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Interesting facts, The Future of Flight

The Future of Flight

These are the technological developments that will allow us to move ourselves and our cargo cheaper, greener, and faster, through the air, going forward.

This is the future of flight. With the first all-electric twin-engine, self-powered aircraft successfully crossing the English Channel this month, and the ongoing effort of the Solar Impulse team to become the first completely solar-powered aircraft to fly around the world, the amount of innovation targeting the aviation industry is eye-opening.

Within the next year, unmanned, solar-powered drones like the Silent Falcon will hit the commercial UAV market.

The Joby Aviation S2 electric is a proposed Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft that could be five times as efficient as a conventional personal airplane.

Airbus' two passenger version of the E-Fan will use on-board lithium batteries to power two electric engines. The Aeroscraft ML868 could lead a comeback of giant airships.

The 770 foot-long behemoth can carry 200 tons with cargo bays larger than any current air, truck or rail transport vehicle. Aerion's AS2 is the first supersonic commercial jet since the Concorde.

It will fly at a speed of Mach 1.6. Laminar flow technology and better wing design will reduce drag by 20%. By the middle of the 2020’s we'll likely see solar powered drones delivering broadband to millions for a fraction of the cost of traditional satellites.

Building on the concept of drones and autonomous flying technology, fully-automated planes will take to the skies to revolutionize not just the air cargo delivery industry, but possibly personal air travel as well, much like what's happening today with driverless cars. By 2030, plant-based fuels should account for 30% or more of an airlines' fuel consumption.

Airbus' hybrid commercial airliner will emit barely any emissions or noise on takeoff and landing thanks to lithium-air batteries. Boeing and NASA could team to launch a hybrid commercial airliner called SUGAR for Subsonic Ultra-Green, Aircraft Research, which uses two-thirds less fuel than an equivalent sized aircraft from 2015.

Travelling 10% slower, but using 70% less fuel than today's Boeing 737, the D8 Series Double Bubble's fuselage will provide 20% of its lift.

By 2040, we could see the world's first hydrogen powered commercial flight.

The hydrogen would be cryogenically frozen. EAD's Zero Emission High Supersonic Transport passenger jet, running on biofuel, could cut the more than 6,000 mile flight from Paris to Tokyo to just 2:30 minutes. Like a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier, commercial planes could be catapulted into the air, reducing the length of runways by one-third.

As if they were a flock of migrating birds, more intelligent systems could allow aircraft on the same routes to self-organize into a flying patter, reducing wind drag and saving fuel. Six hydrogen engines, a rear engine that doubles as a wind turbine, and solar panels on its roof and wings will propel the zero-emission Progress Eagle, a triple-decker, 800-passenger airplane concept that we could see in production by 2070.

Thanks for watching our rundown of the future of flight.

Make sure you hit that like button to share these ideas with your friends, and subscribe to TDC for more videos like this. This episode of The Daily Conversation was edited by Brendan Plank. Until next time, I'm Bryce Plank.

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The Future of Flight Die Zukunft des Fliegens The Future of Flight Przyszłość lotów O futuro do voo Будущее полетов Uçuşun Geleceği 飛行的未來

These are the technological developments that will allow us to move ourselves and our cargo cheaper, greener, and faster, through the air, going forward. ||||||||||||||carga||mais ecológico|||||||para frente These are the technological developments that will allow us to move ourselves and our cargo cheaper, greener, and faster, through the air, going forward. これらは、私たち自身と私たちの貨物を空中で、より安く、より環境に優しく、より速く移動できるようにする技術開発です。 Это технологические разработки, которые позволят нам двигаться вперед, а наши грузы дешевле, экологичнее и быстрее, в прямом эфире.

This is the future of flight. これが飛行の未来です。 With the first all-electric twin-engine, self-powered aircraft successfully crossing the English Channel this month, and the ongoing effort of the Solar Impulse team to become the first completely solar-powered aircraft to fly around the world, the amount of innovation targeting the aviation industry is eye-opening. |||||двигатель|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||em andamento|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 今月初の全電動ツインエンジン、自走式航空機がイギリス海峡をうまく渡り、ソーラーインパルスチームが世界中を飛び回る最初の完全な太陽光発電機になるための継続的な努力により、航空業界をターゲットにすることは目を見張るものです。 С первым полностью электрическим двухмоторным самодельным самолетом, успешно прошедшим перекрестку с Английским каналом в этом месяце, и продолжающимися усилиями команды Solar Impulse стать первым полностью солнечным двигателем, летающим по всему миру, количество инноваций ориентируясь на авиационную промышленность.

Within the next year, unmanned, solar-powered drones like the Silent Falcon will hit the commercial UAV market. ||||||||||||||||беспилотные| В следующем году беспилотные беспилотные дроны, такие как Silent Falcon, попадут на коммерческий рынок БПЛА.

The Joby Aviation S2 electric is a proposed Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft that could be five times as efficient as a conventional personal airplane. |Joby Aviation||||||||взлёт||||||||||||||| |||||||||decolagem||||||||||||||| Joby Aviation S2 electricは、従来の個人用飛行機の5倍の効率が期待できる垂直離着陸機として提案されています。 Электромобиль Joby Aviation S2 представляет собой предлагаемый вертикальный взлетно-посадочный самолет, который может быть в пять раз эффективнее обычного личного самолета.

Airbus' two passenger version of the E-Fan will use on-board lithium batteries to power two electric engines. Эйрбас|||||||||||||||||| エアバスのE-Fanの2人乗りバージョンは、オンボードリチウム電池を使用して2つの電気エンジンに動力を供給します。 В двух пассажирских версиях Airbus E-Fan будут использоваться встроенные литиевые батареи для питания двух электродвигателей. The Aeroscraft ML868 could lead a comeback of giant airships. |Аэроскрафт|||||||| |Aeroscraft|||||||| Aeroscraft ML868は、巨大な飛行船の復活を導く可能性があります。 Aeroscraft ML868 может привести к возвращению гигантских дирижаблей.

The 770 foot-long behemoth can carry 200 tons with cargo bays larger than any current air, truck or rail transport vehicle. |||гигантское суд||||||отсеки для груз|||||||||| |||monstro||||||baías|||||||||| Бегемот длиной 770 футов может перевозить 200 тонн с грузовыми отсеками больше, чем любой текущий воздушный, грузовой или железнодорожный транспорт. Aerion’s AS2 is the first supersonic commercial jet since the Concorde. Аэрион|||||суперзву|||||Конкорд

It will fly at a speed of Mach 1.6. |||||||Мах |||||||times the speed of sound Ele voará a uma velocidade de Mach 1.6. Laminar flow technology and better wing design will reduce drag by 20%. Ламинарный|||||||||сопротивление воздуха| By the middle of the 2020’s we’ll likely see solar powered drones delivering broadband to millions for a fraction of the cost of traditional satellites. |||||||||||||широкополосный||||||||||| |||||||||||||banda larga||||||||||| К середине 2020-х годов мы, скорее всего, увидим, что беспилотные летательные аппараты с солнечной энергией обеспечивают широкополосную связь до миллионов за небольшую часть стоимости традиционных спутников.

Building on the concept of drones and autonomous flying technology, fully-automated planes will take to the skies to revolutionize not just the air cargo delivery industry, but possibly personal air travel as well, much like what’s happening today with driverless cars. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||беспилотные| |||||||self-driving|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Основываясь на концепции беспилотных летательных аппаратов и автономных летательных технологий, полностью автоматизированные самолеты прибудут в небо, чтобы революционизировать не только авиаперевозки, но и, возможно, личные воздушные перевозки, как и то, что происходит сегодня с машинами без водителя. By 2030, plant-based fuels should account for 30% or more of an airlines' fuel consumption. К 2030 году топливо на основе растений должно составлять 30% или более от расхода топлива авиакомпаний.

Airbus' hybrid commercial airliner will emit barely any emissions or noise on takeoff and landing thanks to lithium-air batteries. |||пассажирский|||||||||||||||| Boeing and NASA could team to launch a hybrid commercial airliner called SUGAR for Subsonic Ultra-Green, Aircraft Research, which uses two-thirds less fuel than an equivalent sized aircraft from 2015. ||||||||||||||субзвуковой|||||||||||||||| Boeing и NASA смогли собрать гибридный коммерческий авиалайнер под названием SUGAR для Subsonic Ultra-Green, Aircraft Research, который использует на две трети меньше топлива, чем самолет с эквивалентным размером с 2015 года.

Travelling 10% slower, but using 70% less fuel than today’s Boeing 737, the D8 Series Double Bubble’s fuselage will provide 20% of its lift. |||||||||||||Double Bubble|фюзеляж||||| ||||||||||||||airframe||||| |||||||||||||da série Double Bubble's|fuselagem||||| Путешествуя на 10% медленнее, но используя на 70% меньше топлива, чем сегодняшний Boeing 737, фюзеляж D8 Series Double Bubble обеспечит 20% своего лифта.

By 2040, we could see the world’s first hydrogen powered commercial flight. К 2040 году мы могли увидеть первый в мире коммерческий рейс на водороде.

The hydrogen would be cryogenically frozen. ||||криогенно зам| ||||in extremely cold conditions| Водород будет криогенно заморожен. EAD’s Zero Emission High Supersonic Transport passenger jet, running on biofuel, could cut the more than 6,000 mile flight from Paris to Tokyo to just 2:30 minutes. EAD|||||||||||||||||||||||| Like a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier, commercial planes could be catapulted into the air, reducing the length of runways by one-third. ||||||||||||||||||||взлетно-п||| ||||||||||||||||||||pistas|||

As if they were a flock of migrating birds, more intelligent systems could allow aircraft on the same routes to self-organize into a flying patter, reducing wind drag and saving fuel. как|||||стая||||||||||||||||||||шаблон полета|||||| |||||group|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Как если бы они были стадом мигрирующих птиц, более интеллектуальные системы могли позволить самолетам на тех же маршрутах самоорганизоваться в летящее поле, уменьшая сопротивление ветру и экономия топлива. Six hydrogen engines, a rear engine that doubles as a wind turbine, and solar panels on its roof and wings will propel the zero-emission Progress Eagle, a triple-decker, 800-passenger airplane concept that we could see in production by 2070. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||тройной|||||||||| ||||traseiro|||||||||||||||||||||||||triplo|||||||||| Шесть водородных двигателей, задний двигатель, который удваивается как ветряная турбина, а солнечные батареи на крыше и крыльях будут продвигать концепцию «Прогресс Eagle» с нулевым уровнем выбросов, концепцию самолета с трехэтажным экипажем на 800 пассажиров, которую мы могли бы увидеть в производстве к 2070 году.

Thanks for watching our rundown of the future of flight. ||||обзор||||| ||||resumo|||||

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