūtu valodu, mums ir jāsaskaras ar valodu, tā ir jāklausās un jālasa.

As I always say, even if we're listening to someone or speaking with someone we're having trouble getting the meaning because we're working in a new language, a language that we're trying to learn. |||说|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||toujours|dis||||||||||||||||sens|||||||||||||| |||digo|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Come dico sempre, anche se stiamo ascoltando qualcuno o parlando con qualcuno, abbiamo difficoltà a capire il significato perché stiamo lavorando in una nuova lingua, una lingua che stiamo cercando di imparare. Kā es vienmēr saku, pat tad, ja mēs kādu klausāmies vai runājam ar kādu cilvēku, mums ir grūtības saprast jēgu, jo mēs strādājam jaunā valodā, valodā, kuru cenšamies apgūt. And I have had the experience, particularly when I learn a language very intensively like I did with Chinese, where I was like seven hours a day in this Chinese world. ||||||в частности|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||intensivement||||||||||sept||||||| |||||||||||||intensiv||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||语言|非常|||||||||||||||||| そして、特に中国語のように非常に集中的に言語を学ぶとき、私はこの中国の世界で1日7時間のようでした。 Un man ir bijusi pieredze, jo īpaši tad, kad es ļoti intensīvi mācos kādu valodu, kā tas bija ar ķīniešu valodu, kad es septiņas stundas dienā biju ķīniešu pasaulē.

Not just casually connecting with people, not watching movies that I understood easily in my own language, not being with friends and family, but sitting there trying to get my brain cells to get used to this new language. ||просто|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||à la légère|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cellules||||||| ||nicht nur beiläufig|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Zellen||||||| ||軽く|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 気軽に人とつながるだけでなく、自分の言語でわかりやすい映画を見たり、友達や家族と一緒にいるのではなく、そこに座って脳細胞をこの新しい言語に慣れさせようとしています。 Nevis vienkārši nejauši kontaktējoties ar cilvēkiem, nevis skatoties filmas, kuras es viegli sapratu savā dzimtajā valodā, nevis esot kopā ar draugiem un ģimeni, bet gan sēžot un cenšoties panākt, lai manas smadzeņu šūnas pierod pie šīs jaunās valodas. And sometimes, and I can remember in Hong Kong that when I would come out from that and I would just communicate with people, |||||||||||||sortir|sortir||||||||| E a volte, e posso ricordare a Hong Kong che quando uscivo da quello e comunicavo semplicemente con le persone, そして時々、そして私は香港で私がそこから出てきて人々とただコミュニケーションをとるときを思い出すことができます、 Un dažreiz, un es atceros Honkongu, kad es no tās iznācu un vienkārši komunicēju ar cilvēkiem,

sometimes I felt a certain awkwardness that the, um, this sort of intensive interaction with a strange language, forcing the brain to get used to new language can, you know, create a sense of loneliness. ||||определённую|неловкость|||||||||||||принуждая|||||||||||||||| |||||maladresse|||||||||||||||||||||||||créer||sens|| |||||discomfort||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||desconforto||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||Unbehagen||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||어색함||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||imbarazzo||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||尴尬感||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||ぎこちなさ|||||||集中的な|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||incomodidad||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| a volte sentivo una certa awkwardness che, um, questo tipo di interazione intensa con una lingua straniera, costringendo il cervello ad abituarsi a una nuova lingua può, sai, creare un senso di solitudine. 時々、奇妙な言語とのこの種の集中したインタラクションに対する特定の不自然さを感じていました。新しい言語に脳を慣れさせることは、孤独感を生むことがあります。 dažkārt es jutu zināmu neērtību, ka šāda intensīva mijiedarbība ar svešu valodu, liekot smadzenēm pierast pie jaunas valodas, var radīt vientulības sajūtu. You are alone with something that you don't understand very well. ||||||||||bien Sei solo con qualcosa che non capisci molto bene. あなたはよく理解していない何かと一緒に孤独です。 Jūs esat viens pats ar kaut ko, ko labi nesaprotat. And like, even now, for example, you know, my wife might be watching a movie on Netflix in English or French a language where, which we understand and where in any case there are subtitles for the French. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||субтитры||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||de toute façon|de toute façon|il y a||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||captions||| 例えば今、私の妻は英語またはフランス語の映画をNetflixで見ているかもしれません。私たちが理解できる言語で、フランス語の字幕もあります。 Un, piemēram, pat tagad, piemēram, mana sieva, piemēram, var skatīties filmu "Netflix" angļu vai franču valodā, kuru mēs saprotam un kurā jebkurā gadījumā ir subtitri franču valodā.

And it would be nice to just sit there and enjoy the movie. ただ座って映画を楽しむことができればいいですね。 Un būtu patīkami vienkārši sēdēt un baudīt filmu. But I at some level, I want to work on my Arabic or my Persian. Ma a un certo livello, voglio lavorare sul mio arabo o sul mio persiano. でも、私はある意味で、アラビア語やペルシャ語を勉強したいと思っています。 Bet es kaut kādā līmenī vēlos strādāt pie savas arābu vai persiešu valodas. And so I go downstairs by myself and I work on these, uh, whatever they might be, podcasts or other lessons in our LingQ library, where I'm saving words and phrases, and gradually trying to get used to the language. ||||вниз||||||||||||||||||||||||||||постепенно||||||| ||||en bas|seul|moi-même||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||to the lower level||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||andar de baixo|||||||||o que quer que seja|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||nach unten||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||階下へ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E così scendo da solo e lavoro su questi, ehm, qualunque cosa possano essere, podcast o altre lezioni nella nostra libreria LingQ, dove sto salvando parole e frasi, e cercando gradualmente di abituarmi alla lingua. それで、私は一人で階下に行き、ポッドキャストや私たちのLingQライブラリのその他のレッスンに取り組んでいます。そこで、単語やフレーズを保存し、徐々にその言語に慣れようとしています。 Es eju lejā un strādāju ar šīm, lai kas tās būtu, podkastiem vai citām nodarbībām mūsu LingQ bibliotēkā, kur es saglabāju vārdus un frāzes, un pamazām mēģinu apgūt valodu. I wander around the house with my AirPods in my ears, uh, so that I can take advantage of whatever time I have that I'm cleaning up or something to get more of the language in me, I want to sort of force a change of transformation of my brain so that I can easily deal with this language. |||||||||||||||||воспользоваться||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |me promener|||||||||||||||profiter|profiter|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||transformation|||||||||||| |ando||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |wandere|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Veränderung|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||변화|||||||||||| |vago||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||affinché||||||| Vago per casa con le mie AirPods nelle orecchie, ehm, così posso approfittare di qualunque tempo abbia mentre pulisco o qualcosa del genere per assimilare di più la lingua, voglio in qualche modo forzare un cambiamento di trasformazione del mio cervello in modo da poter gestire facilmente questa lingua. 私はAirPodsを耳に付けて家の中をうろうろし、掃除をしているときなどに、持っている時間を最大限に利用して言語をもっと取り入れたいと思っています。脳の変化を強制したいと思っているので、この言語に簡単に対処できるようにしたいのです。 Es staigāju pa māju ar AirPods austiņām ausīs, lai es varētu izmantot jebkuru laiku, kas man atvēlēts uzkopšanai vai kaut kam citam, lai iegūtu vairāk valodas sevī, es vēlos piespiest savas smadzenes pārveidoties tā, lai es varētu viegli tikt galā ar šo valodu. That, I'm convinced, puts some kind of a psychological pressure on us and it can feel lonely at times. ||убежден||||||психологическое|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||seul|| ||||||||||||||||isolated|| Questo, ne sono convinto, esercita una sorta di pressione psicologica su di noi e a volte può sembrare solitario. それが、私たちに何らかの心理的圧力をかけると確信していますし、時には孤独を感じることもあります。 Esmu pārliecināts, ka tas uz mums rada sava veida psiholoģisku spiedienu, un reizēm varam justies vientuļi.

And so there are these ways in which sort of intensive language learning affects us. ||||||||||интенсивное|||| |||||||||||||affecte| |||||||||||||beeinflusst| |||||||||||||ci influenza| E quindi ci sono questi modi in cui un apprendimento intensivo delle lingue ci influisce. そして、集中的な言語学習が私たちに影響を与える方法はいくつかあります。 Ir veidi, kā intensīva valodas apguve mūs ietekmē. Now that's no different than any other pursuit that we go at sort of intensively, and there was a movie called The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. |||||||||||||||||il y avait|||||||||| |||||||Verfolgung|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||追求|||||||||||||||||||| Ora non è diverso da qualsiasi altra attività che perseguiamo in modo intensivo, e c'era un film chiamato La solitudine del corridore della lunga distanza. 今、それは私たちがかなり集中して行う他の追求と何ら変わりません、そして『長距離ランナーの孤独』という映画がありました。 Tas ne ar ko neatšķiras no jebkura cita nodarbošanās veida, ar ko mēs intensīvi nodarbojamies, un bija tāda filma ar nosaukumu The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner. I don't know much about the movie I gathered it had to do with social classes in English, but anything you do, you know, with intensity, whether it be as a piano player or as a, uh, you know, a performance athlete or whether you're pursuing, you know, a science or whatever. |||||||||||||||||||||||||интенсивности|||||||||||||||профессиональный|||||занимаясь|||||| ||||||||suis||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||understood||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||schloss daraus|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Leistungssportler|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||운동선수|||||||||| ||||||||ho capito|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||atleta||||perseguire|||||| ||||||||集めた|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||アスリート|||||||||| その映画についてあまり知らないけれど、社会階級に関係していると聞きましたが、あなたがピアニストとして、あるいはパフォーマンスアスリートとして、または科学を追求するなど、何であれ、強い情熱を持って行うことについては、すべて同じです。 Es neko daudz nezinu par šo filmu, sapratu, ka tā bija saistīta ar sociālajām šķirām angļu valodā, bet viss, ko tu dari, zini, ar lielu intensitāti, vai tas būtu klavierspēle, vai, zini, sportists, vai tu nodarbojies ar kādu zinātni vai ko citu.

You as an individual sort of striving to acquire knowledge or skills in a particular field, and you're shutting yourself off from other people that can create a sense of loneliness. ||||||стремление||приобретать||||||||||закрываешься|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||vous enfermez||||||qui|||||| ||a person||||||||||||||||isolating yourself|||||||||||| ||||||se esforçando||||||||||||isolando|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||abschottend|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||닫고|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||isolando|||||||||||| ||||||努力|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||努力している||||||||||||閉じ込めて|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||aislando|||||||||||| Tu come individuo stai cercando di acquisire conoscenze o competenze in un particolare campo, e ti stai isolando da altre persone, il che può creare un senso di solitudine. 特定の分野で知識やスキルを習得しようとする個人としてのあなたが存在し、他の人から自分を閉ざすことで孤独感が生まれることがあります。 Jūs kā indivīds it kā cenšaties apgūt zināšanas vai prasmes kādā konkrētā jomā un slēdzaties no citiem cilvēkiem, kas var radīt vientulības sajūtu. 作为一个个体,努力在特定领域获取知识或技能,但同时你也将自己与其他人隔离,这可能会导致孤独感。 Now, there are many ways that we can, you know, interact with other people, whether we're in science class or whether we have teammates or language class, or the people I talk to online. |||||||||||||||||||||||товарищи по команде|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||des coéquipiers|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||Mannschaftskamer|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||group members|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||compagni di squadra|||||||||| Ora, ci sono molti modi in cui possiamo, sai, interagire con altre persone, sia che siamo in classe di scienze, sia che abbiamo compagni di squadra o siamo in un corso di lingue, o le persone con cui parlo online. 今、私たちが他の人々とどうやって交流するかには多くの方法があります。科学の授業であったり、チームメイトがいたり、語学の授業であったり、オンラインで話す人々であったりします。 Tagad ir daudz veidu, kā mēs varam mijiedarboties ar citiem cilvēkiem - vai nu mēs mācāmies dabaszinātņu stundās, vai mums ir komandas biedri, vai valodu nodarbības, vai cilvēki, ar kuriem es runāju tiešsaistē. 现在,我们可以与他人互动的方式有很多,无论我们是在科学课上,还是有队友,或者语言课,或是我在网上交谈的人。

And I cherish the uh, sessions that I have, I was with, uh, Adel Samy of Egypt this morning, and he's taking me through Egyptian Arabic and those are wonderful moments and those are social moments, but there's also a lot of time when it's, it's lonely. ||ценю|||||||||||Адель|Адель Сами|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||chéris|||||||||||Adel|Samy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||value|||||||||||Adel Samy|Adel Samy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||valorizo|||||||||||Adel Samy|Adel Samy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||schätze sehr|||||||||||Adel Samy|Adel Samy||Ägypten||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||einsame ||소중히 여기다||||||||||||사미|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||Adel Samy|Adel Samy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||大切にする|||||||||||アデル||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||valoro|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E io apprezzo le sessioni che ho, questa mattina ero con Adel Samy dall'Egitto, e mi sta guidando attraverso l'arabo egiziano e questi sono momenti meravigliosi e momenti sociali, ma ci sono anche molte volte in cui è, è solitario. そして、私は、今朝エジプトのアデル・サミーと一緒に過ごしたセッションを大切に思っています。彼は私にエジプトアラビア語を教えてくれました素晴らしい瞬間であり、社会的な瞬間でもありますが、孤独な時間もたくさんあります。 Un man ir dārgas tās sesijas, kas man ir, šorīt es biju kopā ar Ādelu Sami no Ēģiptes, un viņš mani vada ēģiptiešu arābu valodā, un tie ir brīnišķīgi brīži, un tie ir sociāli brīži, bet ir arī daudz laika, kad tas ir vientuļi. 我珍惜我与埃及的阿德尔·萨米(Adel Samy)一起的时光,今早他在教我埃及阿拉伯语,那些时刻是美好的,也是社交的,但也有很多时候是孤独的。 It's just the learner and the language. それはただ学習者とその言語だけです。 Tas ir tikai skolēns un valoda. And I just want to mention that because it's something people should be aware of. |||||упомянуть||||||||осведомлены об этом| |||||||||||||conscients| |||||erwähnen||||||||bewusst| そして、これは人々が知っておくべきことなので言及しておきたいです。 Es tikai vēlos to pieminēt, jo cilvēkiem par to būtu jāzina.

They shouldn't consider it strange that at times they feel lonely in their pursuit of the language. 他们|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||poursuite||| ||halten|||||||||||||| ||||奇妙な|||||||||||| |||||||||||||perseguimento della lingua||| 言語を学んでいるときに孤独を感じることがあるのは不思議ではないと思ってほしいです。 Viņiem nevajadzētu uzskatīt par dīvainu to, ka dažkārt viņi jūtas vientuļi valodas apguvē. And it's important to remember that ultimately the reward is great. ||||||в конечном итоге|||| ||||||||récompense|| ||||||letztendlich||Belohnung|| ||||||||보상|| そして、最終的には報酬が大きいことを忘れないことが重要です。 Un ir svarīgi atcerēties, ka galu galā atalgojums ir liels. So I now communicate comfortably in Chinese, Japanese, French, Russian, languages that I learned a while ago. ||||комфортно|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||il y a|il y a ||||bequem|||||||||||| 私は今、中国語、日本語、フランス語、ロシア語など、しばらく前に学んだ言語で快適にコミュニケーションが取れるようになりました。 Tāpēc tagad es ērti komunicēju ķīniešu, japāņu, franču, krievu valodās, kuras iemācījos pirms kāda laika. And, uh, I even finding now that I'm able to communicate fairly comfortably in Persian with, with Sahra, Persian being easier than Arabic. |||||||||||довольно||||||||||| ||||||||||||bequem|||||||||| |||||||||||かなり||||||||||| そして、今では、サフラと一緒にペルシャ語でかなり快適にコミュニケーションが取れることに気づいています。ペルシャ語はアラビア語よりも簡単です。 Un es pat tagad esmu konstatējis, ka varu diezgan ērti sazināties persiešu valodā ar Sahru, ar kuru persiešu valoda ir vieglāka nekā arābu.

Now I've completely confused myself in Arabic because I've started into Egyptian Arabic, which is fun because it's a, it's a country where they speak the language, egypt is. Ora mi sono completamente confuso in arabo perché ho iniziato con l'arabo egiziano, il che è divertente perché è un paese dove parlano la lingua, l'Egitto è. 今、私はエジプトアラビア語を学び始めたので、アラビア語で完全に混乱しています。楽しいのは、エジプトではその言語が話されている国だからです。 Tagad es esmu pilnībā apjucis arābu valodā, jo esmu sācis mācīties ēģiptiešu arābu valodu, kas ir jautri, jo tā ir valsts, kurā viņi runā šajā valodā, Ēģipte. Whereas there is no country that speaks Standard Arabic, but it has kind of caused both of them to get further confused. в то время как||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||fait||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||ulteriormente| |||||||||但|||||||||||| Mentre non c'è nessun paese che parla l'arabo standard, ma questo ha in qualche modo causato ulteriore confusione per entrambi. 標準アラビア語を話す国はありませんが、それは彼らの両方をさらに混乱させるようなものです。 Tā kā nav nevienas valsts, kurā runā standarta arābu valodā, bet tas ir sava veida izraisījis to, ka abas valstis ir vēl vairāk sajauktas. And so I got a struggle with that and I'm struggling with it, uh, you know, on my own. |||||борьба||||||||||||| E così ho una lotta con questo e sto facendo fatica, uh, sai, da solo. そのため、私はそれに対して苦労していて、自分自身で苦しんでいます。 Un man ar to ir grūti cīnīties, un es ar to cīnos, eh, ziniet, es pats.

So there is a certain loneliness attached to language learning. ||||||verbunden||| ||||||associata a||| 言語学習には特定の孤独感が伴います。 Valodu apguve ir saistīta ar zināmu vientulību. Until you get to a stage where we are comfortable communicating and we kind of rejoin the world around us. |||||||||||||||воссоединяемся|||| |||||||||||||||rejoignons|||| |||||||||||||||reconnect with|||| |||||||||||||||reintegramos|||| |||||||||||||||wieder eingliedern|||| |||||||||||||||다시 합류하는|||| |||||||||||||||重新融入|||| |||||||||||||||再び参加する|||| |||||||||||||||reintegramos|||| 私たちが快適にコミュニケーションできる段階に達するまで、私たちは周りの世界に再び参加します。 Līdz nonākam līdz posmam, kad mums ir ērti komunicēt un mēs it kā atkal pievienojamies apkārtējai pasaulei. So just a thought that I had that I wanted to share with you. だから私があなたと共有したいと思ったのはただの考えでした。 Bye for now. じゃあね。