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365 Short Essays, 5. New Year's Day – A Holiday of New Beginnings

5. New Year's Day – A Holiday of New Beginnings

New Year's Day officially begins as soon as people yell "Happy New Year" at midnight. Most people continue partying well after midnight into the wee hours of the first day of the new year. In fact, many New Year's parties include breakfast or brunch. Sometimes at the stroke of midnight there will be fireworks and couples often kiss. One of the most famous New Year's celebrations takes place in New York City's Time Square, where a huge cut crystal ball drops at midnight in front of millions of people standing in the cold. Many more millions watch on television. Some groups, called Polar Bear Clubs, jump into the cold ocean water on New Year's Day as a literal way to start the new year fresh. New Year's Day, January 1, is a national holiday in the United States. This means that schools, banks, government offices, and post offices are closed. Given how much people tend to drink alcohol on New Year's Eve, many people wake up on New Year's Day with a hangover. The national holiday is a good day to recover.

Since many people go out partying with their friends on New Year's Eve, many people use New Year's Day to visit family members. New Year's Day is also when many people start on their New Year's resolutions. A resolution is a promise to change a lifestyle habit. The most common resolution is to lose weight. Many people also join gyms as part of their resolutions.

On New Year's Day there are also parades such as the famous Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, where all the floats are made of different colored roses and they compete for awards. Many people also watch college and professional football games, including the Rose Bowl, which is also held in Pasadena, California.

5. New Year's Day – A Holiday of New Beginnings 5. Hari Tahun Baru - Hari Libur Awal yang Baru 5) Dia de Ano Novo - Um feriado de novos começos 5. Yeni Yıl Günü - Yeni Başlangıçların Tatili 5. Новий рік - свято нових починань 5.元旦--新起点的节日

New Year's Day officially begins as soon as people yell "Happy New Year" at midnight. Hari Tahun Baru secara resmi dimulai segera setelah orang-orang meneriakkan "Selamat Tahun Baru" pada tengah malam. O Dia de Ano Novo começa oficialmente assim que as pessoas gritam “Feliz Ano Novo” à meia-noite. Most people continue partying well after midnight into the wee hours of the first day of the new year. Kebanyakan orang terus berpesta setelah tengah malam hingga dini hari di hari pertama tahun baru. A maioria das pessoas continua festejando bem depois da meia-noite até altas horas do primeiro dia do ano novo. In fact, many New Year's parties include breakfast or brunch. Bahkan, banyak pesta Tahun Baru yang menyertakan sarapan atau brunch. Na verdade, muitas festas de Ano Novo incluem café da manhã ou brunch. Sometimes at the stroke of midnight there will be fireworks and couples often kiss. Kadang-kadang pada tengah malam akan ada kembang api dan pasangan-pasangan sering berciuman. Às vezes, ao bater da meia-noite, há fogos de artifício e os casais costumam se beijar. Bazen gece yarısı havai fişekler atılır ve çiftler sık sık öpüşür. One of the most famous New Year's celebrations takes place in New York City's Time Square, where a huge cut crystal ball drops at midnight in front of millions of people standing in the cold. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||chilly weather Salah satu perayaan Tahun Baru yang paling terkenal berlangsung di Time Square, New York City, di mana sebuah bola kristal besar dijatuhkan pada tengah malam di depan jutaan orang yang berdiri di tengah cuaca dingin. Uma das celebrações de Ano Novo mais famosas acontece na Time Square, em Nova York, onde uma enorme bola de cristal lapidada cai à meia-noite na frente de milhões de pessoas que estão no frio. 最著名的新年庆祝活动之一是在纽约市的时间广场举行的,午夜时分,一个巨大的切割水晶球在数百万站在寒风中的人们面前落下。 Many more millions watch on television. Lebih banyak lagi jutaan orang yang menonton di televisi. Muitos mais milhões assistem pela televisão. Some groups, called Polar Bear Clubs, jump into the cold ocean water on New Year's Day as a literal way to start the new year fresh. ||||||||||||||||||exact, physical, real||||||| Beberapa kelompok, yang disebut Klub Beruang Kutub, melompat ke dalam air laut yang dingin pada Hari Tahun Baru sebagai cara harfiah untuk memulai tahun yang baru. Alguns grupos, chamados Polar Bear Clubs, pulam na água fria do oceano no dia de Ano Novo como uma forma literal de começar o ano novo. New Year's Day, January 1, is a national holiday in the United States. Hari Tahun Baru, 1 Januari, adalah hari libur nasional di Amerika Serikat. O Dia de Ano Novo, 1º de janeiro, é um feriado nacional nos Estados Unidos. This means that schools, banks, government offices, and post offices are closed. Ini berarti sekolah, bank, kantor pemerintah, dan kantor pos tutup. Isso significa que escolas, bancos, repartições governamentais e correios estão fechados. Bu da okulların, bankaların, devlet dairelerinin ve postanelerin kapalı olduğu anlamına gelmektedir. Given how much people tend to drink alcohol on New Year's Eve, many people wake up on New Year's Day with a hangover. ||||||||||||||||||||||Aftereffects of drinking Mengingat banyaknya orang yang cenderung minum alkohol pada Malam Tahun Baru, banyak orang yang terbangun di Hari Tahun Baru dalam keadaan mabuk. Yılbaşı gecesi insanların ne kadar çok alkol alma eğiliminde olduğu göz önüne alındığında, birçok insan yılbaşı gününe akşamdan kalma bir şekilde uyanmaktadır. 由于人们在除夕夜往往会喝很多酒,因此很多人在元旦醒来时都会宿醉。 The national holiday is a good day to recover. Hari libur nasional adalah hari yang baik untuk memulihkan diri. O feriado nacional é um bom dia para se recuperar.

Since many people go out partying with their friends on New Year's Eve, many people use New Year's Day to visit family members. Karena banyak orang pergi berpesta dengan teman-teman mereka pada Malam Tahun Baru, banyak orang menggunakan Hari Tahun Baru untuk mengunjungi anggota keluarga. Como muitas pessoas saem para festejar com os amigos na véspera de Ano Novo, muitas pessoas aproveitam o dia de Ano Novo para visitar familiares. New Year's Day is also when many people start on their New Year's resolutions. Hari Tahun Baru juga merupakan saat di mana banyak orang memulai resolusi Tahun Baru mereka. O Dia de Ano Novo também é quando muitas pessoas iniciam suas resoluções de Ano Novo. A resolution is a promise to change a lifestyle habit. Resolusi adalah janji untuk mengubah kebiasaan gaya hidup. Uma resolução é uma promessa de mudar um hábito de vida. Karar, bir yaşam tarzı alışkanlığını değiştirmek için verilen bir sözdür. The most common resolution is to lose weight. Resolusi yang paling umum adalah menurunkan berat badan. A resolução mais comum é perder peso. Many people also join gyms as part of their resolutions. Banyak orang juga bergabung dengan gym sebagai bagian dari resolusi mereka. Muitas pessoas também ingressam em academias como parte de suas resoluções.

On New Year's Day there are also parades such as the famous Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, where all the floats are made of different colored roses and they compete for awards. |||||||processions|||||||||||||||decorated parade vehicles||||||||||| Pada Hari Tahun Baru ada juga parade seperti Tournament of Roses Parade yang terkenal di Pasadena, California, di mana semua kendaraan hiasnya terbuat dari bunga mawar yang berbeda warna dan mereka berkompetisi untuk mendapatkan penghargaan. No dia de Ano Novo também acontecem desfiles como o famoso Tournament of Roses Parade em Pasadena, Califórnia, onde todos os carros alegóricos são feitos de rosas de cores diferentes e competem por prêmios. 元旦期间还有游行活动,如加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市著名的玫瑰花车大游行,所有花车都是用不同颜色的玫瑰花制成,并在游行中角逐奖项。 Many people also watch college and professional football games, including the Rose Bowl, which is also held in Pasadena, California. Banyak orang juga menonton pertandingan sepak bola perguruan tinggi dan profesional, termasuk Rose Bowl, yang juga diadakan di Pasadena, California. Muitas pessoas também assistem a jogos de futebol universitário e profissional, incluindo o Rose Bowl, que também acontece em Pasadena, Califórnia.