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Interesting facts, First Hint of Dark Matter Detected

First Hint of Dark Matter Detected

A cosmic ray detector on the International Space Station has found the first real hint of dark matter--that elusive substance scientists think outnumbers normal matter by a ratio of 5 to 1.

And that's why this is such an important story, we can detect all the normal matter that makes up everything in our known universe including you and me - but we've come to realize that there's this invisible stuff - or at least invisible to the detection technology we have so far - and this stuff fills space and exerts gravitational pull on galaxies. So it's been a big challenge just to figure out that dark matter exists at all, let alone figuring out how to detect it and actually finding some by building this billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer.

But, for the first time, we have some kind of confirmation of actual dark matter. Now, the scientists aren't anywhere near ready to conclusively say they've definitely found dark matter, but the initial data seems to be confirming that it's there and they're confident that over the next two decades aboard the space station, the experiment's smooth operation so far indicates it should produce enough data to settle the dark matter mystery once and for all.

First Hint of Dark Matter Detected Erster Hinweis auf Dunkle Materie entdeckt Detectado el primer indicio de materia oscura 暗黒物質の最初のヒントが検出されました Detectado o primeiro indício de matéria negra Обнаружен первый намек на темную материю

A cosmic ray detector on the International Space Station has found the first real hint of dark matter--that elusive substance scientists think outnumbers normal matter by a ratio of 5 to 1. |||||||||||||||||||неуловимый||||превосходит числом||||||| |||||||||||||||||||elusive||||||||||| 国際宇宙ステーションの宇宙線検出器は、暗黒物質の最初の本当のヒントを発見しました.5対1の比率で、とらえどころのない物質の科学者が考えている.

And that’s why this is such an important story, we can detect all the normal matter that makes up everything in our known universe including you and me - but we’ve come to realize that there’s this invisible stuff - or at least invisible to the detection technology we have so far - and this stuff fills space and exerts gravitational pull on galaxies. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||оказывает воздействие|||| 这就是为什么这个故事如此重要的原因,我们可以检测到构成我们已知宇宙中所有事物的所有正常物质,包括您和我-但我们已经意识到存在这种看不见的东西-或至少对于检测来说是看不见的到目前为止,我们拥有的技术-这些东西充满了空间并在星系上施加了引力。 So it’s been a big challenge just to figure out that dark matter exists at all, let alone figuring out how to detect it and actually finding some by building this billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Альфа-магнитный спектрометр ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

But, for the first time, we have some kind of confirmation of actual dark matter. Now, the scientists aren’t anywhere near ready to conclusively say they’ve definitely found dark matter, but the initial data seems to be confirming that it’s there and they’re confident that over the next two decades aboard the space station, the experiment’s smooth operation so far indicates it should produce enough data to settle the dark matter mystery once and for all. ||||||||окончательно|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||resolve|||||||| 現在、科学者たちは暗黒物質を確実に発見したと断定的に言う準備ができていませんが、最初のデータはそれがそこにあることを確認しているようで、宇宙ステーションに乗って次の20年間、実験のこれまでのスムーズな運用は、暗黒物質の謎を完全に解決するのに十分なデータを生成する必要があることを示しています。 現在,科學家們還沒有準備好說服他們肯定地發現了暗物質,但是最初的數據似乎正在證實暗物質已經存在,並且他們有信心在未來的二十年裡,在空間站上進行實驗。到目前為止的順利運行表明它應該產生足夠的數據來徹底解決暗物質的奧秘。