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Steve's Language Learning Tips, My Language Learning New Year’s Resolutions

My Language Learning New Year's Resolutions

Hi there.

This is Steve Kaufman.

It's uh, just about New Year's Eve here in Vancouver.

I'm gonna talk today about my New Year's resolutions for

resolutions for the coming year.

By the time you see the video, we're probably in the new year.

Remember, if you enjoy my videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for

notifications, and if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment.

I do appreciate it.

So today I'm gonna talk about what I intend to do as regards, you know,

language earning in the coming year.

But first, let me explain why I have my vyshyvanka on.

So I was getting ready to, uh, do my New Year's video, and I happened to

check my Twitter feed, and I see that Ukraine is once again being bombed.

The whole country is facing this evil, uh, I can only call it genocidal attack

from the Putin regime and I just, it just bothers me so much because it's

so unprovoked, unjustified, just the random evil destruction of cities, of

civil infrastructure, killing people.

Uh, and of course they have their, uh, occupation troops there, shelling towns.

For example, the town of Krasnohorivka, which I visited,

uh, has been under constant attack.

I think it's been largely destroyed, like so much of Ukraine.

I was there some years ago, visited with the people there.

It's very near the city of Donetsk, Donetsk, but it's on

the Ukrainian controlled side.


I just, I just find it's unbelievable that in this day and age, we are

tolerating the random slaughter that Putin has inflicted on Ukraine.

And so before I get into the subject of my language earning goals for the coming

year I just can't help but expressing sympathy for Ukraine and the wish that

in the new year, the rest of the world is able to prevent this ongoing massacre and,

and or that Ukraine is able to properly defeat Russia and get all the Russian

troops out of Ukraine, all of Ukraine, to respect Ukraine's territorial sovereignty.

Because if we don't, if the new world order is that big countries

can simply beat up on small countries or powerful countries have the right

to, uh, set their foreign, uh, policy agenda but smaller countries don't.

Uh, big countries have the right to decide who their neighbors are going

to be and who their neighbors are allied with, and small countries don't,

that's just not a formula for peace.

So I think the whole world has to unite behind supporting Ukraine.

I can't, you know, express strongly enough how I feel about that subject.

Enough said.

Now, my New Year's resolutions when it comes to language learning, we do have

challenges at LingQ where people are encouraged to maintain their streak or to,

you know, undertake a 30-day challenge, a 90-day challenge, which are sort of

ways of nudging people forward, keep them on task, give them short term goals.

Like I want to get, you know, read so many words today or save so many words.

So all of this is very valuable in getting people going and keeping them going,

however, you know, I've been at this learning of languages for a long time, and

in particular I've been with my Persian and Arabic and even a little bit of

Turkish a little more just recently too.

And so my New Year's resolution is that I, I want to follow my own advice and

find ways to enjoy the learning process as much as possible, so I'm not worrying

about how much improve in Persian or in Arabic, in Levantine Arabic or Standard

Arabic or Egyptian Arabic or in Turkish.

I just want to enjoy sort of in a dilettante way, sampling a little

bit of Persian here, a little bit of Arabic there and so forth.

Now I was thinking about my language learning when I was

out, uh, cross-country skiing.

So when you're cross-country skiing, there are times when you're gliding

of course, but there are times when you're going up the hill.

So when you start in a language, you're very much going up the hill because

it's, it's hard work, but you're certainly aware of getting up that hill.

And that's, I think, where, you know, having daily targets is very

important 'cause it keeps you going.

But when you're in that gliding period, you've also gotta be enjoying it.

You gotta take time to enjoy the scenery.

And if I think back to when I learned, uh, other languages like

Russian, Ukrainian or Italian.

I had wonderful, you know, audio books that I listened to.

I had wonderful material that was meaningful to me

that I enjoyed listening to.

And then I could go back and, and read it on LingQ and look up words and phrases.

And I can remember going through the words, listening to, uh,

you know, uh, ... in Russian.

You know, uh, Fathers and Sons or listening, you know, jogging and

listening to I promessi sposi I.

Pardon me 'cause I like 19th century literature.

Uh, so I'm gonna try to find, I'm gonna try to find something in Persian, uh,

because the danger, what I find myself doing now is I keep on going back and

reviewing the old stuff, and I always discover something new and I feel that

I'm reinforcing things and maybe I'm improving, but I'm not pushing myself

into new stuff and I haven't found that, sort of, novel, maybe 19th century

novel in Persian, if such a thing exists, from the Qajar Dynasty or...

I'm gonna speak to Sahra.

I'm gonna meet with her tomorrow morning online and see if we can't find

something that's sort of a, a story or 'cause a lot of what I'm doing is...

I have her material on the history of Iran.

I have a number of other things in our library, but I, sort of, an equivalent

of, uh, you know, a novel or something that I could listen to and where I

might be able to find the, uh, pdf or the digital text so that I can work...

maybe I'm dreaming, maybe that's not available, but

I'll have to find something.

I need to get something that pushes me beyond reviewing the content

that I've already, you know, done.

And of course the temptation in something like Persian and Arabic

is to stay with easy material because it's so hard to read for me.

Uh, and yet when I think back with with Chinese, which is also

difficult from a reading point of view, uh, I did push myself further.

So my New Year's resolution is not so much the sort of, uh, meeting

my daily targets or, um, you know, uh, maintaining my streak.

Uh, in a way it would be nice if at LingQ we gave you credit for maintaining,

you know, to being active in say, two or three different languages.

We only maintain the streak in one language and maybe the majority of people

only study one language, so it's perhaps not necessary to try to have a, a combined

streak, but it would be helpful for me 'casue whatever I choose to do, even

now, we've changed this sort of incentive from one of, uh, having to specifically,

you know, read so many words and save so many words, is combined in coins.

So as long as you maintain a certain level of coins, whether you're

listening or reading or speaking or whatever you're doing, uh, you're

getting credit for your activity.

You're not forced to have, you know, x amount of activity for, for reading

and x amount of activity for speaking.

You can do what you want.

It would be nice if we could combine that across three languages, but I don't

think many people are studying three languages, so it's difficult for me to

convince, uh, my son Mark, who runs LingQ, that we should invest time in coming up

with a combined, you know, coin number.

But in any case, that's what I'm gonna do.

I'm gonna continue sort of dilettante-like and trying to find ways to enjoy my

Persian, my Arabic, my Turkish, without worrying too much about how many words

I'm saving or reading, uh, without necessarily worrying about how much

progress I'm making, but rather making sure that I enjoy the process and if

we enjoy the process, we will improve.

We needn't worry.

So there you have it, my New Year's resolution and, uh, I hope the

New Year brings peace to Ukraine.

Uh, I hope the New Year brings language learning enjoyment to all of us.

All of you.

All of us.

And if it brings us enjoyment, it'll also bring us success.

Thank you for listening and all the best for 2023.

Bye for now.

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My Language Learning New Year’s Resolutions |||||Postanowienia noworoczne Moje novoroční předsevzetí ve výuce jazyků Meine Neujahrsvorsätze zum Sprachenlernen Mis propósitos de Año Nuevo para aprender idiomas Mes résolutions du Nouvel An pour l'apprentissage des langues 私の語学学習の新年の抱負 As minhas resoluções de Ano Novo para a aprendizagem de línguas Мои новогодние обещания по изучению языка Dil Öğreniminde Yeni Yıl Kararlarım 我的语言学习新年决心 我的语言学习新年决心 我的語言學習新年決心

Hi there. Всем привет. 你好呀。

This is Steve Kaufman.

It's uh, just about New Year's Eve here in Vancouver. To jest||||Nowy||||| Tady ve Vancouveru je zrovna Silvestr. Hier in Vancouver ist gerade Silvester. 呃,就在温哥华的新年前夜。

I'm gonna talk today about my New Year's resolutions for Dnes budu mluvit o mých novoročních předsevzetí Ich werde heute über meine Neujahrsvorsätze für sprechen 我今天要谈谈我的新年决心

resolutions for the coming year. goals|||| předsevzetí na příští rok. 来年的决议。

By the time you see the video, we're probably in the new year. ||kiedy już|||||||||| К тому времени, когда вы посмотрите видео, мы, вероятно, уже в новом году. 当您看到视频时,我们可能已经进入了新的一年。

Remember, if you enjoy my videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for Pamatujte, že pokud se vám moje videa líbí, přihlaste se k odběru a klikněte na zvonek pro 记得,如果你喜欢我的视频,请订阅,点击小铃铛

notifications, and if you follow me on a podcast service, please leave a comment. upozornění, a pokud mě sledujete na podcastové službě, zanechte prosím komentář. 通知,如果您关注我的播客服务,请发表评论。

I do appreciate it. 我很感激。

So today I'm gonna talk about what I intend to do as regards, you know, ||||||||zamierzam zrobić|do|||w odniesieniu do|| Takže dnes budu mluvit o tom, co mám v úmyslu udělat, víš, So today I'm gonna talk about what I intend to do as regards, you know, Итак, сегодня я собираюсь поговорить о том, что я собираюсь сделать в отношении, знаете ли, 所以今天我要谈谈我打算做的事情,你知道的,

language earning in the coming year. jazykové výdělky v příštím roce. 来年的语言收入。

But first, let me explain why I have my vyshyvanka on. |||||||||wyszywanka| |||||||||camisa bordada ucraniana| |||||||||刺繍シャツ| Nejprve mi ale dovolte vysvětlit, proč mám na sobě vyshyvanku. 但首先,让我解释一下为什么我穿着 vyshyvanka。

So I was getting ready to, uh, do my New Year's video, and I happened to Takže jsem se připravoval, uh, natočit své novoroční video, a stalo se 所以我正准备,呃,做我的新年视频,我碰巧

check my Twitter feed, and I see that Ukraine is once again being bombed. |||||||||||||bombardeada |||kanał na Twitterze||||||||||bombardowana |||||||||||||爆撃されている podívejte se na můj Twitter a vidím, že Ukrajina je opět bombardována. 查看我的 Twitter 提要,我看到乌克兰再次遭到轰炸。

The whole country is facing this evil, uh, I can only call it genocidal attack |||||||||||||ludobójczy| |||||||||||||ジェノサイド的| ||||enfrentando||malvado genocida|||||||| Celá země čelí tomuto zlu, uh, mohu to nazvat pouze genocidním útokem 整个国家都在面对这个邪恶,呃,我只能称之为种族灭绝袭击

from the Putin regime and I just, it just bothers me so much because it's |||reżimu Putina||||to mnie||niepokoi mnie||||| vom Putin-Regime und ich, es stört mich einfach so sehr, weil es so ist 来自普京政权,我只是,这让我非常困扰,因为它是

so unprovoked, unjustified, just the random evil destruction of cities, of |||||||destruction||| |niesprowokowany|nieuzasadniony|po prostu||||||| |injustificado|injustificado|||||||| |無理由の||||||||| 如此无缘无故,毫无道理,只是对城市的随机邪恶破坏,

civil infrastructure, killing people. 民用基础设施,杀人。

Uh, and of course they have their, uh, occupation troops there, shelling towns. |||||||||occupation troops||| |||||||||||bombardeando| ||||||||wojska okupacyjne|||ostrzał| 呃,当然他们有他们的,呃,占领军在那里炮击城镇。

For example, the town of Krasnohorivka, which I visited, |||||クラズノホリ||| |||||Na przykład, miasto Krasnohorivka, które odwiedziłem,||| 例如,我参观过的克拉斯诺霍里夫卡镇,

uh, has been under constant attack. 呃,一直被攻击。

I think it's been largely destroyed, like so much of Ukraine. ||||w dużej mierze||jak|||| ||||en gran parte|||||| 我认为它基本上已经被摧毁了,就像乌克兰的大部分地区一样。

I was there some years ago, visited with the people there. 几年前我去过那里,拜访了那里的人。

It's very near the city of Donetsk, Donetsk, but it's on ||||||Doniecka|||| 离顿涅茨克顿涅茨克市很近,但是就在

the Ukrainian controlled side. 乌克兰控制的一方。

Horrible. 可怕。

I just, I just find it's unbelievable that in this day and age, we are 我只是,我只是觉得难以置信,在这个时代,我们是

tolerating the random slaughter that Putin has inflicted on Ukraine. |||убийства|||||| |||matanza indiscriminada|||||| tolerowanie|||rzeź||||zadał|| 容忍普京对乌克兰的任意屠杀。

And so before I get into the subject of my language earning goals for the coming Und so, bevor ich auf das Thema meiner Spracherwerbsziele für die Zukunft eingehe 因此,在我进入即将到来的语言学习目标主题之前

year I just can't help but expressing sympathy for Ukraine and the wish that 年,我不禁对乌克兰表示同情,并希望

in the new year, the rest of the world is able to prevent this ongoing massacre and, ||||||||||||||trwający|masakrę| ||||||||||||||en curso|| 在新的一年里,世界其他地区能够阻止这场正在进行的大屠杀,并且,

and or that Ukraine is able to properly defeat Russia and get all the Russian 或者乌克兰能够正确击败俄罗斯并获得所有俄罗斯

troops out of Ukraine, all of Ukraine, to respect Ukraine's territorial sovereignty. войска||||||||||| |||||||||||soberanía territorial ucraniana ||||||||||terytorialnej suwerenności Ukrainy| войска из Украины, со всей Украины, уважать территориальный суверенитет Украины. 军队出乌克兰,全乌克兰,尊重乌克兰的领土主权。

Because if we don't, if the new world order is that big countries 私たちがそうしなければ、新しい世界秩序がその大きな国であるなら 因为如果我们不这样做,如果新的世界秩序是那个大国

can simply beat up on small countries or powerful countries have the right ||dominate|||||||||| могут просто лупить по малым странам или сильные страны имеют право 可以简单地殴打小国或强国有权利

to, uh, set their foreign, uh, policy agenda but smaller countries don't. ||||||polityki zagranicznej|program polityki zagranicznej|||| 来,呃,制定他们的外交,呃,政策议程,但较小的国家不会。

Uh, big countries have the right to decide who their neighbors are going 呃 大国有权决定邻国去谁

to be and who their neighbors are allied with, and small countries don't, |||||||sprzymierzony z||||| |||||vecinos||||||| 成为他们的邻居与谁结盟,而小国家则没有,

that's just not a formula for peace. 那不是和平的公式。

So I think the whole world has to unite behind supporting Ukraine. ||||||||zjednoczyć się||| Поэтому я думаю, что весь мир должен объединиться вокруг поддержки Украины. 所以我认为全世界必须团结起来支持乌克兰。

I can't, you know, express strongly enough how I feel about that subject. Я не могу, знаете ли, достаточно сильно выразить свои чувства по этому поводу. 你知道,我无法足够强烈地表达我对那个主题的感受。

Enough said. Достаточно сказано. 说够了。

Now, my New Year's resolutions when it comes to language learning, we do have Итак, мои новогодние обещания, касающиеся изучения языков, у нас есть 现在,我在语言学习方面的新年决心,我们确实有

challenges at LingQ where people are encouraged to maintain their streak or to, ||||||||||passa|| вызовы в LingQ, где людей поощряют поддерживать свою серию или, LingQ 的挑战鼓励人们保持他们的连胜或,

you know, undertake a 30-day challenge, a 90-day challenge, which are sort of ||podjąć się|||||||||| ||emprender|||||||||| вы знаете, принять 30-дневный вызов, 90-дневный вызов, которые являются своего рода 你知道,接受一个 30 天的挑战,一个 90 天的挑战,这有点像

ways of nudging people forward, keep them on task, give them short term goals. ||anstoßen||||||||||| ||zachęcanie|||utrzymywać|||||||| ||empujar a||||||||||| способы подталкивать людей вперед, удерживать их на задании, ставить перед ними краткосрочные цели. 推动人们前进,让他们专注于任务,给他们短期目标的方法。

Like I want to get, you know, read so many words today or save so many words. Как будто я хочу, ну, знаете, прочитать столько-то слов сегодня или сохранить столько-то слов. 就像我想得到,你知道的,今天读了这么多单词或者保存了这么多单词。

So all of this is very valuable in getting people going and keeping them going, ||||||||||||utrzymywanie|| All dies ist also sehr wertvoll, um Menschen zum Laufen zu bringen und sie am Laufen zu halten. Так что все это очень ценно для того, чтобы заставить людей работать и поддерживать их, 所以所有这些对于让人们继续前进并让他们继续前进非常有价值,

however, you know, I've been at this learning of languages for a long time, and ||understand|||||||||||| 但是,你知道,我学习语言已经很长时间了,而且

in particular I've been with my Persian and Arabic and even a little bit of 特别是我一直在用我的波斯语和阿拉伯语,甚至一点点

Turkish a little more just recently too. Türkisch neuerdings auch etwas mehr. 最近也多了一点土耳其语。

And so my New Year's resolution is that I, I want to follow my own advice and 所以我的新年决心是,我要听从自己的建议,

find ways to enjoy the learning process as much as possible, so I'm not worrying 找到尽可能享受学习过程的方法,所以我不担心

about how much improve in Persian or in Arabic, in Levantine Arabic or Standard ||||||||||Levantine Arabic||| 关于波斯语或阿拉伯语、黎凡特阿拉伯语或标准语的改进程度

Arabic or Egyptian Arabic or in Turkish. 阿拉伯语或埃及阿拉伯语或土耳其语。

I just want to enjoy sort of in a dilettante way, sampling a little |||||||||superficial manner||tasting|| |||||||||amatorski sposób|||| |||||||||aficionado casual||probar un poco|| 我只是想以一种外行的方式享受,品尝一点

bit of Persian here, a little bit of Arabic there and so forth. немного персидского здесь, немного арабского там и так далее. 这里有一点波斯语,那里有一点阿拉伯语等等。

Now I was thinking about my language learning when I was Теперь я думал о своем изучении языка, когда я был 现在我在想我小时候的语言学习

out, uh, cross-country skiing. ||||esquí de fondo ||narciarstwo biegowe|| на беговых лыжах. 出去,呃,越野滑雪。

So when you're cross-country skiing, there are times when you're gliding |||||||||||ślizgasz się |||||||||||deslizándote |||||||||||滑走している Поэтому, когда вы катаетесь на беговых лыжах, бывают моменты, когда вы скользите 所以当你进行越野滑雪时,有时你会滑行

of course, but there are times when you're going up the hill. 当然,但有时你要上山。

So when you start in a language, you're very much going up the hill because Итак, когда вы начинаете изучать язык, вы сильно поднимаетесь в гору, потому что 所以当你开始学习一门语言时,你就在不断攀升,因为

it's, it's hard work, but you're certainly aware of getting up that hill. это, это тяжелая работа, но вы, конечно же, знаете, как подняться на этот холм. 是的,这是艰苦的工作,但你肯定知道要爬上那座山。

And that's, I think, where, you know, having daily targets is very И это, я думаю, где, знаете ли, наличие ежедневных целей очень важно. 那就是,我认为,在那里,你知道,有每日目标是非常

important 'cause it keeps you going. важно, потому что это держит тебя в движении. 重要,因为它让你继续前进。

But when you're in that gliding period, you've also gotta be enjoying it. |||||||||musisz||| |||||deslizamiento||||||| Но когда вы находитесь в периоде скольжения, вы также должны получать от этого удовольствие. 但是当你处于那个滑行期时,你也必须享受它。

You gotta take time to enjoy the scenery. |||||||musisz znaleźć czas, aby cieszyć się widokami Man muss sich Zeit nehmen, um die Landschaft zu genießen. Вам нужно время, чтобы насладиться пейзажем. 你得花点时间欣赏风景。

And if I think back to when I learned, uh, other languages like И если я вспомним, когда я выучил другие языки, такие как 如果我回想一下我学习其他语言的时候

Russian, Ukrainian or Italian. Русский, украинский или итальянский. 俄语、乌克兰语或意大利语。

I had wonderful, you know, audio books that I listened to. ||wspaniałe|||||||| У меня были замечательные, знаете ли, аудиокниги, которые я слушал. 我听过很棒的有声读物。

I had wonderful material that was meaningful to me ||||||znaczący dla mnie|| 我有很棒的材料,对我来说很有意义

that I enjoyed listening to. 我喜欢听。

And then I could go back and, and read it on LingQ and look up words and phrases. 然后我可以回去,在 LingQ 上阅读它并查找单词和短语。

And I can remember going through the words, listening to, uh, И я помню, как перебирал слова, слушая, эм, 我还记得通过这些词,听,呃,

you know, uh, ... in Russian. знаете, эээ... по-русски. 你知道,呃,......用俄语。

You know, uh, Fathers and Sons or listening, you know, jogging and ||||||||||correr trotando| 你知道,呃,父子或听,你知道,慢跑和

listening to I promessi sposi I. 听我 promessi sposi I。

Pardon me 'cause I like 19th century literature. Przepraszam||||||| 请原谅我,因为我喜欢 19 世纪的文学。

Uh, so I'm gonna try to find, I'm gonna try to find something in Persian, uh, Uh, also werde ich versuchen, etwas auf Persisch zu finden, uh, 呃,所以我会试着找到,我会试着用波斯语找到一些东西,呃,

because the danger, what I find myself doing now is I keep on going back and |||||||||jestem|||||| 因为危险,我发现自己现在做的是我继续往回走

reviewing the old stuff, and I always discover something new and I feel that 回顾旧的东西,我总能发现一些新的东西,我觉得

I'm reinforcing things and maybe I'm improving, but I'm not pushing myself |strengthening|||||||||| |wzmacniam|||||||||| 我在加强事情,也许我在进步,但我没有逼迫自己

into new stuff and I haven't found that, sort of, novel, maybe 19th century 进入新事物,但我还没有发现,有点新奇,也许是 19 世纪

novel in Persian, if such a thing exists, from the Qajar Dynasty or... ||||||||||カージャール朝|| ||||||||||Qadżarów|| 波斯语小说,如果存在的话,来自 Qajar 王朝或...

I'm gonna speak to Sahra. 我要和撒哈拉谈谈。

I'm gonna meet with her tomorrow morning online and see if we can't find Ich werde mich morgen früh online mit ihr treffen und sehen, ob wir sie nicht finden können 明天早上我会和她在网上见面,看看我们能不能找到

something that's sort of a, a story or 'cause a lot of what I'm doing is... ||||||||powód||||||| 某种程度上,一个故事或“因为我正在做的很多事情是......

I have her material on the history of Iran. 我有她关于伊朗历史的资料。

I have a number of other things in our library, but I, sort of, an equivalent У меня есть еще ряд вещей в нашей библиотеке, но я, вроде как, эквивалент 我在我们的图书馆里还有很多其他的东西,但我,有点,一个等价物

of, uh, you know, a novel or something that I could listen to and where I ну, знаешь, роман или что-то такое, что я мог бы послушать и где я 的,呃,你知道的,小说或其他我可以听的东西以及我在哪里

might be able to find the, uh, pdf or the digital text so that I can work... 也许能找到,呃,pdf 或数字文本,这样我就可以工作了……

maybe I'm dreaming, maybe that's not available, but 也许我在做梦,也许那是不可用的,但是

I'll have to find something. 我得找点东西。

I need to get something that pushes me beyond reviewing the content ||||||||más allá de||| ||||||popycha mnie||poza||| 我需要得到一些东西来推动我超越审查内容

that I've already, you know, done. 我已经,你知道,完成了。

And of course the temptation in something like Persian and Arabic ||||pokusa|||||| 当然还有波斯语和阿拉伯语之类的诱惑

is to stay with easy material because it's so hard to read for me. 就是坚持简单的材料,因为它对我来说很难阅读。

Uh, and yet when I think back with with Chinese, which is also Э-э, и все же, когда я вспоминаю о китайском языке, который также 呃,但是当我回想中文时,这也是

difficult from a reading point of view, uh, I did push myself further. ||||||||||||más allá трудно с точки зрения чтения, эээ, я зашел дальше. 从阅读的角度来看很难,呃,我确实把自己推得更远了。

So my New Year's resolution is not so much the sort of, uh, meeting Так что мое новогоднее намерение не столько в том, чтобы встретиться 所以我的新年决心不是那种,呃,开会

my daily targets or, um, you know, uh, maintaining my streak. мои ежедневные цели или, ну, вы знаете, э-э, поддержание моей полосы. 我的每日目标,或者,嗯,你知道,呃,保持我的连胜纪录。

Uh, in a way it would be nice if at LingQ we gave you credit for maintaining, ||||||||||||||||mantener |||pewien sposób|||||||||||||utrzymywanie 呃,在某种程度上,如果在 LingQ 我们给你维护的功劳,那就太好了,

you know, to being active in say, two or three different languages. 你知道,比如活跃于两种或三种不同的语言。

We only maintain the streak in one language and maybe the majority of people 私たちは1つの言語でのみストリークを維持しており、おそらく大多数の人々 Мы поддерживаем полосу только на одном языке и, возможно, на большинстве людей 我们只保持一种语言的连胜,也许大多数人

only study one language, so it's perhaps not necessary to try to have a, a combined |||||||||||||||połączone nur eine Sprache lernen, also ist es vielleicht nicht notwendig, zu versuchen, eine, eine kombinierte zu haben изучайте только один язык, так что, возможно, нет необходимости пытаться получить комбинированный 只学习一种语言,所以可能没有必要尝试拥有一种组合的语言

streak, but it would be helpful for me 'casue whatever I choose to do, even Strähne, aber es wäre hilfreich für mich, egal was ich tue, sogar полоса, но это было бы полезно для меня, потому что все, что я решу делать, даже 连胜,但这对我有帮助,因为无论我选择做什么,甚至

now, we've changed this sort of incentive from one of, uh, having to specifically, ||||||zachęta|||||posiadania||konkretnie теперь мы изменили этот вид поощрения с одного из, ну, необходимости конкретно, 现在,我们已经改变了这种激励措施,从其中一种,呃,必须具体地,

you know, read so many words and save so many words, is combined in coins. Вы знаете, прочитать так много слов и сохранить так много слов, объединенных в монеты. 要知道,读那么多字,存那么多字,就是用硬币组合起来的。

So as long as you maintain a certain level of coins, whether you're 所以只要你保持一定的币量,无论你是

listening or reading or speaking or whatever you're doing, uh, you're 听或读或说或无论你在做什么,呃,你

getting credit for your activity. obtener|||| 为您的活动赢得荣誉。

You're not forced to have, you know, x amount of activity for, for reading Вы не обязаны иметь, знаете ли, x количество активности для чтения 你知道,你不会被迫为了阅读而进行 x 量的活动

and x amount of activity for speaking. и x количество активности для разговора. 和 x 的说话活动量。

You can do what you want. あなたがやりたいことができます。 你可以做你想做的。

It would be nice if we could combine that across three languages, but I don't それを 3 つの言語で組み合わせることができればいいのですが、私はできません。 如果我们能把它跨三种语言结合起来就好了,但我不

think many people are studying three languages, so it's difficult for me to 多くの人が 3 つの言語を勉強していると思うので、私には難しいです。 认为很多人都在学习三种语言,所以我很难

convince, uh, my son Mark, who runs LingQ, that we should invest time in coming up przekonać|||||który|||||||||| LingQ を運営している私の息子のマークを説得して、時間をかけるべきだと説得します。 убедить моего сына Марка, который руководит LingQ, что мы должны потратить время на то, чтобы создать 说服,呃,我的儿子 Mark,他负责 LingQ,我们应该花时间来

with a combined, you know, coin number. 结合,你知道,硬币号码。

But in any case, that's what I'm gonna do. 但无论如何,这就是我要做的。

I'm gonna continue sort of dilettante-like and trying to find ways to enjoy my Będę|||||dyletancki sposób||||||||| 我会继续像业余爱好者一样尝试寻找方法来享受我的

Persian, my Arabic, my Turkish, without worrying too much about how many words 波斯语,我的阿拉伯语,我的土耳其语,不用太担心多少单词

I'm saving or reading, uh, without necessarily worrying about how much 私は貯金したり読んだりしています 我正在储蓄或阅读,呃,不必担心多少钱

progress I'm making, but rather making sure that I enjoy the process and if ||haciendo||||||||||| 進歩しているというよりは、プロセスを楽しんでいることを確認することです。 我正在取得的进步,而是确保我享受这个过程,如果

we enjoy the process, we will improve. 私たちはプロセスを楽しみ、改善します。 我们享受这个过程,我们会改进。

We needn't worry. 我们不用担心。

So there you have it, my New Year's resolution and, uh, I hope the 所以你有它,我的新年决心,呃,我希望

New Year brings peace to Ukraine. 新年给乌克兰带来了和平。

Uh, I hope the New Year brings language learning enjoyment to all of us. 呃,希望新年给大家带来语言学习的乐趣。

All of you. 你们所有人。

All of us. 我们所有人。

And if it brings us enjoyment, it'll also bring us success. |||||przyjemność||||| И если это приносит нам удовольствие, это также принесет нам успех. 如果它给我们带来乐趣,它也会给我们带来成功。

Thank you for listening and all the best for 2023. ご清聴ありがとうございました。2023 年もよろしくお願いいたします。 Obrigado pela vossa atenção e muitas felicidades para 2023. 感谢您的收听,祝 2023 年一切顺利。

Bye for now. 暂时再见。