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Interesting facts, Top 10 Conquerors In History

Top 10 Conquerors In History

These are the greatest conquerors in human history ranked solely by the amount of land they brought under their control while in power.

Hernán Cortés is a big reason why Spanish is the second-most spoken language in the world.

Starting with just a few hundred armored soldiers, about horses, and - most importantly, guns and cannons - Cortés left Cuba and made his way deep inside the Aztec empire, ruthlessly forcing indigenous warriors to fight for him. When he reached the capital, Tenochtitlan, the Aztec ruler - Moctezuma - fatefully decided to welcome Cortés and his men. This was a huge mistake and led to the destruction of the great city and the Aztec empire, giving Spain a foothold in the American mainland. Francisco Pizarro admired the success of his distant cousin, Cortés, and became determined to achieve glory himself.

He targeted the Incan empire in Peru, a land rich with gold. Pizarro and his force of 170 gun wielding, horseriding men, began in Panama and made their way south through foreign territory until they were confronted by the Inca emperor Atahualpa and his 80,000-man army. The Spaniards lured the natives close, then ambushed and easily overwhelmed them. After murdering Atahualpa, Pizarro took the emperor's 10-year-old widow as his mistress--she eventually gave birth to two sons by the conquistador. The sacking of Cuzco sealed the fall of the Incas, and Pizarro went on to found the city of Lima, now the capital of Peru. Mahmūd was the first to carry the banner of Islam into the heart of India.

After many attempts, he finally vanquished his main adversary - the ruler Jaipal of the Punjab - in an epic battle near Peshawar involving more than 25,000 horsemen and 300 war elephants. Seven years later his army would defeat Jaipal's son, Anandpal, in an equally ferocious showdown, sealing Mahmūd's victorious advance into the heart of India. When he was finished conquering, Mahmūd's empire expanded far beyond its original territory of Afghanistan and northeastern Iran, to cover northwestern India and most of Iran. He also transformed his capital, Ghazni, into a world class cultural centre. Napoleon Bonaparte took full advantage of the power vacuum that existed after King Louis the XVI was beheaded in the French Revolution.

One of the most ambitious conquerors in history, Napoleon vastly expanded the French Empire to its peak size, covering Italy, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and even Poland. This spread the democratic ideals that had taken root in France during the revolution. However, Napoleon wasn't satisfied with a thriving empire, he wanted complete control, and so when Russia defied his economic blockade of the British, he foolishly led more than 680,000 troops to Moscow. But Russian tactics and severe weather killed more than half his men, and another 200,000 were captured or deserted. This catastrophic defeat directly led to the downfall of his empire. Another man whose thirst for power could not be quenched was Adolf Hitler and his fanatical Nazi party that controlled Germany after the country's devastating defeat in World War I. Hitler used powerful, emotional speeches to reach millions through the radio, which had just become widely used.

The Nazi's popularity gave Hitler the political capital he needed at home to aggressively expand his conquests abroad. In the first four years of the second World War, Germany seized control of most of the European continent and initiated the horrific holocaust of millions of innocent Jews. Thankfully, Hitler's forces were stretched too thin, and in 1945, he took his own life as the western front was overrun by the Allies and the Soviet Red Army was within two blocks of his bunker in Berlin. Attila was the first leader of an army of archers on horseback to achieve great success as a conqueror, though little firsthand accounts remain of his personality, except that he was a shrewd negotiator and a ruthless warrior.

Attila killed his elder brother, Bleda, whom he was supposed to share the empire with in order to rule it on his own. He eventually controlled lands from the Caspian Sea in the east, all the way to the North Sea and the Northern borders of the Roman Empire in the west. Unintimidated, Attila invaded the Roman empire numerous times and forced the Romans to make peace-treaty payments worth hundreds of pounds of gold a year. Although he tried several times to invade the fortified city of Constantinople, he was never able to take it. In 559 BC, Cyrus the II of Persia, founded the Achaemenid Empire, the largest the world had ever seen.

He began by bringing all the civilized states of the ancient Near East under his control and over the course of his 30 year rule, Cyrus eventually conquered all lands from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Indus River in the east, earning him the title King of the Four Corners of the World. After his conquest of Babylon, Cyrus created a clay cylinder that scholars say is the first known attempt at laying down the principles for running a diverse society of different nationalities and faiths. Cyrus' achievements in human rights, politics, and military strategy made him one of the most influential figures in ancient history. Timur built most of his empire in the lands that were still reeling from the conquests of Genghis Khan a hundred years earlier.

Like Khan, Timur was ruthless. Estimates are that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, that's a staggering 5% of the world population at the time. After defeating the Mamluks, the emerging Ottoman Empire, and the declining Sultanate of Delhi, Timur emerged as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world. He's considered the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian steppe before gunpowder brought the rise of more structured and lasting empires. Tutored by the philosopher Aristotle, Alexander succeeded his father to the throne at the age of 20, inheriting a strong kingdom and an experienced and battle-tested army.

He used his authority to enact his father's well-planned roadmap for military expansion and, by the age of 30, had greatly grown the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon through an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, creating an empire stretching from Greece to Egypt and into northwest ancient India. Undefeated in battle, he ruled as the shah of Persia, the pharaoh of Egypt and the king of Asia at the same time. Alexander the Great was either killed by poison or typhoid at the age of 32 in Babylon, the city he planned to make the capital of his new, vast kingdom. The most land and blood-thirsty man in human history is easily Genghis Khan, who conquered more than twice as much land as Alexander.

Called Temüjin when he was born, he founded the Mongol Empire by unifying the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After being proclaimed “Genghis Khan,” he launched the brutal Mongol invasions that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia, and the deaths of as many as 40 million people, mainly by ruthlessly executing entire populations of a lot of the cities he conquered and by spreading the bubonic plague, often on purpose. Despite his murderous reputation, Khan's legacy is a complex one. His rule is credited with expanding the cultural horizons of Northeast Asia, the Muslim world and Christian Europe, by bringing the Silk Road under a single authority, thus increasing communication and trade between all three areas. That's our mini-documentary on history's greatest conquerors.

Thanks for watching. If there's a topic you want us to tackle, let us know in the comments below. Until next time, for TDC, I'm Bryce Plank.

Top 10 Conquerors In History |conquistatori|| Top 10 Eroberer der Geschichte Top 10 Conquerors In History Los 10 conquistadores más importantes de la historia Les 10 plus grands conquérants de l'histoire 歴史上のトップ10の征服者 Os 10 maiores conquistadores da história 10 найкращих завойовників в історії 历史上十大征服者

These are the greatest conquerors in human history ranked solely by the amount of land they brought under their control while in power. |||||||||исключительно||||||||||||| |||||||||solely = solely||||||||||||| これらは、権力の座にあったときに支配下に置いた土地の量だけでランク付けされた、人類史上最大の征服者です。

Hernán Cortés is a big reason why Spanish is the second-most spoken language in the world. Эрнан|Кортес||||||||||||||| エルナン・コルテスは、スペイン語が世界で 2 番目に話されている言語である大きな理由です。 Hernán Cortés는 스페인어가 세계에서 두 번째로 많은 언어 인 이유입니다.

Starting with just a few hundred armored soldiers, about horses, and - most importantly, guns and cannons - Cortés left Cuba and made his way deep inside the Aztec empire, ruthlessly forcing indigenous warriors to fight for him. ||||||||о||||||||||||||||||ацтекский|империя|безжалостно||коренные||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||implacavelmente||||||| わずか数百人の装甲兵、馬、そして最も重要なことに銃と大砲から始めて、コルテスはキューバを離れ、アステカ帝国の奥深くへと進み、先住民の戦士に彼のために戦うことを容赦なく強制しました。 수백 명의 기갑 병사부터 말, 그리고 가장 중요하게는 총과 대포로 시작한 Cortés는 쿠바를 떠나 아즈텍 제국 안으로 깊숙이 들어가서 무자비하게 원주민 전사가 그를 위해 싸웠습니다. When he reached the capital, Tenochtitlan, the Aztec ruler - Moctezuma - fatefully decided to welcome Cortés and his men. |||||Теночтитлан||||Монтесума|судьбоносно||||||| ||||||||governante||fatalmente||||||| 彼が首都テノチティトランに到着したとき、アステカの支配者であるモクテスマは、運命的にコルテスと彼の部下を歓迎することを決定しました。 This was a huge mistake and led to the destruction of the great city and the Aztec empire, giving Spain a foothold in the American mainland. |||||||||||||||||||||опору|||| |||||||||||||||||||||ponto de apoio|||| これは大きな間違いであり、大都市とアステカ帝国の破壊につながり、スペインはアメリカ本土に足場を築くことになりました。 Francisco Pizarro admired the success of his distant cousin, Cortés, and became determined to achieve glory himself. |Писарро|восхищался|||||||||||||| フランシスコ・ピサロは、彼の遠いいとこであるコルテスの成功を賞賛し、自分自身で栄光を達成することを決意しました.

He targeted the Incan empire in Peru, a land rich with gold. |||инкский|||||||| 彼は、金の豊富な土地であるペルーのインカ帝国を標的にしました。 Pizarro and his force of 170 gun wielding, horseriding men, began in Panama and made their way south through foreign territory until they were confronted by the Inca emperor Atahualpa and his 80,000-man army. ||||||владеющих оружием|верхом на лошадях|||||||||||||||||||||Атавалпа|||| ||||||armed|mounted||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||armados com armas|cavaleiros||||||||||||||||||||||||| ピサロと彼の 170 人の銃を振り回す騎兵隊はパナマから出発し、インカ皇帝アタワルパと彼の 80,000 人の軍隊に直面するまで、外国の領土を通って南に進みました。 The Spaniards lured the natives close, then ambushed and easily overwhelmed them. |испанцы|привлекли|||||засадили|||| |||||||emboscaron|||| ||atraíram|||||emboscaram|||| スペイン人は原住民を近くに誘い込み、待ち伏せして簡単に圧倒しました。 After murdering Atahualpa, Pizarro took the emperor’s 10-year-old widow as his mistress--she eventually gave birth to two sons by the conquistador. ||||||императора||||||||||||||||завоеватель ||||||||||||||||||||||conquistador |||||||||viúva|||amante|||||||||| アタワルパを殺害した後、ピサロは皇帝の 10 歳の未亡人を愛人にしました。彼女は最終的に征服者によって 2 人の息子を産みました。 The sacking of Cuzco sealed the fall of the Incas, and Pizarro went on to found the city of Lima, now the capital of Peru. |разграбление||Куско|запечатал|||||инков||||||||||Лима||||| クスコの略奪はインカの崩壊を封印し、ピサロは現在ペルーの首都であるリマの街を建設し続けました。 Mahmūd was the first to carry the banner of Islam into the heart of India. Махмуд|||||||||||||| |||||||estandarte||||||| マフムードは、インドの中心部にイスラム教の旗を掲げた最初の人物です。

After many attempts, he finally vanquished his main adversary - the ruler Jaipal of the Punjab - in an epic battle near Peshawar involving more than 25,000 horsemen and 300 war elephants. |||||победил|||противник|||Джайпал|||Пенджаб||||||Пешавар||||||| |||||vanquished|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||derrotou|||||||||||||||||||||| 何度も試みた後、彼は最終的に、25,000 人以上の騎手と 300 頭の戦象が関与するペシャワール近くの壮大な戦いで、主な敵であるパンジャブの支配者ジャイパルを打ち負かしました。 Seven years later his army would defeat Jaipal’s son, Anandpal, in an equally ferocious showdown, sealing Mahmūd’s victorious advance into the heart of India. |||||||Джайпала||Анандпал||||жестокий|сражение|запечатывая|Махмуда||||||| ||||||||||||||confronto|selando|||||||| 7年後、彼の軍隊はジャイパルの息子であるアナンドパルを同様に猛烈な対決で打ち負かし、インドの中心部へのマフムードの勝利の前進を封印しました. When he was finished conquering, Mahmūd’s empire expanded far beyond its original territory of Afghanistan and northeastern Iran, to cover northwestern India and most of Iran. ||||||||||||||||nordeste||||||||| He also transformed his capital, Ghazni, into a world class cultural centre. |||||Газни|||||| Napoleon Bonaparte took full advantage of the power vacuum that existed after King Louis the XVI was beheaded in the French Revolution. |||||||||||||||||обезглавлен|||| ||||advantage|||||||||||||beheaded|||| |||||||||||||||||decapitado|||| ナポレオン ボナパルトは、フランス革命で国王ルイ 16 世が斬首された後に存在した権力の空白を最大限に利用しました。

One of the most ambitious conquerors in history, Napoleon vastly expanded the French Empire to its peak size, covering Italy, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, and even Poland. This spread the democratic ideals that had taken root in France during the revolution. これにより、革命中にフランスに根付いた民主主義の理想が広まりました。 However, Napoleon wasn’t satisfied with a thriving empire, he wanted complete control, and so when Russia defied his economic blockade of the British, he foolishly led more than 680,000 troops to Moscow. ||||||||||||||||||||||||глупо|||||| ||||||||||||||||defied||economic|||||||||||| ||||||próspero||||||||||desafiou|||bloqueio||||||||||| しかし、ナポレオンは帝国の繁栄に満足せず、完全な支配を望んでいたため、ロシアが英国に対する経済封鎖に逆らったとき、彼は愚かにも 680,000 人以上の軍隊をモスクワに導きました。 But Russian tactics and severe weather killed more than half his men, and another 200,000 were captured or deserted. |||||||||||||||||deserted This catastrophic defeat directly led to the downfall of his empire. |||||||queda||| Another man whose thirst for power could not be quenched was Adolf Hitler and his fanatical Nazi party that controlled Germany after the country’s devastating defeat in World War I. Hitler used powerful, emotional speeches to reach millions through the radio, which had just become widely used. |||жажда||||||утолена|||Гитлер|||фанатичный||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||saciar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 権力への渇望を癒すことができなかったもう一人の人物は、アドルフ・ヒトラーと、第一次世界大戦でドイツが壊滅的な敗北を喫した後、ドイツを支配した彼の狂信的なナチス党でした.ヒトラーは、ラジオを通じて力強く感情的なスピーチを使用して、ラジオを通じて何百万人もの人々に届きました。 .

The Nazi’s popularity gave Hitler the political capital he needed at home to aggressively expand his conquests abroad. |Нацистов|||||||||||||||завоевания| In the first four years of the second World War, Germany seized control of most of the European continent and initiated the horrific holocaust of millions of innocent Jews. |||||||||||захватил контроль||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||seized = seized||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||tomou posse|||||||||||horrífico|||||| 第二次世界大戦の最初の 4 年間で、ドイツはヨーロッパ大陸の大部分を掌握し、何百万人もの罪のないユダヤ人の恐ろしいホロコーストを開始しました。 Thankfully, Hitler’s forces were stretched too thin, and in 1945, he took his own life as the western front was overrun by the Allies and the Soviet Red Army was within two blocks of his bunker in Berlin. ||||||tênue|||||||||||||sobrecarregado|||||||||||||||bunker|| ありがたいことに、ヒトラーの軍隊は手薄になりすぎてしまい、1945 年、西部戦線が連合国軍に制圧され、ソ連赤軍がベルリンのバンカーから 2 ブロック以内に迫ったため、ヒトラーは自らの命を絶ちました。 Attila was the first leader of an army of archers on horseback to achieve great success as a conqueror, though little firsthand accounts remain of his personality, except that he was a shrewd negotiator and a ruthless warrior. Аттила|||||||||лучников||||||||||||первоначальные|свидетельства||||||||||хитрый||||безжалостный| |||||||||archers|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||a cavalo||||||||||direta|||||||||||astuto||||implacável| アッティラは、征服者として大きな成功を収めた馬に乗った弓兵の軍隊の最初のリーダーでしたが、抜け目のない交渉者で冷酷な戦士であったことを除けば、彼の人柄に関する直接の証言はほとんど残っていません。

Attila killed his elder brother, Bleda, whom he was supposed to share the empire with in order to rule it on his own. |||||Бледа||||||||||||||||| アッティラは、独力で帝国を支配するために、帝国を共有するはずだった兄のブレダを殺しました。 He eventually controlled lands from the Caspian Sea in the east, all the way to the North Sea and the Northern borders of the Roman Empire in the west. Unintimidated, Attila invaded the Roman empire numerous times and forced the Romans to make peace-treaty payments worth hundreds of pounds of gold a year. Неустрашимый|||||||||||||||мирный договор||||||||| Unintimidated|||||||||||||||treaty||||||||| inabalado|||||||||||||||tratado||||||||| Although he tried several times to invade the fortified city of Constantinople, he was never able to take it. ||||||||укреплённый|||||||||| In 559 BC, Cyrus the II of Persia, founded the Achaemenid Empire, the largest the world had ever seen. ||Кир|||||||Ахеменидский|||||||| |||||||||Achaemenid||||||||

He began by bringing all the civilized states of the ancient Near East under his control and over the course of his 30 year rule, Cyrus eventually conquered all lands from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Indus River in the east, earning him the title King of the Four Corners of the World. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||четырех углов||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Mediterranean||||||||||||||||||||||| After his conquest of Babylon, Cyrus created a clay cylinder that scholars say is the first known attempt at laying down the principles for running a diverse society of different nationalities and faiths. |||||||||||ученые||||||||изложение принципов|||||||||||||вероисповеданий ||||||||||||||||||||||||||diverse|||||| ||||||||argila|||||||||||estabelecer||||||||||||| Cyrus' achievements in human rights, politics, and military strategy made him one of the most influential figures in ancient history. Timur built most of his empire in the lands that were still reeling from the conquests of Genghis Khan a hundred years earlier. ||||||||||||колебались|||||||||| ||||||||||||abalados||||||||||

Like Khan, Timur was ruthless. ||||implacável Estimates are that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, that’s a staggering 5% of the world population at the time. le stime||||||||||||||||||||| After defeating the Mamluks, the emerging Ottoman Empire, and the declining Sultanate of Delhi, Timur emerged as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world. |||Мамлюки||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||emerged||||||||| He’s considered the last of the great nomadic conquerors of the Eurasian steppe before gunpowder brought the rise of more structured and lasting empires. |||||||||||Евразийской|||||||||||| ||||||||||||estepes||pólvora||||||||| Tutored by the philosopher Aristotle, Alexander succeeded his father to the throne at the age of 20, inheriting a strong kingdom and an experienced and battle-tested army. обученный|||||||||||||||||||||||||| guided by a tutor|||philosopher|||||||||||||||||||||||

He used his authority to enact his father’s well-planned roadmap for military expansion and, by the age of 30, had greatly grown the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon through an unprecedented military campaign through Asia and northeast Africa, creating an empire stretching from Greece to Egypt and into northwest ancient India. |||||осуществить||||||||||||||||||||||Македония||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Egypt||||| |||||promulgar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Undefeated in battle, he ruled as the shah of Persia, the pharaoh of Egypt and the king of Asia at the same time. |||||||шах||||||||||||||| |||||||xá||||||||||||||| Alexander the Great was either killed by poison or typhoid at the age of 32 in Babylon, the city he planned to make the capital of his new, vast kingdom. |||||||||тифоид||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||typhoid||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||tifóide||||||||||||||||||| アレキサンダー大王は 32 歳のとき、彼が新しい広大な王国の首都とする計画を立てていた都市バビロンで、毒物または腸チフスによって死亡しました。 The most land and blood-thirsty man in human history is easily Genghis Khan, who conquered more than twice as much land as Alexander.

Called Temüjin when he was born, he founded the Mongol Empire by unifying the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. |Темуджин||||||||||||||||| After being proclaimed “Genghis Khan,” he launched the brutal Mongol invasions that resulted in the conquest of most of Eurasia, and the deaths of as many as 40 million people, mainly by ruthlessly executing entire populations of a lot of the cities he conquered and by spreading the bubonic plague, often on purpose. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||бубонная|||| Despite his murderous reputation, Khan’s legacy is a complex one. His rule is credited with expanding the cultural horizons of Northeast Asia, the Muslim world and Christian Europe, by bringing the Silk Road under a single authority, thus increasing communication and trade between all three areas. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||тем самым|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||assim|||||||| That’s our mini-documentary on history’s greatest conquerors.

Thanks for watching. If there’s a topic you want us to tackle, let us know in the comments below. ||||||||abordar||||||| Until next time, for TDC, I’m Bryce Plank.