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Easy Reading, 112. Vacuum the Carpet

112. Vacuum the Carpet

She inspected the carpet for small items.

She saw a paper clip and a rubber band. She picked them up. She put them into a little box on the kitchen counter. She plugged in the vacuum cleaner. She turned on the switch. The cat ran out of the room. She vacuumed the living room. She went back and forth. She was finished ten minutes later. The green carpet looked clean. She pulled the vacuum cleaner plug out of the wall socket. She put the vacuum cleaner back into the hall closet. The cat returned to the living room. It climbed onto the back of the sofa. It looked out the window at the birds.

112. Vacuum the Carpet 112. Aspirar la alfombra 112. Пропылесосьте ковер 112\. 用吸尘器吸地毯

She inspected the carpet for small items. 彼女はカーペットの小物を検査しました。 그녀는 카펫에 작은 물건이 있는지 검사했습니다. 她检查地毯是否有小物件。

She saw a paper clip and a rubber band. 彼女はペーパークリップと輪ゴムを見ました。 그녀는 종이 클립과 고무줄을 보았다. She picked them up. 彼女はそれらを拾いました。 그녀는 그들을 데리러. She put them into a little box on the kitchen counter. 彼女はそれらを台所のカウンターの小さな箱に入れました。 그녀는 부엌 카운터에 작은 상자에 넣었습니다. She plugged in the vacuum cleaner. 彼女は掃除機を差し込んだ。 She turned on the switch. 彼女はスイッチを入れた。 The cat ran out of the room. 猫は部屋を使い果たした。 고양이가 방을 다 썼다. She vacuumed the living room. 彼女は居間を掃除機で掃除した。 그녀는 거실을 진공 청소기로 청소했습니다. She went back and forth. 彼女は行ったり来たりした。 그녀는왔다 갔다했다. She was finished ten minutes later. 彼女は10分後に終わった。 그녀는 10 분 후에 끝났습니다. The green carpet looked clean. グリーンカーペットはきれいに見えました。 She pulled the vacuum cleaner plug out of the wall socket. 彼女は掃除機のプラグを壁のソケットから引き出しました。 She put the vacuum cleaner back into the hall closet. 그녀는 진공 청소기를 복도에 다시 넣었습니다. The cat returned to the living room. 猫は居間に戻った。 It climbed onto the back of the sofa. それはソファーの後ろに登りました。 소파 뒤쪽으로 올라갔습니다. It looked out the window at the birds. それは鳥の窓の外を見ました。 새들의 창문을 내다 보았다.