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Interesting facts, New Cancer Drug Shrinks All Tumors!?!

New Cancer Drug Shrinks All Tumors!?!

A new cancer-fighting drug has successfully shrunk every tumor its been tested on.

This is a potentially huge breakthrough in the fight to cure cancer-- The amazing work was done by a team at the Stanford University Medical Center that piggybacked on the knowledge that people with cancer have a lot more of these surface markers, called CD47, that say to the immune system, “don't eat me”, essentially protecting bad cancer cells from being killed off.

So they designed an antibody to shut these CD-47s up and introduced it into human cancer cells - not into humans directly yet, but in cells they took from humans and put in petri dishes and lab mice, and it worked: they found that when a variety of tumors, ranging from breast to brain, were hit with the antibody treatment, the CD47s were blocked, resulting in shrinking tumors, and a stopping of the spread of cancer. It worked in 10 out of the 10 mice they tested it on.

This is so good, so groundbreaking, the team is now working with a $20 million grant to move from mouse trials to safety tests in humans. Now these results are maybe the most exciting ever in the history of cancer research, but there's still a ton of work to do. The microenvironment of a tumor interacting with the rest of the human body is way more complicated than treating a transplanted tumor in a mouse or one that's just lying in a petri dish.

Tumors in humans could have additional immune suppressing effects that scientists will have to overcome and the antibody treatment used in this study could also create unknown side effects on the rest of the body. But that said, this story makes it seems like the fight to cure cancer is becoming more winnable by the day.

New Cancer Drug Shrinks All Tumors!?! Yeni||||| Neues Krebsmedikament lässt alle Tumore schrumpfen!? Un nuevo fármaco contra el cáncer reduce todos los tumores Novo medicamento contra o cancro reduz todos os tumores!!! 新型抗癌药物可缩小所有肿瘤!?!

A new cancer-fighting drug has successfully shrunk every tumor its been tested on. |||||||küçülttü|||||| نجح عقار جديد لمكافحة السرطان في تقليص كل ورم تم اختباره بنجاح.

This is a potentially huge breakthrough in the fight to cure cancer-- The amazing work was done by a team at the Stanford University Medical Center that piggybacked on the knowledge that people with cancer have a lot more of these surface markers, called CD47, that say to the immune system, “don’t eat me”, essentially protecting bad cancer cells from being killed off. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||воспользовалась||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||büyük ilerleme||||||||||||||||||||||dayandı|||bilgi||||||||||||yüzey belirteçleri|||||||||||||||||||| これは、癌を治すための戦いにおける潜在的に大きな進歩です-驚くべき仕事は、癌を持つ人々がCD47と呼ばれるこれらの表面マーカーをもっとたくさん持っているという知識に便乗したスタンフォード大学医療センターのチームによって行われました。免疫系に「私を食べないでください」と言って、本質的に悪い癌細胞が殺されるのを防ぎます。

So they designed an antibody to shut these CD-47s up and introduced it into human cancer cells - not into humans directly yet, but in cells they took from humans and put in petri dishes and lab mice, and it worked: they found that when a variety of tumors, ranging from breast to brain, were hit with the antibody treatment, the CD47s were blocked, resulting in shrinking tumors, and a stopping of the spread of cancer. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||лечение||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||petri kapları||||||||||||||||||meme kanseri||||||||||||||||||||||||| そこで彼らは、これらのCD-47を遮断する抗体を設計し、それをヒトの癌細胞に導入しました-まだ直接ヒトには導入していませんが、ヒトから採取してペトリ皿や実験用マウスに入れた細胞に導入しました。乳房から脳に至るまでのさまざまな腫瘍が抗体治療で攻撃され、CD47がブロックされ、腫瘍が縮小し、癌の広がりが止まりました。 It worked in 10 out of the 10 mice they tested it on. それは彼らがそれをテストした10匹のマウスのうちの10匹で働いた。

This is so good, so groundbreaking, the team is now working with a $20 million grant to move from mouse trials to safety tests in humans. ||||||||||||||funding|||||||||| |||||çığır açıcı|||||||||hibe|||||||||| Now these results are maybe the most exciting ever in the history of cancer research, but there’s still a ton of work to do. The microenvironment of a tumor interacting with the rest of the human body is way more complicated than treating a transplanted tumor in a mouse or one that’s just lying in a petri dish. |микроокружение|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||petri kabı| 人体の残りの部分と相互作用する腫瘍の微小環境は、移植された腫瘍をマウスまたはペトリ皿に横たわっている腫瘍を治療するよりもはるかに複雑です。

Tumors in humans could have additional immune suppressing effects that scientists will have to overcome and the antibody treatment used in this study could also create unknown side effects on the rest of the body. |||||||угнетающий||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 人間の腫瘍は、科学者が克服しなければならない追加の免疫抑制効果を持っている可能性があり、この研究で使用された抗体治療はまた、体の残りの部分に未知の副作用を引き起こす可能性があります。 But that said, this story makes it seems like the fight to cure cancer is becoming more winnable by the day. |||||||||||||||||победимый||| |||||||||||||||||achievable||| |||||||||||||||||kazanılabilir hale geliyor|||