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Interesting facts, Top 10 Longest Tunnels

Top 10 Longest Tunnels

Switzerland has nearly finished an incredible feat of engineering: the world's longest railway tunnel.

So to get a better sense of that accomplishment, these are the top ten world's longest MegaTunnels. When Japan's Iwate-Ichinohe opened in 2002 it claimed the title of world's longest land-based railway tunnel.

Part of the Tohoku Shinkansen high speed rail line, it passes through hilly terrain near the Kitakami and Ou mountains. The ninth longest railway tunnel is also on Japan's high speed rail line.

Shooting through the Hakkoda mountain range, the Hakkoda tunnel is the world's longest operating double-tracked land-based tunnel, and for two months held the overall title of world's longest terrestrial tunnel until it was surpassed by the fifth ranked tunnel on this list. Part of China's mind-boggling 20,000 kilometers of operating high speed rail lines, the Taihang tunnel connects the capital of Hebei province with the capital of Shanxi province through the Taihang mountains, cutting travel time between the two cities from almost six hours to just one.

The Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range in the Iberian peninsula is home to Spain's longest railway tunnel, the double-tube Guadarrama.

Which carries high speed rail passengers on their way to Madrid through 28 miles of darkness. China's longest railway tunnel -- and the sixth longest on this list -- is the Guanjiao which opened last December after seven long years of high altitude construction at more than 10,000 feet above sea level, because this line impressively traverses the Tibetan Plateau.

Although it won't be operational until 2022, Austria's Koralm MEGA-Tunnel demands mentioning on this list.

It's two parallel tunnels will at times run at depths of more than 4,000 feet below ground. That's a whole lotta mountain! And the current titleholder for world's longest land tunnel is the LBT, passing through the Alps of Switzerland.

About 110 trains use the Lötschberg every day, 80 of them freight. The LBT actually sits some 400 meters below the original Lötschberg Tunnel, which is over a century old, but still fully operational. The top three tunnels are in a class of their own, starting with the Chunnel which connects the United Kingdom with the European mainland in France under the English Channel.

The Channel Tunnel carries both Eurostar passenger trains and the Eurotunnel Shuttle for road vehicles and has the longest undersea section of any tunnel in the world. Completed in 1988, the world's second-longest tunnel is the Seikan tunnel, which connects the main Japanese island of Honshu with the northern island of Hokkaido beneath the Tsugaru Strait.

The track level is about 100 meters below the seafloor. And the longest tunnel in the world, set to be fully operational in 2016, is Switzerland's Gotthard Base Tunnel.

It's main purpose is to increase total transport capacity across the Alps, especially for freight, and to shift freight volumes from road to rail to reduce fatal accidents and environmental damage caused by ever-increasing numbers of heavy trucks. Thanks for watching this episode of TDC.

Make sure to hit that like button to help us spread this video if you enjoyed it, and be sure to subscribe and join the conversation if you haven't yet.

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Top 10 Longest Tunnels Top 10 der längsten Tunnels Top 10 Longest Tunnels Los 10 túneles más largos Os 10 túneis mais longos

Switzerland has nearly finished an incredible feat of engineering: the world’s longest railway tunnel. ||||||достижение||||||| ||||||hazaña||||||| スイスは、世界最長の鉄道トンネルという驚くべきエンジニアリングの偉業をほぼ終えました。

So to get a better sense of that accomplishment, these are the top ten world’s longest MegaTunnels. ||||||||||||||||МегаТоннели ||||||||||||||||large tunnels ||||||||logro|||||||| したがって、その成果をよりよく理解するために、これらは世界で最も長いメガトンネルのトップ10です。 When Japan’s Iwate-Ichinohe opened in 2002 it claimed the title of world’s longest land-based railway tunnel. ||Ивате|Ивате-Итиноэ||||||||||||| 2002年に日本の岩手一戸が開通したとき、それは世界最長の陸上鉄道トンネルの称号を主張しました。

Part of the Tohoku Shinkansen high speed rail line, it passes through hilly terrain near the Kitakami and Ou mountains. |||Тохоку|Синкансэн||||||||холмистая местность||||Китакэми||| |||||||||||||hilly landscape|||||| 東北新幹線の一部であり、北上山と奥羽山脈の近くの丘陵地帯を通過します。 The ninth longest railway tunnel is also on Japan’s high speed rail line. 9番目に長い鉄道トンネルも日本の高速鉄道にあります。

Shooting through the Hakkoda mountain range, the Hakkoda tunnel is the world’s longest operating double-tracked  land-based tunnel, and for two months held the overall title of world’s longest terrestrial tunnel until it was surpassed by the fifth ranked tunnel on this list. |||Хаккода|||||||||||||||||||||||||||сухопутный||||||||||||| Shooting|a través de|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 八甲田山脈を貫く八甲田トンネルは、世界最長の二本道陸上トンネルであり、このリストで5位にランクインするまで、世界最長の地上トンネルの総合タイトルを2か月間保持しました。 Part of China’s mind-boggling 20,000 kilometers of operating high speed rail lines, the Taihang tunnel connects the capital of Hebei province with the capital of Shanxi province through the Taihang mountains, cutting travel time between the two cities from almost six hours to just one. |||||||||||||Тайханьский||||||Хэбэй||||||Шаньси||||||||||||||||||| 中国の驚異的な2万キロメートルの高速鉄道路線の一部である太行トンネルは、河北省の首都と山西省の首都を太行山を経由して接続し、2つの都市間の移動時間を約6時間から1時間に短縮します。

The Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range in the Iberian peninsula is home to Spain’s longest railway tunnel, the double-tube Guadarrama. |Сьерра||Гвадаррама|||||Иберийский полуостров|||||Испании||||||| イベリア半島のシエラデグアダラマ山脈には、スペインで最も長い鉄道トンネルである二重管グアダラマがあります。

Which carries high speed rail passengers on their way to Madrid through 28 miles of darkness. ||||||||||||||oscuridad China’s longest railway tunnel -- and the sixth longest on this list -- is the Guanjiao which opened last December after seven long years of high altitude construction at more than 10,000 feet above sea level, because this line impressively traverses the Tibetan Plateau. |||||||||||||Гуаньцзяо туннель||||||||||||||||||||||||пересекает||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||high altitude|||||||||||||||| 中国で最も長い鉄道トンネル(このリストで6番目に長いトンネル)は、海抜10,000フィート以上で7年間の高地建設を経て、昨年12月に開通したGuanjiaoです。この路線は、チベット高原を印象的に横断しているためです。

Although it won’t be operational until 2022, Austria’s Koralm MEGA-Tunnel demands mentioning on this list. ||||||Австрийский|Кор-Альм||||||| |||||||||||mención|||

It’s two parallel tunnels will at times run at depths of more than 4,000 feet below ground. That’s a whole lotta mountain! |||целая куча| |||mucho| And the current titleholder for world’s longest land tunnel is the LBT, passing through the Alps of Switzerland. |||обладатель титула||||||||ЛБТ|||||| |the current|||||||||||||||| |||título actual||||||||||||||

About 110 trains use the Lötschberg every day, 80 of them freight. ||||Лёчбергский тоннель|||||грузовые перевозки |||||||||de carga The LBT actually sits some 400 meters below the original Lötschberg Tunnel, which is over a century old, but still fully operational. |||||||||||||||hundred years||||| LBTは、実際には1世紀以上前の元のレッチュベルクトンネルの約400メートル下にありますが、それでも完全に機能しています。 The top three tunnels are in a class of their own, starting with the Chunnel which connects the United Kingdom with the European mainland in France under the English Channel. ||||||||||||||Евротоннель||||||||||||||| 英仏海峡トンネルの下でイギリスとフランスのヨーロッパ本土を結ぶ英仏海峡トンネルをはじめ、上位3つのトンネルは独自のクラスに属しています。

The Channel Tunnel carries both Eurostar passenger trains and the Eurotunnel Shuttle for road vehicles and has the longest undersea section of any tunnel in the world. |||||Евростар|||||Евротоннель|||||||||подводный||||||| 英仏海峡トンネルは、ユーロスターの旅客列車と道路車両用のユーロトンネルシャトルの両方を運び、世界で最も長い海底セクションを備えています。 Completed in 1988, the world’s second-longest tunnel is the Seikan tunnel, which connects the main Japanese island of Honshu with the northern island of Hokkaido beneath the Tsugaru Strait. |||||||||Сейканский туннель|||||||||Хонсю||||||Хоккайдо|||Цугару пролив| |||||||||túnel Seikan|||||||||||||||||||

The track level is about 100 meters below the seafloor. 線路の高さは海底から約100メートル下です。 And the longest tunnel in the world, set to be fully operational in 2016, is Switzerland’s Gotthard Base Tunnel. ||||||||||||||Швейцарии|Готардский базисный тоннель||

It’s main purpose is to increase total transport capacity across the Alps, especially for freight, and to shift freight volumes from road to rail to reduce fatal accidents and environmental damage caused by ever-increasing numbers of heavy trucks. ||||||||||||||carga de mercancías|||trasladar|carga de mercancías|||||||||||||||||||| その主な目的は、特に貨物の場合、アルプス全体の総輸送能力を高め、貨物量を道路から鉄道にシフトして、増え続ける大型トラックによって引き起こされる致命的な事故や環境被害を減らすことです。 Thanks for watching this episode of TDC. ||||||TDC TDCのこのエピソードをご覧いただきありがとうございます。

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