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A Study in Scarlet, Chapter 3, Episode 2

Chapter 3, Episode 2

It was a foggy, cloudy morning, and a dun-coloured veil hung over the house-tops, looking like the reflection of the mud-coloured streets beneath.

My companion was in the best of spirits, and prattled away about Cremona fiddles, and the difference between a Stradivarius and an Amati. As for myself, I was silent, for the dull weather and the melancholy business upon which we were engaged, depressed my spirits.

"You don't seem to give much thought to the matter in hand," I said at last, interrupting Holmes' musical disquisition. "No data yet," he answered. "It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. It biases the judgment. " "You will have your data soon," I remarked, pointing with my finger; "this is the Brixton Road, and that is the house, if I am not very much mistaken. " "So it is. Stop, driver, stop!" We were still a hundred yards or so from it, but he insisted upon our alighting, and we finished our journey upon foot.

Number 3, Lauriston Gardens wore an ill-omened and minatory look. It was one of four which stood back some little way from the street, two being occupied and two empty. The latter looked out with three tiers of vacant melancholy windows, which were blank and dreary, save that here and there a "To Let" card had developed like a cataract upon the bleared panes. A small garden sprinkled over with a scattered eruption of sickly plants separated each of these houses from the street, and was traversed by a narrow pathway, yellowish in colour, and consisting apparently of a mixture of clay and of gravel. The whole place was very sloppy from the rain which had fallen through the night. The garden was bounded by a three-foot brick wall with a fringe of wood rails upon the top, and against this wall was leaning a stalwart police constable, surrounded by a small knot of loafers, who craned their necks and strained their eyes in the vain hope of catching some glimpse of the proceedings within.

I had imagined that Sherlock Holmes would at once have hurried into the house and plunged into a study of the mystery. Nothing appeared to be further from his intention. With an air of nonchalance which, under the circumstances, seemed to me to border upon affectation, he lounged up and down the pavement, and gazed vacantly at the ground, the sky, the opposite houses and the line of railings. Having finished his scrutiny, he proceeded slowly down the path, or rather down the fringe of grass which flanked the path, keeping his eyes riveted upon the ground. Twice he stopped, and once I saw him smile, and heard him utter an exclamation of satisfaction. There were many marks of footsteps upon the wet clayey soil, but since the police had been coming and going over it, I was unable to see how my companion could hope to learn anything from it. Still I had had such extraordinary evidence of the quickness of his perceptive faculties, that I had no doubt that he could see a great deal which was hidden from me.

At the door of the house we were met by a tall, white-faced, flaxen-haired man, with a notebook in his hand, who rushed forward and wrung my companion's hand with effusion. "It is indeed kind of you to come," he said, "I have had everything left untouched. " "Except that!" my friend answered, pointing at the pathway. "If a herd of buffaloes had passed along there could not be a greater mess. No doubt, however, you had drawn your own conclusions, Gregson, before you permitted this. " "I have had so much to do inside the house," the detective said evasively. "My colleague, Mr. Lestrade, is here. I had relied upon him to look after this. " Holmes glanced at me and raised his eyebrows sardonically. "With two such men as yourself and Lestrade upon the ground, there will not be much for a third party to find out," he said. Gregson rubbed his hands in a self-satisfied way. "I think we have done all that can be done," he answered; "it's a queer case though, and I knew your taste for such things. " "You did not come here in a cab?" asked Sherlock Holmes.

"No, sir. " "Nor Lestrade? " "No, sir. " "Then let us go and look at the room." With which inconsequent remark he strode on into the house, followed by Gregson, whose features expressed his astonishment.

A short passage, bare planked and dusty, led to the kitchen and offices. Two doors opened out of it to the left and to the right. One of these had obviously been closed for many weeks. The other belonged to the dining-room, which was the apartment in which the mysterious affair had occurred. Holmes walked in, and I followed him with that subdued feeling at my heart which the presence of death inspires.

It was a large square room, looking all the larger from the absence of all furniture. A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls, but it was blotched in places with mildew, and here and there great strips had become detached and hung down, exposing the yellow plaster beneath. Opposite the door was a showy fireplace, surmounted by a mantelpiece of imitation white marble. On one corner of this was stuck the stump of a red wax candle. The solitary window was so dirty that the light was hazy and uncertain, giving a dull grey tinge to everything, which was intensified by the thick layer of dust which coated the whole apartment.

All these details I observed afterwards. At present my attention was centred upon the single grim motionless figure which lay stretched upon the boards, with vacant sightless eyes staring up at the discoloured ceiling.

Chapter 3, Episode 2 Kapitel 3, Folge 2 Κεφάλαιο 3, Επεισόδιο 2 Chapter 3, Episode 2 Capítulo 3, Episodio 2 Capitolo 3, Episodio 2 第 3 章第 2 集

It was a foggy, cloudy morning, and a dun-coloured veil hung over the house-tops, looking like the reflection of the mud-coloured streets beneath. Утро было туманное, пасмурное, и над крышами висела серо-коричневая пелена, похожая на отражение грязно-красных улиц внизу.

My companion was in the best of spirits, and prattled away about Cremona fiddles, and the difference between a Stradivarius and an Amati. My companion was in the best of spirits, and prattled away about Cremona fiddles, and the difference between a Stradivarius and an Amati. Мой спутник был в самом лучшем расположении духа и болтал о кремонских скрипках и о разнице между Страдивари и Амати. As for myself, I was silent, for the dull weather and the melancholy business upon which we were engaged, depressed my spirits. Что касается меня, я молчал, потому что унылая погода и меланхоличный бизнес, которым мы занимались, подавили мое настроение.

"You don’t seem to give much thought to the matter in hand," I said at last, interrupting Holmes' musical disquisition. «Похоже, вы не слишком задумывались над этим вопросом», - сказал я наконец, прерывая музыкальную дисквалификацию Холмса. "No data yet," he answered. «Данных пока нет», - ответил он. "It is a capital mistake to theorize before you have all the evidence. «Это большая ошибка - теоретизировать, прежде чем у вас есть все доказательства. It biases the judgment. " Это смещает суждение. " "You will have your data soon," I remarked, pointing with my finger; "this is the Brixton Road, and that is the house, if I am not very much mistaken. " «У вас скоро будут ваши данные», - заметил я, указывая пальцем; «Это Брикстон-роуд, и это дом, если я не очень ошибаюсь». "So it is. Stop, driver, stop!" We were still a hundred yards or so from it, but he insisted upon our alighting, and we finished our journey upon foot. Мы были еще в сотне ярдов от него, но он настоял на том, чтобы мы сошли, и мы закончили наше путешествие пешком.

Number 3, Lauriston Gardens wore an ill-omened and minatory look. Номер 3, Лористон Гарденс, имел зловещий и властный вид. It was one of four which stood back some little way from the street, two being occupied and two empty. The latter looked out with three tiers of vacant melancholy windows, which were blank and dreary, save that here and there a "To Let" card had developed like a cataract upon the bleared panes. Последний выходил наружу тремя ярусами пустых унылых окон, пустых и унылых, если не считать того, что кое-где таблички «Сдать» образовались, как катаракта, на запотевших стеклах. A small garden sprinkled over with a scattered eruption of sickly plants separated each of these houses from the street, and was traversed by a narrow pathway, yellowish in colour, and consisting apparently of a mixture of clay and of gravel. Каждый из этих домов от улицы отделял небольшой садик, усеянный разбросанными чахлыми растениями, по которому проходила узкая тропинка желтоватого цвета, состоящая, по-видимому, из смеси глины и гравия. The whole place was very sloppy from the rain which had fallen through the night. The garden was bounded by a three-foot brick wall with a fringe of wood rails upon the top, and against this wall was leaning a stalwart police constable, surrounded by a small knot of loafers, who craned their necks and strained their eyes in the vain hope of catching some glimpse of the proceedings within. Сад был ограничен трехфутовой кирпичной стеной с бахромой из деревянных перил наверху, и к этой стене прислонился рослый констебль полиции, окруженный небольшой группой бездельников, которые вытягивали шеи и напрягали глаза в темноте. тщетная надежда мельком увидеть происходящее внутри.

I had imagined that Sherlock Holmes would at once have hurried into the house and plunged into a study of the mystery. Nothing appeared to be further from his intention. With an air of nonchalance which, under the circumstances, seemed to me to border upon affectation, he lounged up and down the pavement, and gazed vacantly at the ground, the sky, the opposite houses and the line of railings. С видом небрежности, которая в данных обстоятельствах казалась мне граничащей с жеманством, он расхаживал взад и вперед по тротуару и бессмысленно смотрел на землю, небо, дома напротив и линию ограды. Having finished his scrutiny, he proceeded slowly down the path, or rather down the fringe of grass which flanked the path, keeping his eyes riveted upon the ground. Закончив осмотр, он медленно пошел по тропинке или, вернее, по опушке травы, окаймлявшей тропу, не сводя глаз с земли. Twice he stopped, and once I saw him smile, and heard him utter an exclamation of satisfaction. Дважды он останавливался, и один раз я видел, как он улыбался, и слышал, как он возгласил удовлетворение. There were many marks of footsteps upon the wet clayey soil, but since the police had been coming and going over it, I was unable to see how my companion could hope to learn anything from it. Still I had had such extraordinary evidence of the quickness of his perceptive faculties, that I had no doubt that he could see a great deal which was hidden from me. Тем не менее у меня было такое необычайное свидетельство быстроты его проницательных способностей, что я не сомневался, что он мог видеть многое из того, что было скрыто от меня.

At the door of the house we were met by a tall, white-faced, flaxen-haired man, with a notebook in his hand, who rushed forward and wrung my companion’s hand with effusion. У дверей дома нас встретил высокий, бледный, белокурый мужчина с блокнотом в руке, который бросился вперед и с излиянием сжал руку моего спутника. "It is indeed kind of you to come," he said, "I have had everything left untouched. " "Except that!" my friend answered, pointing at the pathway. "If a herd of buffaloes had passed along there could not be a greater mess. «Если бы мимо прошло стадо буйволов, не могло бы быть большего беспорядка. No doubt, however, you had drawn your own conclusions, Gregson, before you permitted this. " Однако, несомненно, вы сделали свои собственные выводы, Грегсон, прежде чем позволили это. " "I have had so much to do inside the house," the detective said evasively. "У меня было так много дел в доме," уклончиво сказал детектив. "My colleague, Mr. Lestrade, is here. I had relied upon him to look after this. " Я полагался на него, чтобы позаботиться об этом. " Holmes glanced at me and raised his eyebrows sardonically. "With two such men as yourself and Lestrade upon the ground, there will not be much for a third party to find out," he said. Gregson rubbed his hands in a self-satisfied way. "I think we have done all that can be done," he answered; "it’s a queer case though, and I knew your taste for such things. " "You did not come here in a cab?" asked Sherlock Holmes.

"No, sir. " "Nor Lestrade? " "No, sir. " "Then let us go and look at the room." With which inconsequent remark he strode on into the house, followed by Gregson, whose features expressed his astonishment. С этим непоследовательным замечанием он вошел в дом, сопровождаемый Грегсоном, чьи черты выражали его удивление.

A short passage, bare planked and dusty, led to the kitchen and offices. Короткий коридор, голый, обшитый досками и пыльный, вел на кухню и в кабинеты. Two doors opened out of it to the left and to the right. One of these had obviously been closed for many weeks. The other belonged to the dining-room, which was the apartment in which the mysterious affair had occurred. Holmes walked in, and I followed him with that subdued feeling at my heart which the presence of death inspires. Холмс вошел, и я последовал за ним с тем подавленным чувством в моем сердце, которое внушает присутствие смерти.

It was a large square room, looking all the larger from the absence of all furniture. A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls, but it was blotched in places with mildew, and here and there great strips had become detached and hung down, exposing the yellow plaster beneath. Вульгарно пылающие обои украшали стены, но местами они были в пятнах от плесени, а кое-где оторвались и свисали большие полосы, обнажая желтую штукатурку под ними. Opposite the door was a showy fireplace, surmounted by a mantelpiece of imitation white marble. Напротив двери был эффектный камин, увенчанный каминной полкой из искусственного белого мрамора. On one corner of this was stuck the stump of a red wax candle. В одном углу был воткнут огарок красной восковой свечи. The solitary window was so dirty that the light was hazy and uncertain, giving a dull grey tinge to everything, which was intensified by the thick layer of dust which coated the whole apartment. Единственное окно было так грязно, что свет был туманным и неуверенным, придававшим всему тускло-серый оттенок, который усиливался толстым слоем пыли, покрывавшим всю квартиру.

All these details I observed afterwards. At present my attention was centred upon the single grim motionless figure which lay stretched upon the boards, with vacant sightless eyes staring up at the discoloured ceiling. В настоящее время мое внимание было приковано к одинокой мрачной неподвижной фигуре, распростертой на досках, с пустыми незрячими глазами, уставившимися в выцветший потолок.