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Easy Reading, 119. What’s That Smell?

119. What's That Smell?

It was a warm, sunny day.

She put a hat on to keep the sun out of her eyes. She needed to visit her bank. She walked down to the corner. There were four buildings at the intersection. One was her bank. Opposite the bank was a fast food restaurant. The other two buildings were a dry cleaner and an office building. Before she arrived at the corner, she could smell the fried chicken. The restaurant was open seven days a week, and the odor of fried chicken was in the neighborhood daily. She was a vegetarian. She used to eat meat and fish. But that was before she found a dead cat in her dumpster one day. Of course, she had smelled the dead cat before she opened the dumpster lid. Everyone knows the smell of dead flesh. She knew that something in the dumpster was dead, but she didn't know what. Just in case it was a human (some people dump their babies into dumpsters), she opened the lid. She saw the cat. Flies covered most of it. They were enjoying their meal. She loved cats. She had two of her own. A week later at a restaurant, she ordered a hamburger. She took one bite out of it, and almost gagged. She spit it out. All she could think about was the smell of that dead cat. That was the day she became a vegetarian.

119. What’s That Smell? 119. ¿Qué es ese olor? 119\. Bu Koku Nedir? 119. Що це за запах? 119\. 那是什么味道?

It was a warm, sunny day. Sıcak, güneşli bir gündü. 那是一个温暖、阳光明媚的日子。

She put a hat on to keep the sun out of her eyes. 彼女は太陽を目に入らないように帽子をかぶった。 她戴上帽子以遮挡阳光。 She needed to visit her bank. 她需要去她的银行。 She walked down to the corner. 她走到拐角处。 There were four buildings at the intersection. 路口有四栋楼。 One was her bank. 一个是她的银行。 Opposite the bank was a fast food restaurant. 銀行の向かい側にはファーストフード店がありました。 银行对面是一家快餐店。 The other two buildings were a dry cleaner and an office building. 他の2つの建物は、ドライクリーナーとオフィスビルでした。 另外两栋楼是干洗店和办公楼。 Before she arrived at the corner, she could smell the fried chicken. 还没走到拐角处,她就闻到了炸鸡的香味。 The restaurant was open seven days a week, and the odor of fried chicken was in the neighborhood daily. レストランは年中無休で、毎日近くに唐揚げの香りがしていた。 这家餐厅每周营业 7 天,炸鸡的气味每天都在附近飘荡。 She was a vegetarian. 她是个素食主义者。 She used to eat meat and fish. 她以前吃肉和鱼。 But that was before she found a dead cat in her dumpster one day. しかし、それは彼女がいつかゴミ箱で死んだ猫を見つける前でした。 但那是在有一天她在垃圾箱里发现一只死猫之前。 Of course, she had smelled the dead cat before she opened the dumpster lid. もちろん、彼女はゴミ箱の蓋を開ける前に死んだ猫の匂いを嗅いでいた。 当然,在她打开垃圾箱盖之前,她已经闻到了死猫的味道。 Everyone knows the smell of dead flesh. 誰もが死んだ肉のにおいを知っています。 每个人都知道死肉的味道。 She knew that something in the dumpster was dead, but she didn’t know what. 彼女はゴミ箱の何かが死んでいることを知っていましたが、彼女は何を知りませんでした。 她知道垃圾箱里有什么东西死了,但她不知道是什么东西。 Just in case it was a human (some people dump their babies into dumpsters), she opened the lid. 以防万一是人(有些人把婴儿扔进垃圾箱),她打开了盖子。 She saw the cat. 她看见了那只猫。 Flies covered most of it. ハエはそれのほとんどをカバーしました。 苍蝇覆盖了大部分。 They were enjoying their meal. 彼らは食事を楽しんでいた。 他们吃得很开心。 She loved cats. 她喜欢猫。 She had two of her own. 彼女は自分の2つを持っていた。 她有两个自己的。 A week later at a restaurant, she ordered a hamburger. 一周后,她在一家餐馆点了一个汉堡包。 She took one bite out of it, and almost gagged. 彼女はそれから一口を取り、ほとんど吐き気を催した。 她咬了一口,几乎要吐了。 She spit it out. 彼女はそれを吐き出します。 她吐了出来。 All she could think about was the smell of that dead cat. 彼女が考えていたのは、その死んだ猫の匂いだけでした。 她满脑子都是那只死猫的气味。 That was the day she became a vegetarian. その日、彼女は菜食主義者になりました。 那是她成为素食主义者的那一天。