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365 Short Essays, 7. Valentine's Day – A Holiday of Love and Friendship

7. Valentine's Day – A Holiday of Love and Friendship

Valentine's Day, February 14, is a holiday that celebrates love and friendship in the United States.

Most people think of it as a romantic day to show the one you love how much you care by purchasing cards and gifts. Valentine's Day is also an extremely commercial holiday. People spend money on flowers, balloons, chocolate, stuffed animals, and jewelry. People also go out for expensive dinners. Valentine's Day is even celebrated by school children, who give thank-you cards to their teachers . Some high schools have Valentine's Day dances. Classmates give each other little cards. These cards can be purchased at any store with famous cartoon characters. It is considered much more thoughtful to have kids make handmade cards to give to friends and teachers. Valentine's Day is also a great day to announce your love to someone like a secret crush.

Some people even get married on Valentine's Day. However, you don't have to be in love to share in the festivities. You can say "Happy Valentine's Day" to friends and coworkers. Valentine's Day is not an official holiday though in the U.S.

meaning government offices and schools are open as usual. The date used to be the celebration of a Saint named Valentine who allegedly saved a young girl's life. It wasn't until the Middle Ages that romance somehow got mixed in with the date and lovers would send each other handwritten love notes. Back then you couldn't just go to the store and buy a card the way you can now. You know Valentine's Day is around the corner when stores begin to decorate with red and pink hearts and the symbol of Cupid, a winged ancient Roman god said to strike the hearts of people with his arrow.

Now it seems Cupid goes straight after your wallet because you will also see many more jewelry ads as Valentine's Day approaches.

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7. Valentine's Day – A Holiday of Love and Friendship Sevgililer|||||||Arkadaşlık do Valentim|||feriado||||amizade 7. der Valentinstag - ein Feiertag der Liebe und Freundschaft 7. San Valentín: una fiesta de amor y amistad 7. San Valentino - Una festa d'amore e d'amicizia 7.バレンタインデー - 愛と友情の祝日 7. Walentynki - święto miłości i przyjaźni 7. Dia dos Namorados - Um feriado de amor e amizade 7. Sevgililer Günü - Bir Sevgi ve Dostluk Bayramı 7. день святого Валентина - свято любові та дружби 7.情人节--爱与友谊的节日 7. 情人節-愛與友誼的節日

Valentine’s Day, February 14, is a holiday that celebrates love and friendship in the United States. ||||||ki|||||||| |||é||feriado||||||||| День Святого Валентина, 14 февраля, является праздником любви и дружбы в Соединенных Штатах.

Most people think of it as a romantic day to show the one you love how much you care by purchasing cards and gifts. ||||||||||||||||||||buying||| |||||||||||o|||||||||satın alarak||ve| A maioria das pessoas pensa nisso como um dia romântico para mostrar a quem você ama o quanto você se importa, comprando cartões e presentes. Valentine’s Day is also an extremely commercial holiday. |||||highly|| ||||||ticari| O Dia dos Namorados também é um feriado extremamente comercial. День святого Валентина также чрезвычайно коммерческий праздник. People spend money on flowers, balloons, chocolate, stuffed animals, and jewelry. |||||||plush toys||| |harcar||||||||| As pessoas gastam dinheiro em flores, balões, chocolate, bichos de pelúcia e joias. People also go out for expensive dinners. |||dışarı||| As pessoas também saem para jantares caros. Valentine’s Day is even celebrated by school children, who give thank-you cards to their teachers . ||||||||öğrenciler||||||| O Dia dos Namorados é comemorado até por crianças em idade escolar, que entregam cartões de agradecimento aos professores. Some high schools have Valentine’s Day dances. Algumas escolas secundárias oferecem bailes do Dia dos Namorados. Classmates give each other little cards. Os colegas dão uns aos outros pequenos cartões. These cards can be purchased at any store with famous cartoon characters. |||||||mağaza|||| Esses cartões podem ser adquiridos em qualquer loja com personagens de desenhos animados famosos. 這些卡片可以在任何有著名卡通人物的商店購買。 It is considered much more thoughtful to have kids make handmade cards to give to friends and teachers. ||düşünülüyor|||düşünceli|||||||||||ve| É considerado muito mais atencioso que as crianças façam cartões artesanais para dar a amigos e professores. 讓孩子們製作手工卡片送給朋友和老師被認為是更周到的做法。 Valentine’s Day is also a great day to announce your love to someone like a secret crush. ||||||||açıklamak|||||||| O Dia dos Namorados também é um ótimo dia para anunciar seu amor a alguém como uma paixão secreta. 情人節也是向某人宣布你的愛的好日子,就像秘密暗戀的人一樣。

Some people even get married on Valentine’s Day. Algumas pessoas até se casam no Dia dos Namorados. However, you don’t have to be in love to share in the festivities. Porém, você não precisa estar apaixonado para participar das festividades. 然而,您不必戀愛才能分享慶祝活動。 You can say "Happy Valentine’s Day" to friends and coworkers. |||||||||colleagues Valentine’s Day is not an official holiday though in the U.S. |||||resmi|||||| O Dia dos Namorados não é um feriado oficial nos EUA

meaning government offices and schools are open as usual. o que significa que escritórios governamentais e escolas estão abertos normalmente. The date used to be the celebration of a Saint named Valentine who allegedly saved a young girl’s life. |||||||||||Saint Valentine||reportedly||||| A data costumava ser a celebração de um Santo chamado Valentim que supostamente salvou a vida de uma jovem. 這個日期過去是為了慶祝一位名叫瓦倫丁的聖人,據稱他拯救了一名年輕女孩的生命。 It wasn’t until the Middle Ages that romance somehow got mixed in with the date and lovers would send each other handwritten love notes. Foi só na Idade Média que o romance de alguma forma se misturou ao encontro e os amantes trocavam bilhetes de amor manuscritos. 直到中世紀,浪漫才以某種方式與約會融為一體,戀人們會互相發送手寫的情書。 Back then you couldn’t just go to the store and buy a card the way you can now. Naquela época você não podia simplesmente ir até a loja e comprar um cartão como faz agora. 那時你不能像現在那樣直接去商店購買卡。 You know Valentine’s Day is around the corner when stores begin to decorate with red and pink hearts and the symbol of Cupid, a winged ancient Roman god said to strike the hearts of people with his arrow. Você sabe que o Dia dos Namorados está chegando quando as lojas começam a ser decoradas com corações vermelhos e rosa e o símbolo do Cupido, um antigo deus romano alado que dizia atingir o coração das pessoas com sua flecha. 你知道情人節即將來臨,商店開始裝飾紅色和粉紅色的心形以及丘比特的象徵,丘比特是一位長著翅膀的古羅馬神,據說可以用他的箭射中人們的心。

Now it seems Cupid goes straight after your wallet because you will also see many more jewelry ads as Valentine’s Day approaches. Agora parece que o Cupido vai direto atrás da sua carteira, porque você também verá muitos mais anúncios de joias à medida que o Dia dos Namorados se aproxima. 現在,丘比特似乎直接盯上了你的錢包,因為隨著情人節的臨近,你還會看到更多的珠寶廣告。