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Interesting facts, kissing facts - 8 mind blowing facts about kissing

kissing facts - 8 mind blowing facts about kissing


A kiss is the act of pressing ones lips lips against another's lips, body or an object.

Among other things a kiss can express love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship and good luck. The science of kissing is named philematology.

Kissing is nearly universal and is practiced in at least 90 percent of cultures among sexual or romantic partners. Depending on the culture, relationship and context, a person may kiss another on their lips, cheek, head, hand and each of these gestures may carry a difference social significance. According 0:40 to to a recent research, males kiss romantically as a way of trying to gain sexual favors and also to attempt reconciliation.

Females kiss to assess prospective mates. If a female is in a committed relationship she will kiss to reestablish her status in the relationship. In general, kissing has higher importance to women than men and women are more likely to insist on kissing before a sexual encounter. Couples transfer an average of 9 milligrams of water, 0.7 milligrams of protein, 0.18 milligrams of organic matter, 0.71 milligrams of fat and 0.45 milligrams of salt to each other with each open-mouthed kiss.

A kiss transmits smells, tastes, sound and tactile signals that all affect how individuals perceive each other and, ultimately, whether they will want to kiss again. Women tend to be attracted to male partners with different genetic makeup from their own.

This is detected through smell during the kiss. Kissing can escalate a relationship or end it. A typical French kiss moves 29 muscles in the face.

The most universally known kiss is the French kiss. The ‘French kiss' is a type of sexual arousal in which two people kiss with their mouths open so that the tongues can touch.There are hundreds of different theories on the origin of the French kiss. A common theory states that the term 'French Kiss' dates back to the 1730’s. It is believed that the word French was used as a derogatory term. In 1666 Pope Alexander VII proclaimed kissing as a sin.

Philematophobia is a fear of kissing.

A person suffering with this phobia might experience breathlessness, excessive sweating, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation of detachment from reality or a full blown anxiety attack. The first kiss ever recorded 2:30 on film was called The Kiss (1896).

The world's longest kiss took place in New York City, lasting 30 hours, 59 minutes, and 27 seconds. The exact origin of kissing is unknown.

One theory suggests that the nourishment and oral satisfaction that kissing provides may be linked to the long history of prehistoric mothers who, through the act of “mouth feeding,” transferred pre-masticated food to their infants. A kiss can contain up to 278 different bacteria, 95% of which are non-dangerous.

70% of people aged 16 to 24 years had their first kiss by age 15, 46% of their parents had kissed by that age.

Narrated by Erica Laba.

Animated by Andrej Preston and concept art by Lindsey Millikan. Follow the Infographics Show on Twitter (@TheInfoShow) and Facebook (facebook.com/theinfographicsshow). Also send in your suggestion on what you would like to see in the future episodes. And don't forget to leave us a comment on SuprNova.org

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Kissing. Líbání

A kiss is the act of pressing ones lips lips against another’s lips, body or an object. Поцілунок - це акт притискання власних губ до губ, тіла або предмета іншого.

Among other things a kiss can express love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship and good luck. |||||||||нежность||приветствие|||| Polibek může mimo jiné vyjádřit lásku, vášeň, náklonnost, úctu, pozdrav, přátelství a hodně štěstí. Серед іншого поцілунок може виражати любов, пристрасть, прихильність, повагу, привітання, дружбу та удачу. The science of kissing is named philematology. ||||||Филематология ||||||philematology Věda líbání se jmenuje filematologie.

Kissing is nearly universal and is practiced in at least 90 percent of cultures among sexual or romantic partners. Líbání je téměř univerzální a praktikuje se alespoň v 90 procentech kultur mezi sexuálními nebo romantickými partnery. Depending on the culture, relationship and context, a person may kiss another on their lips, cheek, head, hand and each of these gestures may carry a difference social significance. V závislosti na kultuře, vztahu a kontextu může člověk políbit druhého na rty, tvář, hlavu, ruku a každé z těchto gest může mít rozdílný společenský význam. According 0:40 to to a recent research, males kiss romantically as a way of trying to gain sexual favors and also to attempt reconciliation. ||||||||романтическим образом|||||||||сексуальные услуги||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||reunion Podle 0:40 až nedávného výzkumu se muži romanticky líbají jako způsob, jak se pokusit získat sexuální služby a pokusit se o smíření.

Females kiss to assess prospective mates. |||оценивать|потенциальных| Ženy se líbají, aby posoudily potenciální kamarády. If a female is in a committed relationship she will kiss to reestablish her status in the relationship. ||||||||||||||relationship status||| Pokud je žena ve spáchaném vztahu, bude se líbat, aby obnovila svůj status ve vztahu. In general, kissing has higher importance to women than men and women are more likely to insist on kissing before a sexual encounter. ||||||||||||||||настаивать на поцелуе||||||сексуальная встреча Obecně má líbání pro ženy větší význam než pro muže a u žen je pravděpodobnější, že budou líbat před sexuálním setkáním. Couples transfer an average of 9 milligrams of water, 0.7 milligrams of protein, 0.18 milligrams of organic matter, 0.71 milligrams of fat and 0.45 milligrams of salt to each other with each open-mouthed kiss.

A kiss transmits smells, tastes, sound and tactile signals that all affect how individuals perceive each other and, ultimately, whether they will want to kiss again. ||передаёт|||||тактильные ощущения|||||||||||в конечном итоге||||||| Polibek přenáší pachy, chutě, zvuky a hmatové signály, které ovlivňují to, jak se jednotlivci navzájem vnímají, a nakonec, zda se budou chtít znovu líbat. Women tend to be attracted to male partners with different genetic makeup from their own. Ženy mají tendenci být přitahovány k mužským partnerům s odlišnou genetickou výbavou, než je jejich vlastní.

This is detected through smell during the kiss. To je detekováno vůní během líbání. Kissing can escalate a relationship or end it. ||перерасти||||| Líbání může vztah eskalovat nebo ukončit. A typical French kiss moves 29 muscles in the face. Typický francouzský polibek posune 29 svalů do obličeje.

The most universally known kiss is the French kiss. The ‘French kiss' is a type of sexual arousal in which two people kiss with their mouths open so that the tongues can touch.There are hundreds of different theories on the origin of the French kiss. ||||||||возбуждение|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||eccitazione sessuale|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| „Francouzský polibek“ je druh sexuálního vzrušení, při kterém se dva lidé líbají s otevřenými ústy, aby se jazyky mohly dotknout. O původu francouzského polibku existují stovky různých teorií. A common theory states that the term 'French Kiss' dates back to the 1730’s. Obecná teorie uvádí, že pojem „francouzský polibek“ sahá až do 30. let 20. století. It is believed that the word French was used as a derogatory term. |||||||||||уничижительный термин| |||||||||||disparaging| Předpokládá se, že slovo francouzština bylo používáno jako hanlivý termín. In 1666 Pope Alexander VII proclaimed kissing as a sin.

Philematophobia is a fear of kissing. Филематофобия — страх поцелуев.||||| Philematophobia je strach z líbání.

A person suffering with this phobia might experience breathlessness, excessive sweating, dry mouth, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, inability to speak or think clearly, a fear of dying, becoming mad or losing control, a sensation of detachment from reality or a full blown anxiety attack. ||||||||одышка|||||||дрожь||Сердцебиение|||||||||||||||||ощущение||отстранённость от реальности|||||||| Osoba trpící touto fobií může pociťovat dušnost, nadměrné pocení, sucho v ústech, pocit nevolnosti, třes, bušení srdce, neschopnost jasně mluvit nebo myslet, strach ze smrti, zešílení nebo ztráta kontroly, pocit odloučení od reality nebo útok plné úzkosti. The first kiss ever recorded 2:30 on film was called The Kiss (1896). První polibek, který byl ve filmu zaznamenán ve 2:30, se jmenoval The Kiss (1896).

The world’s longest kiss took place in New York City, lasting 30 hours, 59 minutes, and 27 seconds. The exact origin of kissing is unknown. Přesný původ líbání není znám.

One theory suggests that the nourishment and oral satisfaction that kissing provides may be linked to the long history of prehistoric mothers who, through the act of “mouth feeding,” transferred pre-masticated food to their infants. |||||питание||||||||||||||||||||||||||предварительно пережёванный||||младенцы Jedna teorie naznačuje, že výživa a orální uspokojení, které líbání poskytuje, mohou souviset s dlouhou historií prehistorických matek, které prostřednictvím „krmení úst“ přenášely předžvýkané jídlo na své kojence. A kiss can contain up to 278 different bacteria, 95% of which are non-dangerous.

70% of people aged 16 to 24 years had their first kiss by age 15, 46% of their parents had kissed by that age. |||||||||||||||целовались||| 70% lidí ve věku 16 až 24 let mělo svůj první polibek do 15 let, 46% jejich rodičů se políbilo do tohoto věku.

Narrated by Erica Laba. Озвучено Эрикой Лаба.||| Vyprávěla Erica Laba.

Animated by Andrej Preston and concept art by Lindsey Millikan. Animovaný Andrejem Prestonem a konceptuální umění Lindsey Millikan. Follow the Infographics Show on Twitter (@TheInfoShow) and Facebook (facebook.com/theinfographicsshow). Sledujte infografickou show na Twitteru (@TheInfoShow) a Facebooku (facebook.com/theinfographicsshow). Also send in your suggestion on what you would like to see in the future episodes. Zašlete také svůj návrh, co byste rádi viděli v budoucích epizodách. And don’t forget to leave us a comment on SuprNova.org