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Interesting facts, Shocking Facts about Water

Shocking Facts about Water


Water is essential to everyday life for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and landscaping.

In a day, Europeans use about 50 gallons of water. Americans use 100 gallons. 400 billion gallons are used in u.s. Those living in sub-saharan Africa use 2-5 gallons. 36 million gallons are leaked in the new York city water supply system. 200 gallons can be wasted by a running toilet. 1 drip per second can become 30000 gallons per year. A bath uses up to 70 gallons. A shower uses 10-25 gallons

More than 25% of bottled water comes from the same place as tap water; a municipal water supply. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day from water bottles will cost up to $1400 over a year. Drinking from the tap will cost about 50 cents per year.

55-78% of a humans body weight is made up of water. 97% of water is salt water, 3% is fresh .3% of which is found at the earth's surface. 68.7% of earths fresh water is unusable because it is in glaciers. More water is found in the atmosphere than all of the rivers of the planet combined. Water is the only compound on earth that naturally exists in solid, liquid, and gas. Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid.

It takes, 10 gallons to make a single slice of bread, 713 gallons to produce a cotton t-shirt, 1000 gallons to make 1 gallon of milk, 634 gallons to produce one burger.

Shocking Facts about Water Schockierende Fakten über Wasser Datos impactantes sobre el agua Schokkende feiten over water Szokujące fakty na temat wody Factos chocantes sobre a água 关于水的令人震惊的事实


Water is essential to everyday life for drinking, cooking, bathing, cleaning, and landscaping. ||||||||||||озеленение |||||||||washing|||gardening ||||||||||||paisagismo |||||||||fare il bagno|||paesaggistica 水は、飲んだり、料理をしたり、入浴したり、掃除したり、造園したりするために日常生活に不可欠です。 İçme, yemek pişirme, banyo, temizlik ve çevre düzenlemesi için günlük yaşam için su şarttır. 水是日常生活的必需品,用于饮用、烹饪、沐浴、清洁和绿化。

In a day, Europeans use about 50 gallons of water. ||||||加仑|| ||||||galões|| За день європейці споживають близько 50 галонів води. Americans use 100 gallons. 400 billion gallons are used in u.s. Those living in sub-saharan Africa use 2-5 gallons. ||||субсахарской||| ||||sub-Saharan||| ||||撒哈拉以南||| 36 million gallons are leaked in the new York city water supply system. |||泄漏|||||||| |||fuoriescono|||||||sistema| |||vazados|||||||| ニューヨーク市の水道システムで 3,600 万ガロンの水が漏れています。 뉴욕시 급수 시스템에서 3,600 만 갤런이 누출됩니다. 200 gallons can be wasted by a running toilet. |||sprecati|||that is running| ランニングトイレでは200ガロンが無駄になります。 1 drip per second can become 30000 gallons per year. 滴||||||| goccia||||||| A bath uses up to 70 gallons. お風呂は最大70ガロンを使用します。 A shower uses 10-25 gallons

More than 25% of bottled water comes from the same place as tap water; a municipal water supply. ||||||||相同||||||市政的|| ||||||||||||||city water|| |||||||||||acqua del rubinetto||||| Más del 25% del agua embotellada proviene del mismo lugar que el agua del grifo; Un suministro de agua municipal. ボトル入り飲料水の25%以上が水道水と同じ場所から来ています。地方自治体の水道。 超过 25% 的瓶装水与自来水来自同一来源:市政供水。 Drinking 8 glasses of water a day from water bottles will cost up to $1400 over a year. 水筒から1日8杯の水を飲むと、1年で最大$ 1400かかります。 Drinking from the tap will cost about 50 cents per year. |||自来水|||||| |||acqua del rubinetto|||||| 蛇口からの飲酒は年間約50セントかかります。

55-78% of a humans body weight is made up of water. 97% of water is salt water, 3% is fresh .3% of which is found at the earth’s surface. 水の97%は塩水であり、3%は新鮮です。そのうちの3%は地表にあります。 68.7% of earths fresh water is unusable because it is in glaciers. ||||||||||ледники |earth||||||||| |das terras||||||||| ||||||||||冰川 地球の淡水の 68.7% は氷河にあるため使用できません。 More water is found in the atmosphere than all of the rivers of the planet combined. ||||||大气||||||||| 大気中には、惑星のすべての川を合わせたよりも多くの水が見つかります。 В атмосфере содержится больше воды, чем во всех реках планеты вместе взятых. Water is the only compound on earth that naturally exists in solid, liquid, and gas. ||||化合物|||||||||| 水は、固体、液体、気体に自然に存在する地球上の唯一の化合物です。 Вода — единственное соединение на Земле, которое в природе существует в твердом, жидком и газообразном состояниях. Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid. ||溶解||物质|||| 水は他の液体よりも多くの物質を溶解できます。 Вода может растворить больше веществ, чем любая другая жидкость.

It takes, 10 gallons to make a single slice of bread, 713 gallons to produce a cotton t-shirt, 1000 gallons to make 1 gallon of milk, 634 gallons to produce one burger. |||||||片段|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||gallon||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||galão||||||| 1枚のパンを作るのに10ガロン、綿のTシャツを作るのに713ガロン、1ガロンの牛乳を作るのに1000ガロン、1つのバーガーを作るのに634ガロンかかります。 Tek bir dilim ekmek yapmak için 10 galon, bir pamuk t-shirt üretmek için 713 galon, 1 galon süt üretmek için 1000 galon, bir burger üretmek için ise 634 galon alır. 生产一片面包需要 10 加仑的石油,生产一件棉质 T 恤需要 713 加仑的石油,生产 1 加仑牛奶需要 1000 加仑的石油,生产一个汉堡需要 634 加仑的石油。