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Interesting facts, The History of Weather Modification

The History of Weather Modification

This is the history of human weather modification.

During WWII, too many British Air Force pilots were crashing while trying to land in heavy fog so thick some crews just ditched their planes in the sea and parachuted out, rather than landing blind.

So scientists came up with a plan to install gasoline pipelines along both sides of the runway and ignite them to create huge rows of flame, which then evaporated suspended fog droplets, allowing the Allied aircraft to locate the airfield and land safely. In 1946, techniques were developed that triggered rain and snowfall in places that wouldn't have gotten any otherwise.

This became known as cloud seeding. It works by dispersing dry ice, salt, or silver iodide into clouds to alter their microphysical processes. In the early 60’s the US Government began testing cloud seeding on hurricanes to learn if it was possible to weaken them.

Rocket canisters of silver iodide were dropped from aircraft into the storm's eye, and gun-like devices mounted on the wings also sprayed the stuff onto the clouds. Initially, the tests seemed to work. Wind speeds were cut and, in some cases, the hurricane eyewalls even fell apart. But as observational technology improved and more controls were carried out, the hypothesis was invalidated and the program was cancelled. In its desperation to win the Vietnam War, the Americans turned to weather modification to make it harder for the enemy to move throughout the region by inducing heavy rainfall to muddy or destroy their dirt roads and trails.

47,000 canisters of silver iodide were dropped over North and South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Some areas supposedly saw their monsoon period extended by up to 45 days. Two days after the New York Times exposed the program, it was discontinued. This caused the USSR and US to negotiate a ban on the military use of offensive environmental modification techniques in 1977.

But the treaty didn't stop countries from using cloud seeding against themselves, as the Soviet Union did in 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear disaster sent fallout into the sky. Civilians on the ground and the Russian pilots who carried out the mission have confirmed that aircraft flew overhead ejecting a substance into the clouds. This resulted in heavy, black-colored, radioactive rain to fall in Belarus, instead of onto the Soviet capital, Moscow. Today, 37 countries are operating weather modification programs to enhance rainfall or suppress hail.

But nobody does it quite like the Chinese, who established the bureau of weather modification in the 1980’s, that's now a 37,000-people sort of weather national guard, ready at a moment's notice to operate the more than 4,000 rocket launchers, 7,000 antiaircraft guns, and 30 aircraft to trigger downpours in drier areas that really need the rain. The bureau's highest profile operation was keeping Beijing's Birdsnest stadium dry during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics. The following year, the bureau dropped 186 doses of silver iodide into a cold front to bring drought-stricken Beijing its earliest snowfall since 1987. A Swiss company took advantage of the United Arab Emirates' desperation to bring rain to its arid lands, by building 10 meter-tall electrical towers that produce negatively-charged ions that, according to the company, supercharges the formation of rain clouds.

But, a former chairman at NOAA isn't buying it, saying, “this method is inherently incapable of producing clouds out of thin air.” The thing about weather modification is that it's hard to prove it works, but based on the results we've seen -- and the number of countries still doing it -- man's effort to control precipitation isn't stopping anytime soon, even though we have little understanding of the unintended consequences. If this video opened your eyes to the reality of weather modification as much as it did mine, like it and help it spread.

And, as usual, thanks for watching.

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The History of Weather Modification ||||改良 Die Geschichte der Wettermodifikation Η ιστορία της τροποποίησης του καιρού Historia de la modificación del clima La storia della modificazione meteorologica 気象改変の歴史 A história da modificação do clima История модификации погоды Hava Modifikasyonunun Tarihçesi

This is the history of human weather modification. |||||||改良 Это история изменения погоды человека.

During WWII, too many British Air Force pilots were crashing while trying to land in heavy fog so thick some crews just ditched their planes in the sea and parachuted out, rather than landing blind. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||парашютировали||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ejected with parachute||||| |第二次世界大戦|||||||||||||||||||||放棄した|||||||パラシュートで脱出した||||着陸|目視不能で ||||||||||||||||||densa||tripulações||abandonaram||||||||||||

So scientists came up with a plan to install gasoline pipelines along both sides of the runway and ignite them to create huge rows of flame, which then evaporated suspended fog droplets, allowing the Allied aircraft to locate the airfield and land safely. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||аэродром||| ||||||||||パイプライン||||||滑走路||点火する||||||||||蒸発させた|浮遊する|霧|霧の粒子|||連合軍の|||||飛行場||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||suspensas||gotículas||||||||aeródromo||| Поэтому ученые придумали план установки газопроводов по обеим сторонам взлетно-посадочной полосы и зажечь их, чтобы создать огромные ряды пламени, которые затем испаряли взвешенные капельки тумана, позволяя самолетам союзников находить аэродром и безопасно перемещаться. In 1946, techniques were developed that triggered rain and snowfall in places that wouldn’t have gotten any otherwise. ||||||||降雪|||||||| |||||desencadearam||||||||||| В 1946 году были разработаны методы, которые приводили к дождю и снегопаду в местах, которые не получили бы никакого иного.

This became known as cloud seeding. |||||種まき Это стало известно как посев облаков. It works by dispersing dry ice, salt, or silver iodide into clouds to alter their microphysical processes. |||распределяя||||||йодид серебра||||||микрофизические| |||||||||||||modify||| |||散布する||||||ヨウ化物||||変化させる||微物理的| |||||||||||||alter||| Он работает путем диспергирования сухого льда, соли или иодида серебра в облаках для изменения их микрофизических процессов. In the early 60’s the US Government began testing cloud seeding on hurricanes to learn if it was possible to weaken them. ||||||||||種まき||||||||||| В начале 60-х годов правительство США начало тестировать посев облаков на ураганах, чтобы узнать, можно ли их ослабить.

Rocket canisters of silver iodide were dropped from aircraft into the storm’s eye, and gun-like devices mounted on the wings also sprayed the stuff onto the clouds. |баллоны||||||||||штормовой|||||||||||||||| ||||iodide||||||||||||||||||||||| |ロケット缶|||ヨウ化銀|||||||嵐の|||||||||||噴霧した||||| |recipientes|||iodeto||||||||||||||||||||||| Ракетные канистры из йодистого серебра были сброшены с самолета в глаз шторма, а оружейные устройства, установленные на крыльях, также распыляли материал на облака. Initially, the tests seemed to work. Wind speeds were cut and, in some cases, the hurricane eyewalls even fell apart. ||||||||||стены ураган||| ||||||||||目の壁||崩壊した|崩壊した ||||||||||paredes dos olhos||| Windsnelheden werden verlaagd en in sommige gevallen vielen de oogmuren van de orkaan zelfs uit elkaar. A velocidade do vento foi reduzida e, em alguns casos, as paredes dos olhos do furacão até se desfizeram. Скорость ветра сокращалась, и в некоторых случаях ураганные окуляры даже разваливались. But as observational technology improved and more controls were carried out, the hypothesis was invalidated and the program was cancelled. ||観測の||||||||||||無効化された||||| Но по мере совершенствования наблюдательной технологии и проведения большего контроля гипотеза была аннулирована, и программа была отменена. In its desperation to win the Vietnam War, the Americans turned to weather modification to make it harder for the enemy to move throughout the region by inducing heavy rainfall to muddy or destroy their dirt roads and trails. ||必死の思いで|||||||||||||||||||||||||誘発する||||泥だらけに|||||||小道 В отчаянии, чтобы выиграть войну во Вьетнаме, американцы обратились к модификации погоды, чтобы сделать его более трудным для передвижения по всему региону, вызвав сильные ливни, чтобы мутить или уничтожить их грунтовые дороги и тропы.

47,000 canisters of silver iodide were dropped over North and South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. 缶|||ヨウ化銀|||||||||| recipientes||||||||||||| 47 000 канистр из йодистого серебра были сброшены в Северном и Южном Вьетнаме, Камбодже и Лаосе. Some areas supposedly saw their monsoon period extended by up to 45 days. ||とされる|||モンスーン|||||| |||||monção|||||| Некоторые районы предположительно видели, что их муссонный период длился до 45 дней. Two days after the New York Times exposed the program, it was discontinued. ||||||||||||中止された Через два дня после публикации «Нью-Йорк таймс» эта программа была прекращена. This caused the USSR and US to negotiate a ban on the military use of offensive environmental modification techniques in 1977. |||ソ連|||||||||||||||| |||||||||proibição|||||||||| Это привело к тому, что СССР и США договорились о запрете военного применения методов наступательных природоохранных модификаций в 1977 году.

But the treaty didn’t stop countries from using cloud seeding against themselves, as the Soviet Union did in 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear disaster sent fallout into the sky. ||договор||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||treaty||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||放射性降下||| ||tratado||||||||||||||||||||||chuva radioativa||| Но договор не помешал странам использовать облачный посев для себя, как это делал Советский Союз в 1986 году, когда Чернобыльская ядерная катастрофа послала осадки в небо. Civilians on the ground and the Russian pilots who carried out the mission have confirmed that aircraft flew overhead ejecting a substance into the clouds. ||||||||||||||||||над головой|выбрасывая||||| 民間人||||||||||||||||||頭上|放出する||||| |||||||||||||||||voaram|sobrevoando|||||| Гражданские лица на местах и ​​российские пилоты, которые выполняли эту миссию, подтвердили, что самолет взлетел над головой, выбросив вещество в облака. This resulted in heavy, black-colored, radioactive rain to fall in Belarus, instead of onto the Soviet capital, Moscow. ||||||放射能を含む|||||ベラルーシ||||||| Today, 37 countries are operating weather modification programs to enhance rainfall or suppress hail. ||||||||||||град ||||||||increase|||| |||||||||||抑制する|雹の抑制 ||||||||||||granizo

But nobody does it quite like the Chinese, who established the bureau of weather modification in the 1980’s, that’s now a 37,000-people sort of weather national guard, ready at a moment’s notice to operate the more than 4,000 rocket launchers, 7,000 antiaircraft guns, and 30 aircraft to trigger downpours in drier areas that really need the rain. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||установки|зенитные оруд||||||ливни|||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||気象操作局||国家警備隊||||||||||||発射装置|対空砲|||||引き起こす|豪雨||乾燥した|||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||antiaérea||||||chuvas torrenciais||mais seco|||||| The bureau’s highest profile operation was keeping Beijing’s Birdsnest stadium dry during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics. |бюро|||||||птичье гн||||||||| |||注目度の高い|||||鳥の巣||||||||| |do escritório|||||||||||||||| Самая высокая работа бюро заключалась в том, что Пекинский стадион Birdsnest был сухим во время церемонии открытия Олимпийских игр 2008 года. The following year, the bureau dropped 186 doses of silver iodide into a cold front to bring drought-stricken Beijing its earliest snowfall since 1987. ||||||||||||||||засуху|пострадавший||||| ||||office|||||||||||||||||| ||||||投与量|||ヨウ化銀|||||||干ばつに見|干ばつに見||||| ||||||||||||||||seca|atingida||||| В следующем году бюро сбросило 186 доз иодида серебра в холодный фронт, чтобы принести засушливый Пекине свой самый ранний снегопад с 1987 года. A Swiss company took advantage of the United Arab Emirates' desperation to bring rain to its arid lands, by building 10 meter-tall electrical towers that produce negatively-charged ions that, according to the company, supercharges the formation of rain clouds. ||||||||||||||||засушливых||||||||||||||||||ускоряет||||| ||||||||||必死の思い||||||乾燥した||||||||||||イオン||||||強化する||||| Швейцарская компания воспользовалась отчаянием Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов, чтобы доставить дождь на свои засушливые земли, построив электрические башни высотой 10 метров, которые производят отрицательно заряженные ионы, которые, по данным компании, накапливают образование дождевых облаков.

But, a former chairman at NOAA isn’t buying it, saying, “this method is inherently incapable of producing clouds out of thin air.” The thing about weather modification is that it’s hard to prove it works, but based on the results we’ve seen -- and the number of countries still doing it -- man’s effort to control precipitation isn’t stopping anytime soon, even though we have little understanding of the unintended consequences. |||||Национальное управление оке||||||||по своей сути|неспособен||||||воздуха|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||усилие человека||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||rainfall or precipitation events|||||||||||||| |||||アメリカ海洋||||||||本質的に|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||降水量|||||||||||||意図しない| |||presidente||||||||||inherentemente|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||precipitação|||||||||||||não intencionais| If this video opened your eyes to the reality of weather modification as much as it did mine, like it and help it spread. |||||||||||||||||私の|||||| Если это видео открыло глаза на реальность изменения погоды, насколько это было мое, нравится и помогает ему распространяться.

And, as usual, thanks for watching.