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Easy Reading, 107. Make Some Coffee

107. Make Some Coffee

She took the bag of coffee beans out of the freezer.

She kept them in the freezer because the instructions on the bag said that is the best place. She poured the beans into the grinder. She pressed the grinder button for 10 seconds. Now she had ground coffee. She put a paper filter into a plastic cone. She put the cone on top of a coffee cup. She poured the ground coffee into the cone. Then she poured hot water into the cone. The hot water dripped through the ground coffee. She waited until the cup was full of hot coffee. She threw away the filter and the ground coffee. She took her cup of coffee to the dining room table. She sipped her coffee while she read the newspaper.

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107. Make Some Coffee 107. Hacer café 107. 커피 만들기 107. Fazer um café

She took the bag of coffee beans out of the freezer. 彼女はコーヒー豆の袋を冷凍庫から取り出しました。 그녀는 커피 콩을 냉동실에서 꺼 냈습니다.

She kept them in the freezer because the instructions on the bag said that is the best place. バッグに書かれている指示がそれが最良の場所であると言ったので、彼女はそれらを冷凍庫に入れました。 She poured the beans into the grinder. 彼女は豆をグラインダーに注いだ。 She pressed the grinder button for 10 seconds. 彼女はグラインダーボタンを10秒間押しました。 Now she had ground coffee. 今、彼女は挽いたコーヒーを飲みました。 이제 그녀는 분쇄 커피를 마셨다. She put a paper filter into a plastic cone. 彼女はプラスチックコーンにペーパーフィルターを入れました。 그녀는 종이 필터를 플라스틱 콘에 넣었습니다. She put the cone on top of a coffee cup. 彼女はコーンをコーヒーカップの上に置きました。 She poured the ground coffee into the cone. 彼女は挽いたコーヒーをコーンに注いだ。 Then she poured hot water into the cone. The hot water dripped through the ground coffee. 熱湯が挽いたコーヒーに滴り落ちました。 She waited until the cup was full of hot coffee. 彼女はコップが熱いコーヒーでいっぱいになるまで待った。 She threw away the filter and the ground coffee. 彼女はフィルターと挽いたコーヒーを捨てました。 그녀는 필터와 분쇄 커피를 버렸습니다. She took her cup of coffee to the dining room table. 彼女は一杯のコーヒーをダイニングルームのテーブルに持っていきました。 그녀는 커피 한잔을 식당 테이블로 가져 갔다. She sipped her coffee while she read the newspaper. 그녀는 신문을 읽는 동안 커피를 마셨다.