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Interesting facts, Top 10 Most-Visited Countries

Top 10 Most-Visited Countries

These are the 10 most visited countries in the world and some interesting facts about each one.

Thailand grew its tourism industry by almost 20% in 2013, jumping ahead of last year's number ten country, Mexico.

Thailand's name in Thai means land of the free, which is true, as it's the only country in Southeast Asia never to have been colonized by a European power. The capital, Bangkok, is the most-visited city on the planet. It used to be called the Venice of the east as many buildings were built on stilts to rise above water-filled canals, although most are filled today. One-tenth of all animal species on earth live in Thailand, including the world's smallest mammal, the bumblebee bat, weighing just 2 grams.

Russia is home to 25 UNESCO world heritage sites.

It makes sense there would be a lot given that its land area is bigger than Pluto. Russia's so massive, it spans nine time zones, down from 11 a few years ago. The country's most famous natural attraction is Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest lake in the world, holding 20% of the world's total unfrozen freshwater. Partially because its so miserably cold, one of the favorite pastimes is drinking. The Russian government estimated that alcohol abuse prematurely kills 500,000 people a year. The United Kingdom is the ninth-largest and third most-populated island in the world behind Indonesia's Java and Japan's Honshu.

Almost 75% of the land in the UK is taken for farming. The British invented the world's earliest railways. London's river Thames has over 200 bridges and tunnels along its course. Big Ben refers to the bell and not the clock, and in 1945 a flock of birds landed on its minute hand, putting the time back 5 minutes. Speaking of birds, there are more chickens living in the UK than people. Germany is Europe's economic powerhouse, exporting $1.5 trillion dollars worth of goods in 2013, second only to China.

But its second to none in its number of Zoos, with over 400. The amazing Neuschwanstein Castle seems computer generated and was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle. More than 61 million people have visited it. Germany's Autobahn is the world's oldest motorway network in the world. And then there's the beer. Munich's two-week Oktoberfest draws a staggering 6 million visitors each year. Germans recently dropped to third in the world behind the Austrians and Czechs for most beer consumed per capita. Turkey's largest city, Istanbul, is the largest city in Europe and the only city in the world with a population of more than one million to span two continents.

It has been the capital city of three of the world's great empires, the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman. Istanbul will soon be home to the world's largest airport. The model for Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, was born in Turkey. Turkey is the most heavily muslim country with a secular democracy in the world. The bird does get its name from the country because the birds were imported to Central Europe through Turkey. We in the west also have the Turks to thank for introducing us to coffee. Italy's home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, including the Coliseum, Venice, the Vatican, Florence, the leaning tower of Pisa, the vineyards of Piedmont, Pompeii, Naples, Sicily, the Italian Alps, the Amalfi Coast, the Italian Riviera, and Lake Cuomo...I could go on all day.

All that's pretty amazing when you consider the country is just slightly larger than the US state of Arizona. With the introduction of the tomato from the Americas, Pizza, the world's most popular food, was invented in the 1700s by the peasants of Naples. China is the world's oldest continuous civilization and actually trails Italy by just three, 50-47, in terms of total World Heritage Sites.

The Great Wall was built to try and keep out Genghis Khan and his Mongol army, but it didn't work. China's megacity, Shanghai, has the fastest train in the world, hitting 311 mph. Beijing's immense Forbidden City is the world's largest palace, covering more than 170 acres. More than 30 million Northern Chinese live in Yaodongs, which are house caves that brilliantly use the earth to stay warm during the cold winter and cool during the hot summer. Natural attractions include the epic Huangshan mountain range which inspired scenes in Avatar, and the larger-than-life Three Gorges area of the Yangtze river, home to the Three Gorges Dam that produces more electricity than any other power station in the world. Spain is a top holiday destination for Europeans, mainly because it has over 3,000 miles of gorgeous coastline, but Barcelona's beaches didn't exist until the 1992 Olympics allowed Spain to transform the city's industrial coastline into miles of sandy beaches that are now considered some of the best in the world.

The Spanish speak the second-most spoken language in the world behind Mandarin Chinese--English is third. Spain didn't fight in the first or the second World Wars. Madrid is one of those rare big cities that doesn't sit on a major body of water, although it's name means the “place of many streams.” The intricately detailed Alhambra fortress palace is the crown jewel of a country that prides itself on architectural beauty. It was constructed during Muslim rule over the Iberian Peninsula in the 9th century. Visitors to the USA spent nearly $140 billion dollars in 2013 - more than twice as much as second-place Spain hauled in - because America has so many great places to check out.

New York is basically the capital of the world with over 800 different languages spoken within the city. Out west, LA's Hollywood sign was built in 1923 as a massive advertisement for what was then a brand new real estate development. It used to say Hollywoodland. The US Navy wanted to paint San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge black with yellow stripes for visibility. America's aviation safety agency was created in 1958 as a result of two planes that collided trying to get a better view of the epic Grand Canyon. And the first atom was split in Chicago in 1942, leading to the nuclear age. The most visited country - by far - is France although there's a lot less of it to visit than when the French empire covered 8.6% of the world's land area.

France is one of the few countries in the world where the number of tourists exceeds its population of 66 million people. Paris' Eiffel Tower has been visited more than 200 million times making it the most-visited paid tourist attraction in the world. It was the world's tallest structure until New York's Chrysler Building was completed in 1930. The world's most-visited museum, the Louvre, started out as a fortress; was at one point abandoned; and was even renamed the Musée Napoleon after the egomaniacal French conqueror. Normandy's spectacular Mont Saint-Michel is accessible in low tide, but surrounded by water in high tide. I hope you enjoyed this little tour around the world.

Be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more mini-documentaries like this. For The Daily Conversation, I'm Bryce Plank. Bon Voyage.

Top 10 Most-Visited Countries Top 10 der meistbesuchten Länder Top 10 Most-Visited Countries Los 10 países más visitados Les 10 pays les plus visités Os 10 países mais visitados Топ-10 самых посещаемых стран 访问量最大的 10 个国家/地区 訪問量最大的 10 個國家

These are the 10 most visited countries in the world and some interesting facts about each one. Ez a világ 10 leglátogatottabb országa, és érdekes tények mindegyikről. 這些是世界上訪問量最大的10個國家,每個國家都有一些有趣的事實。

Thailand grew its tourism industry by almost 20% in 2013, jumping ahead of last year’s number ten country, Mexico. Thaiföld 2013-ban csaknem 20% -kal növekedett idegenforgalmi ágazatában, megelőzve a tavaly tíz országot, Mexikót. Таиланд увеличил свою туристическую отрасль почти на 20% в 2013 году, опередив Мексику, занимавшую десятое место в прошлом году.

Thailand’s name in Thai means land of the free, which is true, as it’s the only country in Southeast Asia never to have been colonized by a European power. Таиланда|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| A thaiföldi thaiföldi név a szabad föld földjét jelenti, ami igaz, mivel ez az egyetlen ország Délkelet-Ázsiában, amelyet soha nem gyarmatosított egy európai hatalom. The capital, Bangkok, is the most-visited city on the planet. 首都曼谷是地球上參觀人數最多的城市。 It used to be called the Venice of the east as many buildings were built on stilts to rise above water-filled canals, although most are filled today. ||||||||||||||||на сваях||||||||||| Régen a keleti Velencenek hívták, mivel sok épület gólyalábokra épült, hogy a víztel teli csatornák fölé emelkedjenek, bár manapság legtöbbjük meg van töltve. 多くの建物が水で満たされた運河の上に立つように高床式で建てられたため、かつては東洋のベニスと呼ばれていましたが、現在はほとんどが水で満たされています。 它曾經被稱為東方的威尼斯,因為許多建築物都建在高蹺之上,高聳於充滿水的運河之上,儘管如今大部分已被填滿。 One-tenth of all animal species on earth live in Thailand, including the world’s smallest mammal, the bumblebee bat, weighing just 2 grams. |||||||||||||||||пчела-колибри|||| A földön található összes állatfaj egytized Thaiföldön él, ideértve a világ legkisebb emlősét, a poszméh denevérét, súlya mindössze 2 gramm. 地球上所有動物物種的十分之一生活在泰國,其中包括世界上最小的哺乳動物,大黃蜂蝙蝠,僅重2克。

Russia is home to 25 UNESCO world heritage sites. Oroszország 25 UNESCO világörökség része. ロシアには 25 のユネスコ世界遺産があります。 俄羅斯擁有25個聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。

It makes sense there would be a lot given that its land area is bigger than Pluto. Van értelme, hogy sok lenne, ha földterülete nagyobb, mint Plútó. Это имеет смысл, учитывая, что площадь его суши больше Плутона. 考慮到其陸地面積大於冥王星,這將是有道理的。 Russia’s so massive, it spans nine time zones, down from 11 a few years ago. Oroszország annyira hatalmas, hogy kilenc időzónát ölel fel, néhány évvel ezelőtti 11-hez képest. Россия настолько огромна, что охватывает девять часовых поясов по сравнению с 11 несколько лет назад. 俄羅斯如此龐大,它跨越了九個時區,而幾年前為11個時區。 The country’s most famous natural attraction is Lake Baikal, the oldest and deepest lake in the world, holding 20% of the world’s total unfrozen freshwater. ||||||||Байкал||||||||||||||незамерзающей| Az ország leghíresebb természeti látványossága a Bajkál-tó, a világ legrégebbi és legmélyebb tava, amely a világ teljes fagytalan édesvízének 20% -át birtokolja. Partially because its so miserably cold, one of the favorite pastimes is drinking. ||||||||||увлечения|| Részben azért, mert annyira sajnálatos módon hideg, az egyik kedvenc időtöltése az ivás. The Russian government estimated that alcohol abuse prematurely kills 500,000 people a year. Az orosz kormány becslése szerint az alkoholfogyasztás korai módon évente 500 000 embert öl meg. The United Kingdom is the ninth-largest and third most-populated island in the world behind Indonesia’s Java and Japan’s Honshu. ||||||||||||||||Индонезии|Ява||| 英国は、インドネシアのジャワ島と日本の本州に次ぐ世界で9番目に大きく、3番目に人口の多い島です。

Almost 75% of the land in the UK is taken for farming. Az Egyesült Királyság földterületének csaknem 75% -át mezőgazdasági célra veszik igénybe. Почти 75% земли в Великобритании используется под сельское хозяйство. The British invented the world’s earliest railways. A britek találták ki a világ legkorábbi vasútvonalait. Британцы изобрели самые первые в мире железные дороги. London’s river Thames has over 200 bridges and tunnels along its course. ||Темза|||||||| A londoni Temze folyónak több mint 200 hida és alagútja van útjában. Big Ben refers to the bell and not the clock, and in 1945 a flock of birds landed on its minute hand, putting the time back 5 minutes. |||||||||||||стая|||||||||||| A Big Ben a harangra, és nem az órára utal, és 1945-ben egy madárállomány landolt a kezén, és az idő 5 percet tett vissza. ビッグ ベンは時計ではなくベルを指し、1945 年には鳥の群れがその長針にとまり、時刻が 5 分戻りました。 Биг Бен относится к колоколу, а не к часам, и в 1945 году стая птиц приземлилась на его минутную стрелку, вернув время на 5 минут. 大本鐘指的是鍾而非時鐘,1945年,一群鳥落在其分針上,使時間倒退了5分鐘。 Speaking of birds, there are more chickens living in the UK than people. 說到鳥類,在英國生活的雞比人多。 Germany is Europe’s economic powerhouse, exporting $1.5 trillion dollars worth of goods in 2013, second only to China. ||||экономический гигант||||||||||| |||economico|||||||||||| 德國是歐洲的經濟大國,2013年出口了價值1.5萬億美元的商品,僅次於中國。

But its second to none in its number of Zoos, with over 400. |||||||||Зоопарков|| De a másodiktól függetlenül az állatkertek számában (több mint 400). 但它在動物園數量中排名首位,擁有超過400個。 The amazing Neuschwanstein Castle seems computer generated and was the inspiration for Disneyland’s Sleeping Beauty Castle. ||Нойшванштайн||||||||||Диснейленда||| 令人驚嘆的新天鵝堡似乎是計算機生成的,並且是迪士尼樂園的《睡美人城堡》的靈感來源。 More than 61 million people have visited it. 超過6100萬人參觀了它。 Germany’s Autobahn is the world’s oldest motorway network in the world. |автобан||||||||| 德國的高速公路是世界上最古老的高速公路網。 And then there’s the beer. 然後是啤酒。 Munich’s two-week Oktoberfest draws a staggering 6 million visitors each year. |||Октоберфест|привлекает||поразительное количество|||| ミュンヘンの 2 週間のオクトーバーフェストには、毎年 600 万人もの来場者が訪れます。 慕尼黑為期兩週的慕尼黑啤酒節每年吸引多達600萬遊客。 Germans recently dropped to third in the world behind the Austrians and Czechs for most beer consumed per capita. ||||||||||Австрийцы||чехи|||||| Almanlar, kişi başına en çok tüketilen bira için son zamanlarda Avusturyalılar ve Çeklerin ardından dünyada üçüncü sıraya düştü. Turkey’s largest city, Istanbul, is the largest city in Europe and the only city in the world with a population of more than one million to span two continents. Турции|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 土耳其最大的城市伊斯坦布爾是歐洲最大的城市,也是世界上唯一一個人口超過200萬,橫跨兩大洲的城市。

It has been the capital city of three of the world’s great empires, the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman. Istanbul will soon be home to the world’s largest airport. イスタンブールはまもなく世界最大の空港の本拠地になります。 The model for Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, was born in Turkey. ||||||||||Турция Turkey is the most heavily muslim country with a secular democracy in the world. トルコは、世界で最もイスラム教徒が多く、非宗教的な民主主義の国です。 土耳其是世界上擁有世俗民主的最活躍的穆斯林國家。 The bird does get its name from the country because the birds were imported to Central Europe through Turkey. A madár azért kapta a nevét az országból, mert a madarakat Törökországon keresztül importálták Közép-Európába. 鳥はトルコを介して中央ヨーロッパに輸入されたため、この国からその名前が付けられました。 We in the west also have the Turks to thank for introducing us to coffee. Nyugaton is a törökök köszönetet mondanak a kávé elkészítéséhez. Italy’s home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, including the Coliseum, Venice, the Vatican, Florence, the leaning tower of Pisa, the vineyards of Piedmont, Pompeii, Naples, Sicily, the Italian Alps, the Amalfi Coast, the Italian Riviera, and Lake Cuomo...I could go on all day. ||||||||||||||||Колизей|Венеция||Ватикан|Флоренция|||||Пиза||виноградники||Пьемонт|Помпеи|Неаполь||||||Амальфи|||||||Кумо|||||| |||||||||||||||||Venice||the Vatican||||||||||||Naples|Sicily|||||||||||||||||| コロッセオ、ヴェネツィア、バチカン、フィレンツェ、ピサの斜塔、ピエモンテのブドウ園、ポンペイ、ナポリ、シチリア、イタリアン アルプス、アマルフィ海岸など、イタリアには世界で最も多くのユネスコ世界遺産があります。 、イタリアのリビエラ、そしてクオモ湖...一日中行くことができました。 意大利擁有世界上數量最多的聯合國教科文組織世界遺產,包括體育館,威尼斯,梵蒂岡,佛羅倫薩,比薩斜塔,皮埃蒙特的葡萄園,龐貝城,那不勒斯,西西里島,意大利阿爾卑斯山,阿馬爾菲海岸,意大利里維埃拉和庫莫湖...我可以整天去。

All that’s pretty amazing when you consider the country is just slightly larger than the US state of Arizona. この国が米国のアリゾナ州よりもわずかに大きいことを考えると、これは驚くべきことです。 With the introduction of the tomato from the Americas, Pizza, the world’s most popular food, was invented in the 1700s by the peasants of Naples. ||||||||||||||||||||||peasants|| Az amerikai paradicsom bevezetésével a Pizzát, a világ legnépszerűbb ételét, az 1700-as években fedezték fel Nápoly parasztok. アメリカ大陸からのトマトの導入により、世界で最も人気のある食べ物であるピザは、1700 年代にナポリの農民によって発明されました。 China is the world’s oldest continuous civilization and actually trails Italy by just three, 50-47, in terms of total World Heritage Sites. |||||||||отстает от||||||||||| Kína a világ legrégibb folyamatos civilizációja, és a világörökség összes helyét tekintve csupán háromszor, 50–47-re halad Olaszországot. 中国は世界最古の継続的な文明であり、実際には、世界遺産の総数でイタリアを 50 対 47 のわずか 3 差で追っています。 中國是世界上最古老的持續文明國家,就世界遺產總數而言,實際上僅落後於意大利50-47個國家中的三個。

The Great Wall was built to try and keep out Genghis Khan and his Mongol army, but it didn’t work. ||||||||||Чингисхан||||||||| 万里の長城は、チンギス・ハーンと彼のモンゴル軍を締め出すために作られましたが、うまくいきませんでした。 China’s megacity, Shanghai, has the fastest train in the world, hitting 311 mph. 中国の大都市、上海には、時速 311 マイルという世界最速の列車があります。 Beijing’s immense Forbidden City is the world’s largest palace, covering more than 170 acres. Пекинского|огромный|Запретный|||||||||| 北京の巨大な紫禁城は、170 エーカー以上の広さを誇る世界最大の宮殿です。 More than 30 million Northern Chinese live in Yaodongs, which are house caves that brilliantly use the earth to stay warm during the cold winter and cool during the hot summer. |||||||яоды|||||||||||||||||||||| 3,000 万人以上の北方中国人がヤオドンに住んでいます。ヤオドンは、寒い冬には暖かく、暑い夏には涼しく過ごすために地球を見事に利用する家屋の洞窟です。 Natural attractions include the epic Huangshan mountain range which inspired scenes in Avatar, and the larger-than-life Three Gorges area of the Yangtze river, home to the Three Gorges Dam that produces more electricity than any other power station in the world. |||||Хуаншань|||||||Аватар|||||||Три ущелья||||река Янцзы||||||||||||||||||| 自然のアトラクションには、アバターのシーンに影響を与えた壮大な黄山山脈や、世界の他のどの発電所よりも多くの電力を生成する三峡ダムがある揚子江の実際よりも大きな三峡エリアが含まれます。 Spain is a top holiday destination for Europeans, mainly because it has over 3,000 miles of gorgeous coastline, but Barcelona’s beaches didn’t exist until the 1992 Olympics allowed Spain to transform the city’s industrial coastline into miles of sandy beaches that are now considered some of the best in the world. |||||||европейцев|||||||||||Барселоны|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| スペインは、主に 3,000 マイルを超える豪華な海岸線があるため、ヨーロッパ人にとって最高の休暇の目的地ですが、バルセロナのビーチは、1992 年のオリンピックでスペインが市内の工業用海岸線を何マイルにもわたる砂浜に変えることを許可するまで存在しませんでした。世界一。 西班牙是歐洲人最喜歡的度假勝地,主要是因為它擁有超過3,000英里的美麗海岸線,但是直到1992年奧運會允許西班牙將西班牙的工業海岸線轉變為數英里的沙灘後,巴塞羅那的海灘才出現,如今被認為是世界上最好的。

The Spanish speak the second-most spoken language in the world behind Mandarin Chinese--English is third. 西班牙語說的是世界上第二多的語言,僅次於普通話。英語是第三位。 Spain didn’t fight in the first or the second World Wars. 西班牙在第一次或第二次世界大戰中沒有參加戰鬥。 Madrid is one of those rare big cities that doesn’t sit on a major body of water, although it’s name means the “place of many streams.” The intricately detailed Alhambra fortress palace is the crown jewel of a country that prides itself on architectural beauty. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||сложный детализированный||Альгамбра||||||драгоценность||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||intricately||||||||||||||||| マドリッドは、その名前が「多くの小川の場所」を意味するにもかかわらず、主要な水域に位置していないまれな大都市の 1 つです。精巧に作られたアルハンブラ要塞宮殿は、建築美を誇る国の王冠です。 馬德里是少數幾個沒有大水的大城市之一,儘管它的名字意味著“多溪流的地方”。錯綜複雜的阿爾罕布拉宮堡壘宮殿是一個以建築美感為榮的國家的皇冠上的明珠。 It was constructed during Muslim rule over the Iberian Peninsula in the 9th century. 它建於9世紀穆斯林統治伊比利亞半島期間。 Visitors to the USA spent nearly $140 billion dollars in 2013 - more than twice as much as second-place Spain hauled in - because America has so many great places to check out. ||||||||||||||||||получила доход||||||||||| 2013 年に米国を訪れた旅行者は 1,400 億ドル近くを費やしました。これは 2 位のスペインの 2 倍以上です。 2013年,赴美遊客花了將近1400億美元,是第二名西班牙遊客的兩倍多,因為美國有很多好地方值得退房。

New York is basically the capital of the world with over 800 different languages spoken within the city. ニューヨークは基本的に世界の首都であり、市内では 800 以上の異なる言語が話されています。 紐約基本上是世界之都,該市使用800多種不同的語言。 Out west, LA’s Hollywood sign was built in 1923 as a massive advertisement for what was then a brand new real estate development. ||Лос-Анджелеса||||||||||||||||||| Nyugaton az LA hollywoodi jelét 1923-ban építették, mint hatalmas hirdetést az akkori vadonatúj ingatlanfejlesztésről. 西側にある LA のハリウッド サインは、1923 年に当時の真新しい不動産開発の大規模な広告として建設されました。 在西部,洛杉磯的好萊塢標誌建於1923年,是當時當時全新房地產開發的巨額廣告。 It used to say Hollywoodland. ||||Голливудская земля 過去常說好萊塢。 The US Navy wanted to paint San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge black with yellow stripes for visibility. 美國海軍想用黃色條紋將舊金山的金門大橋塗成黑色,以提高知名度。 America’s aviation safety agency was created in 1958 as a result of two planes that collided trying to get a better view of the epic Grand Canyon. 美國航空安全局成立於1958年,當時兩架飛機相撞,試圖更好地欣賞史詩般的大峽谷。 And the first atom was split in Chicago in 1942, leading to the nuclear age. 1942年,第一個原子在芝加哥分裂,導致了核時代。 The most visited country - by far - is France although there’s a lot less of it to visit than when the French empire covered 8.6% of the world’s land area.

France is one of the few countries in the world where the number of tourists exceeds its population of 66 million people. Paris' Eiffel Tower has been visited more than 200 million times making it the most-visited paid tourist attraction in the world. It was the world’s tallest structure until New York’s Chrysler Building was completed in 1930. ||||||||Нью-Йорка|Крайслер|||| The world’s most-visited museum, the Louvre, started out as a fortress; was at one point abandoned; and was even renamed the Musée Napoleon after the egomaniacal French conqueror. ||||||Лувр||||||||||||||||||||эгоистичный||завоеватель 世界で最も訪問者の多い美術館であるルーブル美術館は、要塞として始まりました。ある時点で放棄されました。エゴマニアックなフランスの征服者にちなんで、ナポレオン美術館と改名されました。 Normandy’s spectacular Mont Saint-Michel is accessible in low tide, but surrounded by water in high tide. Нормандии|||||||||||||||| |||||||||tide||||||| ノルマンディーの壮観なモン サン ミシェルは、干潮時にはアクセスできますが、満潮時には海に囲まれます。 O espetacular Mont Saint-Michel da Normandia é acessível na maré baixa, mas cercado por água na maré alta. I hope you enjoyed this little tour around the world.

Be sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel for more mini-documentaries like this. For The Daily Conversation, I’m Bryce Plank. Bon Voyage.