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Interesting facts, Future Space Exploration

Future Space Exploration

For half a century we've been visiting the cosmos.

This is a look at some of the missions and technologies we will pursue in the next 50 years and beyond as we continue to explore the infinite space around us. In the short-term, NASA's only committed to servicing and manning the International Space Station until 2024, so there's a good chance the project will be deorbited within the decade.

Meanwhile, the Chinese are working toward building their own space station.

So space is currently undergoing this transformation as companies begin to fulfill the relatively simple tasks of taking people, cargo, and satellites into orbit, while NASA has shifted its focus to much more difficult challenges, like capturing and mining asteroids and sending man to Mars. But many obstacles will need to be overcome before either mission becomes a reality, including protecting astronauts from exposure to high levels of radiation from the Sun and getting people to, and successfully landing on, the Red Planet. For example, if a human entered the Martian atmosphere at the same speed the curiosity rover did, our retinas would detach from our eyes. So to get a sense for how researchers are imagining the future of space, let's take a look at the 15 projects NASA just funded with $100,000 grants. Superconducting systems that can stay 50 degrees celsius cooler than their surroundings to allow for long-term cryogenic freezing.

It's not for keeping Han Solo or astronauts, like in Interstellar, alive, it's to store large amounts of energy for the long distances necessary to reach deep space. Nanotechnology will make new satellites and space probes tiny and cheap.

Highly concentrated energy beams fired from Earth could continuously power these tiny objects at ultra-high-speeds away from Earth. These beams could also vaporize asteroids threatening our planet. Another idea is for tiny “cubesats” to bombard the surface of asteroids and comets to gather seismic readings that would reveal what's beneath their surfaces. Powerful radio waves shot out of quasars and pulsars act like a map and could guide an autopilot system for spacecraft venturing into deep space.

Chemicals mined from asteroids could be used as fuel for spaceships. Another asteroid project would extract 100 tons of water by drilling into it with concentrated sunlight -- a technique called optical mining -- and then keep the frozen ice ball in Earth orbit for use in later, manned missions.

Then there's “the hopper,” a rocket-powered vehicle that could explore Neptune's moon Triton -- which only has 8% of Earth's gravity -- could hop off the surface and circle the moon in one bounce.

Robots powered by wind and the magnetic fields of host planets could allow for the exploration of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn.

And Jupiter's shifting magnetic field could also power a squid-like rover that could even be submerged in the subsurface saltwater ocean on its moon Europa. Space-based telescopes with magnetic mirrors will allow them to move to correct for image distortion--a much more dynamic approach than today's generations of giant telescopes with fixed mirrors.

Another effort aims to replace expensive, curved mirrors in space telescopes altogether by substituting them for an ultra-thin film that achieves the same effect at a fraction of the cost.

Hives of tiny, inexpensive robots could swarm the coldest, dark sides of our moon to gather samples and then come together to heat them up and report back the data.

“Thirsty Walls” is a complete reimagining of the Air Revitalization system (AR) to recycle air in a highly efficient way in microgravity so people can survive long-range missions.

The oxygen supply problem is one of the main challenges in getting humans to Mars. Which project do you think most needs to succeed?

Join the conversation with your thoughts in a comment below, and if you liked this video, share it to help it spread. You can watch more TDC by clicking the video on the left for our breakdown of the imminent weaponization of Space. Or the video on the right to learn about 10 future energy sources that could power life on Earth into the next century. And if you want to learn a lot more about the ultimate frontier, we've arranged for you to get a free audio download of the new book “Space Chronicles” by the preeminent space communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson through the link below if you sign up for a free-30-day trial at Audible.com. This has been a production of the two-man team at TDC, aka, the Plank brothers. We'll leave you with this thought from the great Carl Sagan: “There is perhaps no better a demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.”

Future Space Exploration Futura exploración espacial 未来の宇宙探査 Exploração espacial futura

For half a century we’ve been visiting the cosmos. 半世紀にわたり、私たちは宇宙を訪れてきました。

This is a look at some of the missions and technologies we will pursue in the next 50 years and beyond as we continue to explore the infinite space around us. |||||||||||||осуществлять|||||||||||||||| これは、私たちの周りの無限の空間を探求し続ける中で、今後 50 年、さらにその先に私たちが追求するミッションとテクノロジーの一部を示しています。 In the short-term, NASA’s only committed to servicing and manning the International Space Station until 2024, so there’s a good chance the project will be deorbited within the decade. |||||||||||||||||||||||||выведен с ор||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ten years |||||||||||||||||||||||||desorbitado||| 短期的には、NASA は 2024 年まで国際宇宙ステーションの整備と人員配置に専念しているだけなので、プロジェクトが 10 年以内に軌道から外れる可能性は十分にあります。

Meanwhile, the Chinese are working toward building their own space station. enquanto|||||||||| 一方、中国は独自の宇宙ステーションの建設に取り組んでいます。

So space is currently undergoing this transformation as companies begin to fulfill the relatively simple tasks of taking people, cargo, and satellites into orbit, while NASA has shifted its focus to much more difficult challenges, like capturing and mining asteroids and sending man to Mars. ||||претерпевает|||||||выполнять||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||cargo||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||passando por|||||||||||||||||||||||mudado|||||||||||mineração|||||| Por lo tanto, el espacio actualmente está experimentando esta transformación a medida que las compañías comienzan a cumplir las tareas relativamente simples de llevar a las personas, la carga y los satélites a la órbita, mientras que la NASA ha cambiado su enfoque hacia desafíos mucho más difíciles, como capturar y extraer asteroides y enviar al hombre a Marte. そのため、企業が人、貨物、衛星を軌道に乗せるという比較的単純なタスクを実行し始める一方で、NASA は小惑星の捕獲と採掘、火星への人間の派遣など、はるかに困難な課題に焦点を移しているため、宇宙は現在この変化を遂げています。 But many obstacles will need to be overcome before either mission becomes a reality, including protecting astronauts from exposure to high levels of radiation from the Sun and getting people to, and successfully landing on, the Red Planet. しかし、宇宙飛行士を太陽からの高レベルの放射線にさらされることから保護し、人々を火星に到達させ、着陸に成功させるなど、どちらのミッションも現実になる前に、多くの障害を克服する必要があります。 For example, if a human entered the Martian atmosphere at the same speed the curiosity rover did, our retinas would detach from our eyes. ||||||||||||||||||сетчатки||||| たとえば、人間がキュリオシティ ローバーと同じ速度で火星の大気圏に入ると、網膜が目から離れます。 Por exemplo, se um humano entrasse na atmosfera marciana na mesma velocidade que o rover da curiosidade, nossas retinas se desprenderiam de nossos olhos. So to get a sense for how researchers are imagining the future of space, let’s take a look at the 15 projects NASA just funded with $100,000 grants. Para tener una idea de cómo los investigadores se están imaginando el futuro del espacio, echemos un vistazo a los 15 proyectos que la NASA acaba de financiar con $ 100,000 subvenciones. 研究者が宇宙の未来をどのように想像しているかを理解するために、NASA が 10 万ドルの助成金を提供したばかりの 15 のプロジェクトを見てみましょう。 Superconducting systems that can stay 50 degrees celsius cooler than their surroundings to allow for long-term cryogenic freezing. ||||||||||||||||криогенные| ||||||||||||||||cryogenic| Los sistemas superconductores que pueden mantenerse 50 grados centígrados más frescos que sus alrededores para permitir la congelación criogénica a largo plazo. 周囲よりも摂氏 50 度の温度を維持できる超電導システムで、長期の極低温冷凍が可能です。

It’s not for keeping Han Solo or astronauts, like in Interstellar, alive, it’s to store large amounts of energy for the long distances necessary to reach deep space. インターステラーのように、ハン・ソロや宇宙飛行士を生かしておくためではなく、深宇宙に到達するために必要な長距離のために大量のエネルギーを蓄えるためのものです. Nanotechnology will make new satellites and space probes tiny and cheap. Нанотехнология|||||||||| La nanotecnología hará que los nuevos satélites y sondas espaciales sean pequeños y baratos. ナノテクノロジーによって、新しい人工衛星や宇宙探査機が小型で安価になります。

Highly concentrated energy beams fired from Earth could continuously power these tiny objects at ultra-high-speeds away from Earth. Los rayos de energía altamente concentrados disparados desde la Tierra podrían alimentar continuamente estos diminutos objetos a velocidades ultra altas lejos de la Tierra. 地球から発射された高濃度のエネルギービームは、地球から離れた超高速でこれらの小さな物体に継続的に電力を供給することができます. These beams could also vaporize asteroids threatening our planet. |feixes||||||| Estos rayos también podrían vaporizar asteroides que amenazan a nuestro planeta. これらのビームは、地球を脅かす小惑星を蒸発させる可能性もあります。 Another idea is for tiny “cubesats” to bombard the surface of asteroids and comets to gather seismic readings that would reveal what’s beneath their surfaces. |||||кубсатов||||||||кометы||||данные сейсом||||||| |||||cubesats|||||||||||sísmica|||||||| Otra idea es que los pequeños "cubesats" bombeen la superficie de los asteroides y cometas para reunir lecturas sísmicas que revelarían lo que hay debajo de sus superficies. もう 1 つのアイデアは、小さな「キューブサット」を小惑星や彗星の表面に衝突させて地震の測定値を収集し、その表面の下に何があるかを明らかにすることです。 Powerful radio waves shot out of quasars and pulsars act like a map and could guide an autopilot system for spacecraft venturing into deep space. ||||||квазары||пульсары|||||||||||||||| ||||||quasares||pulsares||||||||||||espaçonave|aventurando||| クエーサーとパルサーから発射される強力な電波は、地図のように機能し、宇宙船が深宇宙に進出するための自動操縦システムを導くことができます。

Chemicals mined from asteroids could be used as fuel for spaceships. |добываемые на|||||||||космических кораб Los productos químicos extraídos de asteroides podrían usarse como combustible para naves espaciales. 小惑星から採掘された化学物質は、宇宙船の燃料として使用できる可能性があります。 Another asteroid project would extract 100 tons of water by drilling into it with concentrated sunlight -- a technique called optical mining -- and then keep the frozen ice ball in Earth orbit for use in later, manned missions. |||||||||perfuração|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Otro proyecto de asteroides extraería 100 toneladas de agua perforando con la luz solar concentrada, una técnica llamada minería óptica, y luego mantendría la bola de hielo congelada en la órbita de la Tierra para usarla en misiones tripuladas posteriores. 別の小惑星プロジェクトでは、集光された太陽光で穴を開けて 100 トンの水を抽出し、光マイニングと呼ばれる技術を使用して、凍った氷球を地球軌道に保持し、後の有人ミッションで使用できるようにします。

Then there’s “the hopper,” a rocket-powered vehicle that could explore Neptune’s moon Triton -- which only has 8% of Earth’s gravity -- could hop off the surface and circle the moon in one bounce. |||прыгун||||||||Нептуна||Тритон|||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||leap |||||||||||||||||||||salto||||||||||salto それから「ホッパー」があります。これは海王星の衛星トリトン (地球の重力の 8% しかない) を探索できるロケット推進の乗り物で、表面から飛び降りて 1 回の跳ね返りで月を一周することができます。

Robots powered by wind and the magnetic fields of host planets could allow for the exploration of the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. ||||||||||||||||||||Юпитер|| ||||||magnetic fields|||||||||||||||| 風とホスト惑星の磁場を動力源とするロボットは、木星と土星の大気の探査を可能にする可能性があります。

And Jupiter’s shifting magnetic field could also power a squid-like rover that could even be submerged in the subsurface saltwater ocean on its moon Europa. |Юпитера||||||||||||||||||подповерхностный||||||Европа |||||||||lula|||||||||||água salgada||||| また、木星の変化する磁場は、衛星エウロパの地下の塩水海に沈むイカのようなローバーにも動力を与える可能性があります。 Space-based telescopes with magnetic mirrors will allow them to move to correct for image distortion--a much more dynamic approach than today’s generations of giant telescopes with fixed mirrors. |||||||||||||||искажение изображения|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||distortion|||||||||||||| 磁気ミラーを備えた宇宙ベースの望遠鏡は、画像の歪みを修正するために移動できるようになります。これは、固定ミラーを備えた今日の世代の巨大望遠鏡よりもはるかに動的なアプローチです。

Another effort aims to replace expensive, curved mirrors in space telescopes altogether by substituting them for an ultra-thin film that achieves the same effect at a fraction of the cost. 別の取り組みは、宇宙望遠鏡の高価な曲面ミラーを、わずかなコストで同じ効果を達成する超薄膜に置き換えることで、完全に置き換えることを目的としています。

Hives of tiny, inexpensive robots could swarm the coldest, dark sides of our moon to gather samples and then come together to heat them up and report back the data. ||||||||самых холодных||||||||||||||||||||| colmeias|||inexpensive|||||||||||||||||||||||||| 小型で安価なロボットの巣箱は、月の最も冷たい暗い側面に群がってサンプルを収集し、集まってそれらを加熱し、データを報告することができます。

“Thirsty Walls” is a complete reimagining of the Air Revitalization system (AR) to recycle air in a highly efficient way in microgravity so people can survive long-range missions. Жаждущие стены|||||новое представление||||Ревитализация воздуха||||||||||||||||||| |||||reworking||||||Air Revitalization||||||||||||||||| 「Thirsty Walls」は、Air Revitalization システム (AR) を完全に再考したもので、微小重力下で非常に効率的な方法で空気をリサイクルし、人々が長距離ミッションを生き残ることができるようにします。

The oxygen supply problem is one of the main challenges in getting humans to Mars. 酸素供給の問題は、人類が火星に到達する際の主要な課題の 1 つです。 Which project do you think most needs to succeed? どのプロジェクトが最も成功する必要があると思いますか?

Join the conversation with your thoughts in a comment below, and if you liked this video, share it to help it spread. 以下のコメントであなたの考えを会話に参加してください。このビデオが気に入った場合は、共有して拡散してください. You can watch more TDC by clicking the video on the left for our breakdown of the imminent weaponization of Space. |||||||||||||||||неизбежной||| ||||||||||||||||||armamentação|| 差し迫った宇宙の兵器化の内訳については、左側のビデオをクリックして、TDC をさらに見ることができます。 Você pode assistir a mais TDC clicando no vídeo à esquerda para ver nossa análise da iminente armamentização do Espaço. Or the video on the right to learn about 10 future energy sources that could power life on Earth into the next century. または、右のビデオで、次の世紀に向けて地球上の生命に力を与える可能性のある 10 の将来のエネルギー源について学びましょう。 And if you want to learn a lot more about the ultimate frontier, we’ve arranged for you to get a free audio download of the new book “Space Chronicles” by the preeminent space communicator Neil deGrasse Tyson through the link below if you sign up for a free-30-day trial at Audible.com. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||выдающийся||||деграсс||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||ultimate frontier|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| また、究極のフロンティアについてさらに詳しく知りたい場合は、サインアップすると、卓越した宇宙コミュニケーターであるニール・ドグラース・タイソンによる新しい本「スペース・クロニクルズ」の無料オーディオ・ダウンロードを以下のリンクから入手できるように手配しました。 Audible.com での 30 日間の無料トライアル。 This has been a production of the two-man team at TDC, aka, the Plank brothers. これは、TDC の 2 人のチーム、別名 Plank 兄弟の作品です。 We’ll leave you with this thought from the great Carl Sagan: “There is perhaps no better a demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world.” ||||||||||Карл Саган||||||||||глупость|||самодовольства|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||vanities|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||loucura||||||||||| Wir werden Sie mit diesem Gedanken des großen Carl Sagan zurücklassen: "Es gibt vielleicht keine bessere Demonstration der Torheit menschlicher Einfälle als dieses ferne Bild unserer winzigen Welt." 偉大なカール セーガンの考えをここに残します。