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Interesting facts, 10 Greatest Inventors

10 Greatest Inventors

These are the 10 greatest inventors of all-time. Of course, this list is subjective, but I'm basing the rankings on the overall impact of their work.

Not only was Leonardo Da Vinci, the man who painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, one of the greatest artists ever to live, he also one of the most talented men in history with a scope and depth of interests that were unprecedented. His genius is why we call people of great skill in many areas, Renaissance men. Leonardo's innovations in the art of painting and drawing alone are incredible, and include the way he laid on the paint, how he painted light, botany, geology, human emotion and the anatomy. And after his death, Da Vinci has become revered for his technological ingenuity, having conceptualized detailed designs for things that wouldn't be realized for hundreds of years after his death, like flying machines, an armoured vehicle, concentrated solar power, and a double hulled ship that was much less likely to sink.

If Da Vinci's anatomical drawings would have been published, they would have made a major contribution to the field of medical research. He was also employed for a time as an engineer where he showed considerable talent. Within Leonardo's own lifetime his fame was so great that, legend has it, the King of France - who befriended Leonardo in the twilight years of his life - held Da Vinci in his arms as the genius died.

Benjamin Franklin was the greatest thinker across a wide range of subjects in American history. He was a printer, a leading author, postmaster, political theorist, politician, statesman, diplomat, and - of course - a scientist and inventor. His contributions ranged from small things like an idea for a sea anchor, a more efficient fireplace called the Franklin stove, and a design for new paper money that was more difficult to counterfeit; to his famous investigation of electricity and the discovery of positive and negative electrons, which led to his invention of the lightning rod.

Franklin was also a natural leader of men, creating the first organized firefighting department in America; founded America's first hospital; created the US Postal System; was part of three man team that founded America's college system; and - perhaps most importantly - was an influential founding father who played a pivotal role in inventing the American political system.

Franklin is the only Founding Father whose signature appears on all four major documents of the founding of the country: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Treaty of Paris, and the United States Constitution.

Archimedes was considered the greatest mathematician of his time and one of the greatest inventors ever. The fact that he lived almost 2000 years before nearly all the other men on this list is a testament to his genius. He proved a range of geometric theorems we still rely on today, like the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, and the area under a parabola. He also derived an accurate approximation of pi and created a system using exponentiation for expressing very large numbers. These mathematical innovations weren't widely recognized during his lifetime, but the things he created based on his calculations were.

Archimedes was the first to describe the principles of the lever, and was an epic designer of early machines like the screw pump, compound pulleys, the first planetarium, and defensive weapons to protect his native city, Syracuse, during war. The need for these last innovations was unfortunately all too great, considering he was killed during the Siege of Syracuse by a Roman soldier, even though enemy commanders had ordered that he not be harmed.

Galileo praised Archimedes many times and referred to him as superhuman.

Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press to Europe around 1450. The world's first movable type system was first invented in China the technology spread to Korea, and they modified it to use metal, but it was Gutenberg who perfected the system's efficiency by creating mass-produced movable type out of metal to print the much simpler European alphabet onto the page using oil-based ink. This printing press suddenly made it economical to create books and pamphlets, and was the single most important invention that sparked the era of mass communication. Many have named it the most important invention of the entire millenium from 1-2,000 AD. For the first time in history, information circulated unrestricted, this broke the elite's monopolistic grip on education and learning, because, now anyone could learn how to read and write.

The Englishmen Charles Babbage is considered a “father of the computer” for first coming up with the concept of a programmable computational machine that - while mechanical and unwieldy - had the basic architecture of a modern computer, an idea born out of his work on increasing the productivity of labor. His book On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers was influential and included what's now known as the “Babbage principle,” which pointed out the advantages to those businesses that adopted a method for dividing labor by assigning only high-skill tasks to high-cost workers. His data-driven mind also led him into the field of Metrology, which is the scientific study of measurement for which Babbage is considered a pioneer. He also invented the metal frame attached to the front of locomotives that clears the tracks of obstacles, constructed the first dynamometer car used for measuring a train's performance, invented the first ophthalmoscope allowing a doctor to see inside the eye, and achieved significant results in Cryptography--although these findings were not known until over a century after his death as they were kept secret by the English military.

Galileo Galilei was the “Father of Modern Science,” according to Einstein. His major achievement was improving the telescope and using it to make observations about the planets and stars, including supporting Copernicus' revolutionary idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun. He also created an early version of the thermometer, invented an improved military compass, and did experimental physics work on the motions of bodies that was a precursor to the classical mechanics developed by Isaac Newton.

Galileo's other notable astronomical contributions were the discovery of Venus' four moons, sunspots, and the discovery that the Milky Way was in fact a multitude of stars packed so densely that they appeared to be clouds when viewed with the naked eye. His writings and defense of his heliocentric view of the solar system brought him in direct conflict with the powerful Roman Catholic Church who accused him of heresy and sentenced him to house arrest, where he remained for the rest of his life.While there he completed his final, and perhaps finest, work, Two New Sciences, summarizing much of his career in physics over the preceding thirty years.

The Wright brothers invented, built, and flew the world's first successful manned airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, one of the most consequential days in human history. When Wilbur and Orville were boys, their father brought them home a toy helicopter, sparking their interest in flying. They played with it until it broke, and then built their own. Neither boy finished high school, but they were smart, hardworking and made a great team and in 1890, launched their own newspaper, the West Side News. The project was short lived, but it cemented their bond and before long they had capitalized on the bicycle craze that was sweeping the nation by starting their own shop and manufacturing their own bike design, a successful endeavor that would become known as the Wright Cycling Company.

They used the proceeds to fund their growing interest in flight. There were two key innovations that led to that fateful day on that Carolina beach. One was the brother's work with their shop mechanic, Charlie Taylor, to custom build a lightweight engine out of aluminum. The second was their invention of three-axis control, enabling the pilot to effectively steer the aircraft and maintain its equilibrium. They'd go on to further develop their invention into many different models and created the Wright Company, which also trained 115 more pilots to fly Wright Company planes in demonstrations to the public, sharing the wonder of flight with many of their very curious countrymen.

James Watt may have been the single most responsible person in bringing about the Industrial Revolution. He made the steam engine dramatically more efficient by introducing a separate condenser that avoided wasting energy, which radically improved the machine's power output and transformed it into the workhorse of factory production.

In 1781, after much financial hardship and struggle, Watt patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotative motion. In a flash, new classes of industry were economically viable, setting off a rapid period of immense economic and social change across world. Watt also developed the concept of horsepower, and invented the document copier, patenting the device in 1780. The principle on which the machine is based remained in use until the arrival of modern photocopiers and the watt unit of power is named after him.

The only man born after 1900 is Tim Berners-Lee, the English computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. In March, 1989 he made a proposal for an information management system and eight months later, proceeded to implement the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol client and a server via the Internet. For his new system, Berners-Lee built the first Web browser, Web server and the first website, which provided an explanation of what the World Wide Web was. Three years later he founded - and continues to lead - the World Wide Web Consortium whose stated purpose is to “develop protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web.”

Berners-Lee, still just 59 years old, is currently working on the Semantic Web, which aims to convert the current web, dominated by unstructured and semi-structured documents into a "web of data" that can be processed by machines as outlined by Berners-Lee himself: “I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. A "Semantic Web", which makes this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. The "intelligent agents" people have touted for ages will finally materialize.” Thomas Edison is the world's greatest inventor, not just for what he invented, but because he had the good sense to apply the principles of mass production and teamwork to innovation. Edison has nearly 1,100 US patents in his name for inventions that had significant impact on the world like electric light, sound recording, motion pictures, a long lasting practical electric light bulb, a mechanical vote recorder, and a battery for an electric car.

His development of a system of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses and factories was a crucial development in the modernization of the world. After the sale of his quadruplex telegraph, Edison created the world's first industrial research laboratory with the specific purpose of producing constant technological innovation and improvement, and then controlling its application.

It's true that Edison was legally attributed with most of the inventions that many of his employees created through painstaking research and development under his direction, but it took a special kind of genius to seize great opportunity after great opportunity, ballance all those projects, and lead and inspire all those people.

Thanks for watching, i hope this video inspired you to go create something great. I'll leave you with this quote from Benjamin Franklin "... as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously."

10 Greatest Inventors |Великие изобретатели Die 10 größten Erfinder 10 maiores inventores

These are the 10 greatest inventors of all-time. Estes são os 10 maiores inventores de todos os tempos. Of course, this list is subjective, but I’m basing the rankings on the overall impact of their work. ||||||||основывая||||||||| É claro que esta lista é subjectiva, mas estou a basear as classificações no impacto global do seu trabalho.

Not only was Leonardo Da Vinci, the man who painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, one of the greatest artists ever to live, he also one of the most talented men in history with a scope and depth of interests that were unprecedented. |||||||||||Мона Лиза||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||Mona Lisa painting||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||unmatched Leonardo Da Vinci, o homem que pintou a Mona Lisa e a Última Ceia, não só foi um dos maiores artistas de sempre, como foi também um dos homens mais talentosos da história, com um âmbito e uma profundidade de interesses sem precedentes. His genius is why we call people of great skill in many areas, Renaissance men. |гений||||||||||||| Sein Genie ist es, warum wir Menschen mit großem Können auf vielen Gebieten als Renaissance-Männer bezeichnen. O seu génio é a razão pela qual chamamos homens renascentistas a pessoas com grandes capacidades em muitas áreas. Leonardo’s innovations in the art of painting and drawing alone are incredible, and include the way he laid on the paint, how he painted light, botany, geology, human emotion and the anatomy. Леонардо's|||||||||||||||||||||||||ботаника|геология||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||plant science|geological features||||| Só as inovações de Leonardo na arte da pintura e do desenho são incríveis, e incluem a forma como aplicava a tinta, como pintava a luz, a botânica, a geologia, a emoção humana e a anatomia. And after his death, Da Vinci has become revered for his technological ingenuity, having conceptualized detailed designs for things that wouldn’t be realized for hundreds of years after his death, like flying machines, an armoured vehicle, concentrated solar power, and a double hulled ship that was much less likely to sink. ||||||||почитаемым||||изобретательность||разработал концепцию||||||||||||||||||||бронированный||||||||обшитый|||||||| ||||||||respected||||innovation|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E depois da sua morte, Da Vinci tornou-se venerado pelo seu engenho tecnológico, tendo conceptualizado projectos pormenorizados de coisas que só seriam realizadas centenas de anos depois da sua morte, como máquinas voadoras, um veículo blindado, energia solar concentrada e um navio de casco duplo que tinha muito menos probabilidades de se afundar.

If Da Vinci’s anatomical drawings would have been published, they would have made a major contribution to the field of medical research. ||Да Винчи||||||||||||||||||| Se os desenhos anatómicos de Da Vinci tivessem sido publicados, teriam dado um importante contributo para o campo da investigação médica. He was also employed for a time as an engineer where he showed considerable talent. Durante algum tempo, trabalhou também como engenheiro, tendo demonstrado um talento considerável. Within Leonardo’s own lifetime his fame was so great that, legend has it, the King of France - who befriended Leonardo in the twilight years of his life - held Da Vinci in his arms as the genius died. Na vida de Leonardo, sua fama era tão grande que, segundo a lenda, o rei da França - que fez amizade com Leonardo nos anos crepusculares de sua vida - segurou Da Vinci em seus braços quando o gênio morreu.

Benjamin Franklin was the greatest thinker across a wide range of subjects in American history. Benjamin Franklin foi o maior pensador em uma ampla gama de assuntos da história americana. Бенджамин Франклин был величайшим мыслителем по широкому кругу вопросов в американской истории. He was a printer, a leading author, postmaster, political theorist, politician, statesman, diplomat, and - of course - a scientist and inventor. |||типограф||||почтмейстер||||государственный деятель|||||||| Ele era um impressor, um dos principais autores, correios, teórico político, político, estadista, diplomata e - é claro - um cientista e inventor. His contributions ranged from small things like an idea for a sea anchor, a more efficient fireplace called the Franklin stove, and a design for new paper money that was more difficult to counterfeit; to his famous investigation of electricity and the discovery of positive and negative electrons, which led to his invention of the lightning rod. ||варьировались||||||||||||||камин|||||||||||||||||подделка денег|||||||||||||||||||||||молниеотвод |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fake money|||||||||||||||||||||||lightning protection device Suas contribuições variaram de pequenas coisas, como uma idéia para uma âncora marítima, uma lareira mais eficiente chamada fogão Franklin e um projeto para um novo papel-moeda que era mais difícil de falsificar; à sua famosa investigação sobre eletricidade e à descoberta de elétrons positivos e negativos, o que levou à sua invenção do pára-raios.

Franklin was also a natural leader of men, creating the first organized firefighting department in America; founded America’s first hospital; created the US Postal System; was part of three man team that founded America’s college system; and - perhaps most importantly - was an influential founding father who played a pivotal role in inventing the American political system. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ключевой||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||crucial||||||| Franklin também era um líder natural dos homens, criando o primeiro departamento organizado de combate a incêndios na América; fundou o primeiro hospital da América; criou o sistema postal dos EUA; fazia parte de uma equipe de três homens que fundou o sistema de faculdades da América; e - talvez o mais importante - era um influente pai fundador que desempenhou um papel fundamental na invenção do sistema político americano.

Franklin is the only Founding Father whose signature appears on all four major documents of the founding of the country: the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Treaty of Paris, and the United States Constitution. |||||||||||||||||||||||||Договор||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||Agreement||||||||||||| Franklin é o único pai fundador cuja assinatura aparece nos quatro principais documentos da fundação do país: a Declaração de Independência, o Tratado de Aliança com a França, o Tratado de Paris e a Constituição dos Estados Unidos.

Archimedes was considered the greatest mathematician of his time and one of the greatest inventors ever. Архимед||||||||||||||| Arquimedes foi considerado o maior matemático do seu tempo e um dos maiores inventores de sempre. The fact that he lived almost 2000 years before nearly all the other men on this list is a testament to his genius. O facto de ter vivido quase 2000 anos antes de quase todos os outros homens desta lista é uma prova do seu génio. He proved a range of geometric theorems we still rely on today, like the area of a circle, the surface area and volume of a sphere, and the area under a parabola. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||парабола ||||||theorems||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ele provou uma série de teoremas geométricos nos quais ainda hoje confiamos, como a área de um círculo, a área de superfície e o volume de uma esfera e a área sob uma parábola. Он доказал ряд геометрических теорем, на которые мы все еще полагаемся сегодня, таких как площадь круга, площадь поверхности и объем сферы, а также площадь под параболой. He also derived an accurate approximation of pi and created a system using exponentiation for expressing very large numbers. |||||||пи||||||возведение в степень||||| Ele também derivou uma aproximação precisa de pi e criou um sistema usando exponenciação para expressar números muito grandes. Он также получил точное приближение числа Пи и создал систему, использующую возведение в степень для выражения очень больших чисел. These mathematical innovations weren’t widely recognized during his lifetime, but the things he created based on his calculations were. Estas inovações matemáticas não foram amplamente reconhecidas durante a sua vida, mas as coisas que criou com base nos seus cálculos foram-no.

Archimedes was the first to describe the principles of the lever, and was an epic designer of early machines like the screw pump, compound pulleys, the first planetarium, and defensive weapons to protect his native city, Syracuse, during war. ||||||||||||||||||||||||блоки|||планетарий|||||||||Сиракузы|| |||||||||||||||||||||screw pump|||compound pulleys|||||||||||||| Arquimedes foi o primeiro a descrever os princípios da alavanca e foi um designer épico de máquinas antigas, como bomba de parafuso, polias compostas, o primeiro planetário e armas defensivas para proteger sua cidade natal, Siracusa, durante a guerra. The need for these last innovations was unfortunately all too great, considering he was killed during the Siege of Syracuse by a Roman soldier, even though enemy commanders had ordered that he not be harmed. |||||||||||||||||осада||||||||||||||||| A necessidade destas últimas inovações foi infelizmente demasiado grande, uma vez que foi morto durante o cerco de Siracusa por um soldado romano, apesar de os comandantes inimigos terem ordenado que não lhe fizessem mal.

Galileo praised Archimedes many times and referred to him as superhuman. Галилей|||||||||| Galileu elogiou Arquimedes muitas vezes e referiu-se a ele como um super-humano.

Johannes Gutenberg introduced the printing press to Europe around 1450. |Гутенберг||||||| Johannes Gutenberg introduziu a imprensa na Europa por volta de 1450. The world’s first movable type system was first invented in China the technology spread to Korea, and they modified it to use metal, but it was Gutenberg who perfected the system’s efficiency by creating mass-produced movable type out of metal to print the much simpler European alphabet onto the page using oil-based ink. |||подвижный|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||подвижный|шрифт||||||||||||||||| O primeiro sistema de tipos móveis do mundo foi inventado na China, a tecnologia espalhou-se pela Coreia, que a modificou para utilizar metal, mas foi Gutenberg que aperfeiçoou a eficiência do sistema ao criar tipos móveis produzidos em massa a partir de metal para imprimir o alfabeto europeu, muito mais simples, na página, utilizando tinta à base de óleo. Первая в мире система подвижного шрифта была впервые изобретена в Китае, технология распространилась на Корею, и они модифицировали ее, чтобы использовать металл, но именно Гутенберг усовершенствовал эффективность системы, создав серийно выпускаемый подвижный шрифт из металла для печати гораздо более простых европейских алфавит на страницу, используя чернила на масляной основе. This printing press suddenly made it economical to create books and pamphlets, and was the single most important invention that sparked the era of mass communication. |||||||||||памфлеты|||||||||||||| Esta prensa de impressão tornou subitamente económica a criação de livros e panfletos e foi a invenção mais importante que desencadeou a era da comunicação de massas. Many have named it the most important invention of the entire millenium from 1-2,000 AD. |||||||||||тысячелетия|| Muitos consideraram-na a invenção mais importante de todo o milénio, de 1 a 2.000 d.C. For the first time in history, information circulated unrestricted, this broke the elite’s monopolistic grip on education and learning, because, now anyone could learn how to read and write. ||||||||||||элиты|монополистический||||||||||||||| Pela primeira vez na história, a informação circulou sem restrições, o que quebrou o controlo monopolista da elite sobre a educação e a aprendizagem, porque, agora, qualquer pessoa podia aprender a ler e a escrever.

The Englishmen Charles Babbage is considered a “father of the computer” for first coming up with the concept of a programmable computational machine that - while mechanical and unwieldy - had the basic architecture of a modern computer, an idea born out of his work on increasing the productivity of labor. |inglesi||Charles Babbage|||||||||||||||||capable of being programmed|||||||difficile da maneggiare||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||awkward||||||||||||||||||||| O inglês Charles Babbage é considerado o "pai do computador" por ter sido o primeiro a conceber o conceito de uma máquina computacional programável que - embora mecânica e pesada - tinha a arquitetura básica de um computador moderno, uma ideia que nasceu do seu trabalho para aumentar a produtividade do trabalho. His book On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers was influential and included what’s now known as the “Babbage principle,” which pointed out the advantages to those businesses that adopted a method for dividing labor by assigning only high-skill tasks to high-cost workers. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||assigning|||||||| ||||Economy|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| O seu livro "On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers" foi influente e incluía o que é agora conhecido como o "princípio de Babbage", que apontava as vantagens para as empresas que adoptassem um método de divisão do trabalho, atribuindo apenas tarefas de elevada competência a trabalhadores de elevado custo. His data-driven mind also led him into the field of Metrology, which is the scientific study of measurement for which Babbage is considered a pioneer. |||||||||||Metrologia|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||Babbage|||| A sua mente orientada para os dados levou-o também ao campo da metrologia, que é o estudo científico da medição, do qual Babbage é considerado um pioneiro. He also invented the metal frame attached to the front of locomotives that clears the tracks of obstacles, constructed the first dynamometer car used for measuring a train’s performance, invented the first ophthalmoscope allowing a doctor to see inside the eye, and achieved significant results in Cryptography--although these findings were not known until over a century after his death as they were kept secret by the English military. |||||||||||||||||||||dynamometer||||||train's|||||ophthalmoscope = ophthalmoscope|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||locomotives||||||||||performance measuring device||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ele também inventou a estrutura de metal presa à frente das locomotivas que limpa os trilhos dos obstáculos, construiu o primeiro vagão dinamômetro usado para medir o desempenho de um trem, inventou o primeiro oftalmoscópio que permite ao médico ver dentro do olho e obteve resultados significativos em criptografia - embora essas descobertas não sejam conhecidas até mais de um século após sua morte, pois foram mantidas em segredo pelos militares ingleses.

Galileo Galilei was the “Father of Modern Science,” according to Einstein. |Galileo Galilei||||||||| His major achievement was improving the telescope and using it to make observations about the planets and stars, including supporting Copernicus' revolutionary idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun. ||||||||||||||||||||Copernicus||||||ruotava||| A sua principal realização foi o aperfeiçoamento do telescópio e a sua utilização para efetuar observações sobre os planetas e as estrelas, incluindo o apoio à ideia revolucionária de Copérnico de que a Terra girava em torno do Sol. He also created an early version of the thermometer, invented an improved military compass, and did experimental physics work on the motions of bodies that was a precursor to the classical mechanics developed by Isaac Newton. ||||||||thermometer|||||||||||||||||||precursor|||||||| ||||||||thermometer||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ele também criou uma versão inicial do termômetro, inventou uma bússola militar aprimorada e fez trabalhos de física experimental sobre os movimentos de corpos que eram precursores da mecânica clássica desenvolvida por Isaac Newton.

Galileo’s other notable astronomical contributions were the discovery of Venus' four moons, sunspots, and the discovery that the Milky Way was in fact a multitude of stars packed so densely that they appeared to be clouds when viewed with the naked eye. Galileo|||||||||||moons|sunspots||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| As outras contribuições astronômicas notáveis de Galileu foram a descoberta das quatro luas, manchas solares de Vênus e a descoberta de que a Via Láctea era de fato uma multidão de estrelas tão densas que pareciam nuvens quando vistas a olho nu. His writings and defense of his heliocentric view of the solar system brought him in direct conflict with the powerful Roman Catholic Church who accused him of heresy and sentenced him to house arrest, where he remained for the rest of his life.While there he completed his final, and perhaps finest, work, Two New Sciences, summarizing much of his career in physics over the preceding thirty years. ||||||heliocentric|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||preceding = before|| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||religious dissent|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Seus escritos e a defesa de sua visão heliocêntrica do sistema solar o colocaram em conflito direto com a poderosa Igreja Católica Romana que o acusou de heresia e o sentenciou à prisão domiciliar, onde permaneceu pelo resto da vida. trabalho final, e talvez o melhor, Duas Novas Ciências, resumindo grande parte de sua carreira em física nos últimos trinta anos.

The Wright brothers invented, built, and flew the world’s first successful manned airplane in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903, one of the most consequential days in human history. ||||||||||||||Kitty Hawk|Hawk||||||||||||| Os irmãos Wright inventaram, construíram e pilotaram o primeiro avião tripulado bem sucedido do mundo em Kitty Hawk, Carolina do Norte, a 17 de dezembro de 1903, um dos dias mais importantes da história da humanidade. When Wilbur and Orville were boys, their father brought them home a toy helicopter, sparking their interest in flying. Quando Wilbur e Orville eram rapazes, o pai trouxe-lhes para casa um helicóptero de brincar, despertando o seu interesse por voar. They played with it until it broke, and then built their own. Brincaram com ele até se partir e depois construíram o seu próprio. Neither boy finished high school, but they were smart, hardworking and made a great team and in 1890, launched their own newspaper, the West Side News. Nenhum dos rapazes terminou o liceu, mas eram inteligentes, trabalhadores e formaram uma grande equipa e, em 1890, lançaram o seu próprio jornal, o West Side News. The project was short lived, but it cemented their bond and before long they had capitalized on the bicycle craze that was sweeping the nation by starting their own shop and manufacturing their own bike design, a successful endeavor that would become known as the Wright Cycling Company. |||||||||||||||capitalized||||craze|||sweeping||||||||||||||||endeavor||||||||| O projeto durou pouco, mas cimentou o vínculo e, em pouco tempo, eles capitalizaram a mania de bicicletas que estava varrendo o país, abrindo sua própria loja e fabricando seu próprio design de bicicleta, um empreendimento de sucesso que ficaria conhecido como Wright Cycling Company .

They used the proceeds to fund their growing interest in flight. |||proceeds||||||| Eles usaram os recursos para financiar seu crescente interesse em voos. There were two key innovations that led to that fateful day on that Carolina beach. Houve duas inovações importantes que levaram a esse dia fatídico naquela praia da Carolina. One was the brother’s work with their shop mechanic, Charlie Taylor, to custom build a lightweight engine out of aluminum. ||||||||meccanico||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||aluminum Um deles era o trabalho do irmão com o mecânico de sua loja, Charlie Taylor, para construir um motor leve de alumínio. The second was their invention of three-axis control, enabling the pilot to effectively steer the aircraft and maintain its equilibrium. ||||||||||||||||||||equilibrium A segunda foi a invenção do controle de três eixos, permitindo ao piloto dirigir efetivamente a aeronave e manter seu equilíbrio. They’d go on to further develop their invention into many different models and created the Wright Company, which also trained 115 more pilots to fly Wright Company planes in demonstrations to the public, sharing the wonder of flight with many of their very curious countrymen. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||countrymen Eles desenvolveram sua invenção em muitos modelos diferentes e criaram a Wright Company, que também treinou mais 115 pilotos para pilotar aviões da Wright Company em demonstrações ao público, compartilhando a maravilha de voar com muitos de seus compatriotas muito curiosos.

James Watt may have been the single most responsible person in bringing about the Industrial Revolution. James Watt pode ter sido a pessoa mais responsável em provocar a Revolução Industrial. He made the steam engine dramatically more efficient by introducing a separate condenser that avoided wasting energy, which radically improved the machine’s power output and transformed it into the workhorse of factory production. ||||||||||||condenser|||||||||||||||||cavallo di battaglia||| Ele tornou o motor a vapor dramaticamente mais eficiente, introduzindo um condensador separado que evitava desperdiçar energia, que melhorou radicalmente a potência da máquina e a transformou no cavalo de batalha da produção industrial.

In 1781, after much financial hardship and struggle, Watt patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotative motion. ||||||||patentato|||||||rotative| ||||||||patented|||||||| Em 1781, após muitas dificuldades financeiras, Watt patenteou uma máquina a vapor que produzia um movimento rotativo contínuo. In a flash, new classes of industry were economically viable, setting off a rapid period of immense economic and social change across world. |||||||||||||||||economic||||| Num piscar de olhos, novas classes da indústria eram economicamente viáveis, desencadeando um rápido período de imensas mudanças econômicas e sociais em todo o mundo. Watt also developed the concept of horsepower, and invented the document copier, patenting the device in 1780. ||||||horsepower|||||copier|patentando||| Watt também desenvolveu o conceito de potência e inventou o copiador de documentos, patenteando o dispositivo em 1780. The principle on which the machine is based remained in use until the arrival of modern photocopiers and the watt unit of power is named after him. ||||||||||||||||photocopiers|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||modern photocopiers|||||||||| O princípio no qual a máquina se baseia permaneceu em uso até a chegada das fotocopiadoras modernas e a unidade de potência em watts recebeu o nome dele.

The only man born after 1900 is Tim Berners-Lee, the English computer scientist who invented the World Wide Web. |||||||Berners-Lee||||||||||| O único homem nascido depois de 1900 é Tim Berners-Lee, o cientista informático inglês que inventou a World Wide Web. In March, 1989 he made a proposal for an information management system and eight months later, proceeded to implement the first successful communication between a Hypertext Transfer Protocol client and a server via the Internet. Em março de 1989, ele fez uma proposta para um sistema de gerenciamento de informações e, oito meses depois, começou a implementar a primeira comunicação bem-sucedida entre um cliente do Hypertext Transfer Protocol e um servidor via Internet. For his new system, Berners-Lee built the first Web browser, Web server and the first website, which provided an explanation of what the World Wide Web was. Para o seu novo sistema, Berners-Lee construiu o primeiro navegador Web, o primeiro servidor Web e o primeiro sítio Web, que explicava o que era a World Wide Web. Three years later he founded - and continues to lead - the World Wide Web Consortium whose stated purpose is to “develop protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web.” |||||||||||||consorzio||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||consortium|||||||||||||||||

Berners-Lee, still just 59 years old, is currently working on the Semantic Web, which aims to convert the current web, dominated by unstructured and semi-structured documents into a "web of data" that can be processed by machines as outlined by Berners-Lee himself: ||||||||||||||||||||||unstructured|||||||||||||||||outlined|||| Berners-Lee, que tem apenas 59 anos, está atualmente a trabalhar na Web Semântica, que visa converter a atual Web, dominada por documentos não estruturados e semi-estruturados, numa "Web de dados" que pode ser processada por máquinas, tal como o próprio Berners-Lee referiu: “I have a dream for the Web [in which computers] become capable of analyzing all the data on the Web – the content, links, and transactions between people and computers. "Tenho um sonho para a Web [em que os computadores] se tornam capazes de analisar todos os dados da Web - o conteúdo, as ligações e as transacções entre pessoas e computadores. A "Semantic Web", which makes this possible, has yet to emerge, but when it does, the day-to-day mechanisms of trade, bureaucracy and our daily lives will be handled by machines talking to machines. A "Web Semântica", que torna isto possível, ainda não surgiu, mas quando surgir, os mecanismos quotidianos do comércio, da burocracia e da nossa vida quotidiana serão geridos por máquinas que falam com máquinas. The "intelligent agents" people have touted for ages will finally materialize.” |||||touted||||| |||||praised or promoted||||| Os "agentes inteligentes" de que se fala há muito tempo vão finalmente materializar-se". Thomas Edison is the world’s greatest inventor, not just for what he invented, but because he had the good sense to apply the principles of mass production and teamwork to innovation. Thomas Edison é o maior inventor do mundo, não apenas pelo que inventou, mas porque teve o bom senso de aplicar os princípios da produção em massa e do trabalho em equipa à inovação. Edison has nearly 1,100 US patents in his name for inventions that had significant impact on the world like electric light, sound recording, motion pictures, a long lasting practical electric light bulb, a mechanical vote recorder, and a battery for an electric car. ||||patenti|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||vote|||||||| Edison tem quase 1100 patentes americanas em seu nome por invenções que tiveram um impacto significativo no mundo, como a luz eléctrica, a gravação de som, o cinema, uma lâmpada eléctrica prática de longa duração, um gravador de votos mecânico e uma bateria para um carro elétrico.

His development of a system of electric-power generation and distribution to homes, businesses and factories was a crucial development in the modernization of the world. ||||||||||||||||||||||modernizzazione||| O seu desenvolvimento de um sistema de produção e distribuição de energia eléctrica a casas, empresas e fábricas foi um desenvolvimento crucial para a modernização do mundo. After the sale of his quadruplex telegraph, Edison created the world’s first industrial research laboratory with the specific purpose of producing constant technological innovation and improvement, and then controlling its application. |||||quadruplex|telegrafo|||||||||||||||||||||||| Após a venda do seu telégrafo quadruplex, Edison criou o primeiro laboratório de investigação industrial do mundo, com o objetivo específico de produzir inovações e melhorias tecnológicas constantes e, em seguida, controlar a sua aplicação.

It’s true that Edison was legally attributed with most of the inventions that many of his employees created through painstaking research and development under his direction, but it took a special kind of genius to seize great opportunity after great opportunity, ballance all those projects, and lead and inspire all those people. ||||||attribuito|||||||||||||meticulous||||||||||||||||to seize||||||balance|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||meticulous careful diligent||||||||||||||||seize|||||||||||||||| É verdade que a Edison foi legalmente atribuída a maior parte das invenções que muitos dos seus empregados criaram através de investigação e desenvolvimento meticulosos sob a sua direção, mas foi necessário um tipo especial de génio para aproveitar grande oportunidade atrás de grande oportunidade, equilibrar todos esses projectos e liderar e inspirar todas essas pessoas.

Thanks for watching, i hope this video inspired you to go create something great. Obrigado por assistirem, espero que este vídeo vos tenha inspirado a criar algo fantástico. I’ll leave you with this quote from Benjamin Franklin "... as we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours; and this we should do freely and generously." |||||||||||||vantaggi||||||||||||||||||||||||||freely||generously Deixo-vos com esta citação de Benjamin Franklin: "... como usufruímos de grandes vantagens com as invenções dos outros, devemos ficar contentes com a oportunidade de servir os outros com qualquer invenção nossa; e devemos fazê-lo livre e generosamente."