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Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 2, Part 4

Chapter 2, Part 4

"Fancy that", the girl said excitedly, "It's always been one of my dreams to live near a brook yet I never expected I would. Dreams don't often come true, do they? Wouldn't it be nice if they did?

But just now I feel almost perfectly happy. I can't feel exactly perfectly happy because, well, what colour would you call this?" The girl twitched one of her long glossy braids over her thin shoulder and held it up before Matthew's eyes. Matthew was not used to deciding on the colour of ladies' hair, but in this case there couldn't be much doubt. "It's red, isn't it?" he said.

The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of her whole life.

"Yes, it's red," she said resignedly. "Now you see why I can't be perfectly happy. Nobody could who has red hair. I don't mind the other things so much, the freckles, the green eyes and my skinniness. I can imagine them away. I can imagine that I have a beautiful rose-leaf complexion and lovely starry violet eyes. But I cannot imagine my red hair away. I do my best. I think to myself, `Now my hair is a glorious black, black as the raven's wing.' But all the time I know it is just plain red and it breaks my heart. It will be my lifelong sorrow. I read of a girl once in a novel who had a lifelong sorrow but it wasn't red hair. Her hair was pure gold rippling back from her alabaster brow. What is an alabaster brow? I never could find out. Can you tell me?" "Well now, I'm afraid I can't," said Matthew, who was beginning to feel a little dizzy. He felt as he had once felt in his youth when another boy had enticed him on the merry-go-round at a picnic.

"Well, whatever it was it must have been something nice," the girl continued, "because she was divinely beautiful. Have you ever imagined what it must feel like to be divinely beautiful?" "Well now, no, I haven't," confessed Matthew. "I have, and often. Which would you rather be if you had the choice, divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?" "Well now, I--I don't know exactly." "Neither do I. I can never decide. But it doesn't make much real difference for it isn't likely I'll ever be any of them. It's certain I'll never be angelically good. Mrs. Spencer says oh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert!" That was not what Mrs. Spencer had said; neither had the child tumbled out of the buggy nor had Matthew done anything astonishing. They had simply rounded a curve in the road and found themselves in the "Avenue." The "Avenue," as it was called by the Newbridge people, was a stretch of road four or five hundred yards long, completely arched over with huge, wide-spreading apple-trees, planted years ago by an eccentric old farmer. Overhead was one long canopy of snowy fragrant bloom. Below the tree branches, the air was full of purple twilight and far ahead a glimpse of painted sunset sky shone like a great rose window at the end of a cathedral aisle.

Its beauty seemed to strike the child dumb. She leaned back in the buggy, her thin hands clasped before her, her face lifted to the white splendor above. Even when they had passed through and were driving down the long slope to Newbridge she never moved or spoke.

Through the, bustling little village of Newbridge where dogs barked at them and small boys hooted and curious faces peered from the windows, still they drove in silence. When three more miles had dropped away behind them the child had still not spoken. She could keep silent, it was evident, as energetically as she could talk.

Chapter 2, Part 4 Kapitel 2, Teil 4 Capítulo 2, parte 4 第2章 第4節 Hoofdstuk 2, deel 4 Rozdział 2, część 4 Capítulo 2, Parte 4 Глава 2, часть 4 第 2 章,第 4 部分

"Fancy that", the girl said excitedly, "It’s always been one of my dreams to live near a brook yet I never expected I would. Imagine that|||||with enthusiasm|||||||aspirations|||||small stream||||anticipated|| ||||||||||||drömmar||||||||||| "imagina"|||||animadamente||||||||||||riacho|||||| «Fantaisie ça», dit la fille avec enthousiasme, «Ça a toujours été l'un de mes rêves de vivre près d'un ruisseau mais je ne m'attendais pas à ce que je le fasse. 「ファンシー・ザット」と女の子は興奮して言いました。「小川の近くに住むことはいつも私の夢の1つでしたが、私はそうなるとは思っていませんでした。 "Que bom!", disse a rapariga entusiasmada, "sempre foi um dos meus sonhos viver perto de um ribeiro, mas nunca esperei vir a sê-lo. Dreams don’t often come true, do they? 夢は実現しないことが多いですよね? Os sonhos não se realizam muitas vezes, pois não? Мечты не всегда сбываются, не так ли? Wouldn’t it be nice if they did? Would it not|||||| 彼らがやったらいいじゃないか? Não seria bom se o fizessem? Хіба не було б добре, якби вони це зробили?

But just now I feel almost perfectly happy. ||||||completely| しかし、ちょうど今、私はほぼ完全に幸せを感じています。 Mas neste momento sinto-me quase perfeitamente feliz. I can’t feel exactly perfectly happy because, well, what colour would you call this?" |||||||||shade|||| えーと、これを何色と呼んでいるので、完全に幸せな気分にはなれません。」 Não me posso sentir perfeitamente feliz porque, bem, que cor se pode chamar a isto? Я не можу відчувати себе абсолютно щасливою, тому що, ну, як би ви назвали це кольором?" The girl twitched one of her long glossy braids over her thin shoulder and held it up before Matthew’s eyes. ||flicked|||||shiny and smooth|hair plaits|||slender|upper arm area||||||Matthew's eyes| |||||||glansig|||||||||||| ||puxiu|||||brilhante|tranças||||ombro||||||| La fille remua une de ses longues tresses brillantes sur sa fine épaule et la tendit devant les yeux de Matthew. 少女は、長い光沢のある三つ編みの1つを細い肩にひねり、マシューの目の前で持ち上げました。 A rapariga passou uma das suas longas tranças lustrosas por cima do ombro magro e ergueu-a diante dos olhos de Mateus. Девушка закинула одну из своих длинных блестящих косичек через тонкое плечо и подняла ее перед глазами Мэтью. Kız uzun parlak örgülerinden birini ince omzunun üzerinden geçirdi ve Matthew'un gözlerinin önünde kaldırdı. Дівчина перекинула одну зі своїх довгих блискучих кіс через худеньке плече і підняла її перед очима Метью. Matthew was not used to deciding on the colour of ladies' hair, but in this case there couldn’t be much doubt. a man's name||||||||||women's|||||||||| |||||decidir||||||||||||||| マシューは女性の髪の色を決めることに慣れていませんでしたが、この場合は疑いの余地はありませんでした。 Matthew não estava habituado a decidir sobre a cor do cabelo das senhoras, mas neste caso não podia haver muitas dúvidas. Мэтью не привык выбирать цвет женских волос, но в этом случае особых сомнений быть не могло. "It’s red, isn’t it?" 「赤いね」 "É vermelho, não é?" he said.

The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of her whole life. ||||plaited hair strand|||||deep breath||||||||deepest emotions|||breathe out|give out|||deep sadnesses|||| |||||||||||||||||tår|||andas ut|||||||| ||||trança|||||suspiro||||||||dedos dos pés|||exalar|para fora|||tristezas|||| The girl let the braid drop back with a sigh that seemed to come from her very toes and to exhale forth all the sorrows of her whole life. La fille laissa retomber la tresse avec un soupir qui semblait venir de ses orteils et expirer toutes les douleurs de toute sa vie. 少女は、つま先から来たように思われるため息をつき、一生の悲しみを吐き出し、三つ編みを下ろしました。 A rapariga deixou cair a trança para trás com um suspiro que parecia vir dos próprios dedos dos pés e exalar todas as mágoas de toda a sua vida. Девушка отпустила косу со вздохом, который, казалось, исходил от самых пальцев ног и выдыхал все горести всей ее жизни. Kız, ayak parmaklarından geliyormuş gibi görünen bir iç çekişle örgüsünün geriye düşmesine ve tüm hayatı boyunca tüm üzüntülerini dışarı atmasına izin verdi. Дівчина відпустила косу назад зі зітханням, яке, здавалося, виходило з її пальців ніг і видихало всі печалі всього її життя.

"Yes, it’s red," she said resignedly. |||||with acceptance |||||resignerat |||||resignadamente 「はい、それは赤いです」と彼女は辞任して言いました。 "Sim, é vermelho", disse ela resignada. "Now you see why I can’t be perfectly happy. |||||||completely| 「今、私が完全に幸せになれない理由がわかります。 "Agora já percebes porque é que eu não posso ser perfeitamente feliz. Nobody could who has red hair. 赤い髪の人は誰もできませんでした。 Ninguém pode ter cabelo ruivo. I don’t mind the other things so much, the freckles, the green eyes and my skinniness. |||||||||spots on skin||||||thinness |||||||||pecas||verdes|||| |||||||||sardas||||||magreza |||||||||||||||magerhet そばかす、緑色の目、痩せなど、他のことはあまり気にしません。 Não me importo tanto com as outras coisas, as sardas, os olhos verdes e a minha magreza. Я не против всего остального: веснушек, зеленых глаз и моей худобы. Jag bryr mig inte så mycket om de andra sakerna, fregnerna, de gröna ögonen och min smalhet. I can imagine them away. 私はそれらを想像することができます。 Posso imaginá-los longe. Я могу представить их вдали. Jag kan föreställa mig att de försvinner. Я можу уявити їх далеко. I can imagine that I have a beautiful rose-leaf complexion and lovely starry violet eyes. ||||||||flower petal||skin tone|||sparkling or bright|purple-blue| ||||||||||||||viola ögon| |||||||hermosa|||||||| J'imagine que j'ai un beau teint de feuille de rose et de jolis yeux violets étoilés. Imagino que tenho uma bela tez rosada e uns belos olhos violeta estrelados. Я могу представить, что у меня красивый цвет лица, похожий на лист розы, и прекрасные звездно-фиолетовые глаза. Jag kan föreställa mig att jag har en vacker rosabladsfärgad hy och härliga stjärnklara violetta ögon. Я можу уявити, що у мене гарний колір обличчя, як трояндовий листок, і прекрасні зоряні фіалкові очі. But I cannot imagine my red hair away. Mais je ne peux pas imaginer mes cheveux roux. Mas não consigo imaginar o meu cabelo ruivo a desaparecer. I do my best. Я роблю все, що в моїх силах. I think to myself, `Now my hair is a glorious black, black as the raven’s wing.' |||||||||radiant|jet-black||||raven's wing|feathered appendage ||||||||||||||kråkans| Penso para comigo: "Agora o meu cabelo é de um negro glorioso, negro como a asa do corvo". But all the time I know it is just plain red and it breaks my heart. |every moment||||||||simply||||shatters||deepest emotions Mas sempre que sei que é apenas vermelho e isso parte-me o coração. It will be my lifelong sorrow. |||||deep regret ||||livslånga| ||||a vida toda|tristeza Será a minha tristeza para toda a vida. I read of a girl once in a novel who had a lifelong sorrow but it wasn’t red hair. ||||||||fictional book||||lasting a lifetime|||||| ||||||||||||livslång|||||| |li sobre||||||||||||||||| 生涯の悲しみを持っていた小説の中で、ある女の子のことを読んだことがありますが、それは赤い髪ではありませんでした。 Li uma vez num romance sobre uma rapariga que tinha uma tristeza para toda a vida, mas não era cabelo ruivo. Her hair was pure gold rippling back from her alabaster brow. |||unmixed with other|shiny golden color|flowing in waves||||pale, smooth|forehead |||||vågande||||alabaster panna| |||puro||ondulando||||| Ses cheveux étaient de l'or pur qui coulait de son front d'albâtre. 彼女の髪はアラバスターの額から波打つ純金でした。 O seu cabelo era de ouro puro, ondulando para trás da sua testa de alabastro. Saçları, kaymaktaşı kaşından geriye doğru dalgalanan saf altındı. What is an alabaster brow? |||alabasterpanna| アラバスターの額とは何ですか? O que é uma sobrancelha de alabastro? I never could find out. 私は決して知ることができませんでした。 Nunca consegui descobrir. Can you tell me?" 教えて頂けますか?" "Well now, I’m afraid I can’t," said Matthew, who was beginning to feel a little dizzy. |||||||||||||||lightheaded |||||||||||||||tonto "Et bien maintenant, j'ai bien peur de ne pas pouvoir", dit Matthew, qui commençait à se sentir un peu étourdi. 「まあ、私はできないのではないかと思います」と少しめまいを感じ始めていたマシューは言いました。 "Bem, receio que não possa", disse Mateus, que estava a começar a sentir-se um pouco tonto. "Nåväl, jag är rädd att jag inte kan", sade Matthew, som började känna sig lite yr. He felt as he had once felt in his youth when another boy had enticed him on the merry-go-round at a picnic. |||||||||early years|||||lured or attracted||||joyful and playful|||||outdoor gathering ||||||||||||||lockat||||||||| ||||||||||||||seduzido||||alegre|||||piquenique Il se sentait comme il l'avait ressenti dans sa jeunesse quand un autre garçon l'avait attiré sur le manège lors d'un pique-nique. 彼は、別の少年がピクニックでメリーゴーランドで彼を誘惑したとき、彼が若い頃に感じたように感じました。 Sentiu-se como se sentira em tempos na sua juventude, quando outro rapaz o tinha seduzido para o carrossel num piquenique. Han kände som han en gång hade känt i sin ungdom när en annan pojke hade lockat honom att åka karusell på en picknick. Bir piknikte atlıkarıncada başka bir çocuk onu kandırdığında, bir zamanlar gençliğinde hissettiği gibi hissetti. Він відчув себе так само, як колись в юності, коли інший хлопчик заманив його на карусель на пікніку.

"Well, whatever it was it must have been something nice," the girl continued, "because she was divinely beautiful. ||||||||||||||||extraordinarily| ||||||||||||||||gudomligt| ||||||||||||||||divinamente| 「まあ、それが何であれ、それは何かいいものだったに違いない」と少女は続けた。「彼女は神聖に美しいからです。 "Bem, o que quer que fosse, devia ser algo bom", continuou a rapariga, "porque ela era divinamente bonita. "Nåväl, vad det än var så måste det ha varit något trevligt", fortsatte flickan, "för hon var gudomligt vacker. Have you ever imagined what it must feel like to be divinely beautiful?" ||at any time|envisioned||||||||| |||||||||||gudomligt| |||imaginado||||||||| 神聖に美しいとはどういう感じか想像したことがありますか?」 Já alguma vez imaginaste como deve ser a sensação de ser divinamente belo?" Har du någonsin tänkt på hur det måste kännas att vara gudomligt vacker? Ви коли-небудь уявляли, як це - бути божественно красивою?" "Well now, no, I haven’t," confessed Matthew. |||||admitted| |||||erkände| |||||confessou| 「まあ、いや、私はしていません」とマシューは告白しました。 "Bem, não, não tenho", confessou Matthew. Nja, nej, det har jag inte," erkände Matthew. "I have, and often. 「私は持っています、そしてしばしば。 "Já o fiz, e muitas vezes. Jag har, och ofta. "Так, і часто. Which would you rather be if you had the choice, divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?" |||||||||||||brilliantly intelligent|intellectually brilliant||purely virtuous| |||||||||||||bländande|||| qual|||preferiria||||||||||deslumbrantemente|inteligente||angelicamente| 神聖に美しいか、まばゆいばかりに賢いか、天使のように良いかを選択できるとしたら、どちらにしますか?」 O que preferias ser se pudesses escolher, divinamente belo ou deslumbrantemente inteligente ou angelicamente bom?" Vilken skulle du hellre vara om du hade valet, gudomligt vacker eller bländande smart eller änglalikt god? "Well now, I--I don’t know exactly." 「さて、私は-正確にはわかりません。」 "Bem, eu não sei exatamente." Tja, nu vet jag inte riktigt. "Neither do I. I can never decide. "Nor do I."|||||| 「私もそうしません。私は決して決めることができません。 "Nem eu. Nunca consigo decidir. Det vet inte jag heller. Jag kan aldrig bestämma mig. "Я теж. Я ніколи не можу вирішити. But it doesn’t make much real difference for it isn’t likely I’ll ever be any of them. ||||||||||provável||nunca|||| しかし、それは私がそれらのいずれかになる可能性は低いので、それほど大きな違いはありません。 Mas isso não faz muita diferença, porque não é provável que eu venha a ser qualquer um deles. Ama bu pek de gerçek bir fark yaratmıyor çünkü muhtemelen onlardan herhangi biri olmayacağım. Але це не має особливого значення, бо навряд чи я коли-небудь стану однією з них. It’s certain I’ll never be angelically good. É certo que nunca serei angelicalmente bom. Mrs. Spencer says… oh, Mr. Cuthbert! married woman|Mrs. Spencer||||Mr. Cuthbert A Sra. Spencer diz: Oh, Sr. Cuthbert! Fru Spencer säger åh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Sr. Cuthbert! Åh, Mr. Cuthbert! Oh, Mr. |Mister Åh, Mr. Cuthbert!" That was not what Mrs. Spencer had said; neither had the child tumbled out of the buggy nor had Matthew done anything astonishing. ||||||||||||fallen out||||horse-drawn carriage|||||| ||||||||||||ramlat|||||||||| ||||||||nem||||caído||||||||||surpreendente Ce n'était pas ce que Mme Spencer avait dit; ni l'enfant n'était tombé du buggy, ni Matthew n'avait rien fait d'étonnant. それはスペンサー夫人が言ったことではありませんでした。子供がバギーから転落したことも、マシューが驚くべきことをしたこともありませんでした。 Não era isso que a Sra. Spencer tinha dito; nem a criança tinha caído da charrete, nem Matthew tinha feito nada de espantoso. Det var inte vad fru Spencer hade sagt; varken hade barnet trillat ur vagnen eller hade Matthew gjort något extraordinärt. Bayan Spencer'ın söylediği bu değildi; ne çocuk arabadan düşmüştü ne de Matthew şaşırtıcı bir şey yapmamıştı. Місіс Спенсер говорила зовсім інше; дитина не випадала з коляски, і Метью не робив нічого дивовижного. They had simply rounded a curve in the road and found themselves in the "Avenue." |||turned around||bend in road||||||||| |||svängt runt||kurva|||||||||aveny |||contornado||curva||||||||| Ils avaient simplement contourné une courbe de la route et se sont retrouvés dans «l'Avenue». 彼らは単に道路のカーブを曲がり、「アベニュー」にいることに気づきました。 Simplesmente tinham feito uma curva na estrada e encontravam-se na "Avenida". De hade helt enkelt rundat en kurva på vägen och befann sig i "Avenyn." Вони просто обігнули поворот дороги і опинилися на "Авеню". The "Avenue," as it was called by the Newbridge people, was a stretch of road four or five hundred yards long, completely arched over with huge, wide-spreading apple-trees, planted years ago by an eccentric old farmer. ||||||||Newbridge||||sträcka||||||||||bågformad|||||||||||||excentrisk||bonde ||||||||Newbridge||||trecho|||||||jardas|||abobadado|sobre|||||||plantadas|||||excêntrico|| L '«Avenue», comme l'appelaient les gens de Newbridge, était un tronçon de route de quatre ou cinq cents mètres de long, entièrement voûté d'énormes pommiers largement répandus, plantés il y a des années par un vieux fermier excentrique. A "Avenida", como lhe chamavam os habitantes de Newbridge, era um troço de estrada com quatrocentos ou quinhentos metros de comprimento, completamente coberto por macieiras enormes e extensas, plantadas há anos por um velho agricultor excêntrico. Avenyn, som den kallades av Newbridge-borna, var en sträcka av vägen fyra eller fem hundra yard lång, helt överbogen med stora, vidsträckta äppelträd, planterade för många år sedan av en excentrisk gammal bonde. "Авеню", як її називали ньюбріджці, була відрізком дороги завдовжки чотириста чи п'ятсот ярдів, повністю обсадженим величезними, розлогими яблунями, посадженими багато років тому ексцентричним старим фермером. Overhead was one long canopy of snowy fragrant bloom. ||||tak|||| sobrecarga||||copas||||flor Overhead was one long canopy of snowy fragrant bloom. Au-dessus se trouvait une longue canopée de fleurs parfumées enneigées. 頭上は、雪に覆われた香りのよい花の長い天蓋でした。 Por cima, havia um longo dossel de flores perfumadas e nevadas. Överhuvud var det ett långt tak av snöiga doftande blommor. Tepede, karlı kokulu çiçeklerden oluşan uzun bir gölgelik vardı. Below the tree branches, the air was full of purple twilight and far ahead a glimpse of painted sunset sky shone like a great rose window at the end of a cathedral aisle. |||||||||lila|||||||||||||||||||||||gånggång abaixo|||ramos|||||||crepúsculo|||à frente||vislumbre|||pôr do sol||brilhava|||||||||||catedral|corredor Below the tree branches, the air was full of purple twilight and far ahead a glimpse of painted sunset sky shone like a great rose window at the end of a cathedral aisle. Sous les branches des arbres, l'air était plein de crépuscule pourpre et loin devant, un aperçu du ciel coucher de soleil peint brillait comme une grande rosace au bout d'une allée de cathédrale. 木の枝の下では、空気は紫色の夕暮れに満ちていて、はるか先の大聖堂の通路の端にある大きなバラの窓のように、塗られた夕焼けの空が垣間見えました。 Por baixo dos ramos das árvores, o ar estava cheio de um crepúsculo púrpura e, muito à frente, um vislumbre do céu pintado ao pôr do sol brilhava como uma grande rosácea ao fundo de um corredor de catedral. Under trädkronorna var luften fylld av lila skymning och långt framme lyste en glimt av målade solnedgångshimlar som ett stort rosafönster i slutet av en katedralgång. Ağaç dallarının aşağısında hava mor alacakaranlıkla doluydu ve çok ileride, katedral koridorunun sonunda büyük bir gül penceresi gibi parıldayan boyanmış gün batımı gökyüzünün bir görüntüsü vardı. Під гілками дерев повітря було сповнене фіолетових сутінків, а далеко попереду, наче велике трояндове вікно в кінці нефа собору, сяяло розмальоване небо на заході сонця.

Its beauty seemed to strike the child dumb. |||||||stilla av beundran ||||impressionar||| その美しさは子供を馬鹿にするようでした。 A sua beleza parecia ter deixado a criança muda. Dess skönhet verkade få barnet att bli stumt. Güzelliği aptal çocuğu etkiliyor gibiydi. Її краса, здавалося, приголомшила дитину. She leaned back in the buggy, her thin hands clasped before her, her face lifted to the white splendor above. ||||||||||||||||||vit prakt| |inclinou||||||||apertadas|||||erguida||||esplendor| Elle se pencha en arrière dans le buggy, ses mains fines jointes devant elle, son visage levé vers la splendeur blanche au-dessus. Ela recostou-se na charrete, com as mãos finas apertadas diante de si, o rosto erguido para o esplendor branco lá em cima. Arabaya yaslandı, ince elleri önünde kenetlendi, yüzü yukarıdaki beyaz ihtişama doğru kaldırdı. Even when they had passed through and were driving down the long slope to Newbridge she never moved or spoke. mesmo||||||||||||declive||||||| 彼らが通り過ぎてニューブリッジまで長い坂を下っていたときでさえ、彼女は決して動いたり話したりしませんでした。 Mesmo quando já tinham passado e estavam a descer a longa encosta até Newbridge, ela nunca se mexeu ou falou.

Through the, bustling little village of Newbridge where dogs barked at them and small boys hooted and curious faces peered from the windows, still they drove in silence. |||||||||||||||hojtade|||||||||||| ||movimentada|||||||latiam||||||gritaram||||espreitavam|||||||| 犬が彼らに吠え、小さな男の子が窓から覗き見た好奇心旺盛な顔をした、賑やかなニューブリッジの小さな村を通り抜けましたが、それでも彼らは黙って運転しました。 Atravessaram a pequena e movimentada aldeia de Newbridge, onde os cães ladravam, os rapazes piavam e os rostos curiosos espreitavam pelas janelas, mas continuaram a conduzir em silêncio. When three more miles had dropped away behind them the child had still not spoken. Quand trois milles de plus s'étaient écoulés derrière eux, l'enfant n'avait toujours pas parlé. さらに3マイルが彼らの後ろに落ちたとき、子供はまだ話していませんでした。 Quando mais três quilómetros se afastaram atrás deles, a criança ainda não tinha falado. She could keep silent, it was evident, as energetically as she could talk. ||||||||med kraft|||| ||||||evidente||energeticamente|||| Sie konnte genauso energisch schweigen wie sie reden konnte, das war offensichtlich. 彼女は沈黙を保つことができました、それは彼女が話すことができるのと同じくらい精力的にエネルギーであったことは明らかでした。 Era evidente que ela conseguia manter-se em silêncio tão energicamente como conseguia falar. Вона могла мовчати, це було видно, так само енергійно, як і говорити.