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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Should English Be the Lingua Franca? | @EnglishWithVeronikaMark (2)

Should English Be the Lingua Franca? | @EnglishWithVeronikaMark (2)

mean, even right now as I am a non-native English speaker, I can see how much I

have improved since our last video, for example, because I watched, like our last

interview a couple of days ago was like, wow, my English is a lot better right now.

So making videos in English on YouTube has definitely helped me a lot.

Um, when it comes to Spanish, uh, probably not because, um, it's enough for me with

just one language, just sharing my journey with people because I have been learning

English basically in my whole life.

With Spanish, it's more like I don't wanna get super, super advanced.

I just wanna be able to live in Mexico City and, uh, use some phrases in

Spanish, and I think that's enough for me.


And, and we can end on that note, however, if you were to do a video about your

struggles in learning Spanish as an adult, uh, I think it would be quite interesting.



I mean, as you say, you've been learning English your whole life.

There's a lot of English in schools everywhere around the world.

Now you go to a country where they speak Spanish, which you didn't have at school.

And so you're starting from scratch and, and what's that experience like?

It would be an interesting, uh, and, and showcase a bit of Mexico City and stuff.

That would be fun.

Anyway, that's entirely up to you.

So, but at any rate, thank you for taking the time and, uh, I think your level

of English is astounding and yes, even better than it was before . Uh, and I

think that illustrates several things.

First of all, I mean, I can detect traces, uh, of sort of non-native,

the slightest, slightest suggestion that you're not, um, a native speaker.

But your English is astounding.

And the biggest thing to me is that I have the feeling that no matter what

I say, no matter how quickly I speak, you will understand everything I say.

And that is the, to my mind, the most important goal is comprehension,

because for the native speaker, speaking to someone where you have

the impression, they don't really understand you, that's very unsatisfying.

That's not a good feeling.

Whereas I can talk to you as soon as I want and you can

understand everything I say.

That is, that's very, very good.

And you have definitely improved.

So no matter how good we are, we can always improve.

That's the other message.


And I know that as a non-native speaker, I will always be improving as long as I uh,

study English, I will always be getting better and also actually recording myself,

like having all of those videos or even like quick audio messages that I sent to

other people that I can later refer to motivates me a lot because I'm like, oh

my God, a year ago I sounded like this.

Like I didn't know all of these words, but now I feel so much more confident.

I speak a lot faster.

I know all of these words.

So yeah, like having all of those, uh, videos and all of those references

really does help me, like motivate me to study English even more.

And you know, it's not only the fact that you know all these

words, the way you assemble your words is in the correct order.

Uh, so many people, and it, it, that's more important than accent

is, is having a sentence structure with the odd clause buried in another

clause, but yet everything is English.

It's not Russian, or it's not German or Chinese.

It's, it's actually a hundred percent English.


So, congratulations.

Thank you.

All right.

Thank you, Veronika.

Nice chatting.

Thank you.

Yeah, thank you.



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mean, even right now as I am a non-native English speaker, I can see how much I Ich meine, selbst jetzt, da ich kein englischer Muttersprachler bin, kann ich sehen, wie sehr ich

have improved since our last video, for example, because I watched, like our last seit unserem letzten Video verbessert haben, zum Beispiel, weil ich mir unser letztes Video

interview a couple of days ago was like, wow, my English is a lot better right now. Interview vor ein paar Tagen war, wow, mein Englisch ist jetzt viel besser.

So making videos in English on YouTube has definitely helped me a lot.

Um, when it comes to Spanish, uh, probably not because, um, it's enough for me with Ähm, wenn es um Spanisch geht, äh, wahrscheinlich nicht, weil, ähm, es reicht für mich mit

just one language, just sharing my journey with people because I have been learning nur eine Sprache, ich möchte meine Reise mit den Menschen teilen, denn ich habe gelernt

English basically in my whole life. Englisch im Grunde mein ganzes Leben lang.

With Spanish, it's more like I don't wanna get super, super advanced. |||||||nie chcę||bardzo|| Bei Spanisch ist es eher so, dass ich nicht super, super fortgeschritten werden will.

I just wanna be able to live in Mexico City and, uh, use some phrases in Ich möchte einfach nur in Mexiko-Stadt leben und ein paar Redewendungen in

Spanish, and I think that's enough for me.


And, and we can end on that note, however, if you were to do a video about your Und, und damit können wir abschließen, wenn Sie ein Video über Ihre

struggles in learning Spanish as an adult, uh, I think it would be quite interesting. trudności|||||||||||||| Ich denke, dass es sehr interessant wäre, wenn ich als Erwachsener Spanisch lernen würde.



I mean, as you say, you've been learning English your whole life. Ich meine, wie Sie sagen, Sie haben Ihr ganzes Leben lang Englisch gelernt.

There's a lot of English in schools everywhere around the world. Überall auf der Welt wird in den Schulen viel Englisch unterrichtet.

Now you go to a country where they speak Spanish, which you didn't have at school. Jetzt gehst du in ein Land, in dem Spanisch gesprochen wird, was du in der Schule nicht gelernt hast.

And so you're starting from scratch and, and what's that experience like? Sie fangen also bei Null an und wie ist diese Erfahrung?

It would be an interesting, uh, and, and showcase a bit of Mexico City and stuff. ||||||||showcase||||||| ||||||||mostrar||||||| ||||||||zaprezentować||||||| Es wäre interessant, ein bisschen von Mexiko-Stadt und so zu zeigen.

That would be fun. Das wäre ein Spaß.

Anyway, that's entirely up to you. Wie auch immer, das liegt ganz bei Ihnen.

So, but at any rate, thank you for taking the time and, uh, I think your level Jedenfalls danke ich Ihnen, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, und ich denke, dass Ihr Niveau

of English is astounding and yes, even better than it was before . Uh, and I |||asombroso||||||||||| |||niesamowity||||||||||| der englischen Sprache ist verblüffend und ja, sogar besser als vorher. Äh, und ich

think that illustrates several things. Ich denke, das verdeutlicht mehrere Dinge.

First of all, I mean, I can detect traces, uh, of sort of non-native, ||||||||rastros|||||| Erstens, ich meine, ich kann Spuren von nicht-einheimischen Personen erkennen, まず第一に、私は痕跡を検出することができます。

the slightest, slightest suggestion that you're not, um, a native speaker. |más mínima|mínima|||||||| |najmniejsza|najmniejsza sugestia|||||||| die kleinste Andeutung, dass Sie nicht, ähm, ein Muttersprachler sind. あなたがネイティブスピーカーではないというほんのわずかな示唆。

But your English is astounding. ||||asombroso ||||Ale twój angielski jest zdumiewający. Aber Ihr Englisch ist verblüffend.

And the biggest thing to me is that I have the feeling that no matter what Und das Wichtigste für mich ist, dass ich das Gefühl habe, dass, egal was passiert.

I say, no matter how quickly I speak, you will understand everything I say. Ich sage, egal wie schnell ich spreche, Sie werden alles verstehen, was ich sage.

And that is the, to my mind, the most important goal is comprehension, Und das ist meiner Meinung nach das wichtigste Ziel: das Verstehen,

because for the native speaker, speaking to someone where you have denn für einen Muttersprachler ist es eine Herausforderung, mit jemandem zu sprechen, bei dem man

the impression, they don't really understand you, that's very unsatisfying. |||||||||niesatysfakcjonujące den Eindruck, dass sie dich nicht wirklich verstehen, ist das sehr unbefriedigend.

That's not a good feeling. Das ist kein gutes Gefühl.

Whereas I can talk to you as soon as I want and you can Considerando que||||||||||||| Ich hingegen kann mit Ihnen sprechen, sobald ich will, und Sie können

understand everything I say. alles verstehen, was ich sage.

That is, that's very, very good.

And you have definitely improved. Und Sie haben sich definitiv verbessert.

So no matter how good we are, we can always improve. Egal, wie gut wir sind, wir können uns immer verbessern.

That's the other message. Das ist die andere Botschaft.


And I know that as a non-native speaker, I will always be improving as long as I uh, Und ich weiß, dass ich mich als Nicht-Muttersprachler immer weiter verbessern werde, solange ich es kann,

study English, I will always be getting better and also actually recording myself, Englisch zu lernen, werde ich immer besser werden und auch mich selbst aufzeichnen,

like having all of those videos or even like quick audio messages that I sent to wie all diese Videos oder sogar die kurzen Audionachrichten, die ich an

other people that I can later refer to motivates me a lot because I'm like, oh andere Leute, auf die ich mich später beziehen kann, motiviert mich sehr, denn ich denke: "Oh

my God, a year ago I sounded like this. Mein Gott, vor einem Jahr hörte ich mich noch so an.

Like I didn't know all of these words, but now I feel so much more confident. Ich kannte zum Beispiel nicht alle diese Wörter, aber jetzt fühle ich mich viel sicherer.

I speak a lot faster. Ich spreche viel schneller.

I know all of these words. Ich kenne alle diese Wörter.

So yeah, like having all of those, uh, videos and all of those references Also, ja, ich habe all diese Videos und all diese Referenzen. Так что да, например, иметь все эти видео и все эти ссылки

really does help me, like motivate me to study English even more. hilft mir wirklich und motiviert mich, noch mehr Englisch zu lernen.

And you know, it's not only the fact that you know all these Und wissen Sie, es ist nicht nur die Tatsache, dass Sie all diese

words, the way you assemble your words is in the correct order. ||||układać||||||| Wörter, die Art und Weise, wie Sie Ihre Wörter in der richtigen Reihenfolge zusammensetzen.

Uh, so many people, and it, it, that's more important than accent So viele Menschen, und das ist wichtiger als der Akzent.

is, is having a sentence structure with the odd clause buried in another ||||||||extraño|cláusula incrustada|enterrada|| ||||||||dziwny|zdanie podrzędne|wpleciony|| ist ein Satzaufbau, bei dem der ungerade Satzteil in einem anderen vergraben ist

clause, but yet everything is English. klauzula||||| Klausel, aber dennoch ist alles Englisch.

It's not Russian, or it's not German or Chinese.

It's, it's actually a hundred percent English. Es ist eigentlich zu hundert Prozent Englisch.


So, congratulations.

Thank you.

All right. Also gut.

Thank you, Veronika.

Nice chatting. Miło się rozmawiało.|

Thank you.

Yeah, thank you.

